The night was deep and there were no stars or moons.

Chang'an North.

A cloud of ink smoke rushed through the sky, cut through the void, and flew straight to Taipingguan.

Ning Tao can't wait to try her current strength when she breaks out of the realm and enters the nirvana realm. Before five (ri), it was difficult for him to win Wuzheng, just as he needed Fox Ji's help to kill Nicholas Kandi. But now, he is completely confident to fight Wu Wu and cut it down.

If Nicholas Conte is still alive and he is going to kill him, he won't go to the Fox Fox for help, he will go alone.

Seemingly a little progress, just like entering from the door to the door, just one step, but it is precisely this little progress that brought him a qualitative change.

Nirvana, the word is enough to explain everything

The view of the peace on the mountainside was quiet, shrouded in darkness, and no light, and even the eternal light for the gods in the Ziwei (dian) was not lit.

In the void, Ning Tao stopped the (meat rou) gun, awakening his eyes to the state of surgery. A hint of ink and aura came out of his eyes, and he stood high, and everything in the entire peace was under his control.

There is no live weather field in Taipingguan, and there is no private enterprise of living dead. It is an empty viewpoint.

However, his eyes still saw the weather field of many living things.

Grass tweeting cricket.

Creeping ants.

Moth flying under the eaves

No one can escape his eyes.

Entering the small nirvana realm, the state of vision of both eyes has become stronger.

Ning Tao depressed the gun head, (meat rou) flickered in the air, and came to Ziwei (dian). In the big (diandian), the black cricket is not much different from white (ri) in his eyes.

He awakened the sense of smell in the nose, and there was ink and ink aura entangled in the nostrils, but the boredom of the eyes or nose was very weak.

This is actually the volatility phenomenon of spiritual power operation, and this phenomenon only exists for him, not for demons, nor for ordinary practitioners. Nothing else, just because he is a natural person between good and evil, he is practicing the Tao, and his little nirvana is naturally a unique nirvana. The instrumental spirits of good and evil have also said that after he entered the realm of Nirvana, his Vajrayana (body shen) is a Tianjia Vajrayana (body shen), which is unique.

Thousands of odors poured into Ning Tao's nostrils. He closed his eyes, and pictures of various odors "painted" appeared in his head.

He captured the smell of Wu Ji, and Wu Ji came to his mind.

He caught Lin Qing's scent, and Lin Qing's look came to his mind.

He captured the smell of the idol of Ziwei Xingjun, and there was another idol in his mind.

He caught things like walls, beams, tiles, and weeds emerging in his mind, forming a three-dimensional picture, as if his eyes saw it with his own eyes

The nose's ability to smell is also stronger

With this ability, in the future, in an absolutely dark environment without any light, he can also rely on the nose state of the nose to build an image of the environment around the brain.

Although Wu Yi and Lin Qingyi could not be found, his eyes and nose were stronger than before, and his state of mind (qing) was still very good.

Searching the entire Taipingguan, he also did not find the smell of Lin Qinghua.

There is also something strange, that is, there are no scent trails left by the living dead, and there are no scent trails left by Lin Qingying and Wu Zhi. Everyone here seemed to disappear out of thin air, leaving only the smell.

What happened in these five days

Ten minutes later, Ning Tao came to the mound of Qin Shihuang.

The blood-stained spirit paper he left was still in the hole of the crooked pine tree, and no one had ever touched it.

The mound has not been excavated.

As soon as Ning Tao was moved, she flew to Laoshan with her gun.

There is a secret passage in the tomb of the first emperor, until it reaches Sheshan.

(Yin yin) The soul coffin is hidden in the mountains of Laoshan. Lin Qingyu initially moved in the mound of mounds. Wu Ye brought Wu Zetian to Chang'an and gathered a lot of living dead. Mr. Lin Lin, except Ning Tao's (yin) soul coffin, Ning Tao couldn't think of any other goals for Lin Qinghua, Lin Qingyi and Wu Yi in Chang'an.

(Meat rou) The gun stopped at a cliff in Laoshan, and Ning Tao stood up and overlooked the canyon under the cliff.

The canyon is full of rocks and shrubs, no people's weather field can be seen, and there is no human smell in the air.

The location of that (yin) soul coffin is in this canyon, but everything is normal here, there is no trace of excavation.

Suddenly, a strange energy wave came to the surface, and Ning Tao's sight locked a place in the canyon. At that moment, dozens of Yin energy rushed out from the ground.

(阴 yin) The soul coffin is still there, it's on the ground.

Ning Tao's mind was confused. "Is Lin Qinghua and Wu Yi not planning to fight the Yin Coffin, are they still preparing?"

He originally wanted Yuan Ying to go out and take a look, but found that (yin yin) the soul coffin was still there, and he dispelled this idea. This time out, he was originally looking for something, and he didn't bring any soft sounds. No one gave him protection, and the risk of Yuanying getting out of here is great. Since the (yin yin) soul coffin is still there, he doesn't need to go in and check it again.

Suddenly (yin yin) the wind hits the face, (yin yin) soul energy strikes the body

Those (yin yin) soul energy came at him

Dozens of (yin) soul energy also means dozens of lonely ghosts and ghosts. If you let them go, dozens of people will be ghosts (shen) and become living dead.

Although invisible, Ning Tao's mind "habitually" drew a picture. Dozens of lone spirits and ghosts entangled him, some holding his neck, some holding his hands, some holding his legs, and some were trying to drill into his body.

This picture is scary.

Ke Ningtao's heart was calm, without even a trace of nervousness. He recited aloud "Heaven Alchemist, need to break one's body"


The sky came out through the body, he was in flames, and she was burning, but unscathed.

(Yin Yin) Can the soul survive the sky fire?

Those dozens of (yin and yin) souls disappeared like darkness in the sun, and ((dang) dang) disappeared.

Ning Tao threw out the (meat rou) and stepped away.

Shortly after he left, a head popped out of the mud on the opposite cliff, watching the direction he left quietly.

the next day.

A battery car came to a dilapidated community in Chang'an City. The young people riding the bike and the women riding the bus became the brightest scenery in the neighborhood.

Ning Tao parked the Tiandao battery car in front of a unit building, then got off with Soft Tianyin and entered the unit building.


"Who?" A woman's voice and footsteps came from behind the door.

The door opened, and a woman in her thirties stood behind it. Her hair was messy, and she was wearing clothes that were years ago, with dark circles around her eyes and wrinkles around her eyes. She looked much older than she really was.

This woman is Chen Zhuo's wife, named Xiao Yan, and her right leg is slumped, as described in the data.

There were two little boys in the room vying for a dried apple. They were twins, about four or five years old.

The room was messy, except for a few simple pieces of furniture, filled with cardboard and beverage bottles, and the air was filled with a sour smell.

"You" Xiao Yan broke this depressing silence, and she seemed a little nervous.

Ning Tao smiled. "Mrs. Xiao, my name is Ning Tao, and I am a doctor. Your husband has participated in the rescue plan of Shenzhou Charity Company. I was hired by Shenzhou Charity Company to come to your husband for treatment. . "

Soft Tianyin said with a smile, "Ms. Xiao, hello, for the first visit, I bought some gifts for the children, please accept them."

"This" Xiao Yan was a little hesitant to look at the large package of gifts that Ruan Tianyin delivered to him.

Who is willing to board the door of the poor house and give gifts so politely these days

Ning Tao said, "Receive it, and then take me to see your husband."

Xiao Yan came back to God, took the gift, and led Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin into the door. Her face was full of embarrassment. "That family is messy, don't mind."

Ning Tao smiled and said, "How come, this is where I lived before."

Of course, the place where he lives will not be so messy, saying this just to make Xiao Yan feel a little more natural.

The two twin boys ran over, took away the shopping bags with gifts from their mother's hands, and took the chocolates and sweets inside, and their dirty faces were filled with happy smiles.

Ning Tao looked sad, but did not show it.

Xiao Yan led Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin to a room door, and she opened the door. There was an unpleasant smell in the room. It was a smell of medicine, food, moldy clothes, and a little smell of excrement.

Ning Tao walked in without hesitation ~ ~ The poor people always have a strong self-esteem, and even frowning will hurt others. Therefore, his face always kept a faint smile, giving this family a warm and friendly feeling.

Entering the door, Ning Tao saw Chen Zhuo lying on the bed (chuang). He was so thin that a big man might not even have a hundred pounds. When he signed up, he could barely move around. Now it seems that he doesn't even have a bathroom.

"This is my man." Looking at Chen Zhuo (bed chuang), Xiao Yan was sad and did not say a word, two tears rolled from the eyes, and the voice became choked. " Why is a good person like this? We do n’t have the money to go to the hospital, let alone chemotherapy. I expect you to give him some painkillers. His pain is really uncomfortable and I mourn every night. ”

Chen Kun looked at Ning Tao and Soft Tianyin, his voice was hoarse "you are"

Ning Tao walked over, a (fat pi) strand sat on the (bed chuang) couch, reached out and grabbed Chen Kun's thin hand, and said with a smile, "I'm the doctor to see you. "

"Doctor Ning is good" Chen Kun greeted weakly.

Ning Tao turned back to Soft Tianyin and said, "Tianyin, talk to Ms. Xiao, and find out what difficulties she has at home. Let me diagnose Mr. Chen here."

Soft Tianyin nodded his head. "Ms. Xiao, let's go to the living room. I'm going to get some information from you."

Xiao Yan followed the soft Tianyin and left.

Ning Tao opened the small medicine box, took the account book bamboo slip, and put it in Chen Kun's hand.

"What is this?" Chen Kun asked.

Ning Tao said, "This is what I see at the doctor, rest assured, it will not make you uncomfortable."

After a word, he picked up the bamboo slips of the ledger and opened the face-to-face diagnosis.

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