Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1506: Great Star

With Bai Xuzi's calmness and smile, Ning Tao couldn't help but want to pounce on him, and then burst his head again.

But he didn't do that.

He didn't believe what the old man was. In fact, he didn't believe that a hair on the old man was true.

"My husband understands." Bai Xuzi said with a smile. "You want to kill this goddess. You are here to kill her. Is my husband right?"

"Yes," Ning Tao said.

"That's the case, you are really a pair of enemies." Bai Xuzi laughed and laughed: "This is a pillow person, but how to make fun of it, the two of them are one of them. There is nothing out of nothing, there is nothing out of nothing. "

Ning Tao made half a box before coming up with a sentence: "What the **** are you talking about?"

Bai Xuzi scratched his beard: "Ghosts are not things, and things are not things."

Ning Tao: "..."

Does such a conversation need to continue?

If the door of convenience could be used, he had already ears in the temple at this moment.

But the door of convenience cannot be used.

Even more weird, he couldn't find the reason.

Bai Xuzi said again: "Ning Daoyou, you are a natural middleman of good and evil, and it is your duty to act for the heavens, but this heaven and earth is no longer the former heaven. This heaven and earth also has the laws and lives of heaven and earth. You can't change it if you want to change it. If you ask for a result, the old man will show you a clear way. "

After speaking, he raised his hand and drew a circle in the void.

There was nothing in the circle. When he dropped his hand, he suddenly shot a golden light, and a circular energy portal appeared in the void.

The door was brilliant and the runes flowed, don't have a sense of sacredness and mystery.

Bai Xuzi said, "Go, there is a clear road behind this door. The confusion in your heart will find the answer at the end of the road, and the problem you want to solve will be solved at the end of the road."

Ning Tao didn't move.

Bai Xuzi frowned slightly: "If you are not a natural middleman of good and evil, the guardian of heaven, will I, God, show you this clear way? The old man told you that this is the only time I have passed this. There is no such shop in the village. "

Ning Tao said: "God pointed out the clear road, the fool would not go, but before I go in, I want to ask, is there WiFi on the road? I am not used to this person without WiFi."

Bai Xuzi's face showed a kind smile: "There is everything on the Ming Road, you want WiFi, and it has WiFi, and you can even connect your woman and the child to the Ming Road, Go to the end of the road to find the answer and solve everything you want to solve.

Ning Tao smiled suddenly: "Hahaha ..."

"Why are you laughing?"

Ning Tao said: "I once told my followers that there is WiFi in my hall of worship, and wine and beauty, but I know there is nothing in my hall of worship. What you are saying now is against me The words of my followers are exactly the same. You should think about it when you deceive people, but you lie to me by plagiarizing me. How shameless are you? "

The smile on Bai Xuzi's face disappeared, and his face was not kind at all, replaced by a cold face.

Ning Tao's eyes also became cold: "I don't care who you are, as long as I live, don't think about your conspiracy!"

"Unlucky, unfortunately." Bai Xuzi shook his head and sighed.

Ning Tao suddenly took a step forward and drew a punch on Bai Xizi's chest.


The entire body of Bai Xuzi burst open under Ning Tao's fist. The minced meat, blood, and raindrops of the bones generally spilled out.

Can't kill you with one punch?

Then I will make two punches!

I wo n’t die with two punches, and I will have three punches!

I'll see how many times you can be born again!

Ning Tao waited for Bai Xuzi to be born again, but this time Bai Xuzi never reunited his flesh and blood, his flesh pieces were lying on the ground like fried sauce, so bright.

Really killed with three punches?

Ning Tao took a sip on the ground: "Just like you still want to flicker me into the trap? I shit!"

Bai Xuzi was still a pool of fried sauce, without any response.

Ning Tao looked at the energy portal in the void. The energy portal was still there, and it didn't disappear because he punched a white beard.

This situation gave him a slight hesitation.

If Bai Xuzi really dies, the energy portal he painted should lose its mana support and disappear, but the door has not disappeared, that is not to say ...

Footsteps suddenly heard behind him.

Ning Tao hurriedly turned around.

A tall Shenwei came in, holding a machete in his hand, without any expression on his face.

But Ning Tao knew that this **** guard was not himself.

The Shenwei grinned suddenly: "Haha, Ning Daoyou, my husband is back!"


You are so haunted!

"The old man told you that the old man is the old man. The old man is the oldest in the world. The old man is omnipotent, omnipresent, and inexhaustible. Do you think your few fists will kill the old man who is the old man? Bai Xuzi laughed and said, "You are really naive, but the old man is still willing to give you another chance. You can see that the door to Minglu is still open. You can go in now, but you have to understand that you have passed this village. There will be no more shops. "

Then you wait for me in the next village?

go to hell!

Ning Tao's figure fluttered, and he kicked himself on the god's chest.

This foot **** blocks the god, the Buddha blocks the Buddha!

Shenwei's body exploded on the spot, and flesh and bones and visceral fragments spilled to the ground.

Ning Tao glanced at the so-called Minglu Gate again.

That energy gate is still there.

Another Shenwei came in from outside the gate of the temple with a smile on his face: "Ning Daoyou, look, I'm back again."

Ning Tao was about to collapse.

Bai Xuzi strode forward, the long-handled machete in his hand was dazzling, and the cold was pressing.

Ning Tao suddenly wanted Bai Xizi to lift his machete and cut him, and then he fought with this guy.

To win is to win vigorously, and to die is clear!

But in this situation, he had a feeling of being played by a fool.

He certainly wouldn't be fooled, but the fool was having fun, and it was this feeling of being played by the fool that was the most uncomfortable.

Bai Xuzi threw the machete on the ground, then stepped into the so-called Minglu door he opened, and disappeared into the golden light in that door in a blink of an eye.

What is this operation?

Ning Tao's eyes widened and narrowed. Suddenly, the golden mist of the gate disappeared, and a person's back appeared in his sight.

It was the goddess who had just entered.

There was a flat golden boulevard at the foot of the goddess. The avenues were planted with sunflower flowers, and each golden sunflower bloomed brilliantly, as if thousands of father-in-laws were smiling at the same time.

The avenue is long and the end can't be seen at a glance.

The sky is blue and white clouds, and a red sun is rising.

This picture, this mood, beautiful!

The Shen Wei turned his head, his face was full of smiles: "Ning Daoyou, what are you waiting for? Come with me, I will take you to witness the true heaven."

Bai Xuzi's voice came out of the door, a bit distorted, fluttering, distant, and snoring, and seemed to carry a little mana, to be obedient and obedient.

Ning Tao couldn't help walking towards the so-called Minglu Gate.

"Come, come, come with me, there will be nothing to confuse you in this world, you will get the true heaven, yes, you haven't heard it wrong, heaven belongs to you, it's you!" Bai Xuzi's voice stirred up .

He didn't say it was okay. He said so, and Ning Tao stopped.

Bai Xuzi's brow frowned slightly and he stopped: "Ning Daoyou, what happened to you?"

Ning Tao said: "I don't know who you are or what you are, but I know you're a fool. If you believe me, you can lie to me if you work harder. Continue, continue acting, medicine Can't stop. "

Bai Xuzi grinned, "Do you think I'm lying to you? You are wrong, please take a closer look."

He waved his hand.

The scene in the so-called Minglu Gate became blurred, but it became clear in a blink of an eye.

The boulevard is still the golden boulevard, and the sunflowers on both sides of the boulevard have not changed.

People have changed.

The Shenwei disappeared, replaced by familiar and affectionate faces. Nanmen Xunxian, Tang Zixian, Qing Zhui, Bai Jing, Soft Tianyin, Xi'er, Undead Phoenix, A Shibo, Shimu Runhua, Lin Qingyi, Zhao Wushuang, Fox Ji, Hu Mei, Song Qingyin And his children, a big family is standing on the golden boulevard, watching each one laughing and waving at him.

"Fu Jun, what are you standing there waiting for?"

"Fu Jun, come soon."

"This world is going to be a mess. Aren't you coming to reunite with us?"

"Fu Jun, the child is still young. You should stay with the child."

"Fu Jun ..."

The women were babbling.

"Dad, I want to hug."

"Dad, I want to hold high."

"Dad, I want sugar."

"Dad, don't you want me?"

The children are also noisy.

Ning Taoming knew that this was an illusion, but something weird had an impulse in his heart, and he wanted to go in and reunite with his wives and children.

Just then, a golden **** cloud appeared in the sky in the door.

Bai Xuzi was sitting on Yun's head, cross-legged, leaning against a white whisk in his elbows. He glowed with gold light, and a golden aura of **** was on his head.

Is this what he was like?

And this is just the beginning.

Gods appeared behind him, riding donkeys, bulls, dragons, flying swords, flutes, playing lutes, pagodas, walking dogs, etc. What gods, one by one, are sacred and mighty, the treasures are dignified, and the golden light emitted by a dense crowd of gods can blind people's eyes.

Wife and children beckoned to Ning Tao again.

"Fujun, look at the gods ~ ~ Let's go with the gods."

"This is a rare opportunity. Fujun, don't hesitate any more. Come in."

"Dad, come on."

"Dad, I want to learn from that dog walking deity."

"Dad, that goddess is smiling at me, and I want him to feed me."

This is undoubtedly a big production. The starring star is the top traffic star. One can take 80% of the budget of a play. Even the group show is a front-line celebrity. It is green and red. flower.

However, the director is stupid.

Special effects are only worth 50 cents.

The only audience laughed: "I see, hahaha ..."

PS: There is one more, the code is updated.

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