The giant flying dragon couldn't help but shake its body. She only felt the continuous stinging pain on its back. This made Serena shake for a while. She gripped the sword and stabbed the back of the giant flying dragon with all her strength. She barely broke the scales and stabilized her body. At this time, the giant flying dragon shook The movement of his body increased, and he began to flap his wings, trying to leave.

"Serena! Catch it!"

Feili threw the dagger again, and Serena quickly caught it and threw it to the other side.

"Last lap!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant flying dragon rose into the sky. At this moment, its body suddenly froze, as if it was entangled in something. Its wings could not spread and its body was restrained.

Thin threads that are difficult to detect with the naked eye are wrapped around the body of the giant flying dragon.

I saw Feili falling outside the wall, pulling an invisible string from dozens of meters away and slowly retreating. Every time she took a step back, the giant flying dragon's body swayed until it completely tilted, and it had to fall from the high wall. Lots of dust.

The first step in Fili's plan is to get it out of the city before the ensuing battle can wreak havoc.

"It's too exaggerated. Is this Feli's power?" Serena landed on the city wall before the giant flying dragon fell. Looking down at the ground from a high place, she couldn't help but be shocked by Fei Li's power. "It can actually pull such a big thing." The monster is simply... so beautiful!"

But it was a little regretful that the accompanying sword was lost when the giant flying dragon fell. Just when she was thinking this, a dagger fell on the city wall. Feili jumped up lightly and threw the accompanying sword to Serena when she landed. .

The battle was not particularly fierce, and Feili had enough time to take care of the overall situation.

Serena took the sword with confidence: "What to do next, is it to expel it?"

Feili shook her head: "No, the giant flying dragon will become furious when it is injured. The only way to be safe is to defeat it."

On the city wall, soldiers turned their ballistas to aim at the giant flying dragon, and some mages also came to their posts and started shooting magic.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Witch, thank you for lending a helping hand." A man dressed as a knight came to the city wall. Feili felt the scent, which was the scent of a transcendent. It seemed that the strong men of the royal capital were also beginning to appear one after another.

"It's just a convenience. At least it won't wreak havoc in the city." Feili solved the problem she was most worried about. Now that the strong men of the kingdom are here, it should be no problem to deal with a large monster.

The man dressed as a knight looked confident: "Leave it to us."

Several heavy ballistae fired at the same time, and the crossbow bolts connected to the thick iron chains pierced the body of the giant flying dragon. The soldiers turned the winches and tightened the iron chains to prevent the giant flying dragon from escaping.

The giant flying dragon screamed twice in pain, turning its head and condensing magic power in its mouth.

Feili immediately took a step forward, held up the defensive magic shield with one hand, and a soft white light bloomed.

The attack from the giant flying dragon's mouth shot straight towards the ballistae on the city wall. As its head swung, the black beam spread and burned on the city wall, and the two heavy ballistae vehicles fell into a sea of ​​fire.

In the flames, only the area where Feili was located had no breath spread.

The kingdom sent strong men to fight. The two transcendents attacked the giant flying dragon one after the other. However, the giant flying dragon also entered a frenzy. Its crazy rolling, biting and claw swiping made the two transcendences jump.

Feili frowned as she looked at it: "Really, isn't there a stronger mage around here? It will take forever for the knights to deal with the giant flying dragon?"

Serena was confused for a moment: "Feili, aren't you a witch?"

Feili held her forehead: "Oh yes, I am a witch, okay, I am a witch..."

Deception is very ineffective against crazy beasts, but you can try it. In addition, Feili can still use some conventional magic, but it is not as powerful as the pure turrets of the family.

He raised his hand as if he were holding up a small sun, and a piece of explosive flame fell into his palm. He threw a fire magic first to see.

Feili thought, throwing explosive flames at the giant flying dragon, and the ground was instantly covered in flames.

"It's the witch. She's attacking again. Did she kill her this time?"

The two powerful men of the kingdom gathered together, alert to the movement in the thick smoke.

The other person suddenly realized something was wrong and lowered his head: "Obviously not!"

The person who just spoke was stunned for a moment, and the next second he was swept away by the tail, and was embedded in the city wall for a long time.

Half of the giant flying dragon's body was burned, but the burns were slowly healing. Its powerful physical ability made it difficult for the strong men of the kingdom.

Then there was the sound of thunder and lightning in the sky, and black lightning fell from the sky. The strong man of the kingdom dodged left and right, but he was still hit once, and he knelt on the ground to adjust his condition.

Just as the giant flying dragon opened its mouth to bite him, six daggers pierced into the neck of the giant flying dragon one after another. Feili appeared from the side, grabbing the giant flying dragon's head tightly, and dragging her feet into the ground to create deep ravines. , then Feili gritted her teeth, a strong electric current was activated along the thin wire, and the cyan thunder tore through the black curtain and eroded the body of the giant flying dragon.

The giant flying dragon screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Feili jumped up high. A three-meter-long ice pick condensed on her left hand and pierced the giant flying dragon's left eye. The giant flying dragon raised its head and roared. Feili let go of her hand. Thin line, suddenly raised his hand.

Serena threw the knight's sword and it fell into Feili's hand. She gently stroked the sword body, filled it with the wind blade, and pierced the giant flying dragon's chest. The roaring wind first aroused sparks on the scales, and then tore the scales apart. , crushing the flesh and blood, and then piercing the body of the giant flying dragon to complete a fatal blow.

The giant flying dragon didn't resist anymore this time. After a slight struggle, it fell to the ground and breathed desperately. The dragon's eyes turned from chaos to clarity inexplicably. It looked at Feili as if begging.

Fili felt the human's gaze and intention: "Ah, is that so? Are you also cursed to become a monster? In order to prevent greater disasters, this is the only way to deal with it. Please rest here, but I will take your hatred on behalf of you. The culprit who turned you into a monster will be brought to justice one day."

The giant flying dragon whimpered and slowly closed its eyes.

Fili raised her hand, and the daggers she had thrown before returned to her hand one by one and hid them in her sleeves.

"Well, let's go back. It seems that the snow is falling heavily."

Chapter 45 Don't you know how to comb your hair?

The battle was over, and the kingdom was furious. This giant flying dragon didn't grow naturally at all. It was deliberately raised and released by someone. This was a naked slap in the face of the Miriam royal family. Check! Must check it out!

The kingdom was more serious, but it didn't work. If you want to say what the witches are best at, escaping and hiding are definitely the most proficient. Not only do they have the rich experience left by their predecessors, but they also have the whimsical ideas brought by their own talents. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack to catch a witch hiding in the wilderness. At least the Miriam Kingdom lacks experience.

In this world, the only two who can easily deal with witches are the Inquisition in the dark and the witches themselves.

But at least there is good news. The giant dragon was finally dealt with outside the city, and it did not wreak havoc on the streets, minimizing the losses.

Fili and Serena quickly returned to the hotel. What embarrassed Fili was that her clothes were stained with blood. Fortunately, she had foresight before and did not use pure fantasy clothes, but really wore a set of women's clothes, otherwise the change of clothes would always reveal flaws.

"You are covered in dust, you need to take a good bath." Serena said and looked at Fili. Suddenly, she felt sorry that there was no big bathhouse or hot spring in the hotel.

"Clean up and have a good rest." Fili brushed her hair, which was also covered with a lot of dust and blood.

Since it was performed by the original body, the stains on the body must be washed clean by herself, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable.

The false substitute is not completely an illusion. If you have to say, it is closer to a magical entity. Even if the original body is disguised as Fili, the long hair and chest now feel real.

Coming to the bathroom, Fili started to take a shower, and recalled the feeling of today's battle. Well, she was in excellent condition, her reaction and judgment were also good, and her strength was as expected. With the increase of magic power, she could overwhelm the giant dragon... Ah, the female body.

Fili had no self-awareness before, but when she took a shower, she found that Fili's body was also smaller than the original body, her skin was soft and white, and her hair felt smooth and silky. The most annoying thing was that the shower gel was better than the original body, and there were all kinds of cosmetics that the original body did not have. The quality of life was ridiculously high.

Witch, witch, some people envy it. By the way, do you have to wait for long hair to dry after taking a shower?

After taking a shower, Fili let her long hair fall behind her, put on her clothes and looked in the mirror. Is this waist-length hair really okay in battle? Although it is indeed okay, if you want to fight with humans, what if you encounter a guy who does not follow martial ethics and pulls your hair? Well, I will think about these troublesome things later, let's dry my hair first.

Fili went out with her hair draped down and took a walk in the hotel.

"Hey, so beautiful." Scathach, who was cleaning the windows in the corridor, saw Fili and couldn't help but be stunned.

The skin after soaking in hot water was red, especially the face. The face of the girl who had just lost her childishness was particularly beautiful, with a face like a silver basin, eyes like water apricots, lips without makeup and red, eyebrows without makeup and green. Not to mention attracting men, now Scathach also wants to kiss her.

"Hey~ Beautiful, right? Witches should be like this." Fili smiled and touched Scathach's head, "In fact, you are also very beautiful, Scathach, eat well and grow up."

Scathach lowered her head: "No, I can't compare to Sister Fili at all. My body is now skinny and poor like a steel plate..."

Fili pinched Scathach's nose: "You are just young, and your figure will grow up in the future."

Scathach showed a hopeful look: "Really?"

Fili grabbed her long hair and shook it gently: "Of course it's true, every woman has been like this, this is a talk of experience."

What talk of experience? People who have never been married in two lifetimes have no experience, they just see a lot.

A moment later, in the lobby on the first floor, Fili was going to the kitchen to find some drinks, but just approaching the kitchen, she found that there was a fire in the kitchen, and then there was a bang, and Nishinoka staggered out.

The kitchen was filled with smoke. So the witch's cooking really exploded?

Nishinoka fanned the wind: "It's terrible, the fire is too big..."

Fili was puzzled: "What are you doing?"

Nishinoka scratched her face embarrassedly: "I'm trying to make snacks in a casserole, but..."

Chihiro's first release: ㈢㈠㈡㈧㈠㈣㈠㈢㈨

Fili couldn't help but stretch her neck to take a look in the kitchen. On the stove, the casserole had been burned. From the gap, you can see a black mass of mysterious substance inside, and there are several red balls on this layer of substance.

Alchemy is this? ? ?

Fili hurriedly called for her clone, that is, Fili rushed down from upstairs and rushed into the kitchen, first turned off the fire and then put out the casserole, then Fili used wind magic to extract the smoke, and the kitchen was temporarily safe.

Fili wiped the sweat off his face: "Nishinohua, why did you think of using a casserole to make rice cakes?"

Nishinohua looked away with a guilty conscience: "I was curious, so I tried it. I often have some inspirations that I want to try, and sometimes I make mistakes... but at least I didn't explode."

Fili raised his voice: "Do you still want to explode?"

Nishinohua puffed up her cheeks and said, "I know. I'll go back to my own home to experiment."

Filin sighed, "That's it. Fortunately, we haven't opened yet, otherwise the customers would think there was a fire."

Nishinohua suddenly went around behind Fili and said, "Hey, manager, please pay attention to Fili. Her hair hasn't dried yet. It's not good to stand here. I'll help her dry it."

Fili wouldn't object to normal drying, but Nishinohua just left a real impression on her. Fili suddenly felt a little scared. This was the real body.

Fili and Fili looked at each other and showed worried expressions at the same time.

Fili muttered, "You won't burn my hair, will you?"

Nishinohua seemed to want to save face and condensed the magic of blowing on her hands: "No, no, cooking was a mistake, but taking care of people is still okay. Look, isn't this warm wind magic quite safe?"

So, Fili found a stool to sit down, and Nishinohua also moved a stool to stand on it.

The magic of drying hair is very efficient. After just waiting for a while, the hair was dry.

Nishinoka couldn't help complaining: "Do you have the habit of running around with wet hair?"

Fili hurriedly argued: "Ah, well... Actually I wanted to come down to find some drinks and then clean up slowly, but I didn't expect to see such an interesting scene."

Nishinoka's hands trembled, and then she said: "Then I'll help you comb your hair."

Fili wanted to refuse, but Nishinoka was quick and had already taken out the comb.

After a while, Fili with twin ponytails appeared. At this time, she looked in the mirror. What should she say? The witch's craftsmanship is not bad, but the taste is a little... In short, Nishinoka combed Fili into a standard twin ponytail, which may be just right for a witch, but too childish for Fili.

Filin's idea of ​​Fili is that a witch like a noble daughter usually braids some hairstyles with headdresses, and generally has long straight hair. Now she has braided twin ponytails, which really feels like she is ten years younger.

"How is it? Cute, right?" Nishinoka put her hands on her hips and was smug. "This is the most popular hairstyle among witches."

Fili's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say, so she had to manipulate Filin to complain.

"But have you noticed that twin ponytails don't suit Fili? They're a bit childish for her." Filin commented sharply. Besides being childish, the twin ponytails made him feel uncomfortable, as if someone could grab the twin ponytails from behind, just like riding a horse, and the twin ponytails were uncomfortable to swing, as if they were equipped with two gongs. Long straight hair is different. When you turn your head by yourself, you will feel a sense of pleasure.

Nishinoka was about to argue when Serena came down from upstairs: "I also think Fili doesn't suit twin ponytails. The previous hairstyle looks more elegant."

Scathach followed closely behind: "That's right, sister Fili should be like a princess."

Fili felt that things were getting troublesome. You could see that Serena and Scathach were eager to try. Sure enough, after they came down, they each brought a comb.

No, are you telepathic? Especially Serena, why do you look like you've expected it?

Then everyone started arguing about what hairstyle Fili should have. Although Fili said that the original style was fine, Serena suggested trying a new hairstyle, so she started combing Fili's hair. After a while, she tied Fili into a spirited single ponytail, which was undoubtedly the style of a female swordsman.

Fili shouted for help in her heart. Her main weapon was a dagger. With the mysterious style of the witch, this single ponytail looked like a reckless man.

Then Scathach tried again, but she had no idea at all. Not only could she not comb the hairstyle, but she also messed up Fili's hair. In the process of combing her hair, she pulled her hair with brute force several times, causing Fili to cry out in pain.

"Ah, everyone, don't play with my hair... How about this, Flin~Flin, come and help me."


Sure enough, Fili's familiar is Flin, right?

After being named, the three women present were silent at the same time, and Nishinoka looked at Flin with an incredible face.

"You were a noble before, right? You know this?"

"I've learned etiquette courses."

Filin said, and came behind Fili, pulled out the comb left by Scathach from her hair, picked up Fili's long hair from the bottom and combed it slowly, with gentle and orderly movements, as if treating a treasure.

It's just that Serena's eyes are a little bad, as if she is looking at her opponent in the knight arena. If her eyes can be turned into swords, then Serena would have wanted to poke a transparent hole in Fili.

Noticing this look, Fili couldn't help but laugh. No matter how hard you try, Fili is my substitute... Maybe?

Ah, the time spent playing Fili by the main body has crushed Fili again recently. Is it really okay to continue like this? Now, even thinking from Fili's perspective, Fili has completely become a tool for running the hotel.

This can't go on any longer. We must cheer up. While capturing Mediya, we should start investigating the ingredients in the mushroom soup recipe and strive to make a new mushroom soup as soon as possible.

Soon, Fili's hairstyle was done, and she regained her original elegant appearance, looking like a lady, with the temperament of a noble daughter.

Serena calmed down after reading it. On the one hand, she was angry that Fili had taken her place, but on the other hand, she admired Fili's craftsmanship. Only such a gorgeous appearance was worthy of Fili, so she was no longer angry.

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