Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 206: Blood of the Black Dragon Cyrelios (Part 2)

Relying on Pastor Joshua's 'underwater breathing', Barret immersed his entire body in shallow water, like a catfish clinging to the bottom of the river, and swam silently in the direction of the black dragon Cyrilios. verb: move.

The implementation of the plan in the early stage was quite smooth, and the companions successfully attracted the attention of the black dragon, and the black dragon cooperated without summoning the servant army to surround himself, which allowed Barritt to approach the underwater calmly.

The barbarian's swimming is not really good, it can only barely guarantee that he will not be drowned, but after being applied with the 'water breathing technique', all this is not a problem. Moreover, the depth of this water is quite shallow, so that his limbs can easily touch the bottom of the water, so he can move forward in a half-climbing and half-swimming way.

Although he is not very good at swimming, with his sword and wrist guards mixed with a lot of magic iron, Barritt can still lower his body as much as possible and get closer to the bottom of the water.

He is also constantly observing the situation above the water surface. The huge shadow of Cerrillios is hidden in the mist, and with the slow flow of the mist, it becomes public and distorted, like a nightmare at night, more and more hideous. .

It stands proudly on the boulder, as if waiting for their presence.

The distance is getting closer and closer, although Barrett's swimming posture is not very elegant, but the speed is really good. In the shallow water, coriander with fluffy leaves and various sedge plants passed by Barbarian; on the water, a cousin of a black dragon, a small lizard, stepped on the water and passed over his head in a panic, rushing into the distance.

At this moment, the barbarian suddenly felt his left hand pressed on the bottom of the water, and an inexplicable pain came from his heart. He hurriedly looked down and found that he was paying too much attention to the situation above the water surface, and his palm accidentally approached a swamp crab feeding on the bottom of the water.

Feeling threatened, the swamp crab used his thick claws to grab the little finger of Barrett's left hand, and hung it on it, refusing to let go.

damn it! The barbarian grabbed the daring swamp crab with his right hand, and with a little force on his hands, he easily broke the attacker's claws.

He casually threw the swamp crab behind him, and then opened the claws hanging on his fingers, rubbed his little fingers rather depressed, and then kicked his feet hard and continued to jump forward.

How long is a minute?

It can make an infatuated woman completely give up and be heartbroken; it can also stage a **** drama of leaving sadly, catching up and pulling, turning around and looking at each other, kissing passionately, and changing her mind; it can even make a man take off his pants. , and then..., another cigarette.

Similarly, a minute later, Barrett had entered the mist, and saw the thick and dark scales of the black dragon, the horns that curved forward like a cow, and the thin cheekbones and evil face like a skeleton.

He subconsciously held his breath (though it was useless underwater), held the weapon in his hand in advance, and approached more cautiously and slowly.

When the distance between the two sides was less than three meters, Baritt saw the black dragon suddenly turn his head and look at him, and then the black dragon's dragon mouth opened wide, his chest and abdomen kept rising and falling, as if he was about to breathe out a terrifying dragon breath.

been discovered! The barbarians were already mentally prepared for this. He stood up from the water for the first time, and the resonating battle axe in his hand roared at the black dragon's icy vertical pupil.

Barritt did not check his results, but took out the black knight shield from the space ring at the first time, shrank his whole body behind the shield, and charged forward rapidly.

The black dragon Cyrelios hesitated for a moment between turning into a one-eyed and breathing dragon's breath, and finally it turned its head slightly unwillingly and in time. The resonating battle axe was shallowly nailed to the horn of the black dragon, which did not affect it in any way.

"Eve!" Barrett shouted at the opportunity.

The barbarian had seen the black dragon turn its head back again, its wings were wide open, its vertical pupils were full of rage and anger, and in the next instant, it was going to release a powerful acid dragon breath on him.

But just before the dragon's breath was about to spit out, a shrill scream suddenly sounded in the sky. The scream caused the black dragon to close the vertical pupil of the four-layered eyelid in pain. It's this attack.

Barrit's head was also dizzy, but the barbarian relied on the priest's divine protection technique and his own powerful physique, plus he did not wear a keel ring, and finally exempted the follow-up impact.

He stepped forward and came to the rock under the black dragon's body.

The group of servants behind Black Dragon Serelis, who had only caused a little trouble at the beginning of the battle, collapsed in an instant. As for the sky, the gnome mage was still standing in the air holding the parrot Phyllis in his hand. Once the 'flying spell' is cast, it can have the same effect whether the subject is awake or not.

In fact, the horror scream of ordinary ghosts is not as powerful as the power of little ghost Eve. However, in the test during the journey, Pastor Joshua said that the scary scream of the little ghost is mixed with the triple damage of necromancy, sound waves, and mind, and each damage is quite good to cause such an effect. Fortunately, the priest's magical techniques such as the protection of the necromantic enchantment are also not vegetarians, so they can block more than half of the power.

Taking advantage of the rare opportunity, Barrett put away the black knight shield and jumped on the giant rock with both hands and feet. He ran to the back of the black dragon's body, and used his fingertips to slam the gap between the dragon scales on the black dragon's hind limbs, trying to climb onto the dragon's back and be a dragon knight for a while.

But at this moment, the black dragon Cyrilios woke up. It turned its head angrily and wanted to bite Barritt hanging on its hind legs, but due to the length of its neck, it couldn't reach it.

Its body swayed violently, but Barrit sticked tightly like a sucker fish and refused to fall; the dragon's tail swept left and right constantly, and the splashing water wetted the barbarian's body; The mist dissipated in an instant.

The black dragon waved its wings again and wanted to soar into the sky, but was pulled back again by the magic chain. Cerrillios has been imprisoned here for hundreds of years, but he is still not used to the feeling of being unable to fly.

Barrett seized the opportunity, raised his hands hard, and jumped to the vicinity of the back of the black dragon. He saw the obvious wound on the dragon's back at a glance - a huge dragon scale had been shattered, and the most obvious wound was pierced by an attacker with a sharp weapon.

If nothing else, the weapon should be a thin sword...

"Maggots! You will definitely pay for this!" The black dragon Cyrilios shouted in common language in exasperation. After shouting, the black dragon turned his head again, and unexpectedly spewed a surging acid dragon breath towards his back.

Barrett called out the shield in time, squatted down, and blocked the black knight shield with an alloy shield in his right hand. But the kite-shaped large shield, which has protected him many times and has excellent protection ability, only lasted for less than two breaths before it began to disintegrate. It seems that the breath attack of this black dragon has additional effects on equipment and armor. High damage.

damn it! Barret had no choice but to jump down from the black dragon's buttocks while the shield was barely able to support it. A very small amount of acid splashed on the shoulders of his leather armor, the acid penetrated the protective magic, and after corroding a small hole in the petrified leather armor with magic resistance, a trace fell directly on him. on the body.

The bone-piercing pain came from the shoulder, and Barrett's face twisted for a moment, but he clenched his teeth. But the next moment, a burst of light with stardust fell on his body, a refreshing coolness poured into his shoulders, and the pain was relieved a lot in an instant.

The figure of Pastor Joshua appeared on the edge of the Falling Feather Forest. He stretched out his hand and pointed to Barret with a pious and firm expression.

Even at such a long distance, the healing magic can be accurately released. The guys in this space are indeed talented, and each guy seems to have something good at it, but Barrett doesn't want to stay in it.

After the black dragon breathed, he finally had the opportunity to fully utilize the unique "Dragon Might" ability of the dragon family. The powerful and ferocious aura shocked Barrett on the spot at close range, causing him to lose his mind for a moment.

But at this moment, a small electric current struck from the air in time, and its target was not the ancient dragon Cyrilios with high spell resistance, but the stunned Baritt.

The black dragon turned to face the barbarian, and the sharp dragon claws came out of the air, "Go to hell, maggots!" It roared loudly.

The sober barbarian, who was stimulated by the slight lightning, rolled forward and brushed under the dragon's claws, avoiding the danger of being seriously injured or even torn apart this time.

He threw away the disfigured black knight shield in his hand, got up and ran towards the back of the black dragon again along the belly of the black dragon. He wanted to take the dragon's blood between the two breaths of the black dragon. Otherwise, every time it reaches the back of the black dragon, it will be spit out by its dragon breath.

During this period, he used the 'Iron Bride' to slash the black dragon's abdomen, but only left a shallow mark on the dark dragon scales.

"I will corrupt you!" Black Dragon's angry roar sounded again. It turned its head and wanted to face Barritt again, but the huge body and the magic chain around its neck made it not easy to turn around.

The barbarian avoided a swipe of the dragon's wings. He looked at the black dragon's bat-like wings with membranes, and couldn't help but feel a little moved. Although the dragon scales can't be broken, the somewhat soft-looking dragon wing film should be fine.

He was waiting for an opportunity.

No matter how the black dragon moved, Barrett kept himself behind the opponent's body. In the dragon head, dragon claw. Outside the attack range of the dragon's tail, he clings to the black dragon like a leech.

When the next dragon wing swipe comes, he will directly meet him with the sharp sword in his hand.

The tough dragon wings were deformed a little with the slashing of the sharp sword. After removing most of the strength, there were no scars on the surface. Obviously, the dragon wings were not the weakness of the black dragon.

Of course, this can also be explained from the side, the current barbarians lack effective means of breaking for this extremely solid defense.

Alas, after all, we still have to start from the dragon scale that was pierced by the rapier, and the surface was already covered with cracks. Barrett wanted to climb on the back of the black dragon again, but the constant movement of the latter made it difficult for him to do so.

The next moment, a shrill scream resounded from the air again. Barrett's eyes darkened, and the protective magic on his body seemed to be much weaker than before, but he still woke up in time in the next second.

The opportunity could not be missed, and the barbarian seized the opportunity to climb to the back of the black dragon again. There is still a lot of acid breath damage left on it. He jumped his feet to the dragon scale on the belt, held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and stabbed it violently.

"Ow!" The recurrence of the old injury made the black dragon scream in anger. It turned its head to face Barret, the dragon's mouth opened wide, and the chest and abdomen began to rise and fall continuously. UU reading www.uukanshu. com The terrifying dragon breath is about to come again.

The scarred dragon scale was forcibly smashed from the small hole, and the 'Iron Bride' pierced under the dragon scale, but the remaining strength was blocked by the long-healed dragon skin under the scale.

Barrett didn't panic, he pulled up his saber expressionlessly, and stabbed it again with all his strength.

This blow made the sharp sword almost completely submerged into the black dragon's body, and the next moment, hot scarlet blood spurted out from the bloodletting tank of the 'Iron Bride', splashing all over Barritt's body.

He felt as if he was immersed in strong acid, and the boundless pain filled his brain. In a trance, Barret seemed to hear the sound of the [Mission Log] ringing.

[Achievement: "Blood-Blooded Body" opens]

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