Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 520: Yuanying travel

Let go of yourself and achieve Yuanying.

This is the truth that Ning Tao realized. If he does not close the original "I", how can he achieve the new "I".

This principle may seem simple, but it also contains a philosophy of cultivation. How many people can give up self?

Soon, in addition to being able to see things, Ning Tao found that his Yuanying still had a sense. He could feel the flow of Reiki, it felt like a cool wind blowing snowflakes across the skin, very gentle and comfortable.

Yuan Ying's trick is actually that the soul leaves the body in the form of energy alone. His current feeling is not the feeling of the body, because he has no skin, no eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, so what he sees, hears, and smells What you feel and what you feel is the soul's "consciousness", which is a higher level of sensory existence.

For example, now he can clearly feel the feeling of Reiki passing through Yuan Ying's energy body, and he has never caught such a feeling before, which is very novel.

"Well, what's that?" Soon, Ning Tao saw the golden light on his skin, which was never seen before.

Ning Tao approached his body and reached out to catch a golden spot, but he caught it, but the spot slipped out of the back of his hand. He paused for a moment, then reached out and grabbed the body's shoulder, but his hand passed through it. At that moment he could feel his blood flowing in his shoulders, and it felt like he put his hand in the hot spring, which was very wonderful.

After a brief surprise and misunderstanding, Ning Tao suddenly understood: "I am just a mass of energy now, without a real body, I have a higher level of spiritual consciousness, but I cannot pick up anything, I can penetrate objects, Even if it is ... "

With a thought, Ning Tao suddenly drifted towards the real dragon skeleton. Leaving the water-clearing space supported by the Tianbao robe, he felt the presence of seawater and formed a little damping feeling for him, but the damping feeling was almost the same as a person walking in the breeze, which was almost negligible.

The real dragon's bones approached in an instant, the dragon head was bigger than a truck.

Ning Tao did not hesitate at all, and plunged in. When Yuan Ying energy body penetrates the keel, the damping feeling is stronger, but it is similar to the feeling that the human body is submerged in water. It has a damping feeling, but it can also be ignored.

Entering the keel, it feels like entering a fantasy crystal world.

Yes, not middle, because there is no space.

In his vision of spirit, there was a piece of material forming a keel in front of his eyes. They were crystal clear and contained ample aura. There were many energies he had never seen and never felt. They exude ancient And the mysterious atmosphere is like an antique magic instrument that is sleeping in the sand. He saw them and felt them, but he didn't know what they were.

Suddenly, the golden light spot appeared again.

Ning Tao walked forward, his Yuan Ying energy body passed through a molecule of keel purchased, it feels like the whole body is submerged in water, walking under water. But his speed is obviously much faster, depending on how fast he wants to go. In the keel, he didn't want to go too fast, he wanted to know more.

Ning Tao quickly walked to a few golden spots, staring at them and observing them. He soon found that the spots were the same as the golden spots he had just seen on his body.

This surprised him: "I have something on the real dragon, how can I have it on my body? Wait, is it ... related to the small horn bone I took for Bai Jing?"

At that time, he encountered a strange thing, but he didn't care about it at that time, and now I think about it carefully, but I can't think of a reason.

He held back the surprise in his heart and reached out to catch the golden spots, but his hands caught them, but when they were recycled, those golden spots flew from the back of his hand. He was pretty sure what he did, but the golden spots didn't move.

"What the **** is this?" Ning Tao looked closer, but the golden flecks were so tiny that even his aura vision could not be seen clearly, and a thought suddenly came into his mind.

That's the idea. When it moved, Ning Tao's energy body suddenly shrank. He is now a form of soul energy, he can become very small, if he wants, he can even compress his energy body to the size of a molecule. If he wants to make himself bigger, he can even make himself as big as a building.

Ning Tao ’s Yuan Ying energy body shrank, and the keel molecules around him became larger. In the blink of an eye, he became one of these molecules. In his vision, any keel molecule is as big as him , Arranged like a huge crystal of diamonds in front of him.

Those golden lights also grew larger, like an adult-sized ruby ​​presenting in front of him.

This time, he saw clearly.

Those golden lights are not the essence of the keel, but a crystalline energy. The source of the dragon gas emitted by the keel is the energy crystals that emit gold light.

Ning Tao reached out to touch a ruby-like energy crystal again. This time, his hand was empty. However, because it was compressed to the size of the molecule, his hand did not touch the keel molecule being covered, but was completely submerged into the ruby ​​energy crystal. At that moment, a fiery sensation came from his spiritual consciousness, and it felt like the whole soul was going to be burned away, extremely painful!

Ning Tao hurriedly retracted his hand. His hand was not injured. He secretly pondered: "Is the crystal of energy in the keel a spiritual crystal in front of the real dragon? Or is it something else? If I can just pick one and go back and let Zerg Er diagnose it, but I ca n’t catch it at all. "

Insect II knows the astronomy, the geography, and the past and present life, and the strange world has strange things. If you can pick one back, it may really be able to diagnose what it is. But the problem is that it can't be taken at all, so this idea can only be thought about.

"Can't take it, but my body has taken away some of it, which proves that I can absorb it, I don't know if my Yuanying can refine this energy?" Ning Tao's mind came up again.

Refining belongs to the energy of the dragon. This is a bold and even crazy idea.

However, after this thought came out, Ning Tao put into action without even considering the consequences. He sat cross-legged in front of an energy crystal that was a little larger than his primal energy body, and began running the practice of ice-firing spiritual practice.

He didn't think about it, but it wasn't how brave he was, trying to try something unknown. But he is different from other spiritualists and demons. He cultivates the Tao of Heaven and uses the spirit of good and evil instead of spiritual energy to practice. He does n’t have much hope of refining this energy crystal that belongs to the true dragon, but I just want to try it.

Where can I know, it was this attempt, a gleam of golden power overflowed from the crystals of energy, and penetrated into his mouth and nose. At that moment, he felt the whole Yuanying energy body was ignited, and it was extremely painful. However, it happened that he was running the practice of Binghuo's spiritual practice and self-contained cooling properties, so after the heat was so low, it would cool down, and it felt just right.

"How can I absorb the energy of the true dragon? By the way, I can also use the aura. Although it is only to purify the body and enhance the spirituality of innate spiritual consciousness, the energy of the true dragon should be a form of energy higher than the aura. I can refine it. The absorption is normal ... ”Ning Tao thought in his mind, but he did n’t know what the benefits of refining the energy crystals belonging to the true dragon were. After all, he had just absorbed such a trace, just now.

An hour has passed ...

The energy crystals of the true dragon in front of me have only shrunk so much, it feels like a piece of red ice has been exposed to the sun for a while, and has melted so little.

Where does the refined energy go?

Ning Tao quickly found the answer, he found that his Yuan Ying energy body had a little more gold.

But this is the existence of a little bit of gold. He felt that his elementary energy body was more stable, and that little bit of gold strengthened his elementary energy body like a net.

This discovery made him excited because of what he knew about Yuan Ying's cultivation. Normally, a cultivating Yuan Ying is actually very fragile, because spiritual knowledge will amplify the feelings from the outside world. Even ordinary daylight on the Yuan Ying will feel as if it is burning in a fire. Injured. But after he "reinforces" Yuan Ying, his Yuan Ying will obviously be stronger than ordinary monks or demon Yuan Ying, and he can adapt to more environments. It may not even be possible to pick up things in the future!

After pondering for a while, Ning Tao left the real dragon skeleton. He actually wanted to practice for a while, but his Yuan Ying was already "sufficient" and couldn't survive.

Ning Tao returned to his body, looked at himself, and couldn't help laughing: "You are so handsome and so good."

It's really amazing to leave yourself and look at yourself.

Just joking, Ning Tao plunged into the mud pill palace of his brows.


Consciousness shook, Ning Tao opened his eyes, and all the feelings returned to normal ~ ~ Yuan Ying came out to shut herself off, and went back to herself to wake up, Yuan Ying was "sleeping."

A door of convenience opened, and Ning Tao walked in. When he came out of the door of convenience, he was on a hill.

The dog is right next to him.

He opened the bloodlock that the dog was on.

"Dad, that guy is in the valley below. He is very cunning, and I followed him day and night before coming here." Xiao Tian Dog opened the door to see the mountain authentic.

Ning Tao looked down, and there was a military base in the valley. There are sentry towers around, and each sentry tower is armed with a live ammunition, and there are also patrols in the base. In the middle of the base, dozens of people are undergoing military training, but those who are trained are not soldiers, but a group of children ranging from a few years to adolescents.

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