Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 521: 1st upper body

During the half month of Gonder, Ning Tao was busy with his business while Xiaotian Dog was looking for a medical patient for him. Medical consultation patients with good deeds are not easy to find, but medical consultation patients with bad thoughts and sins find a lot in this war-torn land.

In the past half month, Ning Tao only dispatched after Xiaotian Dog locked the target and determined the position of the target. Only five times before and after, he had earned 7115 evil thoughts and had saved hundreds of people. During the period, the wounded of those who were rescued by him also contributed 321 points of benevolence. Adding to the 928-point balance on the bamboo slips in the ledger, he has earned 8364 points of consultation, which is 7636 points away from the rent of 16,000.

After this business was completed, it was estimated that it was almost ten thousand, and there were still ten days left. His pressure was much less.

The clinic was upgraded this month. His pressure was mainly due to the start of the good people program. Qingzui and Bai Jing and others lacked experience and did not conduct multiple good people programs at the same time. In the future, after Qingzhui and Bai Jing had experience and the operation of Shenzhou Charity Company was on track, his pressure would be much less. Imagine that every good man plan brings him a lot of good deeds, and he only needs to "hunt" the wicked like now, how much pressure can he have?

"Dad, you look good, is there any good thing?" Xiaotian dog seemed to notice any changes in Ning Tao's body.

Ning Tao's heart moved and she looked back from the military base in the valley and looked at Xiaotian Dog: "What did you find?"

Xiaotian Dog thought for a while before saying, "I can't say for sure, it just ... feels like you are great."

Ning Tao: "..."

Xiaotian dog followed by saying, "I'm not making a flatterer, I really think you're great, like ... like ... I don't know, I feel so majestic."

Such a description reminds Ning Tao of training in the keel, and his heart secretly said, "Is it because I refined the energy of the true dragon, and from a certain point of view, I also got dragon spirit?" "

"Dad? What's wrong with you?" Xiao Tian dog curiously.

Ning Tao then put away his thoughts: "My first baby is already able to figure it out."

"Wang!" Xiaotian Dog stared at the dog, "Master said to me a few days ago, I'm afraid that it will take you a year to get out of the way, Dad, but you can do it in half a month. No wonder you and I just saw you feeling different. It turned out to be this reason. "

Xiaotian Dog worshiped Chen Pingdao as a teacher, which happened in this half month. Ning Tao was in favor, because he didn't have time to teach Xiaotian Dog to practice cultivation, and he could only refine it for elixir. Chen Pingdao loves dogs as much as his life. He likes Xiaotian dogs very much. After receiving Xiaotian dogs as apprentices, he naturally teaches each other. This is a very good thing.

Ning Tao reached out and touched the dog's head, and said with a smile: "You are talented and well-rooted. As long as you are willing to work hard, in the future you will be able to learn the realm of Yuan Ying. You stay here this time. Keeping my body here, I'll take a look first. "

"Yes." Xiaotian Dog responded, then stared straight at Ning Tao. It looked like he wanted to see Ning Tao's Yuan Ying come out from his body.

Ning Tao sat down cross-legged, pinched the flower fingers with both hands, and entered the world of the body in the style of Guanyin sitting lotus. With the last successful experience, this time he did not take any detours. After entering the world of the body, he strode toward the Nirumaru.

Yuan Ying welcomed Ning Tao.

One I passed through the other without any damping.

Ning Tao plunged into the black and white mud pill palace, and his Yuan Ying came out of his body the next second. He saw his own body, and squatting across from him, staring at him.

When Yuan Ying came out, Xiaotian Dog's eyeballs didn't move, which means that he couldn't see Yuan Ying.

Ning Tao tentatively said: "Xiaotian, can you hear me?"

The dog's ears didn't even tremble, which means it couldn't hear him.

Ning Tao reached out and touched the dog's head again. His hand directly penetrated the dog's head. The dog didn't respond, and still kept staring at him.

Ning Tao made a leap and jumped off the cliff. The wind blew from Yuan Ying's energy body, and took nothing away, and did not survive. He clearly saw himself falling fast, but couldn't feel the presence of gravity. After all, he's just a mass of energy now, even if he has weight, it can be ignored.

The military base in the valley was near by.

"Stop!" Ning Tao woke up with an idea. After this idea, Yuan Ying's energy body stopped in the void instantly. The height is about ten meters above the ground. At this height, the situation in the entire military base can still be overlooked.

Bang bang ...

The sound of gunshots shook, and the group of baby soldiers fired guns at their targets. Some children seem scared but dare not stop. Some children seemed very excited, making a beast-like roar when they shot.

Elsewhere, these children should go to school and learn about science and culture. But here, through this training, they became scary young soldiers on the battlefield. Because children's fear of death is very weak, when they enter the battlefield, they are cold-blooded killers who are not afraid of death!

The leader of this military base is named Omser, a former professional mercenary in Europe. He has participated in several military operations against the Middle East. After returning to Gund, he set up a rebel army himself, and the young soldiers under his command also made people talk.

Olmsei was the target of this hunt.

"I'm dizzy. I only know the name. I haven't seen a real person. Who is Omser?" Ning Tao suddenly thought of this problem. He wanted to go back to his body and learn about Omser's situation from Xiaotian. After thinking about it, I gave up.

Yuan Ying's emergence is tantamount to adding several new abilities to him, such as stealth, wall penetration, and super penetration. He must understand these abilities and master them. Now is an opportunity to learn about Yuanying and exercise Yuanying.

"I don't know if my Wangshu and Wenshu can be used in Yuanying's state?" Ning Tao quickly thought of a way.

With this thought, he instinctively awakened the eyes and noses to look and smell. At that moment, the weather fields appeared in his sight one by one. The armed forces, including those of the young soldiers, were filled with a strong vicious atmosphere, and many of these vicious gases accumulated together, giving him the feeling of covering the military base like a black mist.

There was smell, and tens of thousands of smells poured into his nostrils, clearer and more microscopic than before.

This is a very strange phenomenon. He has no real eyes and no real nose, but what he sees is clearer than what real eyes can see. At a glance, he can even see the shape of dust on the ground, even dust and dust. The gap between! He doesn't have a real nose, but the smell he smells is clearer and more accurate, and he can even feel the smell of odor molecules flowing between his nostrils.

This is the function of spiritual knowledge. The spiritual knowledge is a kind of direct access to the essence of objects. This is already reflected in the true dragon skeleton. He can see the molecules that make up the dragon bone, and even the energy of the true dragon. crystallization. In other words, the physical structure of the object, no matter how much he improved the eye's state of vision, he could not see the molecular structure of the object. For the same reason, he can't use the smell of nose to sense the existence of odor molecules. In the state of Yuanying, he can even analyze the composition of the object and the corresponding proportion through the smell of the object!

At first glance, a dark mass of black gas suddenly “stands out” among the many bad gas and was captured by Ning Tao.

Not surprisingly, it was the weather field of Olmsei.

Suddenly, a hummingbird flew past and flew to the position of Omsay. Ogilvy's house is the most "luxury" building in this military base. It is a two-story small building with brown-colored glass and brightly painted walls and roofs. There is a garden at the back of the small building, with colorful flowers in full bloom.

The hummingbird apparently headed for the garden.

But it was the appearance of this hummingbird, and Ning Tao suddenly had another idea. As soon as he thought about it, Yuan Ying swooped on the hummingbird, like a goshawk preying!

The hummingbird did not respond at all.

Ning Tao caught up with it in an instant, compressed Yuanying's energy body, and plunged it into the hummingbird's brows.

The hummingbird trembled, suddenly lost its ability to control the body, and fell straight to the ground.

Upper body, this is also the first time for Ning Tao, and he doesn't know what to do. When he saw the hummingbird, he thought of the orange cat on the upper body of the civet fairy. What the civet fairy can do, he doesn't believe he can't do it, so the first thought he sees a hummingbird is to get on it.

You can get into the brain of a hummingbird. All he sees are blood vessels distributed like rivers, there is blood flowing, and white brain tissue. Where can I start to control the hummingbird's body?

Suddenly, a weak aura came into Ning Tao's sight.

Everything has a spirit. Even if it is an ant, it also has its own soul consciousness, and it will have aura. That aura, which is actually the breath released by the soul, is similar to the aura of heaven and earth, but it is not exactly equal to the aura of heaven and earth.

"It's you ~ ~ There is a smile on the corner of Ning Tao's mouth, and he rushes to the position of the hummingbird's soul.

It's like piercing a protective wall, and then going directly to the hummingbird's soul residence. As soon as Ning Tao's Yuanying entered, the hummingbird's soul lost consciousness, and at the moment it lost consciousness, Ning Tao's spiritual knowledge extended in all directions and controlled its body.

The upper body is as simple as that.


The free-falling hummingbird suddenly shocked, and flew open again.

Hummingbirds are no longer hummingbirds, but Ning Tao.

But for the first time, and in the attitude of a hummingbird, Ning Tao was not familiar at all and could not grasp the sense of balance. He didn't fly very far and smashed into a power pole and fell to the ground. It ’s the soul of a hummingbird. This time, I ’m afraid it ’s going to faint for a while to recover, but his babies are more than ten thousand times stronger than the hummingbird ’s soul. Such an impact has no effect at all.

Ning Tao just leapt from the ground, flapping his wings and flying towards the small building again.

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