Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1507: How can I kill you?

"What do you understand?" Bai Xuzi's voice came out of the door.

Ning Tao said: "You are the guy who wanted to kill me in the fairy realm but couldn't kill me. You also shot in the tomb of God, but you still can't kill me. So, you changed the way and want to kill in this way Me, right? "

Bai Xuzi was silent.

And this silence is more like a default.

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

"Dad, come in fast, I want you to hug."

"Dad, don't you hurt me?"

The children cried.

"Fu Jun, what's wrong with you?"

"Fu Jun, don't discredit God."

"Fu Jun, come with us. The world is going to change a lot. Do you have the heart to leave us and our children?"

The wives also came to persuade.

Ning Tao remained indifferent: "Is it an illusion, but you still want to lie to me? Are you deceiving yourself or wishful thinking?"

Bai Xuzi was not angry at all. He smiled and said, "You said that all this is an illusion, then you look at it again."

Each of his wives and children came out of the so-called Minglu Gate.

The children rushed to Ning Tao's body, holding his feet, and pulling the elemental armor on him. Jiao's wives also gathered around, took his hand, and pushed his back into the so-called Minglu Gate.

The wives are real, and the children are also real. Ning Tao can not only hear the voices of women and children, but also smell the unique taste of them, and even feel the temperature and power on their hands.

Everything is true.

However, his heart was rock solid.

He stood motionless and allowed the women to push and pull him, and he did not enter the so-called gate of light. No matter how crying and sad the children are, his heart will not be moved by it.

"You are such a hard-hearted person." Bai Xuzi said.

"You just have nothing, right?" Ning Tao said.

Bai Xuzi was silent again.

Ning Tao suddenly recited aloud, "I'm in my womb, and I hear the sound of the road."


The bell rings.

The women surrounding them disappeared, and the children disappeared.

The temple was empty, only Ning Tao himself, the statue of the goddess of wisdom Hemia, and the golden gate of the bright road were left.

I was dying in the womb and heard the sound of the road.

This is the first sentence of Your Classic.

Ning Tao has long passed the realm of needing to read the scriptures to clear the illusion, but the opponent is different. This time he had to chant the first verse of "Your Classics" to stabilize the Tao and dispel the illusion.

"Your Scripture" is a Scripture book created by Tiandao according to his own characteristics, which strengthens as his realm rises. If he recites this verse during the Tianxian period, he cannot dispel the real illusion in front of him, but he is no longer the original Tianxian, he is the **** of the child, and he is the only creator. The mana in the first sentence of "Your Scripture" is naturally not comparable to that period.

Not only did the real illusions around them disappear, but even the illusions in the gates of Minglu disappeared. There was no golden road, no sunflower flowers like smiles, and no thousands of gods in every way. There was only one bad old man. And there is a void as thick as ink.

The white beard sat cross-legged in the void, and the white beard and white beard formed a sharp contrast with the black void.

There was a sneer in the corner of Ning Tao's mouth: "You are nothing, right?"

This is the second time he has said this.

But Bai Xuzi remained silent and said nothing.

Ning Tao went on to say: "In those days, you couldn't kill Sun Xingjun. That was because he was not strong enough. You wanted to kill me in the same way, but you couldn't kill me, right?"

Bai Xuzi finally spoke, "It's not that he's not strong enough, but that jade is too hard to break, and steel too easy to break. He is no weaker, and he can be a **** of battle for God. Do you think he is weak? He It ’s too strong, so it ’s easy to die, and it ’s easy to kill. And you are different from him. The old man is still studying what is different between you and him. When the old man comes out, you will die. ”

Ning Tao is also a natural middleman of good and evil. He can cultivate different paths and encounter different situations, so they are naturally different.

The Sun King has practiced the spiritual powers of good and evil to the extreme. When he goes to the mountain, he is also good and evil.

However, Ning Tao got rid of the cultivation of good and evil spirits, got the great creation, and became the power of creation. Now he has got the mother of the five elements, and has achieved the seal of the Creator.

Both Ning Tao and Hiroshi Xingjun cultivated the heavenly path. Hiroshi Xunjun trained the good and evil spirits representing the path to the extreme. Without killing him, it is naturally easy to cut off one finger. But Ning Tao is different. Ning Tao got the great creation, and he has the power of creation and the seal of the Creator. To some extent, he is integrated with the Tao of Heaven and is part of the Tao of Heaven. You can't kill him without killing him.

Similarly, if Ning Tao wants to kill Wu Wu, that can't be killed. Three times in a row before, he turned Wu Wu into fried ketchup, but he recovered instantly.

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence, "You study me, I have to study you, and when I study it, you will die."

"Hehehe ..." Bai Xuzi smiled.

"What are you laughing at" should be asked here, but Ning Tao didn't say anything, just looked at Bai Xuzi. In his eyes, catching a white beard is nothing, nothing is God.

God is the existence above the gods. In the ancient times, the gods worshiped nothing on the mountain. But at that time, no **** thought that one day they bowed down to destroy them all.

Although they met and fought, Ke Ningtao's understanding of nothing was close to zero, and it was even more impossible to kill him.

Who can kill God?

Bai Xuzi no longer smiled, his lean body slowly melted, and the dark energy in the door of the Ming Road slowly turned. Gradually, the body of the white whisker melted into a ball of white, and the rotating dark energy formed a strange scene of half black and white, black and white, and blending with each other.

This is a graphic of Yin Yang Tai Chi.

Ning Tao said, "What are you doing?"

The voice of Bai Xuzi suddenly heard in the yin and yang tai chi: "I suddenly thought of a way to kill you and wanted to try it. You are ready, and the old man will come to kill you soon."

Ning Tao: "..."

What a weird conversation!

Wherever he went to heaven, Ning Tao had thought that he would one day be the one God wanted to kill, and that he had worked so tirelessly to kill him.

"Why didn't you kill me early?" Ning Tao suddenly thought of the problem and said it blurtly.

The yin and yang taiji slowly rotated and did not respond, and the gate of the Ming Road was no longer a gate, and gradually transformed into a circle of golden light surrounding the yin and yang taiji.

There are yin and yang black and white inside, and golden light inlaid on the outside. This yin and yang tai chi figure can be described as full.

Ning Tao went on to say: "I don't think you actually want to kill me sooner, but you can't see me at all, right? The death of the sun prince is not because he wanted to kill you, but threatened You exist so you found him and killed him, right? "

The yin and yang tai chi figures with gold borders still didn't respond at all, just focusing on rotation.

The killing of Tai Chi goes round and round and reminds you in advance that I am about to kill you soon, and you are ready.

Just ask you to panic!

"I'm thinking now, you don't really exist, right? I'm curious what your space looks like. Do you say that you are sick, this world is you, you are this world, you Why should you destroy yourself? Or do you mean that you ca n’t represent this world, you are just an existence bred from this world? "Ning Tao continued to test.

The yin and yang tai chi with gold rims still did not respond.

"Goddess of Wisdom, Shemia, she is the **** you created, right? You gave her supreme wisdom and mana, but you also killed her and let her fall with the gods above the mountain. She was born again , I want to avenge you, and you are tangling with me here, do you say that you are sick? Or, my analysis is wrong, you are a group at all? "Ning Tao's mind was full of all kinds In doubt, he didn't expect Bai Xuzi to answer him, just wanted to speak out the doubt in his heart.

Suddenly, the yin and yang taiji figures with gold edges pounced on Ning Tao. The sight was like a fast rotating black hole hitting it head-on, and the dark energy that destroyed the sky and the stars could devour and smash into pieces!

Ning Tao raised a hand, and a French seal appeared in the palm of his hand.

That is the mark of creation.

The mark of creation appeared, activated and expanded in the palm, and instantly reached the same scale as the yin and yang tai chi figures inlaid with gold edges, with brilliant gold and boundless mana.

The yin and yang taiji graphics with gold borders spun at a rapid speed, releasing infinite suction, but neither the mark of creation nor Ning Tao remained motionless and unaffected.

The two sides froze for about a minute, and the yin and yang tai chi figures with gold rims stopped rotating, and then mingled together. An old man appeared out of thin air, still a white beard, and his thin body seemed to be able to blow him to the sky.

"Well!" Bai Xuzi sighed. "It still doesn't work, why can't I kill you?"

He didn't look at Ning Tao at all, and flicked Bai Xu to himself.

Ning Tao suddenly punched her fist on Bai Xuzi's head ~ ~ The temple ground was filled with another layer of fried sauce.

A few seconds later, the fried sauce was restored, and Bai Xuzi stood in front of Ning Tao again: "I want to kill you, you want to kill me, it is really interesting."

Ning Tao: "..."

Funny your sister!

Bai Xuzi then looked up at Ning Tao. The look was still the same as he wanted to see through Ning Tao's clothes: "That's it for today. I will go back and think about what I missed, and then I will kill you."

Ning Tao had no interest in talking to him.

A ball of golden light flashed, and the white whisker disappeared.

In the empty temple, there was only Ning Tao alone, as well as the statue of the goddess of wisdom Hemia, and the three-world star map surrounded by dark energy.

Dark energy is always devouring the star map.

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