Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 158: I'll take care of this

Jiang Ting's father was a man in his fifties with gray hair and wrinkles around his eyes. The actual age looked much older than the real age. He looked terrified, his emotions were extremely low, and he felt a sense of despair. If this news of Jiang Ting's death comes suddenly, he will probably fall to the ground.

"You guys ... do you know where my daughter is? Tell me quickly." Jiang Ting's father went straight to the subject as soon as he met, his voice choked, so pitiful.

Ning Tao's voice was mild. "Uncle Jiang, don't be in a hurry. We are here to help. We deliberately come to understand some situations."

"You are?" Jiang Ting's father asked, a little more confused and alert in his eyes.

Ning Tao said, "Uncle Jiang, don't worry. I'm a private detective. I saw the news of your daughter's disappearance and I want to help you in particular."

"Private detective?" Jiang Ting's father followed and shook his head. "I have no money to ask a private detective. The child and her mother are sick, and we have no money to go to the hospital for treatment ..." One by one fell down.

Ning Tao said, "Uncle Jiang, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to make money, I'm just here to help. I'll help you find your daughter, and I won't charge you a penny. In addition, I happen to know some medicine, if If you don't mind, take me to your house and I'll show it to your aunt. "

Jiang Ting's father was a little hesitant. How can there be such a good person in this world, such a good thing?

Ning Tao did not urge him, leaving him some time to consider.

Almost a minute later, Jiang Ting's father said, "Well, I'll take you to my house, but I said the ugly things in front, I really don't have money for you."

Ning Tao said, "Uncle Jiang, I can understand that you have a precautionary mind, and you trust me this time."

"All right, come with me." Jiang Ting's father turned to lead the way.

On the way, Ning Tao chatted with Jiang Ting's father and learned some information.

Jiang Ting ’s father was Jiang Fuquan. He turned out to be a worker in a chemical company, but was not able to retire because of the poor performance of the company and was laid off. He and his wife Yang Dafeng pushed the trolley to sell breakfast on the street and made some hard money for Jiang Ting to go to college. If this did not happen, the family would be safe and sound, but did not expect such a terrible thing to happen. This The fall of the family is only the last step in the abyss.

Jiang Fuquan led Ning Tao and Qing Zhui into a residential building, climbed three floors and opened a door.

Ning Tao and Qing chased Jiang Fuquan into the door. The house was small, only 50 square meters. The door was a living room. The sofa was made of fabric and was dirty and black. The fabric in some places was even torn, revealing the stuffing inside. The most decent appliance is just a freezer, but it is probably bought for business. The rest are old and old, and no one will pick it up on the street.

As soon as Ning Tao entered the door, he smelled a strong smell of medicine, and then he saw the window closed, and he could not help frowning. "Qing Zhui, go and open the window for ventilation, the air is so bad, good people will Sick, let alone a patient. "

"Okay." Qing Zhui followed and opened the window.

Jiang Fuquan didn't say anything. He was so confused now that he couldn't care less about anything else.

Ning Tao took out the unbreakable fan, fanned it with his hand, and the cool and icy wind made the odor medicine in the room less than a half in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Ning, follow me." Jiang Fuquan walked to a room.

The door was not closed. Ning Tao came to the door and saw Yang Dafeng lying in bed. She is a little younger than Jiang Fuquan, but the hardships of life have whitened her horns, the corners of her eyes are full of crow's feet, and her face is pale and bloodless. She closed her eyes and looked horrible.

"Dafeng, you wake up, the guests are here." Jiang Fuquan said.

Yang Dafeng opened her eyes slightly, and tears flowed from the corner of her eyes. She trembled and said, "Is Tingting back?"

In a word, Jiang Fuqiang sighed and squatted on the ground. A pair of calloused hands covered the weather-beaten face, but tears flowed into his fingers.

At this time, Ning Tao had awakened the state of sight and smell of eyes and nose. Yang Dafeng's vitality field came into his sight, and the smell from her body also poured into his nostril. For just a few seconds, he knew Yang Yang's situation well.

Ning Tao came to the side of the bed, took out a needle from the small medicine chest, pierced a needle on Yang Hui's Baihui Acupoint, and then injected Yang Dafeng's head with a special spirit.

The special spiritual power entered the brain, and Yang Dafeng was relaxed and fell asleep in an instant. She was too tired, both physically and mentally, on the verge of collapse, and needed rest.

Ning Tao pulled out the needle and put it back in the small medicine box.

Jiang Fuquan got up from the ground, tearful eyes, "Dafeng? Dafeng?" He called Yang Dafeng without answering twice, and he suddenly became tense, "You, what happened to Dafeng?"

Ning Tao said, "Uncle Jiang, don't worry, I just let Aunt Yang sleep. She doesn't have any food in her stomach. I'm afraid she hasn't eaten for three days, right? She is very weak and very painful at the same time. She must take a break or she will die. "

Jiang Fuquan sighed, "Tingting is her heart, life, Tingting has such a thing, how can you let her eat? If Tingting can't be found, I will follow her with her Go, we don't want to live anymore. "

Jiang Fuquan and Yang Dafeng were at the time when family planning was popular. Only two of them gave birth to Jiang Tingting. If Jiang Tingting had three long and two short, this is tantamount to the elderly bereavement. Who can bear such pain?

Ning Tao's emotions in a good state are more sensitive. He was also infected by Jiang Fuquan and Yang Dafeng. He felt sad and even wanted to cry. But he finally controlled his own emotions and comforted him: "Uncle Jiang, rest assured, no matter what, I will definitely find your daughter. If there are bad people in this matter, I will also catch him, Give you justice. "

Jiang Fuquan choked and said, "Why ... help us like this? We have no money for you."

Ning Tao raised his finger to the top of his head. "Heaven has eyes, and good and evil are reported. Both you and your aunt are good people. I want to help you. I want you to believe that there is justice and justice in this world."

"I ..." Jiang Fuquan didn't go on. Anyone would say that, but who really helped him, and the stormy home he supported?

Ning Tao also took out a small porcelain, opened the plug, poured out two fine primary prescriptions, and handed one of them to Jiang Fuquan.

"This, what is this?" Jiang Fuquan asked.

Ning Tao said, "This is my medicine. Take it. It can help you through this difficult period."

Jiang Fuquan took the medicine but did not take it.

Ning Tao said, "You have the heart to die. Are you afraid that my medicine is poisonous?"

After hearing this sentence, Jiang Fuquan no longer hesitated, put the fine primary prescription Dan given by Ning Tao into his mouth, swallowed his neck.

Ning Tao pinched Yang Feng's jaw and put another fine primary prescription Dan into her mouth.

Although the fine primary prescription Dan is a medium for diagnosing patients with gold, the medicinal materials it uses are either spiritual or precious medicinal materials. Ordinary people who eat them can enhance their immunity and prolong their life. This is also the first time that he has given a fine primary prescription to a non-medical patient.

"Uncle Jiang, take me to your daughter's room and take a look. By the way, tell me where she went on the day she disappeared and who she met. The more clues you give me, the more hope I have Find your daughter. "Ning Tao said.

"You come to me." Jiang Fuquan turned to lead the way.

Ning Tao followed Jiang Fuquan to another room. The furniture in the room was simple and old, but was neatly packed. There are many books on one desk and some stationery. There is a faint scent of fragrance in the air, which is unique to girls.

Ning Tao remembered all the smells of Jiang Tingting.

"The police came here, asked some information, and then left." Jiang Fuquan said, "I wrote all the events that day and some of my classmates' questions. I wrote them in a notebook. I took it Go to the police station, but the police officer in charge of the case said no, let me wait for the news. I called him a few times and started to answer the phone, but then even the phone was not answered. "

Ning Tao said: "Your daughter's case is a missing case, not a murder case. The police sometimes consider the manpower and the cost of solving the case. Without a clear clue, the police force will not be wasted to find someone. If it is a murder case, they must be solved Regulations will focus police on solving the case. "

"So, that ... what about that? Oh oh ..." Jiang Fuquan cried out in a hurry.

Ning Tao grabbed his hand, and a trace of spiritual power quietly passed into Jiang Fuquan's body. "So I came, don't worry, give me your book, let me see, I will now Help you find your daughter. "

Jiang Fuquan had no idea what Ning Tao had done to him. He just felt warm and comfortable in his body, and his mood improved a lot. He opened a drawer on the desk and handed an exercise book to Ning Tao. "Mr. Ning, I have everything I can remember here. Please help me find my daughter."

Ning Tao opened the homework book, which wrote all sorts of incidents, and some were conversations with Jiang Tingting's classmates.

After reading it, he roughly grasped some of the circumstances on the day that Jiang Tingting disappeared. That day was Sunday. Jiang Tingting didn't go to school. After lunch, he went to a place called "Second Elementary School". That was the last place she appeared, and no one knew where she had been since then.

After reading, Ning Tao put the workbook on the desk ~ ~ he asked, "What kind of place is that place called the Two-dimensional Book House?"

Jiang Fuquan said: "It's a place to read books, and many students like to go there."

"Is that place not monitored?"

Jiang Fuquan shook his head. "Yes, but the surveillance of that study room happened to be broken on the day of the incident. I went there several times. I asked them if they saw any suspicious people, but the people there ignored me."

Ning Tao said: "Okay, rest assured, I'll take care of your daughter's affairs. I'll go to the library now, and you and Aunt Yang will wait for my news at home."

Jiang Fuquan plopped on his knees and cried, "If you find my daughter, I will repay your kindness as a cow and horse!

Ning Tao did not help him and turned to leave.

When Jiang Fuquan knelt down, he should be treated as a doctor.

If he receives the consultation fee, he must punish evil and do good!

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