Passing over the Dongshan tribe, Ning Tao still didn't go home, just glanced.

In ancient times, Dayu Yushui passed through the house three times without entering. Today, there is a three-passage house without opening the house to unlock the child, which has been passed down for generations.

The two wives, Hemia and Higashiyama, may know that he is back, and flew back and forth three times from the sky, but neither looked at him. Not surprisingly, they have been together for a thousand years, and the number of hairs on the body is clearly counted. What good is it to see? Focus on him mentally, and that's it.

In the High Heaven Temple, Nebona finally wandered through the huge temple. When she had just returned to the foot of the idol, Ning Tao returned. She hurried up to her knees.

This time the blanket didn't slip, she dragged her to death.

Since slipping has no effect, it also loses its significance.

"Nebona meets the great lord of the three realms." Nebona said respectfully.

Ning Tao stretched out her hand and helped Niebona up, and said with a smile: "Look at you, why are you kneeling again, and don't kneel me."

A smile appeared on the corner of Nebona's mouth, but he did not dare to look at Ning Tao's face, lowered his head slightly, and looked a little shy.

What a shameful flower to close the moon.

Ning Tao couldn't hold the feeling of impulse and impulse. She wanted to reach out and pinch her face, and make a small joke. This is the person he squeezed out. He squeezed everything he likes, and he saw it like a heartbeat, which is normal.

However, he did not reach out in the end.

Seeing is one kind of property, and reaching out is another.

Niebona finally took the courage to look at Ning Tao, and seemed to want to say something, but looked at Ning Tao's bright eyes, and she lowered her head again.

Ning Tao was also a little embarrassed, and she broke the embarrassing and silent atmosphere: "I have discovered this secret that I saw, and I may have to retreat and study the method of breaking the team for a while. I will send you now Go to hell. "

There was a touch of disappointment and loss in Nebona's eyes, but he nodded, and then said softly, "Well."

The word of the God of the Son is the supreme oracle, and a little undead guides him to dare not obey.

"I am not in a hurry to send you back because the king of your family is still waiting for us, and she is also worried about you. If we stay here for a long time, she will be anxious." Ning Tao said.

Wu Yan would certainly not worry about Nebona, but rather him, but what he said would be conducive to the harmony of their monarchs and their ministers.

A seal of the Three Realms opened in place, and a dark moon gate was added in the void. The surrounding flames burned, and the standard **** had a sense of sight.

Ning Tao reached out and held Niebona's hand and took her in.

The moon gate disappeared.

There was a man flying in the temple, two meters tall, with star-brow eyebrows, and first-born eyes, it was Ning Tao's son Ning Tianshen in this space.

"Father, my mother asked me to call you home for dinner." Ning Tianshen's voice echoed in the temple.

There was no response in the temple.

Ning Tianshen sighed: "Well, I said God was gone. Mother must show me, really."

In the Temple of Hell's Death, a moon door opened out of thin air.

Ning Tao came out of the Moon Gate with Niebona's hand, and at a glance he saw the martial arts walking back and forth in the temple.

Wu Yan was really anxious.

Ning Tao hurriedly released Niebona's hand. Although he and Wudi did not pull the marriage certificate, and Shenshan did not like it, Wuxi was finally his wife. He held another woman's hand in front of his wife. This is not appropriate at all.

Wu Yan quickly greeted

Come: "Ning Lang, I was so worried about you just now. Did you bring her back from Rune Space?"

Ning Tao said, "Yes, but it was restored once."

Nebona worshiped Wu Wu and said, "Nepona meets the great **** of death."

"You get up, I'll look at you." Wu Yan lifted up Nebona, stretched out his hand and pinched Nebona's arm, and then turned around behind her, took a blanket and looked, pinched.

Ning Tao turned a little awkward and turned away.

Reaper's operation made Nebona a little nervous and awkward, a little shy, and his face was flushed. But it was her **** of death that she did not dare to complain, and she did not dare to complain.

Wu Yan ended her sultry operation and said, surprised: "It's really amazing, just like before."

Ning Tao turned her head around and said with a smile: "Of course, if I'm not sure, how can I let Nebona take such a risk."

Wu Yan touched her already protruding belly, and said, "Fortunately, I didn't go, otherwise the child in the belly would surely lose his life."

Ning Tao said: "I have discovered the secret of that space. There is a very complicated law matrix, and I have to rush back to study."

"We only saw each other for a thousand years, you ..." Wu Yan said restlessly, and his eyes were full of resentment.

Ning Tao changed his mouth immediately: "Well, I'll stay for one night and go back tomorrow morning. Are you hungry, I'll feed you below."

Wu Yan's face suddenly smiled: "Okay, I'm really hungry."

Nebona hesitated, and suddenly took a step forward, thumped and knelt in front of Ning Tao, and there was an action of looking up at the great Three Realms.

She obviously took Ning Tao's words as a shrine.

Ning Tao's head was a little dizzy, and he couldn't afford to watch Wu Ji's reaction. As soon as the divine thoughts were released, the Xianshi pot was released from the Japanese gourd.

Wu Yan coughed a little awkwardly: "Ninglang, do I have to eat on my knees?"

Ning Tao: "..."

Nebona finally reacted, a face flushed to her neck, and she knelt on the ground and did not dare to say anything, so nervous.

Ning Tao released the noodles for making noodles and said with a smile: "You see what you are doing, isn't it cooking noodles? Don't kneel. You sit, I will cook noodles for you."

He doesn't say I'll give you something to eat next.

Wu Yan came to sit next to the Xianshi pot.

Nebona did not dare to sit on a par with the **** of death, keeping her kneeling position.

Wu Yan said, "Why don't you sit?"

Nebona said slightly nervously, "I ... don't dare to sit with Death."

Ning Tao originally wanted her to sit, but when she saw the blanket on her, she followed her thoughts. There was a blanket on their backs, and it was not good for you to let people sit.

Wu Yan also seemed to take this into consideration and did not let her sit.

It was cooked in a blink of an eye underneath a pot, and Nie Bona and Wu Ye ate with a smile, Ning Tao also took a symbolic meal, while chatting with Wu Ye and Nie Bona.

"Ninglang, you said that you have eyes this day?" When Wu Ning Tao said that the eye he had discovered, Wu Yan's eyes were full of surprise and curiosity.

Ning Tao nodded his head: "It's right at the center point of the rune space. It's a vertical eye. It's all made up of 0, which is the rune of the sky in the rune space. With an extremely complex and mysterious law formation, I have not thought of a way to crack it. "

Wu Yan asked, "What will happen after cracking?"

Ning Tao thought for a moment, and a bitter smile came out of his mouth: "I don't know, I don't even

Know if I can crack it. "

Wu Yan said: "I still don't want to crack it, but it's heavenly eyes, god's eyes, you crack heavenly eyes, this is against the sky."

She was worried.

Ning Tao originally wanted to say that it was not a big deal, but seeing the worry in her eyes, he changed his mouth: "Well, I won't crack it, don't worry about it, or you will hurt the fetal gas."

Say something to reassure her, as long as he can't crack it, she can't go to the rune space and can't see it.

Wu Yan stared at Ning Tao, seemingly analyzing whether Ning Tao was telling the truth or the truth.

Ning Tao was frankly facing Wu Ji's direct look, her eyes were full of sincere golden light.

Nebona said carefully: "The great Three Kingdoms Lord, those eyes are God's eyes, so what do you see through that eye?"

Ning Tao froze for a moment. He didn't look through that eye. Niebona's words gave him a touch. Yeah, those are heaven's eyes. If you put your eyes on that eye, what can you see?

Although I really wanted to return to the rune space to try it immediately, Ke Ningtao still suppressed this impulse and pretended not to care, on the surface, saying: "I haven't tried this, but I don't plan to do that Do it, after all, it ’s the eyes of the sky. Are you full, if you are not full, I will cook another pot for you. "

"I'm full, Nibona, are you full? If you are not full, I will cook another pot for you." Wu Yan said.

Nebona respectfully said, "I'm full. Thank you, the great lord of the Three Realms, for giving me food. Thank you, the great **** of death, for giving me a seat."

There was a smile on the corner of Wu Yan's mouth, and she liked this man more and more.

Suddenly, the smile that just emerged froze on his face and was replaced by a painful expression.

Ning Tao said nervously, "What's wrong with you, Grandma?"

Wu Yan covered her stomach and said, "Oh, my stomach hurts, I might be born."

"I'll send you back to the palace right away." Ning Tao hugged Wu Zhi and ran to the palace on the side of the temple. After a kilometer distance, he entered in two steps.

Nebona followed, but stopped a few steps afterwards.

Grim Reaper gave birth to the children of the Three Realms. Can she see it with a little guide?

"Come on, there is a place for you to help." Ning Tao's voice came from the palace.

After all, he is a male god.

"Come here!" Niebona followed and rushed towards the palace, the blanket fluttered, and her back was beautiful.

Unfortunately, no one saw it.

Half an hour later, a cry of the baby flew up in the Temple of Death.

Ning Tao took the child from the midwife Niebona, and that child was the child Wu Wu had just given birth ~ ~ Ning Wushen. This name was taken early in the day, so there is no need to change it.

Ning Wushen was as dark as ink, with blood-stained eyes, ear-lobe-like eggs, and he was born out of phase. As a baby, he felt a sense of anger and self-assertion.

"Haha, my son is handsome." Ning Tao said with conscience.

No way, the child's mother was lying next to him.

Although Wu Yan knew that Ning Tao was talking nonsense with his eyes open, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The ugly is also yours, the Jun is also yours, the ugly or the Jun are your seeds."

Ning Tao smiled and turned to tease his son: "Ning Wushen, laugh at Dad."

Ning Wushen suddenly gave up a water arrow and poured it straight on his father's face.

"Hahaha ..."

Both women laughed.

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