Storms and storms, stormy waves, a merchant ship sinking in the sea.

In a cabin, a woman in a gorgeous palace costume kneeled on the floor in the cabin, folded her hands and prayed.

She is Yang Yuhuan.

She couldn't hear her voice, and the picture was still.

Ning Tao's gaze moved to a table next to her, on which there was an animal skin chart, and an area was circled with a brush.

After seeing it, his heart moved: "Is the place out of the circle the location of the town's tower? After more than a thousand years passed, was the artifact found and salvaged, or was it still asleep on the ocean floor? somewhere?"

He focused his memory on the chart.

The still picture suddenly shook a bit, and it changed when it was still again. Gorgeous Yang Yuhuan was gone and replaced by a woman in a red dress.

It's her again.

The woman in red smiled.

Whispering snowflakes surged, and a murmuring voice suddenly appeared in Ning Tao's mind: "Come ... Come ..."

The woman in red suddenly made a leg-stepping motion, and the picture of time and space was fragmented at that moment.

Ning Tao then picked up the missing version of Xunzu Dan and sniffed deeply. Under the allergic reaction of the elixir, a picture of past time and space appeared in his eyes.

Still in this cabin, Yang Yuhuan was already lying on the bed, and sea water was pouring into the cabin. Her last move was to open her mouth to swallow Julianne in her hand.

After a few seconds, the picture disappeared.

Ning Tao did not dare to enter Xunzudan's allergic reaction. He held his breath and put Xunzudan back into the small porcelain bottle, and then put the small porcelain bottle back into the small medicine box. In the process, an idea also came to his mind: "Is it the cause of Julingdan? I actually saw Yang Yuhuan twice. It was absolutely impossible before."

Is this the reason? More verification is needed to know.

After a brief adjustment and recovery, Ning Tao pinched Yang Yuhuan's mouth and stretched out her hand to take out the Julingzhu contained in her mouth.

As soon as Ju Lingzhu left his mouth, Yang Yuhuan's body turned black instantly, then "collapsed", and in the end, there was only a white skeleton.

A gorgeous gold fork and a pair of gem earrings fell on the bed, and Yang Yuhuan's bone wore a gold-encrusted jade necklace, which was also gorgeous. Ning Tao didn't take it. He bowed deeply to Yang Yuhuan's bones: "I will bury the seniors again in the next day. Ju Lingzhu will be useful to me. I took it away."

Before leaving, Ning Tao left an ordinary prescription sign with a blood lock in the cabin. But as soon as he pulled back, the seawater surged in. The ordinary prescription sign was soaked in the seawater, and the blood on the paper was diluted by the seawater and slowly dissipated.

This will not work.

With a movement in Ning Tao's heart, he took out the typo version of the rune that had been crumpled up, and unrolled it. The rune on it had disappeared, leaving only a trace of vagueness, which could not be used again. He bit his finger and drew a blood lock on the spirit paper. The blood penetrated the spirit paper, and there was a bright red blood lock on it. He dried it with a spiritual fire, placed it next to Yang Yuhuan's bones, and then withdrew.

The sea water surged up again, the spirit paper was soaked in the sea water, but the blood soaked in the spirit paper was not diluted and remained bright red as before.

Ning Tao bowed deeply into Yang Yuhuan's bones before leaving the shipwreck. When he came to the bottom of the mountain in the shape of a grave, he found the cave that Yang Sheng said. The cave is not deep at the bottom, and the auras of aura flow from the bottom of the cave. It is not difficult to see that it is an extraordinary place.

Ning Tao walked in with a torch, and the seawater retreated automatically in front of him.

In fact, if it wasn't for the Tianbao robe that had the power to pour water, he would not be able to dive into such a deep sea to find treasure. Aside from the layer of breathing, the pressure of seawater alone is unbearable. He may be able to stand up for some time in the deep sea, but like before

Walking on a torch is simply impossible.

About two hundred meters into the cave, a natural cave appeared in Ning Tao's sight.

In the center of the cave, a huge bone lay on the ground made of rocks. It was at least 100 meters long, and even the largest human-made tremor dragon was much smaller in front of it. You know, an adult Zhenlong can grow to more than thirty meters, ten to twenty meters high, and weigh more than one hundred tons. Walking can make the earth shake!

"This ... is there a dragon in the world?" Although he looked at the real dragon's bones, Ke Ningtao couldn't believe what his eyes saw.

Dragon, that is the legendary beast. Who has seen it in the world?

Ning Tao could not help imagining the spectacular sight of this true dragon as he traveled across the sky, but at this moment his imagination seemed pale and weak.

Each of the real dragon bones was crystal clear, but it was flashing with the cold and hard luster of metal. I do n’t know how many years it has buried bones here, maybe tens of thousands of years, maybe millions of years or even longer, its flesh and blood has long since melted, but its bones are still so well preserved, giving people the feeling As if alive, bone marrow flows inside!

The bones of the true dragon, that is also the treasure!

Ning Tao put down his tactical flashlight and worshiped for three years at the real dragon's bones.

The Chinese believe that they are descendants of the dragon. This is the belief of deepening the bone marrow. How can one not worship when he sees his ancestors?

After paying homage to the real dragon skeleton, Ning Tao awakened the eyesight and nose to look and smell the state, in search of true dragon salvia. Soon, his vision stopped at a place on the abdomen of the real dragon skeleton, where a gray "stone" lay. It has a diameter of two feet, an oval shape, edges and corners, and looks like an ordinary rock. It sticks to a keel and has a strange smell. It's not a scent, it's like a kind of 100-year-old miso flavor.

Based on this smell, Ning Tao can judge that "stone" is the true ambergris he is looking for. He walked over and worshipped again for three days before taking real ambergris before separating the ambergris from the keel with the eclipse blade.

This real ambergris is two feet in diameter and is about the size of a few footballs, but it is very light in its hands, which is about ten pounds. At this weight, if it is sold as ambergris of a whale, it is estimated to be hundreds of millions.

After taking the salvia of the real dragon, Ning Tao walked around the skeleton of the dragon, and in addition to the skeleton of the dragon, he also observed the surrounding environment. He saw a lot of natural gold and gems, and some spiritual materials. He didn't know whether it was the true dragon's collection or the funeral. However, he didn't take any of them, but left the cave with the real ambergris taken off.

The dragon is the ancestor of the Chinese nation. How can the dragon's funeral be moved? Those colorful gems, large chunks of natural gold, and precious spirits made Ning Tao heartfelt, and he wanted to take away some of his desires, but he could still restrain his desires in the end.

He is a spiritual practitioner. If he sees anything like an ordinary person and takes it away, it will become humane. What other spiritual practice does he have?

Ning Tao returned to the place separated from Yang Sheng, and Yang Sheng was waiting for him to return.

Yang Sheng looked at Ning Tao's huge real ambergris and said in surprise: "So big?"

Ning Tao said: "The keel is 100 meters long, and I estimate that this true ambergris has actually weathered a lot, otherwise it will be larger. Fortunately, I am here now, if it will be hundreds of years or thousands of years, It's gone. "

Take it all away, you have to give Yang Sheng a statement.

Yang Sheng nodded: "It is a pity that the lord took it away, but it was weathered but it was a pity, oh, this vase ..." He saw Ning Tao holding the porcelain in his other hand, and stunned slightly. this is?"

Ning Tao said, "Please rest assured, this is what I found in a shipwreck on the road, a vase in the Tang Dynasty, not a true dragon's funeral. I only took this true dragon salute in that dragon grave. Incense, I don't need one of the treasures inside. "

Yang Sheng was relieved. He was really worried that the porcelain was brought out of Long Tzu.

Ning Taoru

Out of the medicinal rope, handed even one end to Yang Sheng's hand: "Tianbao robes pour water, I can't float up, you pull this rope to drag me ashore."

Yang Sheng was pulling the rope honestly, when he was about to dive, he suddenly remembered something, looking back at Ning Tao, with a strange expression on his face: "Master, the underwear you want to send me is also clear of water, I wear it How else does it swim in the sea? "

Ning Tao said: "You do n’t wear the mana that you can't fully wield. It is estimated that you can use a little bit of water to protect your crotch from getting wet, and you should not think about it."

Yang Sheng: "..."

The sun is tilting to the west, and the sky to the west is a fiery sunset. On the pier of the fishing village, a large group of mermaids lie on the west.

"Sister Bao, why haven't the village chief and Dr. Ning come back?" The soft girl from the Beng family asked Bao Zhimei, who had asked this question thirty-two times.

Bao Zhimei rolled her eyes: "My man is still in the sea, I'm not as anxious as you, what are you anxious?"

"I ..." Soft Tianyin said witly, "Don't I care about our village chief?"

Bao Zhimei waved his hand: "Don't make fun of it, you care about that little white-faced doctor. I'll tell you that he's probably already eaten by my man at this moment."

"Doctor Ning is so big and can eat for such a long time? It's iron. It should have been eaten already?" Soft Tianyin said.

Bao Zhimei stared at Tiantian Yin: "Do you believe it or not, I pulled out the pearls from you to make earrings?"

Soft Tianyin closed her mouth and closed her legs.

At this moment, a fisherman suddenly pointed at the sea and exclaimed: "Here you are! Come back!"

The fish crept up and down, scrambling to get up, crowded at the forefront of the pier and looked out. Soft Tianyin stood at the forefront, with a pair of black eyes, excited and excited, and nervous and worried.

There was a sudden whirlpool on the calm sea, flying and spinning, and then moved this way.


Suddenly, the two figures blasted out of the vortex and ran into the dock in a parabolic trajectory.

"It's the village chief!"

"He grabbed that doctor!"

"Ha ha! Tied up with rope!"

"It's time to bake!"

There was a messy voice on the pier, and the scene was hilarious.


A foot of sand splashed on the beach beside Yangsheng Pier.

However, Ning Tao deviated from the trajectory and fell down on the dock. He watched the crowded mermaid on the dock and yelled, "Get out! Get out!"

No one gave way, and others opened their mouths.

If these demon people of the demon village want to form a combat force, they really have to do some good training.

Ning Tao wasn't afraid of smashing someone and hurting him. What he was worried about was the Tang Dynasty vase in his hand. Maybe what he was holding in his hands and his arms was two or three billion yuan. Broken, what do these fish demon who are so poor in shorts pay him!

Seeing that he was about to smash into the fish monster group, in an anxious situation, Ning Tao stepped two steps in the void to slow down the inertia force, but Yang Sheng was eager to earn his performance and dragged him with a medicine collection rope as much as a heavy aircraft took off. At six or seven hundred kilometers, he could not stop his figure completely when he walked in the void.

Suddenly ~ ~ A figure leaped up and hugged Ning Tao.


The two fell on the beach behind the pier.

In a weird situation, Ning Tao's body was squeezed into the body of the person holding him. The moment he fell, he felt like he was hitting a jelly, and the shock was almost negligible. Excluding. The subsequent embedding feeling is even more incredible. He feels like it is wrapped in a lot of slippery soft meat. It is very comfortable, warm and creamy. Then, he was slowly pushed out, and only then did he show him at the bottom the soft sky sound of the mussel girl.

She's really soft and soft.

(End of this chapter)

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