Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 1632: God has eyes

All the imaginable Ning Tao may have thought about it, and even some unreliable possibilities he thought about, so what is missing?

Ning Tao couldn't think of it, and he felt discouraged in his heart. He felt that he was wasting time, and the so-called crack could not exist at all.

"Damn, you move!" The more he tried to get angry, Ning Tao poked at the center point with one finger.

The tiny runes of heaven in the air were shaken open, exposing a vacuum. It was also at a time when the Rune of Heaven did not return to its original position, an extremely secret existence appeared in the void. It looked like a human's belly button, and looked at it again, but felt it was like a Button.

What it is?

Ning Tao stared with wide eyes, but before he took another look, the Rune of Heaven in the air returned and the thing disappeared.

The appearance of this thing gave Ning Tao's disappointed heart another hope, and he poke with his finger again, creating a short vacuum.

That thing appeared again.

This time Ning Tao looked carefully and saw clearly. It wasn't a button, nor was it someone's belly button. It was more like an eye.

The eye was closed without a gap.

Ning Tao felt a complex feeling in his heart.

This rune space is the supreme space of the Three Realms. No one can enter without the door seal. If this space is the heaven of the Three Realms, it is not an exaggeration. Even the three realms of the Ning Tao must recognize it. He had never believed that God had eyes, people were doing it, and heaven was watching, but now he saw the old man's eyes.

God's eyes are a bit small, similar to the eyes of ordinary people.

The fine dust of the Rune of Heaven returned to its place, and the eyes disappeared.

Ning Tao can't wait to poke the past again with one finger. This time he used the power of creation to drive the Rune of Heaven in the air to a farther place and make the space of vacuum bigger.

This time, his fingers didn't stop, and he stared directly into God's eyes.

God's eyes dare to squint?

Yes, a **** is too boring to be interested in everything. Only when he is interested, he can do everything. None is a typical example. He is bored to the point that he wants to destroy the Three Realms. Compared with him, Ning Tao's behavior can only be considered naughty.

However, his fingertips passed without regard to consequences, but Ning Tao's fingertips didn't catch anything.

Those faint eyes are more like a ghost image under the sun, and they are not in the same space. The fingers on the pen end feel nothing and touch nothing, just a vacuum.

The runes of heaven that were shaken into the distance surged over again. How violent Ning Tao was when they opened them, and how violent they were when they returned. When the tide goes, such as ebb tide, when it comes back, such as high tide, there is almost no trace of delay. When the shock drives out their energy consumption, they return to their original positions.

Ning Tao still kept her fingers squinting and remained motionless.

In this little time, he thought a lot.

The first thing he thought of was the remnant soul of the Sunless King that he saw in the past, and the Sunless King told him a way to kill Wu Wu, which is to use his big sun stick artifact to enter Wu Wu Looking up. In the end, he really tried it that way. Although it didn't have any use for eggs, he was deeply impressed by the suggestion of Sun Xingjun.

His second thought was none.

Wu also has a vertical eye on his forehead, which is his zero. Every Dongshan man has an eye on his forehead. 1000 years have passed, and the population of the Dongshan tribe has always remained at the level of several hundred people. The newly added population is also Ning Tianshen of Dongshan Polisson.

After Dongshan Polly gave birth to Ning Tianshen, no matter how much Ning Tao worked hard, Dongshan Polly did not have a second child, but Hemiah gave birth to two children in a period of time. By virtue of his own strength, He put Ning Dani on the throne of his sister.

He never thought about why, but now he can't help thinking about it.

"Wait ..." Ning Tao suddenly remembered something, and suddenly felt a cheerful feeling in his heart. He excitedly said, "No one has been added, no death, no one can be regarded as a Dongshan people! This space! At all times, a kind of stability is maintained. As much as **** grinds, it will be released as much as possible, and it is released once every millennium, so energy fluctuations will occur. Niebona came directly from the **** swirl, so it caused Unstable, there are energy fluctuations that do not come by time! "

Although it is only speculation, there is no evidence to prove it, but it is also seventy-eight.

Thinking of this, Ning Tao had an idea in his heart.

He reached out his fist, his power shook, and the energy field of the force of creation cleared a vacuum.

The closed eyes appeared again, faintly, to the extreme. If it wasn't for Ning Tao, even if Hemia was here, staring at it, she couldn't see it!

This requires the seal of life, she doesn't.

This time Ning Tao not only had enough eyes, he also released a divine thought, and pierced his eyes.

In his sight, the eye kept zooming in, and its structure entered his sight for the first time. It was an eye made up of zeros, and it was an extremely complex all-zero method!

His divine thoughts pierced up, but nothing was touched, and he just passed on.

He froze for a moment, and secretly said, "Is this eye really not in this space, but a mapping of light? Impossible, if it is not in this rune space, then how did Nebona come from? So , It must exist, and right in front of me, at the center of this space, I just need something else to touch it. "

The rune of heaven that was shaken back to its original position, and that eye disappeared again.

Ning Tao was silent for a while, and then began to crevice again: "If there really is a door leaving this rune space, then this eye may be the keyhole on this door, then I need a key to open it!"

This is simply a wild mind.

Thinking of this, Ning Tao had another bold idea in his heart.

To unlock, you need a key. This eye is made up of 0, so you need a key made of 1.

Just do it!

When Ning Tao's thoughts moved, the runes in the void suddenly became active. One by one gathered in front of him, gradually forming the shape of a key.

This is a key condensed according to the size of the eye he saw. The size is appropriate, but I don't know how long it should be, so he tentatively adjusted it to an eight-inch size.

With this key made up of 1, Ning Tao released more power of creation, and drove away the Rune of Heaven in his lifetime.

A vacuum formed, and the looming eyes reappeared.

Ning Tao's divine thought controlled the key slowly approaching the eye, and his power of creation kept the vacuum, and that eye always appeared at the center point of this space.

This seems like an easy operation, but Ning Tao knows how difficult it is. There is always a power to maintain balance in this space, and the Rune of Heaven that he drove away always returns under the driving force of that power. He is tantamount to opposing the power of this space.

This is also tantamount to confronting heaven.

God closed his eyes, you have to let it open, it does n’t open his eyes, you take a stick to poke, how hard it is for you to say that!

But even against the sky, Ning Tao still has to work hard.

The rune key, which was all made of 1, finally got into that eye.

That mysterious energy wave appeared instantly, and it was extremely intense and extremely high in frequency.

This time Ning Tao didn't need to capture it, he was at the center of energy fluctuations, and he could feel it every second.

The key trembled and collapsed.

This scene is like using a wrong key to forcibly unlock the unpaired lock, and the result is that the key will be broken.

"You drive it for me!" Ning Tao roared, and Shen Nian controlled the whole 1 key and tried to pry.

The key of all 1 runes broke down and turned into a rune of heaven.

But at that moment, a narrow slit opened in the eyes that day, and a gleam of blue light penetrated into the space from the tiny slit, and then radiated to Ning Tao's body. At that moment, something strange emerged in Ning Tao's mind, like the sound of dripping water, and the fuzzy shadow of something. It felt like it was entering another space, which was extremely strange. .

However, this weird feeling and the faint blue light disappeared instantly, there was no more opportunity for him to feel and observe, and then the gap of the sky's eyes closed.

Everything returns to peace, all the Runes of Heaven return to their original position, and the strange images and figures in Ning Tao's mind also disappear.

Ning Tao remained suspended in the void without moving for a long time ~ ~ Nothing wrong, it was not a crack in space, but it was an open eye.

He did not find the existence of this eye at all. He has been studying hard in the wrong direction, so that he has not been able to go out for hundreds of millions of years. So he was crazy.

Ning Tao dares to think about anything and dares to do anything. But this time, if it wasn't for Nebona's dedication and help, he wouldn't have found this heavenly eye.

"Heaven opens his eyes, heaven opens his eyes ..." Ning Tao thought for a while, and his mind constantly appeared with the heavenly eyes made up of 0, and the seal of creation simultaneously analyzed the super law matrix contained in heavenly eyes.

Since the eight-inch long 1 can open a gap just now, as long as the strength of the key is strengthened, and the law circle in the sky eye is overcome, he can fully open the sky eye!

However, if you want to crack the legal matrix in the eyes of the sky, it is not something you can crack.

For a time, Ning Tao ended the cracking and returned to the Supreme Temple of Heaven.

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