Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 512: Town Tower

After all, the 2,000-meter-high wave was suppressed. It was irresistible. Ning Tao was swallowed up instantly, but he didn't feel anything. The impact of the 2,000-meter-high wave was on him. Not even a breeze.

This is just an illusion and does not exist.

But even so, Ning Tao was still sweating coldly, thinking about the kilometer-high giant waves, he was afraid.

Everything calmed down.

"What the **** is this?" Ning Tao kept thinking about this problem in his mind, unaware that he still had the Xunzudan in his hands, and his nose was still in the state of smelling .

The result did not wait for him to figure out a clue. After ten seconds, the space in front of him was distorted again, and the scenery had changed. The black rocks and strange boxes had disappeared and replaced by a ship sailing in the storm.

This is not a static picture.

This is a picture of movement!

The wind was raging, the huge waves cascaded over, and the wooden boat driving in the rough sea was crumbling. The sails on the stern had long since come down. The people on the boat were holding the pillars and holding the ropes, their faces were full of terror. They have a crescent-shaped black mark on their foreheads. This mark indicates their identity. They are Yinyue people from Shennongjia, mainland China.

Ning Tao was standing on this deck, blowing the wind and the rain, but whether it was the violent strong wind, the cold raindrops, or the sea water splashing on the ship's side, he didn't feel anything.

Before seeing the picture of past time and space under the state of drug allergic reaction of Xunzudan, the picture was static. At that time, he felt that he was real and the picture of past time and space was false. But now it's turned upside down. He feels that he is fake. The sea he sees, the boat, and the people on it are real.

This is a weird and unexplainable feeling, because even when dreaming, we all feel that we are real and that dreams are false. No one ever feels that we ourselves are false and non-existent, and dreams are real and real.

Ning Tao did not dare to move, stood on the deck and let the wind and rain blow. He looked at everything he could see, observed and searched, but he didn't know what to look for or what to look for.

At this time, a cloudy moon man came out of the cabin. He was tall and at least over two meters tall. He looks very strong, with exaggerated muscle groups on his body without losing his sense of symmetry.

The lunar cat came out of the cabin with a waist, waving his arms, roaring at the lunar moons holding the mast and pulling the rope.

Ning Tao wanted to understand what he was talking about, but he couldn't understand it at all. The Moon Moon's language is different from any human language in this world. He sounds like a radio FM sound with a little white noise.

Is such a language an overcast person?

There was such a thought in Ning Tao's mind. At this moment, the whisperer on the left wrist suddenly burst into a cloud of snowflakes, and a weird voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Cheer up! We will definitely be home!"

The voice was deep and hoarse, with a strong sense of vicissitudes, but the most important thing was that he could understand. It felt like the barking dog was barking and he could understand what it was talking about.

The main material of the lower person is cloud ore, and there is a mark drawn by cloud ore powder on the forehead of each Yinyue here. Needless to say, that's why he understands the language of the Moonlight.

The tall moon man looked up at the sky, with a sad look "Fathers and ancestors are on, please protect ..."

Before he could finish, a huge wave hundreds of meters high was suddenly pulled up from the side of the ship's side, and he shot at the ship with imposing momentum. Yu Guang at the corner of Ning Tao's eyes saw what seemed to be hidden in that huge wave. It was long, big, and terrible.

He felt that thing seemed like a real dragon, but he didn't see the dragon's head, nor did he see the dragon's horn representing the real dragon. But he didn't wait for him to see clearly. The huge waves carried by the huge thing were shot on the already crumbling wooden boat, and there was a loud noise. The wooden boat was divided into two. Sinking in the sea.

The moon-moon looking to the sky shouted, "The gods are dead!

The gods are dead.

These words are very similar to the poem-like and prophetic words that Yang Yuhuan said!

The gods died, and the town is now building under the tower!

Ning Tao's heart had the feeling of touching something again, but before he pondered carefully, the huge wave hit him. He subconsciously reached out and hugged a nearby mast, but with this movement, the storm and rain disappeared, the stormy waves disappeared, and the wooden boat disappeared. His sight returned to normal, in front of him was a flat cliff platform, and the box with only the "x" seal.

Everything is still, and here is quiet.

"I ..." Ning Tao opened his mouth and disappeared with such a word. He was shocked or shocked in his heart, and didn't even know what to say.

It took a few minutes for Ning Tao to return to God, and his eyes fell on the box again.

In the daze just a few minutes ago, he did not think about whether the ship departed from mainland China to a certain place or sailed from some place to mainland China. He did not know the origin of the box. However, one thing he wanted to be clear about was the Town Tower.

The town tower is in this box. This seal is not its mana, it is the person who wants to steal it. The "x" seal on the box can be understood as a lock. Six locks have been added to this box.

The reason why Ning Tao was so determined was because of his recent experience. If the seal on this box seals the mana of the town's time tower, then it is impossible for him to see the dynamic picture of past time and space. It is even more impossible to capture the voice of the synchronized Moonmoon, which was also translated by the whisperer.

Town time tower, town time, town time, its town is not a certain point in time, as in a small movie, the insignificant man uses a cheap prop to fix the goal in a certain environment And then do whatever you want. When it's town, it's time and space of the past, make it rebuild and make it reappear!

"I want to catch Zudan's Danling. I need the help of Shishi Tower. Other people can't open this box, I can." Ning Tao already had an idea in his heart, and he walked with the medicine rope That box. Going to the box, he carefully placed the end of the medicinal rope on the box.

The box with the x seal did nothing.

When he stepped on the ship's beam and fell on the box before, his back and buttocks were pressed on the decaying ship's board, which was actually on the box. At that time, the seal of the box was not activated. This also gives a hint that as long as you don't touch it with your hands, the seal will not be activated.

Obviously the medicinal rope is not a hand.

Ning Tao loved the medicinal rope to lift it up and hit a looper to put the box together. Then he took an ordinary prescription sign painted with a blood lock from the small medicine box and opened the door of convenience on the spot.

The dark cave appeared in the deep sea for thousands of kilometers, and Ning Tao picked up the skull of the Yinyue man, dragged the box into the cave.

Ning Tao was still on the deep ocean floor two seconds ago. Two seconds later he was already in the Tianwai Clinic.

In the good and evil tripod, the good and the evil are discouraged, and the balance between the good and the evil. Ding Shang's face was closed, and his eyes were not opened because Ning Tao had brought back any important magical treasures.

Ning Tao looked at the good and evil Ding and said, "Hey! I will open this box soon. If the seal is activated, you will suppress it, right?"

No response from Ding Shang's face.

Ning Tao shook his head with a bitter smile. He put the skull on the shelf, and then took the medicinal rope off the box. In the end, he opened the small medicine box again and took out a typo version of the symbol.

The typo version is the way he thought of opening the box, but it was an idea after all. He didn't know if it would succeed, so he brought the box back to the Tianwai Clinic. Once the seal was activated, Tianwai Clinic suppressed it, and maybe he opened the box for him.

Ning Tao carefully attached the method to the lid of the box, injected spiritual energy to activate it, and grabbed the pull symbol and pulled it up.

Ga ...

The lid is open.

It's that simple.

Ning Tao was stunned, the box was already open, but he couldn't believe the treasure box with the six seals was opened. At first, because there was a typo in the rune of a rune, was there a lock or seal that it could not open?

A few seconds later Ning Tao returned to God, his eyes fell into the box, and at that moment, his eyes couldn't move.

Inside the box is a small tower. The tower has nine floors and is one foot high. The whole is a "gold" shape. It is not gold or wood, nor is it rock. The whole is blue and does not emit light. The visual impression is like the poor quality plastic souvenirs sold in scenic shops.

Is such a thing the legendary town tower?

Ning Tao feels that if he throws it on the street, I am afraid that only those who pick up plastic bottles are interested in it, and those who do not pick up bottles will not be interested in it at all.

In addition to the town's tower ~ ~, there are several pieces of cloud ore in the box, even the smallest one is larger than the one he originally got from the ruins of Yinyue City.

In the end, Ning Tao's gaze fell on an object placed in the corner of the box. It looked like the "wat" that the ancient minister held in his hand, that is, the board. In the ancient times, the minister wrote the words on the temple when he was in the dynasty, which is equivalent to the existence of a notebook. It also has a role to cover his face when speaking to the emperor to show respect for the emperor.

The object in the box looks similar to the size of the facing plate, but it is not made of wood, nor is it made of jade and ivory. It is a dark blue color. There is silver flicker in the dark blue. The silver stars A little bit, some groups, move slowly. What it presents is like the night sky, the stars are the stars, and the nebula and the galaxy are flowing slowly.

If anyone in this box is more like a treasure, there is only it.

"Go back and study you again." Ning Tao took everything out and closed the box.

The rune that was unboxing was falling to the ground, and the runes on it were blurry ... (https :)

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