Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 205: Blood of the Black Dragon Cyrelios (middle)

If it was in the past, if you randomly found an intelligent creature from the roadside, no matter whether it was a man or a woman, and no matter how old it was, as long as you mentioned the name of 'The Corruptor of All Things' to it, the other party's face would definitely show fear and fear. expression.

Since he entered his youth, if he hadn't ravaged an innocent land, hadn't killed more than ten intelligent creatures, and hadn't eaten a feast of screams, acid, and blood, then Cyrelios would have Not to live a day.

What a beautiful period of time, there was an inexorable battle between mages and gods, and many evil monsters were born in the main material plane, they bowed down before him, but asked for half the power and peace of Cyrilios. A quarter of the cunning.

Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs..., all humanoid creatures are similar in his eyes, they are just snacks for his leisure time.

As long as he is given another period of time, not much, two hundred years is enough, the prestige of an unparalleled evil dragon will resound throughout the multiverse.


As for now, these tiny maggots dared to come and provoke him again and again while he was being imprisoned and suppressed, which made the black dragon Sereleos very angry. After a roar, he returned to the form of a giant dragon. The injury also seemed to start to ache, which made him even more angry.

"Assemble all my servants!" The black dragon roared at the hag, waving his wings constantly, "Summon them, I will crush those despicable maggots!"

If it was before, Serelis would have carefully planned his tactics. For example, he pretended to fall asleep and ordered his servants to quietly ambush nearby, waiting for the maggots to enter, and then killing them from all directions; or sending a group of murlocs to copy the back ways of the maggots, fighting together, the opponent would definitely fall into panic...

However, being confined to a small area for a long time made the black dragon's temper even more fiery. He's impatient to do brainstorming things, and he's impatient to teach these stupid servants what to do, he just wants to quickly taste the blood of those intruders.

The hag withdrew and gave some orders to the stronger servants. After a while, a large group of saurus and murlocs gathered around Cerrillios.

Another murloc with a severed arm rushed over in a panic, it knelt in front of Cerrillios, and was muttering something.

As a once insidious dragon, Cerrillios is very intelligent and understands the languages ​​of many creatures. But right now, he didn't have the thought to listen carefully to the murloc's narration in a panic.

He endured his impatience and listened for a while, and after hearing that the maggots were hiding in the forest of fallen cedars in the distance, Heilong smashed the murloc into minced meat with one claw, "Go, give me the bodies of those maggots. Bring them here, I'm going to eat them all!!"

Eating is one of the few things that Cyrelios can feel happy about.

Following his orders, a large group of lizards and murlocs held wooden spears and bone spears, and Wuyang Wuyang rushed towards the forest of fallen cedars in the distance.

The sounds of fighting and shouting were faintly heard from the woods, mixed with the flickering light of magic. After about a meal, Lin Zhong's voice gradually subsided, and the outcome seemed to be divided.

Immediately afterwards, a lizard with a broken spear in his hand ran out of the Falling Feather Cedar Forest, but it didn't take a few steps before it was hit in the back of the head by a tomahawk that flew out of the forest behind it, and fell into the water with a plop.

After the battle axe hit the target, it swayed a few times, then turned back and flew back into the forest.

Idiots, they are all worthless idiots! ! The anger made the black dragon forget his situation. His wings fluttered violently, and his thick hind legs flew into the air with a forceful kick.

But Cerrelios just flew less than two meters before he was dragged back to the ground by the magic chain screaming. His massive body slammed against the giant rock, and his wings splashed into the sky, knocking down the hag and some other servants nearby.

The annoyed black dragon let out a high dragon cry, and recklessly spewed out a ferocious acid dragon breath in the direction of the Falling Feather Forest, but the end of the dragon breath didn't even reach one-third of the distance of the forest. Destroyed many of the foolish and loyal servants who stood in his way.

The remaining lizards and murlocs fled behind Cerrillios in horror, far away from him, afraid to move forward.

Cerrillios turned around twice in anger and irritability, but there was nothing he could do.

But at this moment, a few small dots suddenly flew out from the direction of the Falling Feather Cedar Forest. Heilong's icy vertical pupils narrowed slightly, and found that among these small black dots, there seemed to be a humanoid creature, as well as a bird, and the other one seemed to be an undead?

The combination of these maggots is quite strange.

They fly high and spread widely, always keeping themselves out of the breath of the dragon. The next moment, one of the humanoids began to sing a mouth-watering magic incantation. As the incantation was completed, a mist gradually enveloped the black dragon.

There seems to be a mage among the maggots of the other party, which makes the black dragon vigilant. The mage is always troublesome. Even after hundreds of years, he can still clearly recall the details of the humiliation caught by the mage that day.

However, the little maggot in the sky is not a human being, and it can only cast this non-threatening mist after singing magic for a long time, which makes the black dragon feel at ease.

Although the mist is permeating at the moment, Cerrillios only needs to flap his wings violently a few times, and the mist will disappear in an instant. But he did not choose to do so. The purpose of these maggots casting mist is nothing more than to get close to him, and the "generous" black dragon decided to give them such a chance.

Because of the magic chain, Cerrillios had to bring the maggots closer to destroy them all. Moreover, the mist did not affect him too much, and he was also quite good at perception.

The maggots in the air did not drop in height, nor did they continue to cast spells, they just stayed quietly near the top of his head. In the past, Cyrelios flew much higher than this. The mountains and the earth seemed so small that they would shatter with a single claw.

However, that is all in the past. This fact rekindled all his anger, and Cerrillios gasped in anger, green acid mist spilling out of his nostrils. He forcibly suppressed his impatience and waited patiently for these maggots to approach.

Although there was no change in the sky, the black dragon noticed that there seemed to be a creature rushing towards him in the distance.

Its traveling speed is extremely fast, but it is cautious and only circles repeatedly in a short distance. The guy who kept running came a little closer, and after sticking to the edge of the black dragon's attack, he would quickly back up, then change direction, and continue to move forward and backward.

What is this idiot doing? Serelis is a little puzzled, is he despising me?

Heilong focused all his attention on the guy who was despising him. He puffed out his chest and waited for that guy to approach again.

The dragon's heart, which generates the elemental energy associated with the dragon's breath and other spell-like abilities, is the most wonderful part of the dragon. If there is no corresponding energy generated from the heart, the dragon family is likely to be nothing more than a big intelligent lizard.

Cerrillios' heart is extremely powerful, and it can fill the dragon's 'upper stomach' specially designed to store dragon breath energy in a very short period of time. He has a stronger dragon breath than his kin, and the interval between each breath is shorter than other dragons.

The black dragon uses his perception to grasp the law of the other party. Seeing that the other party is about to approach again, he takes a deep breath, intending to make the distance of the dragon's breath farther. Corroded into a pool of acid water.

As the distance gets closer, the dragon's breath energy in the 'upper stomach' begins to be transported to the esophagus, and the powerful acid breath will immediately tilt out.

But at this moment, Cyrelios suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a maggot nearby that was constantly approaching him underwater, and the other party was less than three meters away from him.

Such a discovery made him extremely angry, and he turned his head to face the waters, ready to reward the insidious uninvited guest with the dragon's breath first.

The next moment, the maggot suddenly stood up from the water, and along with the scattered paintings and calligraphy, the battle axe in its hand hurled forcefully at Serelis. The flying axe hit the spiral of death, getting bigger and bigger in the eyes of the black dragon. find this site, please search "6mao Novel Network" or enter the URL: .6mao.

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