Op Girl With Touhou System

Chapter 10 - 10 - Punchable Senior!

Their journey toward school was somewhat calm. The three boys just sat on the bus quietly. Mai is also the same. She felt that the time only moves a little when they suddenly arrive. They got off the bus and have a look at the place where they would soon carry out their study activities later.

The school was surprisingly... small. Its buildings are all made of wood, they also look old. It felt that it could collapse anytime soon. Mai takes a look at the school's name at its entrance.

"Chum is Fum's elementary school..." Mai muttered quietly. 'What an amazing name!' She thought. From what she knows, there's might be no Spongebob in this world.

Mai always likes eavesdropping on the other children when eating in the dining room. She hasn't heard they talked about Spongebob even once. She does hear about other shows that they watch on TVs, such as 'Anime Genshin Impact', 'No Game No Live Season 3', and 'Titan on Attacked', where titans build a giant wall to defend against humanity.

Back at school font, the five of them started walking toward the school. There is a map on the front wall that shows which building will be the venue for the welcoming ceremony. They're not alone, other people also come to this school. Some of them on foot, but they're also a few who use the same bus as Mai.

Mai takes a look at the map and follows Bull Ying who began to walk because she knows that Bull Ying took the right way. The other three, who still didn't know how to read a map just keep up with them.

After walking for a while, they found themselves inside a rather large hall. There are already a few people inside. The people were all sitting on the floor because there were literally no chairs in the room.

Mai and the three boys must separate themself from Bull Ying because the area for the first-year students is at the very front, the guardians at the back, while the older students are at the middle. Mai simply chooses a random area to sit. The three boys didn't want to be near Mai so when she chooses to be on the right side of the room, they choose the left one.

Ahead of them, was a stage, with a whiteboard on the wall. There is also a table beside the board with some markers and a whiteboard eraser, on top of it. After they waited for a few minutes, an old man with long white hair entered the hall and started walking slowly but steadily towards the stage, bringing a mic with him. He also has a long mustache and beard, all white-colored, but the clothes that he's wearing is pure black.

When The old man arrives at the stage, he brings up his mic near his lips. "Mic check. Test, 1-2-3 1-2-3! Alright!" After the old man said that, he then set his gaze at the audience.

"Ehem, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sawaya Hisashi," the man said, but he stopped for a second. "You people may think my name seems great. But when I asked my mom whats the backstory behind that name, my mom just said that she got the name from Japanese Name Generator on google..." The old man then starts sniffling. The audience was taken aback, they were wondering if they came to the right place.

"Anyway, I'm the principal of this school..." When he became calm again, he then picks up a marker and starts writing something on the board. The kid's guardian can only resent their fate when knowing he's the principal. At least the school fees are small.

While writing, he also makes small talk. "I'm a big fan of whiteboards, actually. I find them quite re-markable..." The principal then turns his head, looking for some sort of reaction from the audience. But there's only silence preoccupied the room. He really wants to bury himself in a hole, but he still held on because of his duty.

"Today, I'm gonna talk about the school system bla bla... but then my grandma bla bla... my niece is also bla bla... bla I think that's it, any question?" After a lengthy explanation that was supposed to talk about the school, he asked the audience a question.

Most of the students were already asleep. Even if they're awake, they didn't even understand most of what he's saying. Their guardian just busy restraining their hands from punching the old man. As for Mai, she pretty much recorded what the principal said in her brain. The story was fun, it's like reading a novel.

No one raises their hand. Nobody wants the principal to continue his rambling. Well, Mai likes to hear more of it but she didn't want to become a scapegoat for the principal.

"Well, I guess my explanation is clear enough..." Many people had expressions of dissatisfaction on their faces. The principal didn't seem to notice that. Then, he dropped another bomb.

"Ok, the next event will be an opening speech that will be brought by the student council president! Enjoy!" The principal then goes down from the stage after putting the mic on the table. Looks like they only have one mic.

After that, a student went up on the stage. He looks handsome and mȧturė for an elementary school student, especially with those big round glasses. He also wore a calm expression even when he stood in front of many people who had a murderous aura.

He picks up the mic from the table and said, "Alright, this will be the end of the welcoming ceremony. As for the new students, please follow the teacher that will guide you to your classroom. The guardians and parents of the students can already go home and please pick up your child at the appointed time. Thank you all for coming!" He then went out of the room.

'That's a wise decision!' Mai nodded sagely.

Everyone in the room cheered up. Some even hug each other and cried. A small brat beside Mai wants to hug her, but Mai already caught the front of the brat's head with her right hand to prevent the hug from happening. The brat can only lift his hand in the air, trying to reach Mai. After a few times of failing, he gave up and Mai releases the brat's head. The small brat pouted but Mai just wouldn't care.


After the excitement died down, the parents began to encourage their children and left the school. Bull Ying only say goodbye while glaring at the three boys. The older student also went out of the hall to go to their own classroom. They all seem to be friendly with us, newcomers.

After the room looks almost empty, two teachers started calling our names one by one. The one who was called must stand and line up behind them. Mai was happy that she didn't have to be in one class with three boys from her orphanage. Is it because of her luck? Also, it would be bad if they were in the same class. It was bad for them of course. Mai's patience can only be that much, after all.

They were then led by the two teachers to their respective classrooms. The children's eyes lit up when they saw Mai. It was because Mai's cute expressionless face and beautiful long hair were just too eye-catching and cool. As for Mai, she just decided to ignore them for now.

It seemed the two leading them were homerooms for first-year students. From what the principal said, each grade only has two classes. That's why the school looks small even from the outside when Mai first saw it.

Mai and her classmate then came inside their classroom. It's nice that the room looks clean. The teacher then stopped moving and looked at all of them.

"Alright class, you're free to choose the seat that you want..." Right after the teacher said that, Mai was already midway dashing to 'the seat'. It was at the very back of the classroom, right beside the window. She put her bag on the chair and then sat down.

The other children could only begin to react after she had done all of that. They then scattered, choosing their own seat. Many of them wanted to sit near Mai, that's why the seating area near her was the one filled up first.

The one beside her is the brat that wants to hug her earlier. He looks a little bit shy, maybe because of what she did at that time. But he suddenly looks at her, face filled with resolution.

"Hello!" the brat greeted Mai.

"Hi," answered Mai. That's it.

"U- Understandable, have a great day," he replied.

Mai didn't have time to continue this conversation. Most of her mind focused on something else. Before the student council president left the room, she saw that he's smirking at her.. For some reason, Mai felt the urge to beat that guy up.

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