Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1109: Tongfang girl

On the Nanshan Mountain, a large group of monsters nervously surrounded a tree.

The tree fell from the sky, and there was a human face, obviously a monster. But no matter who went up for questioning or intimidation, the tree demon was too lazy to deal with it, and even closed his eyes, as if I was a fool.

The little rabbit that poisoned Ning Tao ran and ran, screaming, "The king is not good! The king is not good! Some monsters come to occupy the mountain!"

Humei came out of the fox fairy cave, her body wrapped in a veil, her body was soggy, I don't know if she just got up from the bath or was brewing that fox fairy wine.

"Rabbit, what's the matter?" Humei asked.

The little rabbit pointed back in the direction of the monsters and took a breath. "King ... there ... a tree is flying!"

Humei frowned suddenly. "A tree is flying? What mess?"

The bunny essence finally breathed out. "The tree came down from the sky and took root on our mountain. It was clear that he wanted to occupy our hilltop. King, you have a look. It has a mouth, but it does not talk to us! "

"What a monster is so bold and leads the way!" Humei's face showed cold frost, and she couldn't even change her clothes.

The bunny turned around and led the way, a pair of calves bouncing, and yelled, "The king is here, the king is here!"

A large group of monsters over there were giving way.

Fox Ji saw the tree at a glance and yelled, "Where is the monster? Dare to come here to spread my wild!"

The bare tree demon didn't even open his eyelids.

Suddenly a cloud of ink smoke came, and Fox's voice came, "Sister don't be rude, this is the senior of Shenzhou."

Fox Ji looked up and saw her brother-in-law Ning Tao and Fox Ji coming from the clouds. A hanging heart finally fell, and a smile appeared on her face. "Brother-in-law, you are back!"

Foxhound "..."

Am I so big, do you only see your brother-in-law?

Ning Tao fell into the cloud of ink and smoke, and opened the door to see the mountain authenticly, "Meier, let your monsters go, this is the senior of Shenzhou, don't lose your courtesy."

Humei followed and said, "Small kids, let's go. It's time to patrol the mountains. It's time to sleep."

A large group of monsters dispersed.

Ning Tao came to the foot of Shenzhou. "Senior, will you live here tonight?"

Then Shenzhou said, "My husband is a tree. If he doesn't sleep here, would he go to the house to sleep with you? When will you give my husband my god?"

Ning Tao said, "Don't worry, seniors. I have a little crystal in my body. You can use it first, and I'll give it to you after returning to the fairy city."

He released a small porcelain bottle from the Japanese gourd and threw it to Shenzhou. That small porcelain bottle contained a dozen or twenty **** crystals, which were precious, but this Shenzhou had to be bought, because he had to count on him to chase them up indirectly.

Shenzhou caught the small porcelain bottle with a thick branch arm. A small tree branch was very slick and unplugged. At a glance, he saw a dozen or twenty **** crystals contained in the small porcelain bottle. It immediately excited. Hahaha! The little brother really is a trustworthy person. Once upon that mountain, the old man crossed the **** once. Those gods are happy and occasionally they will reward a **** crystal. This is so much for the little brother. ! "

Shen Jing said that white is the energy of faith, that is the root of God's existence, and even the life of the gods, even a generous God can not reward a lot. Ke Ningtao is different. He is a human-shaped **** crystal machine. As long as he is alive, he will continuously collect energy from the **** crystals. These ten or twenty **** crystals are nothing at all.

"Senior, then you can enjoy it slowly. I still have something to do. I'll go back to work." Ning Tao said.

The trunk of Shenzhou was slightly bent. "Xian brother, walk slowly."


Ning Tao's heart felt a bit beyond words.

Insect two called him Ning Aiqing.

Shenzhou calls him a virtuous brother.

Fox Ji called him the godfather, but he is expected to have something unreasonable with her later. And Humei is even more unreliable. For a while, the godfather and brother-in-law were not sure.

How can this relationship be so chaotic between people and between people and demons?

"Good night, brother." Ning Tao also said kindly.

Everyone is called Xiandi, and he should call a big brother.

Fox Ji also performed a blessing "Good night, brother."

Humei also came to make fun, and gave a blessing "Good night, brother."

Ning Tao couldn't help but glance at her, thinking what kind of fun you came to make?

"Brother-in-law, let's go back. Meier prepared a wind-up banquet for her brother-in-law and her sister, as well as a new brew of fox fairy wine. Tonight, my sister accompany her brother-in-law and sister to have a drink."

Want to drink fox fairy wine again?

Ning Tao felt a headache as soon as he heard Fox Fairy Wine. He said, "Go back first, and I'll come back with a word from the elder brother."

Humei said curiously, "What is your brother-in-law saying to my brother, can't my sister and I listen?"

Ning Tao frowned. "If it's between men, don't make fun of a woman's house, go back."

He blinked at Fox Fox.

The Foxhound pulled Humei and left.

Humei reluctantly said, "Sister, brother-in-law wants to talk to someone, don't you want to listen?"

Hu Ji said badly: "Your brother-in-law doesn't let you listen, he must have his reason, men have a man's business, women have a woman's duty. Also, don't drink fox fairy wine tonight."

"Why?" Humei couldn't understand.

Fox Ji gave her a dizzy eye. "Your brother-in-law is driving tonight."

"What is driving? Isn't he driving a cloud?"

"Well, if driving is mortal, it has almost the same meaning as driving clouds ..."

The two fox spirits dragged into the fox fairy hole all the way.

Ning Tao then said, "Brother, younger brother, me and these two fox spirits ... Well, let's say that, younger brother and their relationship is special. When someone is called, they will call me godfather, when they are not, they will call me My husband and brother-in-law ... After returning to the funeral city, if the elder brother heard that they called me godfather, he didn't hear what the elder brother did ... the elder brother, do you understand what I mean? "

Shenzhou laughed "Hehehe ... the old man understands that in the past, the relationship between men and women, men and women on the mountain of God is much more chaotic than the relationship between you and these two fox spirits, the old man has long been strange, you can rest assured. I mean old man understands. "

Ning Tao was embarrassed. "That ... see you tomorrow."

He must say hello in advance, or return to the funeral city, Fox Ji and Hu Mei call it godfather in front of Shenzhou, in case it comes to say you are not husband and wife, then it's over.

Back at Fox Fairy Cave, Hu Mei and Fox Ji could not be seen, and Ning Tao walked straight to the room where he slept last night.

He didn't need anything at all for the feast.

He now had the idea to make clear what happened last night, to be clear and thorough.

As soon as Shimen's door opened, his eyes were suddenly out of place.

There was a bath barrel in the stone room, and the fox girl was soaking in the bath barrel. The bath barrel was aura and the flavor of fox fairy wine was very strong.

But it wasn't fox fairy wine, but her body fragrance, which was the natural fragrance of fox essence. This Meixiang actually has a similar function to Fox Fairy Liquor. You can't even remember your last name when you smell it.

Fox Ji smiled and said, "What whisper did you say to Shenzhou? In the presence of my sister just now, I'm not good at asking."

Ning Tao said, "I just reminded it. After we returned to the funeral city, if it heard you and Humei called me godfather, it would be nothing."

Fox Jixi laughed out loud. "The godfather is really attentive."

Ning Tao "..."

"I also have one thing I want to discuss with my godfather," Fox said.

Ning Tao walked over and said with annoyance, "There is no one else here, so don't take a bite of a godfather, listen awkwardly."

Fox Ji pouted and smiled. "Well, I'll call the godfather when I'm buried in Xiancheng, but I'm not alone here."

Ning Tao came to the tub and smiled and said, "Isn't it me?"


Someone came out of the tub, wasn't that the baby-faced vixen of Humei?

Ning Tao hurriedly retreated "this ..."

What's going on?

Humei climbed out of the tub, and she still had the tulle on her body. She became so empty after being soaked in water. But she didn't shy away from it. Xiang Ningtao walked generously, with a seductive smile on her face. "Brother, I just tried the water temperature. It just happened, you're going in."

Ning Tao looked at her, not knowing what to say.

Humei didn't do anything extraordinary. She passed directly by Ning Tao's side, but just hit Ning Tao's waist deliberately while passing by.

This little aunt is really lawless!

Humei went out, and closed the door.

Then Ning Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he thought ...

Oh my god, how can that be?

Fox Ji coughed, and smiled and said, "Why, my sister took your soul away?"

Ning Tao just came back to him, and smiled awkwardly. "Yes, you said you had something to tell me. What is it?"

Fox Ji beckoned.

Ning Tao returned to the bath barrel ~ ~ and then made a past.

The fox-hugger pressed against his ears and exhaled, "My sister wants to follow you."

Ning Tao gave a slight hesitation. "What do you mean?"

The fox-ji stunned Ning Tao. "My sister and I have swear to be together for the rest of my life. We share happiness and difficulties. I followed you. This is my blessing. Naturally it should be her. Blessing. If you want me, you will naturally want her. Don't you understand such a thing? "

In this case, even a pig can understand.

Ning Tao suddenly got a big head. "This ... how can this work?"

Fox Ji said, "In the old days, who didn't have a house girl, just treat her as a house girl."

Ning Tao "..."

"I persuade you." Suddenly Foxwoman reached out and wrapped his neck ...

This time, he was sober and not drunk.

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