Hey, hey! You better be careful when you talk, or I'll kill you! Ye Tian looked at De Biao dangerously, and then drank the tea silently. I have to say, the tea tastes pretty good. De Biao stopped laughing, shook his head and said, "With the strength of the Panlong Group, it can easily flatten other gangs in District 86. Do you know why I don't do this?" "Why?" Ye Tian asked cooperatively. De Biao's expression became complicated: "The Panlong Group seems to be in its heyday now, but in fact, it is facing internal and external troubles and difficulties. Internally, because of the early rapid growth, the members are mixed and good and bad. Externally, there are two neighboring forces eyeing this area covetously."

Ye Tian sipped his tea and became a spectator beside him.

"In the eyes of others, the Panlong Group is a tall building, but in my eyes, it is a dangerous building. I tried my best to suppress the voices inside and prevent them from acting recklessly, just to unite all the forces and prevent the two forces from taking advantage of the opportunity." De Biao's face was heavy, and he seemed to see the stormy waves in his eyes.

After a while, he sighed again: "Geng Qi is a wise leader. I have expressed my willingness to him many times and am willing to give him the position of second in command, but unfortunately he has never agreed. If he is willing to help me, the Panlong Group will take fewer detours."

Ye Tian sipped his tea again, and his attention passed De Biao and looked at a figure outside the window.

The man seemed to be gesturing at the window. Ye Tian found it interesting. If you have something to say, just come in. Why are you leaning on a dry ball there?

He continued to focus on him and sipped his tea. He saw the figure took a step back, and then the whole person swelled up, like a magic trick.

Then, with a loud "bang", the window exploded.

Not only the window, but also the wall had a big hole.

The man was very fast and rushed towards the two of them fiercely, so that even Ye Tian couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Ye Tian slurped the tea in his mouth and pointed behind De Biao: "Is this your men?"

De Biao's reaction was a beat slower, but after hearing the sound of breaking the wall and Ye Tian's reminder, he stood up and lifted the sofa and threw it back. The whole set of movements was done in one go, as if he had practiced it many times.


The sofa broke in the middle, and parts were scattered all over the floor. A fist as big as a sandbag, with a whistling sound, smashed towards De Biao with undiminished momentum.

De Biao's clothes had turned dark brown at some point, with thick cracks running across his entire arm. He raised one arm to block in front of him, and the raised arm suddenly became larger, like a shield.

The attacker's fist hit De Biao's arm, making a dull sound, and De Biao was shaken and couldn't help falling backwards.

The attacker didn't seem to have any intention of chasing him. After just one punch, he returned to the original path and quickly withdrew.

He came and went without a trace, and before Ye Tian could recover from the heat of the tea, he had disappeared.

"Damn it! What's this!" De Biao got up cursing and shook his arm fiercely, as if the previous blow had made his arm numb.

After moving his arm, De Biao's arm returned to its original size, and the dark brown color faded, and his clothes were intact.

He walked to the gap in the wall and looked around, then walked back cursing. It seemed that he did not find the man's trace.

At this time, many "yellow shirts" rushed in from outside the door, all of them looked like they were facing a great enemy.

De Biao waved his hand gloomily and said, "It's okay, you all go back."

The "yellow shirts" looked at each other and retreated in an orderly manner.

After they left, Ye Tian sipped his tea again. This trip was really good. Not only did he drink a cup of hot tea, but he also watched a free show.

It was a pity that the man was not very courageous and did not dare to fight with De Biao.

Seeing De Biao move a worn-out sofa in the corner to its original position, he sat down and said again: "You know, there will always be various problems on the road to success, which is no big deal. As long as you keep moving forward, there will always be a glorious moment."

Ye Tian drank the last drop of tea at the bottom of the cup, sat quietly on the sofa and listened to De Biao's talk, until he roughly described his grand blueprint, and then said with lingering feelings: "It's getting late, you should go back and rest, remember, my door is always open for you."

Ye Tian shook off the dust on his body, silently glanced at the door, and chose

Choose to leave from the big hole in the wall.

For him, it is obviously more convenient to go out directly than to take a detour in the house.

Not long after walking, a sporadic curse sounded: "Damn it! Should I find a better house to receive people? Don't let this ruin the first impression."

After returning home, Ye Tian saw Huo Chuan standing in front of the door like a pillar, holding a very familiar cloth bag in his hand.

"Are the clothes and axes sent by the Axe Gang?" Ye Tian glanced and knew that it was sent by Zhou Ming, the Bramo set.

Huo Chuan didn't know what he was thinking. When he heard Ye Tian's question, he replied in a panic: "Yes, yes, I happened to meet Zhou Ming on the way, and he gave it to me."

Ye Tian took the cloth bag, took out the clothes and handed them to Huo Chuan: "If the boy next to you comes over later, give this to him."

After that, Ye Tian walked into the door with the cloth bag.


Looking at the closed door, Huo Chuan's face was confused: "Did I forget something?"

Inside the house, Ye Tian threw the cloth bag on the sofa, ready to eat some bread and rest, and suddenly found a small swallow squatting on the table, staring at him straight.

"Hey, you still know to come to me? Humph! Sure enough, you don't know who is the father if you don't go hungry." Ye Tian broke off a piece of bread and handed it to the swallow's mouth elegantly.

How is it? Are you crying with greed?

Little guy! Can't I cure you?

Ye Tian slowly raised the corner of his mouth, and before he fully revealed his excitement, he heard a cold voice: "What are you doing?"

Ye Tian: "Oh, I suddenly thought of a very new way to play~" (。ớ ₃ờ)ھ emmm...

Damn! Why is it this dead woman.

Ye Tian turned his hand around and put it to his mouth, swallowed the small piece of bread in one gulp, and then looked at Yan Zi as if nothing had happened.

Yan Zi exuded the aura of You Yan, and her voice continued to come: "The person far away from you is looking for you."

Without saying the second sentence, the aura of You Yan disappeared.

"The one far away from me, Bramo?" Ye Tian murmured and guessed.

If it was Hu Dou, he would probably wait for him in the house if he couldn't see him, but Genban never took the initiative to look for him. Bramo lived in the house farthest from him, and You Yan should be referring to this.

Not knowing what Bramo had come for, Ye Tian decided to go and see.

So he went into the bathroom again and got out of the window.

Bramo was pacing in the house. He originally thought that his goal here was just to get a stick, until he noticed the ceremony today.

The environment nearby was not normal, and there might be hidden dangers, which undoubtedly added a lot of difficulty to his journey.

Unfortunately, I don't know what Master Ye is busy with recently, so I can't communicate with him.

When Bramo was at a loss, he suddenly noticed the movement of someone in the house.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to materialize the blood python knife when he saw the appearance of the person who came.

"Master Ye?"

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