Seeing this, Scathach gritted his teeth in his heart, but he forced a smile on his face and tugged on the corner of Felin's clothes: "Brother Felin, can you teach me how to comb my hair in the future? I also want to help sister Feli."

Feilin clapped his hands and said with a proud look on his face: "Okay, if you want to learn, I will teach you, but it will be very hard to practice."

Nishinohana touched her chin: "By the way, are you two lovers?"

Feilin and Feili were so frightened that they simultaneously denied it: "No!"

Nishinohana narrowed her eyes further: "When I was combing my hair just now, and now you are speaking in unison, this extraordinary tacit understanding is not something ordinary people can have. There is no better explanation other than being lovers, right?"

Feilin hurriedly explained: "Don't make such a joke, Feili and I can't be lovers."

Feili crossed her arms and said, "That's right. He is neither a master or a servant nor a lover, but a complete friend and a partner."

Are you kidding me? To Felin, Feili is closer to a paper person. She is a stand-in created based on the fantasy of an ideal woman. Not only is she a false product, it feels a bit disgusting to fall in love with herself or something.

Besides, Feili wants to be an idol-type witch, so she won't create such a troublesome thing as a love line.

What's more, after getting rid of the family, Feilin's real dream is to open a harem in another world. This is a classic time-travel development in another world.

Nishinohana spread her hands: "Hmph, seriously speaking, Feilin can be called a good man. If you don't want it, just give it to me. With such excellent cooking skills, he can be a good partner with me. "

Feilin raised his hand and complained: "No, no, from the beginning, you all just regarded me as a useful tool, right? Okay, let's stop here for combing your hair. It's been long enough. It's already evening, everyone wants to eat What?"

Serena: "Rice bowl."

Scathach: "Black rice."

West Wild Flowers: “Chicken Stewed with Mushrooms.”

Philly: "Whatever."

Soon, the hotel fell into the peace of the past.

As night falls, Miriam's kingdom is still undercurrent.

Holding the candle, Hecate slowly came to the dungeon, stood in front of the two suspects, and cast a spell to restore their spirits.

In fact, not long ago, the jewelry merchant's spirit had collapsed, and the other mage's spirit was also very shaken, and his speech gradually became incoherent. Even after treatment, the two of them were still dying.

"No, stop torturing me. If you have anything to ask, just ask..." The mage originally wanted to be a tough guy, but first he was tortured by Feili using illusions, and then he was betrayed by his boss and almost turned into a monster. He didn't want to do anything for Medea anymore. He did the work, but before he surrendered, Hecate locked them in the dungeon for a few days and ignored them. For the first time, he understood what it was like to live but not to die, and his psychological defenses completely collapsed.

"Actually, you two are just minions, not Medea's cronies. I don't expect to find Medea through you, so tell me, what use are you to me?" Hecate said in a cold tone.

The mage said: "I, I at least know where the other members are. I can take you to find them."

Hecate smiled slightly: "That's very good, don't let me down, little one."

Chapter 46 Knight Ji wants to become stronger

The mage staggered to the door of the inn with a cane and brought Hecate's letter.

"I put a curse in this man's body so that he doesn't dare to betray him. Now he will lead you to find the hiding place of Medea's accomplices. Try to investigate."

Looking at the contents of the letter, Feili took a bite of the apple with satisfaction, thinking that she had alerted the enemy, and began to think about what to do next.

Medea's group should not be idiots. If the mage's stronghold is hit, at least the people in the neighboring villages and cities will retreat. As for those farther away, I wonder if the mage knows about it.

Hecate didn't say to look for Medea directly. It seemed that this mage was not an important role, so he still had to catch her from a young age.

Feili turned around and entered the hotel: "Follow me."

"Yes Yes……"

It was just after breakfast. Feili was sitting at the dining table, tapping her fingertips slowly on the table. The sound was consistent with the pendulum clock in the hall. In fact, she was not thinking about anything complicated, but just took the opportunity to observe the mage's expression.

This guy is afraid of how he looks.

Feili couldn't help but ask: "Why are you so determined to undermine the stable order?"

The mage sneered and said: "Aren't you being tempted? Medea said that she could give me the magic of immortality. I thought about it and gave it a try..."

Feili tilted her head: "Didn't you think you would die?"

The mage drooped his head: "At that time, I thought that Medea had gathered so many people and I was working on the periphery. Even if I died, it would not be my turn. Then I met you. Besides, I thought death would be a matter of seconds. I didn't expect it. did not expect."

Feili crossed her legs: "Well, it's too late now. Tell me, what use are you to me?"

"I know the strongholds of many people like me. Maybe some people have retreated now, but there should be a lot of people who are lucky. Besides, we are not taken seriously by Medea. If we go to catch them now, we should be able to catch a few."

"No matter how many minions there are, it's useless. If you can't catch Medea, the threat will always be there." Feili reminded that she needed more valuable clues.

"Oh! This way, I know a person who may have clues about Medea. This person is very arrogant, and he is far away from me. He should not run away."

After that, Feili asked some more questions and gradually understood how loose the organization was.

In general, Medea did not force these people to obey, but it seems that she secretly used tricks to prevent betrayal. These peripheral personnel are basically regarded as abandoned children now, and Medea's request for them is to create chaos.

As for the core members, the mage only knows two people, one is Medea, and the other is the arrogant maniac just mentioned, the warlock named Walter.

Warlocks are indeed arrogant. They are born with the ability to cast spells and have extraordinary talents. They feel as if they are born superior to others. It is not surprising that they are arrogant.

Feili ignored the other small fish and shrimps and focused on the warlock. If she caught him, she might have a chance to get close to Medea.

Then Philly called Serena, and this time she wanted to act alone, but Serena objected.

"Isn't it natural for knights to protect witches?" Serena spoke loudly and righteously.

What kind of fallacy is this? Wake up, witches are ostracized in other countries!

Feili naturally had her own reasons: "Serena, although you are very strong, you are still an apprentice after all. You have not been able to advance and understand the path. In the next battle, it will be difficult to resist mysterious powers such as curses. To be cruel, I can’t take care of you all the time.”

Serena was at a loss for words. When she heard Feili's serious tone, she knew that this matter was not negotiable. After thinking about it, she was still too weak. Knight Ji was frustrated at first and then determined: "Then how should I be promoted?"

Feili tilted her head, thinking carefully that Serena's promotion would definitely be helpful to her: "Well, you can ask Master Hecate, or Feilin, and, by the way, Irene and Charlotte. Okay, these people are helpful to you. Even if there is no direct way to be promoted, they can still share their experiences with you. "

A trace of astonishment flashed across Serena's face: "Forget it for the witches, so is Felin?"

Why, do you look down on the original body?

Feili explained: "You also know that he is in a bad situation and cannot inherit anything from the family. However, his original family background still allows him to get a good education. He has always been serious and careful in his work, and he has worked hard and is very strong. ”

Not only strong, but also a hero.

Serena is a little autistic. Did she think she couldn't compare to a witch or her peers? It turns out that Feilin is also stronger than her, and the man who seems to be too gentle is really hiding his secrets.

In this way, Feili flew solo this time, wandering as she pleased, catching whatever she wanted, and the mage could sell it if he wanted, without any worries. All that was left was to follow the clues and find Medea.

Serena was naturally hesitant about this result. The picture of the knight not being able to accompany the witch was incomplete. Now she only hated herself for being too weak and without strength. However, Serena did not even mourn for this failure for a moment and immediately looked for Feilin asked for advice on how to become stronger.

Later, Feilin looked at the door that had been deformed by the hammer in a daze. Although he was the one who reminded Serena, there was no need to be so violent, right?

"So, you want to go beyond the limit?" Feilin asked knowingly.

Serena said firmly: "That's right!"

Felin was well aware of Serena's seriousness, so he began to induce Serena: "In that case, let's talk about the role of knights first. Do you have a clear goal? Is this goal good at offense or defense? Or something else? Purpose?"

Serena recalled carefully, then clenched her fists: "The knight transforms into a sword and a shield, protecting everything around him and the most important people."

Feilin spread his hands: "Then do you want to be a sword or a shield? You can only choose one."

It is true that children will choose them all, but adults can only choose one. The early road is a matter of multiple choice questions.

Serena made her choice without hesitation: "I want to become a shield."

Feilin nodded: "Very good, let's start from the beginning. Do you know the now recognized five-point rule?"

The so-called five-point method is a recognized method for teaching and educating people in modern times. The transcendent’s previous training is used as a replenishing bucket to strengthen himself through the improvement of five fields. These five fields are meditation, channeling, soul quenching, and perception. Domain and promotion respectively correspond to the five types of training: skill, magic, soul, perception and body. When these five boards are high enough, the more magic they can carry, then you can be promoted to a transcendent.

The original meaning of transcendent is to transcend the mortal realm, with lifespan and strength increased. However, it was rare in the past, but nowadays there are as many as dogs. Transcendents can barely be called strong, but they are only at the lowest level.

What Felin needs to do now is to check the level of Serena's exercise in the five areas. After checking, he found that Serena's exercise was very balanced, with repeated friction at the limit of reaching the standard.

Serena was frustrated to find that she was just a little bit behind. She planned to intensify her training: "It's really difficult, Felin. Is there a way to self-check whether these trainings are up to standard?"

Feilin had a new idea: "Well... Serena, sit down and close your eyes."

Then Felin took out a box of marbles from the cabinet, counted 100 marbles from it, and then took a handful randomly and asked Serena to prepare it. When ready, Felin walked around Serena's back and sprinkled the marbles on on the ground.

Following a crackling sound, Serena frowned, not knowing what to do.

"Serena, how many marbles were on the ground just now?"

"More than seventy..."


Felin unfolded the magic of the wind, rolled up these marbles, took some more, and then threw them on the ground.

"how many?"

"There are fewer this time, about fifty."


Filin shook his head gently: "This is a manifestation of your weak perception domain. If this is a flying needle thrown by the enemy, or other threatening weapons, can you resist them all?"

Then without waiting for Serena to answer, Filin asked her to come to the window and pointed to the trees in front.

"How many leaves are there?"

"This is also..."

"Perception domain is the most practical skill. In your own domain, whether it is melee, ranged or magic, even if the enemy uses illusion, the world reflected by the perception domain is the most real. Strengthen your perception domain so that you will not be deceived."

Filin clapped his hands gently: "But you are already very sharp. If it were Scathach, she couldn't even get the approximate number, and you were just a little bit short."

Serena couldn't help shaking her head: "This is not a little bit short. After such an explanation, I now understand where I am different from you. It's a world of difference. , how can I improve? "

Filin shook his head: "You are actually missing something. I observe that you have reached the extreme in ordinary training, and you are just one step away from the final step. You don't have a good teacher and resources. Next, you wait for two days, I will build Fili's workshop and make potions for you. Everyone's training methods are different. I need to really understand what you are good at so that I can teach you according to your aptitude. The potion will stimulate your potential within a safe range and let you find a way forward. "

Selena is now calm and feels sincerely that Fili is knowledgeable. The most important thing is that he can make herself stronger.

So such a powerful man, is he really willing to be Fili's servant? This guy is too gentle.

Chapter 47 Witches and Succubi

Two days later, Miriam Border Commercial City, this city is close to the border of several major countries, and is loved by merchants for its low tariffs. The flow of merchants brings a large number of adventurers and mercenaries. These people may come from all over the world. After gathering in the commercial city, they drive various economies. Therefore, this city is more lively than the capital on the surface. Of course, the mixed crowd has also led to unprecedented prosperity in the black market, and some shady transactions have also spread here.

The captive mage is now on crutches. The two days of climbing mountains and crossing ridges have given her a new understanding of Fili. Nima has never seen a witch with such abundant physical strength in her life. Fili's route is a straight line on the map, which caused the mage to almost die of exhaustion halfway.

The good news is that they finally arrived at the destination. The mage doesn't care about betraying his former companions. There is no affection between them. In addition to Mediya's methods and her own situation, I am at the mercy of others. The way to survive next is to guide Fili well.

After turning left and right, the wizard finally led the way to a nightclub called "Dream Demon Court".

Fili's face turned black, and she took out a dagger with her right hand and swirled it in her palm: "Are you sure that person is here?"

The wizard hurriedly explained: "I am sure, it is an open secret that he likes to visit shops opened by dream demons. He has lost contact several times, and Mediya has turned a blind eye to him."

Fili didn't understand: "Didn't you say he is arrogant?"

The wizard continued to explain: "Arrogance and lust are not contradictory, witch lady."

Fili looked at the dream demon shop. He had never been here once in his life. According to the family tradition, visiting such a shop is a loss of status. If you really want a dream demon, you can catch it yourself.

Fili closed her eyes and sensed for a moment. There were all kinds of messy magic reactions nearby. There were more than a dozen magic reactions in the shop alone. I don't know how many wild mages wasted their youth and energy on this. After contributing their youth and energy, they might even have to sacrifice their descendants.

Fili was helpless. This was the guidance of a non-professional: "From what you said, are you going to go in and find someone?"

The mage suddenly showed a confident expression: "No, I mean we can squat nearby. I know he will definitely appear in the evening."

Fili was angry: "Show your head, do you think there is any place nearby that we can squat until night?"

Although Fili could hide with the ability of deception, she still had concerns about the mage's words. She didn't believe that the enemy was so unprofessional. Miriam, the witch and Mediya were about to fight, and the enemy's cadres actually had the mind to go to nightclubs. This was too outrageous.

The mage suddenly had an idea: "How about this, witch lady, you hide, I will squat, and give you a signal when I find the target? How about it?"

-"Not very good." A rather teasing voice came from behind Fili.

"Please rest assured, I have turned over a new leaf and changed my ways under the education of Lady Hecate. I want to be a wizard who is useful to mankind and society. Really, this is my chance to make a contribution. I will never betray you. Please believe... who!" The wizard has not yet reacted and tried to show his determination, but suddenly came to his senses. The charming voice just now did not sound like that of Sister Fili.

Fili looked coldly at the stranger who suddenly appeared, or the strange succubus. She raised her hand slightly to block the wizard as a protection. The dagger was already in her hand. She was worried that it was an assassin sent by the enemy to kill and silence people, and she was ready to take action at any time.

The appearance of the succubus looked like a girl in her early twenties. She was 1.7 meters tall, taller than Fili, with a charming face and a girlish look, as if she was deliberately trying to be mature.

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