Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 454: Female body in a shipwreck

The bottom of the deep sea is silent, and even the sea water is still. Ning Tao walked on the reef and mud on the bottom of the sea. He had a feeling of walking in the time and space of the dead past. The whole world seemed to be left with him alone.

However, this sense of loneliness is nothing compared to the loneliness when reading the third sentence of "Your Sutra", "The Sea of ​​Bitterness Has No Boundaries, and One Ping Drifts Alone". He doesn't need to recite this sentence, and he can easily adapt to the environment here.

The cave that Yang Sheng said has not been found, but the beam of the refined tactical flashlight accidentally hit a shipwreck. It is probably an ancient merchant ship. The anchor was covered with rust, the broken deck was covered with seaweed, and some deep-sea fishes were swimming among the seagrass and cabins. When they were exposed to light, they fled like bow-struck birds.

Ning Tao approached the shipwreck and illuminated a hole in the hull with a refined tactical flashlight. Behind the hole was a cabin containing several mossy bones. A few deep-sea small fish were hit by the beam, and they fled and hid in the lower cabin.

As a result, it was precisely because of the hiding of these small fishes that Ning Tao took a picture of the refined tactical flashlight and shot a lot of ceramic fragments, as well as a few boxes that seemed to be intact.

Ning Tao approached the bottom of the cabin, and under the clear water of Tianbao's vestment, the seawater in front of him automatically retreated, exposing the decaying hull covered with moss. He pushed it up with one palm, and the wooden hull that stood in front of him suddenly collapsed, the decaying wood fell to the ground, and a hole that could be drilled into it appeared in front of him.

Ning Tao peeped into his waist.

The pile of ceramics has colored fragments, mainly yellow, cyan, and white. Because there is no contact with the air, it seems that the color still maintains a certain degree of vividness.

Ning Tao's heart moved: "Are these ceramics Tang Sancai? Is this a merchant ship of the Tang Dynasty?"

There are only a few Tang Sancai surviving in the world, and each piece is priceless. Unfortunately, if these ceramics were all from Tang Sancai, it would not make much sense, they would all be broken.

This is just a speculation. Among the historical knowledge learned by Ning Tao, Tang Sancai was a strong national force after the reign of Zhenguan, and the style of thick funerals prevailed. It was a funeral for the upper class. Ordinary people were not allowed to use this funeral. If this is a grave, then probably these colored ceramic fragments are Tang Sancai, but not so sure in a shipwreck.

Ning Tao's gaze quickly moved to a well-preserved box, and he walked over to the box. There were iron locks on the box, but it was almost rusted. He reached out and nudged twice, easily breaking the iron lock, and then he lifted the lid of the box.

The box was filled with a large box of coins, which had also rusted into a ball. There are faintly visible text on several faces, with the words "kaiyuantongbao" written on it.

Kaiyuan Tongbao is a coin of the Tang Dynasty. This shipwreck is really a shipwreck of the Tang Dynasty.

Unfortunately, these precious cultural relics have almost rusted. Ning Tao tried to grab one, but lifted a large ball, and then the rust fell down like flour.

Ning Tao then opened three other boxes, one of which was filled with fabric, which looked like silk, but when Ning Tao opened the box, it all broke. The second box was filled with a box full of bamboo slips, which broke when opened. Even if it wasn't bad, the words on the bamboo pieces would not be recognizable. The third box contains several pieces of porcelain, including porcelain bottles and porcelain plates. Perhaps it was because the box was filled when the ship was sunken to avoid collisions, so these pieces of porcelain were kept intact.

Ning Tao carefully picked up a porcelain bottle and wiped off the dirt on the surface with his hands, and immediately exposed the crystal clear porcelain surface. He turned the bottom of the bottle over, which had the words "Made by Yue Kiln" on it.

Ning Tao doesn't have much research on antiques, but he understands the meaning of the word "imperial system", which is the royal thing, and the royal thing is naturally the best.

Ning Tao's mouth showed a smile. Now is the time to start the war. Neither Blackfire nor Genesis Biotech is short of money. He is the poorest of the three parties. These Tang Dynasty ceramics have been put up for auction, and they have to be sold for hundreds of millions, right? Not long ago, a chicken-cylinder cup during the Ming Chenghuahua years sold more than 200 million yuan, not to mention the royal porcelain of the Tang Dynasty. No wonder they are packed in boxes, which is enough to prove that these pieces of porcelain have been extremely valuable in ancient times!

This was an unexpected harvest. If it weren't for the true ambergris, Ning Tao would not have found the shipwreck, let alone these extremely precious pieces of porcelain.

There are four pieces of porcelain, two plates, two porcelain bottles, and it feels like a special pairing.

Ning Tao carefully packed two plates into the small medicine box, then stuffed a porcelain bottle into his clothes, holding one in his hand, and was about to leave the shipwreck. Just then, a closed hatch entered his sight.

Is there any baby?

Ning Tao moved with her heart. The decaying plank was shattered under his feet, and he walked carefully, but sometimes he would inevitably sink into it.

There was no lock on the hatch, but the hinge was broken. Ning Tao reached out and pushed, and the entire door panel collapsed, revealing the space behind.

The seawater avoids automatically.

The beam of the refined tactical flashlight shone in, and the scenery in the cabin appeared.

A woman lying on the bed, also immersed in sea water, appeared in the light beam, and Ning Tao was stunned.

The woman looked like she was asleep, and her body showed no signs of decay. Her skin still looked so white and tender, and even gave people a feeling of elasticity. Her looks are dignified and beautiful, and her body is relatively plump, but she feels just right, adding a point to gain weight, and a point to lose weight.

This merchant ship is a merchant ship of the Tang Dynasty, and this woman is naturally a Tang Dynasty woman. The place that shocked Ning Tao is also here. Even if this woman is a woman in the late Tang Dynasty, it has a history of more than 1,100 years. Why has her body been preserved so far?

Ning Tao endured the shock in her heart and walked carefully towards the lady. In this process he awakened the state of sight and smell of eyes and nose, and after that, his eyes fell on the female corpse's mouth. He saw a plethora of auras, but instead of spilling out of her mouth, she poured it into her mouth from the outside. His nose also caught the smell of Reiki Qingquan, but there was no smell of rotten corpses.

Ning Tao came to the bed, lowered the porcelain bottle, reached out and pinched the female corpse's mouth, and a blue bead entered his line of sight, the size of the pigeon eggs, and the body was crystal clear. It is it that absorbs the aura of the ocean floor and saves the corpse!

"Is it ... Julingzhu?" Ning Tao couldn't help but ecstatic.

Ju Lingzhu is definitely a legendary treasure in the realm of cultivation. It can gather the aura of heaven and earth to help the practitioners practice. This is also considered as a treasure in the era of Linggu with abundant aura, because no one would dislike his Dongfu aura is more abundant, just as people now don't abandon their money and spend too much money. In today's era of lack of aura, its value is even more inestimable!

Ning Tao reached out to the female corpse's mouth, but just before reaching in, he suddenly changed his mind.

He knew very well that as long as he took Ju Lingzhu out of the female corpse's mouth, the female corpse would be broken. This female corpse's mouth contains a spirit beads, which shows that her status is extraordinary, either a royal member of a certain period of the Tang Dynasty, or a true practitioner!

After thinking about about ten seconds, Ning Tao took the blade of the eclipse out, and he said to the female corpse, "I have offended, I just want to know if you have any last words left."

After that, he cautiously pierced the eclipse's blade into the female corpse's arm, and at the same time, the spiritual power activated the whisperer, capturing the possible sounds in this space.

There was no response at first, but after a few seconds, a choked voice suddenly burst into Ning Tao's mind: "Your Majesty, Yuhuan went ... Serve His Majesty in the next life ..."

Ning Tao's jaw suddenly fell to the ground.

Yuhuan, isn't that Yang Yuhuan, one of the four beauties?

History books say that Yang Yuhuan died at Ma Zouyi, but Ye Shi has several versions of it, and some say that she died of suicide and became a monk. It is said that she went east to Japan, and Japan also has legends about her and named her the **** of spring plowing.

It seems that no matter which version is wrong, because she is lying here.

Suddenly, a woman choked voice came out of Ning Tao's mind: "I'm too unwilling ... The evil dragon destroyed my ship, I cursed it not to die ... I will find the town tower ... I'm not willing ... "

Ning Tao was startled again.

Too real?

Ning Tao suddenly remembered the relevant descriptions in the history books that she had learned. Yang Yuhuan had also become a monk, and her Taoist name was "too true"!

And the town tower, isn't that the tenth most powerful weapon in the seventh rank? He has already encountered two of the ten vicious instruments, the first of which is the tenth-bodied puppeteer, and the second one is the Sixth Round of Reincarnation.

This is like a ridiculous story to him. Yang Guifei not only did not die in Ma Zipo more than a thousand years ago,, nor did she send the Tang to take refuge in Japan as a spring plough. God, but came to this sea to find the tower of the seventh evil instrument town!

Zhenshi Tower, that is a magic weapon that can make a certain range of time stand still. What did she find?

Neither the eclipse blade nor the whisperer captured any remnants and sounds of the soul. The two sentences just now were probably saved because of the gathering of spirit beads.

Ning Tao did not give up. He followed him to take out the small porcelain bottle containing Xunzudan, took out the Xunzudan contained in it, took it in his hands, and sniffed deeply.


A picture of past time and space appeared in his field of vision.

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