Op Girl With Touhou System

Chapter 9 - 9 - Young Master!

I Monday, it's the day that awakens you from the world of dreams you had on Sunday by dragging you back to the reality. Today is that day. It's also the day where Mai had to attend elementary school.

Tensei Ida and his fellow heroes had already returned from the orphanage at dawn. They didn't immediately return after they found the writing because even if there were letters from the perpetrator that said they wouldn't cause any more incidents, the heroes just couldn't rule out the possibility that it was all lies.

Besides, if there are really wouldn't be any more incidents, it would also mean that the perpetrator had escaped. They were not sent here just to stop the incident but also to catch the culprit, who was most likely a villain. However, they still didn't know what motive the villain has by coming to this place.

But after hours of patrolling while looking for the culprit, they know that the culprit is truly gone, and catching someone who can't even be detected with the best of detection devices will be nearly impossible, so they return to their base to discuss a new strategy to catch the person.

Those heroes also brought back the letter, the drawing, and the sums of money with them. The letter and the drawing are going to be used to track down the perpetrator. As for the money, they just going to check if it real or not, if it real, they will return it back to the orphanage.

The head of the orphanage didn't tell them about what she found in the picture.

The sun rises, sending off some red streaks, filling the morning sky with its color. The clock on the wall of Mai's room showed that it was 07.00 AM. Mai had woke up even before the time when the heroes started leaving the orphanage. She also saw them getting into their car then drove away from her room's window.

She was just doing some simple workout in the morning when she heard a knock on her door. She then walks to the door. Bic was outside, waiting for Mai's response after she knocks on the door. The door then opened.

"Oh, you're already awake. That just makes it simpler then," said Bic. Mai could see that Bic was holding a cute pink bag in one of her hands and clothing in the other. Bic then hands them over.

"This is your Uniform! Wear this before we depart!" It was the clothing. Mai accepts it. "And this is your schoolbag. There are also various kinds of school utensils inside. Please take good care of it!"

Mai just stares at the bag with her blank eyes. She didn't take it away from Bic's hand immediately because she took notice that there is also a Hello Kitty picture plastered on the bag. After that, Mai just looks at Bic in the eyes, as if saying 'are you kidding me?'

"What? You didn't like Hello Kitty?" Asked Bic. "If you wish to change, there is only one with Barbie's picture left..."

"Nevermind Ma'am, I'll take the Hello Kitty!" Mai quickly snatched the bag from Bic and replied with her usual flat tone. On normal occasions, Mai would address Bic as Ma'am. She only called her Bic-san when she tries to act cute. Bic also took notice of this but she didn't think much about it. She just thought it was the so-called gap moe or something. While in reality, it was just Mai trying to manipulate others.

Bic then leaves from there and Mai closes the door. She put the uniform on her bed and the bag on her desk. She then began to open the bag. There are many things inside of it. Such as notebooks, a pencil case, a katana(iron ruler), etc. After done checking her belongings, she closes the bag.

The school starts at 08.30 and she must be ready to depart at eight o clock. Mai quickly takes a bath, wear her uniform, and then eat breakfast. After she has done all of that, there's still another 10 minutes left before the school bus will come to the orphanage. Mai can only wait for the bus outside.

Her orphanage is located in Musutafu city, Japan. It was supposed to be just a small orphanage with very few children but it became big with the help of funds from the government. The reason for this is the increased number of orphans because of the Covid-190 virus that spread out a few years ago. Many people became victims and died because of it. It's good that the vaccine has been found, so currently, there are no more Covid-190 patients around.

While she was waiting, Mai can see three other children walking closer toward her. They were all boys. 'If I remember correctly, those three will go to the same school as me.' Mai thought to herself. She also found out that this is the first time the children of the orphanage can go to school with the help of the government.

It was the new policy brought by the new guy who gets the higher up position. It states that the government will help the schooling of the children from orphanages starting from the first year of elementary school and will gradually increase the capacity over the next years.

While Mai was contemplating something, she quickly became conscious when the first guy called rudely at her. "Hey, you!" Mai didn't answer. She just looks at them for a few seconds before tilting her head and pointing at herself. "Yes, You! Who's else is gonna be. Don't act like we know each other when we're in school, alright. We didn't want to get mocked just because of you!" The boy said.

"Yeah, what the boss said is right!" Said the second boy.

"You must stay away from us!" Said the last boy.

Now, Mai is completely in a daze. 'What the heck? They're still children!' She thought to herself. 'How the heck did they know this kinda stuff anyway. Is it the television? Did they watched too much drama?'

Mai can only nod at them, with her usual expressionless face. But then the boy's leader takes it personally.

"What's with that face? Are you mocking me?" He asked.

Mai didn't want to handle this person. She looks around for a way out and then found it. It was one of the caretakers in the orphanage. She quickly runs toward her.

The boys want to chase after Mai but stopped midway. It was because the caretaker she runs into is the buff woman, Bull Ying. When Bull Ying saw Mai running toward her, she loudly shouted, "Where are you going!? Go back to wait for the bus!"

But Mai kept on going toward Bull Ying. "Ma'am, they're bullying me!" Mai said while still running with her short leg.

"What?!" Bull Ying was angry. She is the only caretaker who punished the children who bullied her in the past. Different from the head of the orphanage who's didn't do anything because she thought it was just a problem among kids, Bull Ying just straight up giving them all hell.

The real reason for that is Bull Ying was a sadist. But even then, she is also righteous, making her fond of punishing people who do something wrong.

Knowing that Mai was bullied, she felt in her heart that this was her chance to do what she liked best. Also, Mai being bullied at the orphanage wasn't that big of a deal. But if Mai is still being bullied at school, it will greatly affect their orphanage. Therefore, she must stop these bad boys from now on so that they don't continue their actions in the future.

"Alright, go back! I'll deal with them!" Said Bull Ying.

Mai then began to turn 180° smoothly and continued her running pace but headed for the place where she had been waiting before. Bull Ying slowly followed from behind. When she returned, Mai was glared at by the three boys. After Mai and the three boys gathered, Bull Ying opened her mouth.

"From now on, I'll be your guardian! If I got a report of you guys doing a bad thing at school, you're dead meat! That's it!" Bull Ying said, right to the point. "Are you understand?!"

"Yes!" Said the four of them.

"Also, if you guys didn't get a good ranking, you're also dead meat!" She said while savagely grinning. She then grabs the shoulder of the leader of the boys. "Especially you three, stop bullying Mai!" Her grip became stronger.

The three boys were sweating profusely while Mai's expression was unchanged. Even without her being expressionless, she still wouldn't become scared.

The task wasn't hard for her. She just needs to get a high ranking at an elementary school while she's herself is a university graduate in her past life.

It was then that the school bus came. "Come, follow me! I'll be going with you guys to attend the school welcoming ceremony!" The bus door opened and Bull Ying go straight in first followed by Mai. When Mai entered the bus, she heard the boy's leader mutter, "Just you wait!"

'Crap! They have the talent to become a petty young master!' Mai thought to herself.

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