Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 159: The secret in the coffin

An hour later Ning Tao and Qing Zhui came to the place where the two-dimensional bookstore Jiang Tingting had last visited. It is in a relatively remote location, and mainly deals with books and comics related to the second dimension, as well as animation and peripheral products. Nice decoration but deserted business.

"You go ahead, I will come in later." Ning Tao said in Qingzhui's ear, "When I came in, you pretended not to know me."

Qing Zhui curiously said, "Why?"

Ning Tao said: "Jiang Fuquan said that the monitoring here happened to be broken on the day his daughter disappeared. I vaguely felt that this was a bit of a coincidence. We went in and pretended that we didn't know the people inside could reduce our attention. Come out and talk. "

Qing Zhui nodded his head, "Okay, shall I go first or you go first?"

Ning Tao said, "You go first, and I come in later."

Qing chased into the two-dimensional bookstore.

Ning Tao didn't rush in. He stood outside the door and looked at the surrounding environment. It took several minutes to enter. When he went in, Qingzhui was chatting with a young clerk.

"Miss, you are so beautiful and temperament. If you come to play, you will be red, do you want to try it?" The young clerk was very enthusiastic, and the look of Qing Zhui was a bit bright.

"What does it mean to die ..." Qing Zhui clearly did not know what "" meant.

The young clerk explained patiently: "Simply speaking, it is role-playing, imitating the characters in anime, you stand still and I will see who you are best to play ..."

Ning Tao did not continue to listen. He walked in beside Qing Qing and the young staff who were very attentive. The young clerk did not find him because he was blocked by Qing Chai.

There are dozens of bookshelves in the book room, all of which are books, comics, discs, and hand-made things related to the second dimension, as well as clothing and props. However, there are only two small customers in a large space reading comic books at a reading table.

Ning Tao glanced at the corners, and two corners were equipped with surveillance cameras, which were open. He pretended to look for a disc, walked down the shelf, and came to the end of the bookstore. There is a staircase there, covered with red carpet, leading to the second floor.

Ning Tao awakened the nose's smelling state, thousands of smells poured into his nasal cavity, he silently recalled the smell of Jiang Tingting he wrote down, analyzed and compared one by one, looking for the smell that Jiang Tingting might have left here.

A minute later, he seemed to have a "familiar" smell, which was the smell of Jiang Tingting remaining in the library.

This study is a relatively closed space. As long as a person has been here, the odor released by the body will remain for a long time. Ordinary people can't smell this smell at all, but for Ning Tao, it is generally easy to explore the sac. His nose is more sensitive than a dog's nose under sniffing, and a dog can smell the scent of a person a few hundred meters away in an open environment. It is conceivable how strong the smell left by Jiang Tingting who had been here three days ago in this relatively closed space.

Jiang Tingting's scent spread throughout the space of the study room, some places were dense and some places were thin. According to this situation, Ning Tao's brain appeared with a "sidewalk" made of odor, which pointed in one direction.

Ning Tao walked in the direction indicated by the locked smell, and soon came to the end of the bookstore. In front of him was a staircase with a red carpet, and beside it was a sign saying "Stop for tourists". Jiang Tingting's smell extended up the stairs, he hesitated, stepped over the notice board and stepped on the stairs.

At the front desk of the bookstore, the young clerk was still trying to persuade Qingzhui to join any club. He didn't notice that Ning Tao went up the stairs from the monitor.

Qing chased it, she knew what Ning Tao was doing, and she also cooperated with Ning Tao's actions to divert the attention of the young clerk. "This little brother, what can you say about that Make money? I have recently died poor and want to buy a good bag, if I can make money, I would like to try. "

There was an indescribable smile on the corner of the young clerk's mouth, "Of course I can make money. I introduce you to President Zhang. With your face, I promise that we will sign a contract with you as soon as you see him Then I will take you to the animation exhibition, and a show of tens of thousands is a trivial matter. "

"Really? That's great. What's your boss' name?" Qing asked.

The young clerk said, "My boss is Zhang Weibiao, and I will give you a business card for him." The young clerk took out his wallet, took out a business card from it, and gave it to Qingzhui, and said, "My name is Zhang Ray, you can come to me at any time if you want, by the way, what's your name? "

"My name is ... Li Xiaohong." Qing followed and said a name.

Just when she babbled out the name of this bad street, Ning Tao had already gone up to the second floor.

The second floor is a dedicated space with lots of weird outfits and props, as well as mirrors and dressing rooms.

The smell of Jiang Tingting extended to the mouth of the prop coffin and ended in the coffin.

The coffin is a fake vampire's coffin, solid wood material, sprayed with black paint, leaning against the wall, narrow on the upper section. The word "True Love as Blood" was also engraved in the coffin.

Ning Tao got to the vampire coffin and sniffed the smell in the coffin. He not only smelled the smell of Jiang Tingting remaining in the coffin, but also a little bit of anesthetic. The smell is very familiar to a doctor like him and can be easily identified.

However, this vampire coffin was obviously cleaned. Both the smell of Jiang Tingting and the smell of anesthetic were extremely weak. Even in the state of smelling, he needed to sniff a few times to find it.

The "investigation" has been carried out here, and Ning Tao already has a rough truth in his mind-Jiang Tingting's disappearance is related to this shop that operates a two-dimensional culture.

Ning Tao walked towards a leather sofa placed in the corner. He sniffed at the sofa and remembered some smells. He then returned.

Qing Zhui was still talking to that young clerk.

The clerk who claimed to be Zhang Lei said, "Miss Li, you don't have to worry about anything. Our boss is a big man in this circle. He also knows many big directors. As long as you are willing to come, there is not necessarily a chance to be a big star. "I don't lie to you, it's your face, this figure, and it will take you two or three years to become a big name."

"Really?" Qing Zhui's innocent expression.

Ning Tao walked over from Qingzhui and left the shop. Zhang Lei saw him this time, but he didn't care. His attention was on Qingzhui's body.

"It's still fake, so please leave a phone call for me." Zhang Lei said.

Qing Zhui looked at Ning Tao who had walked out of the store.

Ning Tao did not look at her, but nodded.

Qing Zhui said, "Okay, my phone number is ..."

Leaving the phone, Qingzhui also found an excuse to leave and left the two-dimensional bookstore. However, she did not immediately talk to Ning Tao, but walked a long way before she came to Ning Tao's side and walked side by side with him.

"Brother Ning, what did you find?" She asked.

Ning Tao said: "A big fish, Jiang Tingting's disappearance is related to the bookstore we just went to. The other party handled it very cleanly, the trace experts of the police could not find the traces, but the smell could not deceive people."

Qing Chai vomited his long tongue, and then retracted again. "The guy named Zhang Lei gave a general business card for me to rip out his ribs, but I smelled the soul rotting from his body. Taste, he is a very bad person. "

"Show me that business card," Ning Tao said.

Qing Zhui handed that business card to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao took a look at the business card, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Zhang Weibiao? You can fool the police, you can't fool me. I'll take care of the debt you owe."

"Are we going to find him now?" Qing asked.

Ning Tao said: "No, you left the phone, he will definitely call you. You are so beautiful, he will not lose heart."

"Giggle ..."

"Why are you laughing?"

Qing Zhui was very happy. "The first time you praise me for being beautiful, I can't help but be happy."

Jingle bell, jingle bell ...

Ning Tao's cell phone suddenly rang a ringing tone.

The caller was Bai Jing. "Where are you? Xin Zhiyu's guy sent someone to urge you. Come here and let's go to Xin's house for dinner."

Ning Tao said: "We are on the street, you say an address, we go directly and then meet there."

"Well, just call a car, say Ronghua, and the driver will know where you are going. We will see you at the door." Bai Jing hung up the phone.

Qing Zhui looked up, "She didn't talk to me, really."

Ning Tao said: "She's in a hurry, but she sees the money more importantly than the training demon, I still saw it for the first time." While talking, he waved a taxi to stop.

"Brother Ning, in fact ... I ..." Qingzhui seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything.

Ning Tao opened the door ~ ~ get in the car. "

He knew that most of what she wanted to say was related to Bai Sheng and Bai Jing, but for some reason he didn't know, she couldn't say anything. However, he can understand her. Everyone has their own secrets and some involuntary circumstances. She is willing to speak and not to speak. He does not force her. Although he was curious about Bai Sheng's task, it didn't matter if he didn't know.

After Qing chased the car, Ning Tao also got into the car, and then said to the driver, "Master, go to Ronghua."

The driver glanced back at Ning Tao, "Are you sure you are going to Ronghua?"

Ning Tao said: "I'm clear, is there a problem?"

The driver said: "People who go there are driving millions of luxury cars, and no one takes a taxi, so I'm a bit strange, so I want to ask and confirm."

Ning Tao said: "Then drive."

The driver did not know what to mumble and started the car in one direction.

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