Op Girl With Touhou System

Chapter 11 - 11 - No Waifu!

"Alright, it's time for an introduction!" The teacher said to us after we were all done choosing our seats. "I think I'll start with myself. My name is Catty Purry you can just call me Ms. Catty. My hobby is playing with balls. Oh yeah, I'm your PE teacher, by the way." She then winked. There's probably no one here that gets the jokes except Mai. They're all just too pure.

"Alright, who wants to go next?" The teacher asked.

"Mememe! My name is ¥€π¢°©£, and my hobby is %#$&#." Said a random character.

"My name is Jeff, and I love to sing. Also, my dream is to become a doctor." Said a child.

"Hey, I'm also want to become a doctor. As for my name, it's not important anyway." Said a random kid.

"Wow! Do so many people want to become a doctor? Then, I would also want to become one!" Said the random kid's classmate.

The classroom became boisterous. The teacher just touches her forehead in annoyance. She then clapped her hands loudly, multiple times to make the students pay attention to her.

"Alright class, I think we need a proper introduction. Let's see…" She struck a thinking pose as she stares at them. Her gaze then falls into the one who's sitting at the front, who's also the nearest to the door. "All right, starting from you! Come on, don't be shy!"

"My... My name is-"


The size of Mai's classroom is just like a normal one. There are 25 seats in one room, 5 rows, and 5 columns. There are no joined tables, everyone sits separately. If the board is considered the front of the room, then, the window showing the schoolyard is on the right, while the entrance to the hallway is on the left side of the room. Also, her classroom is on the ground floor.

Back to Mai, she already predicted at the start of the introduction that she would be the last one, right after the brat beside her. Well, Mai didn't think too much about what to introduce. She's just gonna say what's in her head when the time comes.

The time has come for the brat sitting next to Mai to introduce himself.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Jimmy Deku, a half Japanese. You all can just call me Jimmy if you want. My hobby is watching Japanese anime. As for my goal, I wanna be the very best like no one ever was!" The brat, Jimmy said excitedly. He looks very happy when talking about his dream.

It was then Mai's turn to introduce herself. She got up from her chair and prepared herself. Everyone's eyes were all focused on her. She then opened her mouth.

"Hello, my name is Mai Waifu. My dream is to live happily ever after. Also, I love umm..." She tilted her head slightly, her index finger elegantly touching her cheek. 'Wait, what do I love again?' She didn't realize that she lost her focus and was now in a blank state because most of her mind earlier was still thinking about why did she want to beat the student council president when he smirked at her.

She saw that everyone in the class was still staring at her, confused as to why she'd stopped talking halfway. She knows that she needs to say something, but what? 'Anything... anything... ah!'

"...Everyone!" She said unconsciously and then sit down on her chair. But then, 'Wait a minute!'

"Kyaaa!" Before she could think more about what she had done, Mai heard someone screaming. She then saw that the girl that sits in front of her slumped on her desk and not moving, foam coming from her mouth. The one who's screaming wasn't the girl, of course. It's the one sitting beside the girl. The class then becomes chaotic.

"Someone! call an ambulance!" Said the one named ¥€π¢°©£.

"You're watching too many TV shows, she just needs to go to the school nurse's office!" Said another kid.

"Don't worry class, I'll bring her there!" The teacher said, but just as she began to move...

"No..." When they heard Mai's apathetic voice , the whole class became silent. "Let me do it..." Before they could say anything, Mai was already standing beside the unconscious girl. She gently lifted the girl. It was a princess carry.

Because of panic, they didn't think much about Mai, who's easily carrying a girl that has the same age as her. The only thing in their mind is that Mai was a very kind and considerate person. Their views toward Mai was then shot up through the roof.

Just when the girl was lifted by Mai, her consciousness returned. The girl opened her eyes and saw Mai's face while feeling herself being carried. She fainted once again a few seconds afterward. But, before she passed out, all the people in the class heard what she said. "I have no regrets..."


Mai knew the location of the nurse's office from the principal's speech earlier. After handing the unconscious girl over to the school nurse, she's now on her way to return to her classroom. No, The exact thing is that Mai runs away from the school nurse before she could ara ara-ed her.

While she was walking in the hallway, she saw her teacher standing in front of her classroom door.

"Mai-chan, can we talk a little?" Asked the teacher.

"Sure..." Mai said with her usual flat tone.

"It was at that time, you said that your name was Mai Waifu. But in my list, your name was only Mai. Did the school state it wrong? Do you want us to change it?" The teacher was worried that Mai would complain about it.

"Yes, please!" Mai easily answered. She was happy that she didn't really need to do anything to achieve that. Also, if the orphanage somehow found out about this, she can just say some sort of random excuse, like it's cool or something. She can also use a sad and simple excuse like she just wanted a family name for herself.

"Alright, I'll go report to the school administrator first. Go in, be a good girl, and don't wander out, ok?" The teacher said with a caring tone. Mai just nodded her head.

Mai then came to her classroom, all of her classmates were looking at her with a look full of admiration. She quietly walked to her chair and sit down on her chair.

"You were so awesome back then, Waifu...-chan. Can I call you that way?" Jimmy, the brat who's the seat next to Mai asked her after she had just sat down.

Mai just stares at him intensely. He gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

"No waifu, we're just friends..." Said Mai flatly. Jimmy didn't know that what came out from Mai's lips just now was like a pokemon move: Future Sight. The damage will arrive at him in the future, when he already became an ȧduŀt. But right now, what he felt is only a tiny heartache.

"B- but your name is-" He was interrupted by Mai.

"A friend..." Mai's gaze becomes more intense. The damage has been stacked up. No one knows if he can still survive later on.

"T- Then, should I call you friend-chan then?" He asked jokingly.

"Alright, but no chan..." She calmed down a little as to not scared Jimmy too much.

"R- Roger! From now on, I'll call you Waifu-sa-" He stopped midway, and then corrected the sentence he was going to say. "Friend-san!" Alright, from this point on, his life force is pretty much already leaking out from his body. Only a miracle can save him now.

After that conversation is over, many of Mai's classmates began crowding near her seat. They asked her a lot of questions. Looks like there's no lesson on the first day of school. It was just used to getting to know everyone better. A few minutes after that, the teacher went back to class, and they started chatting about whatever they could talk about.

School ended peacefully. Mai gets a lot of new friends even though she doesn't want them. She then reached the entrance of the school, the bus she was going to use was still waiting for its passengers. She also heard this bus was belonged to the school, somehow. But she doesn't really care, she just wants to go back to the orphanage and have a rest.

Mai quickly gets on the bus before she can have an encounter with the three boys from her orphanage. She looks at the beautiful sky from behind the window, hoping for something interesting to happen next time.


"President! Please help us and don't just sit there doing nothing!" Said a member.

"Alright~ Alright~, wait for a second~" He then stands up from his comfy chair, and looks at himself in a mirror on the wall. His right eyes glowed a little.

"That little girl..." He smirked "....Interesting~"

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