Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1108: So big a tree

If no Hu Ji first recognized him as the godfather, and then drank him the fox fairy wine to become his woman, Ning Tao might agree, at least he would consider it. But with this matter, he thinks that the godfather, righteous son and daughter are the most unreliable relationship.

Fox Ji couldn't agree, she just called goddaughter a few days later and got into the goddaughter's bed. How could she now call God Zhou goddaughter again? Then if she worshiped Shenzhou as godfather and returned to the funeral city, she would have to be called Ningtao godfather, and grandfather Shenzhou? This generation is already chaotic enough, so it becomes a mess.

"No," Ning Tao said.

"No," said Fox Woman.

The pair of wild birds almost spoke in unison and flatly refused.

"The old man saw you two wives with clear bones and wanted to be accepted as righteous sons and daughters. This is your creation, why not?" Where did Shenzhou know the story.

Ning Tao said: "I want to be a man of God. I worship you as my godfather. Where will I put my face on the mountain in the future? No, I don't agree."

I didn't want to pretend, but this obligatory must be installed.

Shenzhou said, "If you don't agree, don't agree, so let's go. How about you to be a boatman if the old man lacks a boatman?"

Isn't the boat owner the captain?

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, and this Shenzhou was also the existence of face more important than life. He understood but didn't break it, and said with a smile, "Well, I agree."

"That ... it was the old man who hired you, didn't you hire the old man, right?" Shenzhou emphasized.

What would Fox Ji say? Ning Tao held her hand and smiled, "OK, I have no problem."

Fox Ji reached out and nipped Ning Tao's waist.

Ning Tao pretended not to know.

It is good for women to bargain, but sometimes it can be counterproductive. In fact, this Shenzhou has admitted to follow him, and his status is not important. If he cares too much, he will seem to be a little bit furious.

"The old man got up now," said Shenzhou.

"Get up?" Ning Tao said curiously, "What does the senior mean?"

Shenzhou said, "Follow you, how can you walk if you can't afford it?"

The voice fell, the verdant branches, leaves and roots were quickly recycled, but the trunk was quickly raised. In the process, the ship's hull shook violently, and pieces of the ship's board fell apart and turned into wood and returned to the trunk.

Ning Tao hurriedly pulled Fox Ji and left the captain's room.

The heaven-sent birth bed and the gun in the flesh were still on the deck, and the gun supported the bed in the shape of an umbrella.

Detective Ning Tao recruited Tianci's natural bed and shot in the flesh, then jumped out of the boat. He and Fox-Hill's feet had just landed, the huge masted ship had disappeared, a large tree more than ten meters high appeared out of thin air, the trunk was old and the branches were numerous, but the leaves were pitiful and bare. The trunk of the entire tree requires two people to hug each other, so that it feels like a large tree with a small head, like a bread tree on the African land.

There was a human face in two thirds of the trunk. It was wrinkled and dry, exactly the face in the captain's room. Its hands are two thick branches, and its feet are unexplainable roots. It looks like a human, but it is definitely not a human.

This Shenzhou is actually a tree demon, but it is more powerful than all tree demon, because it is a natural demon born in Shenshan and growing in Shenshan. It is not a god, but it can be an artifact, and it is not an ordinary artifact because it is alive. In short, it is a very peculiar existence, and I am afraid that only places like Shenshan can be born.

Fox Ji was stunned, and her fairy did not expect that Shenzhou would be such a Shenzhou.

This is actually what Shenzhou looks like.

"Oh ... it's been a long time since I've been so comfortable, it's so comfortable." Shenzhou said, its branches were shaking, making a rustling sound.

Ning Tao said, "Senior, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" Shenzhou continued to move his muscles.

Ning Tao said, "I got information before we came. Hemia ’s descendant Phillips is coming here. His target is you and that stone. He may have other unspeakable goals, but I do n’t Clear. In short, he is an enemy, not a friend. So we must leave here as soon as possible. "

"Descendants of the goddess Hemia?" A confused expression appeared on Shenzhou's crumpled face. "The old man remembers who she didn't marry. How could she have descendants?"

Ning Tao said: "I don't know this, but we have to leave here, can the seniors go?"

Shenzhou said: "In this vast universe, old men from all walks of life come and go freely. You actually ask the old man if he can go? If you say a place, the old man can pass in an instant."

Ning Tao was about to speak, and Fox Ji grabbed him in front, pointing at Nanshan and saying, "Senior, let's go up to that mountain first, and my cave house is there."

Shenzhou said disdainfully: "How far away the old man thought it was, the old man in the mountain could arrive in an instant, and the old man first went to the mountain to wait for you."

The voice fell, the Shenzhou rose, the roots of trees shone, and the roots of energy were thrown towards Nanshan. Suddenly, those energy roots had to pull it towards Nanshan, which was invisible in the blink of an eye.

Ning Tao and Fox Ji were stunned.

When the Shenzhou turned into a ship, it didn't surprise the two when they flew like this, but they flew like a tree, which was a bit unacceptable.

For a long time, the two men returned.

Ning Tao said: "I originally wanted to return to the funeral city, where it is safer, how do you ... how do you let Shenzhou go to Nanshan?"

He just wanted to ask her, and as a result, Shenzhou performed a big tree flight in front of him, disrupting his thinking.

Fox Ji looked at him with a grudged expression: "Aren't you saying that the heavens and men assembled an army, and it will take seven days at the earliest to attack the funeral fairy city? This is the second day, so why are you anxious to go back? What do you want to do at home? Are you three women? "

Ning Tao: "..."

Hu Ji continued: "It was only yesterday that I became a relative, and I am going back now, have you ... have you considered my feelings?"

Ning Tao was headached by her, stretched out her hand and held her waist, and said with a smile, "I don't think so much. I just think it's safer to bury the fairy city. You don't want to go back now, then we are here An extra day or two is fine. "

There was a smile on the corner of Fox's mouth, but there was still the grieving voice on his mouth: "I gave you the most precious thing. If you are not good to me ... then I will be sad."

Ning Tao stretched out his hand and stung in the thickest part of the meat: "Do you remember when you were not obedient when you were in elementary school, how did I clean up you? Think again, I will spank you!"

Fox Ji giggled and said, "You remember these things, are you ashamed or not?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "At that time you were a little fart, what shame am I?"

The fox-girl came together: "It turns out you still have such a hobby. If you like it, I'll let you have enough after I return."

Ning Tao: "..."

This fox spirit is really terrible.

However, with her so much trouble, the previous tension disappeared, and the thought of going home was gone.

Some things really can't be so confused and passed, he has to make it clear and clear.

"A Tao, let's go back." Fox Ji said, her heart had flew back.

Ning Tao looked around and said, "Let's go to the village and look back. Anyway, it's still early in the day. Although the stone was taken into the Japanese gourd by me, I don't know what it is, I don't know It's solid. In the future, if it comes out again and turns people into stones, it will be bad. "

"Okay, let's go and see." Fox Ji held Ning Tao's arm.

The two walked along the same way, and soon arrived at the mother and son's house.

Ning Tao stopped in front of the courtyard and looked around. The woman was holding the child to feed the chickens in the courtyard, and it was still a stone, and it did not return to the original state because of the disappearance of the light.

Before coming here, he imagined that possibility, the light of the stone and the stone disappeared, and the law no longer exists, and the petrified people here will be restored to their original state. It's like the medusa in that myth. People who see by her eyes will turn into stones, but those who cut her head will turn back into stones. If those stone people return, there must be valuable clues in the heavenly people who entered the Great Monument Valley for treasure hunting. This is the purpose of his return.

Now it seems that myth is myth after all, it is he who thinks too much.

Anyway, he still wanted to go in and see.

The gate was not closed, he went straight in and came to the mother and son.

There was no reaction to the mother and child. No matter from what angle they looked, they were just stone men. Including the chicks on the ground, that is also a stone chick.

"That stone is so evil, what do the heavens want that stone for?" Fox Ji thoughtfully.

Ning Tao thought for a while but shook his head: "I don't know. Listening to the story told by Divine Land, the big stone is indeed related to heaven and man. I even doubt ..."

"What do you suspect?"

Ning Tao said: "I suspect that Hemia pitted the Shenzhou. This may be a big conspiracy."

"Phillips probably knows ~ ~ he must catch him at that time," said Fox.

Ning Tao smiled: "But that ’s the Heavenly Fairy of Heaven and Earth. Because Heavens and Heavens are aboriginal peoples of the immortal world because of their different body structures, their blood is different. Their fairy is more powerful than ours. Since Phillips is a heavenly man The immortal king, that strength must be unfathomable. In fact, if you want to catch it, you can seize it. "

Fox Ji smiled at him: "My Atao is the most powerful, and I can definitely catch it."

Husband started again.

After talking a few words, Ning Tao put away a flirtatious thought, he reached out and touched the woman's arm. But when his finger touched the woman's arm, the woman suddenly collapsed, and the children in her arms turned into a grain of stone powder and fell to the ground.

In this way, the two living lives once disappeared completely, and even the traces as stones no longer exist.

"Let's go back," Ning Tao said.

"Well." Fox-Jee responded softly.

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