Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 761: What it is?

The account book bamboo slips show the contents: Chen Kun, a born person at the beginning of the first month of the second month of the year, a person born in heaven, the sins of previous lives are compensated in this life, and are incurable.

Such a diagnosis was not unexpected by Ning Tao. But when he came to this home and saw that the family was living so hard and hard, and Chen Zhuo was so miserable, he really wanted to save him. Chen Zhuo is the backbone of this family. If he dies, what will happen to his lame wife and two twin sons?

However, in the current situation of Chen Zhuo, even if he goes against the sky and treats him, he will not be able to survive.

His cancer cells had spread throughout his body, and many organs were necrotic. Even a fairy could not save him.

A man who is harvested by heaven, who wants to die, who can live?

But who should die, who should live, who should be rich and rich, and who should be poor for life?

Who is setting this standard?

The sins of previous lives are compensated in this life, and the merit of this life is reported in the next life. Who is counting this?

Ning Tao's heart is a little messy, and her feelings are a little bad.

"Cough ..." Chen Kun suddenly coughed violently, somehow, a spit of blood spewed out of his mouth. He seemed afraid of soiling Ning Tao's clothes, quickly reached out and covered his mouth, then continued to cough.

Ning Tao grabbed his wrist and injected a special spirit into his body.

A few seconds later, Chen Zhuo's (qingqing) condition improved a bit, no longer coughing, and a little blood on his face.

"Dr. Ning, I am very clear about my own situation ... I can't cure it ..." Chen Zhuo stared at Ning Tao with a bit of strength and spirit in his voice. "I just want ... Your company sees my wife and two children as poor ... How about giving my wife a sweeping job? "

Ning Tao said, "Be assured, I will try my best to help your wife and children through the difficult times, and I will also let someone help you deal with the aftermath. Do you have any wish?"

"Wish?" Chen Zhuo thought for a moment before he said, "I have been busy in my life, I have never traveled. I set a goal for myself when I was young, that is, I must go abroad to see ... It seems that this wish can only be realized in the next life. "

Ning Tao said, "Which country do you want to go to?"

"Egypt, I want to go to Egypt to see the pyramids." Chen Zhuo seemed to return to the dream of his young age, looking at a wall with a smile on his mouth.

Ning Tao looked around. He saw a dirty landscape painting, which was a pyramid immersed in the setting sun.

Rich people go abroad like shopping.

But for a poor person like Chen Zhuo, it was a lifelong dream.

"I will help you realize this dream." Ning Tao said.

Chen Zhuo smiled bitterly: "Doctor Ning, I thank you for your kindness ... you don't have to make me happy anymore ... I can't even walk now, I'm going to die, I can't go to Egypt."

Ning Tao took an ordinary prescription ticket with a blood lock drawn from the small medicine box and opened the blood lock at his convenience.

The dark caverns opened in a narrow and dim room, and the surroundings burned like charcoal.

Chen Zhuo was suddenly startled, but opened his mouth but couldn't speak.

Ning Tao picked up Chen Zhuo and walked into the door of convenience.

Tiandao Medical Museum is quiet, good and evil are in the midst of smoke, and Ding Shang's face does not open his eyes and frowns.

How come there are smiles when the people in the sky come?

Ding Shang's face didn't even want to look at it.

Ning Tao just glanced at Ding Shang's face, followed by opening a door of convenience, and then walked in holding Chen Zhuo.

Then came out is already on a sand dune, Asahi (ri) is rising, and the pyramids not far away are bathed in the golden morning light, which is extremely spectacular.

"This ..." After a long snoring, Chen Zhuo came up with a sentence, "I, am I dreaming?"

Ning Tao said with a smile: "No, this is not a dream, this is true. This is Egypt, it is a real pyramid."

Chen Zhuo looked at the pyramid, shivering with excitement (shen), then two tears rolled down from his eyes.

This world is so beautiful, there are so many and many scenery have not been seen, but he is going to die.

His wife was honest, and she was still on one leg. His two sons were so young. He couldn't bear them, but he was going to die ...

When people are alive, there are 1 million wanting 10 million, with an apartment wanting to live in a villa, with a wife wanting (love) people, busy, counting to calculate, but who can count themselves to death (Ri) Son, how much land can he occupy after death?

Ning Tao sighed: "Whether you are willing or unwilling, willing or unwilling, sad or not, if you want to accept you, then you will accept you."

Chen Zhuo looked back and said with a tremor, "Please, please put me down."

Ning Tao placed Chen Zhuo on the hill, and then held him on the sand.

Chen Zhuo struggled, twisted his waist, supported the sand with both hands, and worked hard to bend his legs, kneeling in front of Ning Tao.

Ning Tao knew what he wanted to do when he twisted his waist, but he didn't stop him.

Alone, if you have to kneel down to repay your favor, please don't reject him.

"I know ... you are a **** ... please help me ... **** ... I gave you a **** ..." Chen Kun bowed his head, but his hands didn't have the strength to support him. On the sand.

Ning Tao helped him up.

"Immortal ... save me ... my child is still young, I can't die ..." Chen Kun cried.

Ning Tao said after a moment of silence: "I'm not a fairy. I'm a practicing doctor. God wants to take you in. I can't help you. All I can do is help you fulfill your wishes and help your wife and children."

"You ... you can't save me?"

"No one can go against the sky, neither can I, I can't save you." Ning Tao's heart was sad.

In order to break through the realm and enter the nirvana realm, Lingli Xiu felt extremely powerful. No one, Wu Qin, Lin Qinghua, or Lin Qingxuan, looked at it, and even had a world-first feeling. But now, he couldn't even save a dying man. Suddenly he had an insight, even if he practiced as an immortal, there was still a humble existence in the presence of heaven!

Chen Zhuo was also silent.

After seeing Ning Tao's methods, he seemed to see a glimmer of hope, and also wanted to seize this life-saving straw that fell from the sky, but at a glance this glimmer of hope was shattered. After all, straw is straw, and cannot bear the weight of his life.

"Don't worry, Shenzhou Charity will deal with your funeral, give your wife and children a sum of money that is enough for your child to grow up to college, and I will heal your wife's lame leg and arrange her to work at Shenzhou Charity. Ning Tao said that he can only help so much.

"Although ... I know that thank you is not enough ... I will repay you for your kindness ..." Chen Zhuo's tears came out again.

Ning Tao smiled: "If there is a future life, don't do evil any more, and build morality and do good."

Chen Zhuo looked up at the sky, Na Xu (ri) was golden, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Did you say that this is wrong?"

Ning Tao froze slightly.

Is God wrong?

He never thought about it.

Chen Zhuo continued: "I Chen Zhuo asked himself that he was worthy of the conscience of the world. He never did anything bad. Although I have limited ability, I try my best to do good and good deeds ... Why did God focus on me alone and want to accept What about me ... Why do those who are corrupt and corrupt officials live well? "

Ning Tao couldn't answer.

He wanted to find the answer himself.

Chen Zhuo suddenly laughed: "What god? I don't believe it, but I believe in you, you ..."

Ning Tao looked at him.

"You ... you are my God." Chen Zhuo suddenly said such a sentence.

Suddenly, Ning Tao sensed a strange energy. He didn't know what it was, but he was definitely released from Chen Zhuo's body. That trace of energy did not go away, nor did it disappear, but directly fell into his body!

At that moment, a little bit of indescribable language flickered.

what is that?

But he did not wait for Ning Tao to ponder and understand, Chen Zhuo's throat suddenly heard a "slight" voice.

It was a dead breath.

Chen Zhuo is dead.

Ning Tao remained in the position of stroking him, motionless. His heart went over and over to ponder the mysterious energy just now, but it was nowhere to be found. What just happened, it feels like an illusion, does not exist ~ ~ A few minutes later, a door of convenience opens on the sand dunes, and Ning Tao holds Chen Zhuo's body into the door of convenience , Then opened the door of convenience and returned to Chen Zhuo's room. He put Chen Zhuo's body on (bed chuang) and covered him with a quilt.

"Well along the way, please rest assured that your wife and children will be fine." Ning Tao said a word to Chen Zhuo.

Chen Zhuo did not respond.

Ning Tao smiled bitterly and picked up the ordinary prescription sign with a blood lock on the floor. He then left the room. Soft Tianyin and Xiao Yan were talking on the shabby sofa. Xiao Yan said that Soft Tianyin took a pen to take notes.

The two children were sharing gifts on the ground, like you and me, with innocent smiles on their faces.

Ning Tao originally wanted to tell Xiao Yan that her husband had gone, but when he saw the smiles of the two children, he couldn't say anything.

The eyes of the two women fell on him.

Xiao Yan froze for a moment, suddenly covering her mouth, tears falling down on the thread.

Women are so sensitive.

Soft Tianyin also understood. She reached out and embraced Xiao Yan in her arms. She said nothing, but patted her back gently with her hands.

Ning Tao walked over and said softly, "Ms. Xiao, go and see him."

"Um ..." Xiao Yan bit her lip and ran to the room with her legs.

"Brother Ning ..." Soft Tianyin's (Qing Qing) thread was also infected and suddenly fell.

Ning Tao said, "Go and comfort Ms. Xiao."

Soft Tianyin also left.

Ning Tao sat on the sofa and looked at the two children who laughed heartlessly, but thought about the mysterious energy transferred from Chen Zhuo's body to him.

What it is?

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