Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 513: Deals on boxes

The sea under the night sky seemed very calm, reflecting a dark blue starry sky, the moonlight was cold, like a smoke like a mantle. In this picturesque landscape, who could have thought that in a certain time and space in the past, a hundred meters high stormy sea was set off here?

Does the past time and space cease to exist?

Tick, it's a second, this second has passed, it's like a grain of sand falling into the past. In this second, everything in the world, including ourselves, has existed, but have they disappeared?

Endless imagination.

A dark ink cave opened in the sea, and Ning Tao walked out of the cave two seconds later. He took a medicinal rope in his hand, and a box was set on the other end of the rope.

Coming out of the door of convenience, Ning Tao began to sink, and it was fast.

When walking, the boneless hand suddenly stretched over and grabbed Ning Tao's arm.

The hand is Zhang Qianshu's hand. His arm is softer than that of the soft sky sound, because his hand is an octopus tentacle, and there is no bone at all. Only his tentacles could stretch so long and grab Ning Tao.

"Master, I caught you!" Zhang Qianshu exclaimed excitedly, many bubbles popped out of his mouth. He looked at Ning Tao's eyes like two burning flames under the night sky.

This excited voice, and the gaze of somehow, Ning Tao somehow felt a mess.

As far as his wishes are concerned, he hopes that Soft Tianyin can hold him, and he can hold it, which is why he handed the rune paper with blood locks to Soft Tianyin on the deep ocean floor. However, there is always a boss who wants a female subordinate to pour a glass of water and then accidentally spill water on his pants. A male subordinate will bring the tea that has been brewed to him in front of him. Drink tea, drink your sister?

Yang Sheng, Man Zuli, Wang Laoba and Soft Tianyin gathered around to see Ning Tao and the box dragged by Ning Tao.

"Master, this box ..." Yang Sheng looked very excited. "Is this the box?"

Ning Tao nodded his head. "That's the box."

Yang Sheng suddenly reached out to grab the box.

Ning Tao quickly said, "Don't touch it!"

Yang Sheng retracted his hand, puzzled, "Master, do you really want to give this treasure box to those two people?"

Manzuli said, "Master, this treasure chest looks extraordinary. What technology do you use it for? It's not worth it."

Ning Tao said, "This box has a seal on it. Touching the box with your hands will activate the seal. The consequences are serious, and it may even be killed by shock."

"Ah?" Yang Sheng was suddenly shocked.

Ning Tao went on to say, "But you don't need to feel distressed, it's not worth it. I've taken the box back to the clinic and taken away the contents. They asked for the box, and they didn't say they wanted the box."

Manzuri immediately laughed. "Haha, the protagonist was right, that Charles was plain and clear, he wanted only the box, not the contents of the box, and the protagonist gave them the empty box, nothing wrong."

Ning Tao added another sentence: "It's not an empty box. I put a few stones in it."

Manzuli "..."

Soft Tianyin said, "That Charles and his sister lied to us from the beginning, not telling us what was inside the box, or telling us that there was a seal on the box. If it wasn't for the protagonist to take the horse himself, it would be us They were shocked to death by the seal on this box. Their hearts are black, deserve it! "

What Charles and Zuo Beiela deceived was the identity of the shipwreck. The shipwreck was never a ship of the Blood Demon family, but a ship of the Moonlight. However, these are not important anymore. The contents of the box are now in the Tianwai Clinic.

Ning Tao said, "Let's go up, complete the transaction, and then return to the fishing village."

On the sea, the yachts are brightly lit.

Holding a glass of scarlet red wine, Charles looked at the wavy sea, his eyes full of expectation, and nervousness and anxiety.

"Brother, can that Ning Tao be OK?" Zuo Beiela also came to the side of the ship with a glass of red wine, stood side by side with Charles, looking at the same sea.

Charles delayed for a few seconds before saying, "I can't see him through. I can't feel how powerful the energy is on him, but he is very powerful. Seeing the four Chinese kingdoms he brought I have a premonition that the Yueyue porcelain is that he is probably the only person who can bring the box up. "

Zuo Beiela said, "What if he got the box and suddenly regretted not giving it to us?"

Charles snorted, "He'd better not do that, because he can't open the box, and as long as the box comes out of the sea, it's ours. We will have hundreds of ways to get it back. If he wants to Enemy with us, in their words it is a mantis arm! "

Zuo Beila suddenly raised her finger to the sea "They are back!"


A few heads appeared on the surging sea, and at that moment, a rope flew up from the sea, entangled in the side rail of the ship.

Ning Tao grabbed the rope and leaped, and the whole person rose from the sea and landed on the deck of the yacht. The five fish monsters swim from the pedals behind the yacht, ready to board from there.

On the bow of the yacht, Charles and Zuobela couldn't wait to meet them, and Charles anxiously said, "Mr. Ning, did you find the shipwreck? What about the box?"

Ning Tao just looked at him, looking restless.

Charles's face suddenly changed. "No?"

Ning Tao still didn't speak. He grabbed the medicinal rope wrapped around the railing and lifted it up, and a box emerged from the sea water.

Both Charles and Zobela approached the side of the ship's railing and looked at it. The expressions of the brothers and sisters were extremely excited. The eyes staring at the box were like Frodo staring at the Lord of the Rings, excited and greedy.

Ning Tao slowly lifted the box out of the sea water and put it on the bow of the bow. Then he carefully lifted the loop of the medicinal rope, and at the same time collected the rope, he said, "I have picked up the box. What do I want? "

Charles then took his eyes off the box, and Charles grinned, "Mr. Ning, you helped me fulfill my ancestor's last wish. I will not say anything if I thank you. You have fulfilled your promise, and of course I will honor it. My promise. "

Zuo Bela clapped her hands.

Thomas came over with the code box, opened the code box, and handed the hard drive in the box to Ning Tao.

Ning Tao also clapped her hands.

Manzuli, who had just boarded the ship, walked over quickly, wet.

Ning Tao handed the hard disk to Manzuli "check the contents."

Manzuli shook his shoulder while holding the hard drive, with an embarrassing look on his face, "Master, I ... didn't bring a laptop."

Ning Tao said, "Mr. Charles, are there any laptops on this ship, borrow them?"

Charles said, "Of course, Thomas, go and get a computer for this gentleman."

"Yes." Thomas responded respectfully and then retreated.

At the time when Ning Tao and Charles and Manzuli were talking, Zuo Beila seemed to have completed the identification of the box. She stopped walking around the box and nodded to Charles .

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Charles' mouth, which seemed to let go of the last trace of doubt.

"Mr. Ning, have you ever touched this box?" Zuo Beiela looked at Ning Tao and said this.

Ning Tao said lightly, "I have touched it and almost died under the sea."

Zuo Beila pretended to be surprised. "Such a thing like this?"

Ning Tao said, "If you don't believe it, you can try it for yourself."

Zuo Bella said, "Why can't I believe it? Mr. Ning, thank you for reminding me, thank you."

Ning Tao smiled "You're welcome."

At this time Thomas brought a laptop computer, Manzuli plugged the hard drive data cable into the computer, and then checked the contents.

Ning Tao walked over to watch Manzuli operate. Soft Tianyin said that Manzuli was learning hacking, but he didn't really believe it. A fishing village electrician, who didn't even have the money to buy study materials before, how could he become a hacker?

However, just looking at it, Ning Tao suddenly stopped. Manzuli's ten fingers were sprinkled on the keyboard like raindrops. That speed was so fast that he couldn't see his finger at all, only a residual image of the finger movement!

Suddenly, Ning Tao came to understand that people are electric eels, and they have complicated biological circuits on their own. In this regard, they have the special ability given by God. Some complex hacking techniques, software programs, or other things, humans need to learn for a long time to master, but he may only need to use his bioelectricity to go through it once and it is clear.

In less than a minute, Manzuli's ten fingers suddenly stopped, and then he said to Ning Tao, "Master, the technology in the hard disk is not familiar to me and I haven't studied it, but I checked some algorithms and they were all correct. The contents of this hard drive are real. "

Ning Tao nodded his head "OK, put away the hard drive."

Manzuli unplugged the hard drive, but even closed the laptop and put it under his arm. "Master, this computer has a good performance. It is much better than the one I bought. Can you give it to me?"

Ning Tao looked at Charles. "Mr. Charles, this computer is for my friend, is it okay?"

Charles smiled and said, "It's just a computer. Mr. Ning's friend is my friend, of course, no problem."

Ning Tao said, "Well, after the transaction is over, I will leave from the room where I came. If there is such a business in the future, come to me."

Charles reached out to Ning Tao and smiled "certainly."

Ning Tao shook hands with Zuo Beila and said goodbye, and then returned to the room with five fish monsters, and opened the door of convenience after leaving the door.

Come over a few minutes ~ ~ Thomas guarding the door can't hear anything, he opens the door and glances. There were no figures of Ning Tao and five fish monsters in the room, only a medical prescription sign dropped on the ground.

On the deck of the yacht, Charles and Zuberah hugged together.

"We finally found it!" Zuo Beila said excitedly, her voice trembling with excitement.

Thomas sneered, "The fool thought he made it, he didn't know what he gave us. People in the third world were so foolish. Before burning their Yuanmingyuan, I used a glass bead on the street of Beijing I changed a picture of an old man, and the old man's reaction at that time was like the reaction of Ning Tao just now, thinking that he had earned a treasure, ha ha ha ... "

Thomas returned to the bow deck, carefully saying, "Master, Ning Tao and his men have left, leaving this paper in the room."

Charles released Zobela "throw it, we should go back."

Thomas threw his hand, and the medical prescription sign painted with a blood lock was blown by the sea breeze, flew a distance, and fell into the sea ...

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