The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Seeing Ye Tian appear here, Bramo was obviously stunned for a moment.

Ye Tian didn't know that his arrival every time without anyone noticing would cause Bramo a little mental shock.

But even if he knew, it wouldn't be a big deal. Bramo was only in a semi-cooperative state with him. Whether it was surprise or fear, it had no effect on him.

Ye Tian sat on the only table in the bedroom and asked directly: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Bramo came back to his senses and said in a heavy voice: "There are unknown forces nearby. If we don't know the specific situation, it may cause us some trouble."

Bramo didn't directly say his guess, wanting to hear what Ye Tian thought.

Ye Tian didn't hear what Bramo was pointing at, and he spoke subconsciously: "I have investigated the surrounding area. There are two powerful guys in the Axe Gang. The Black Tiger Gang only has the boss who is a bit troublesome. The other ability user is not a problem as long as you are careful. As for the Panlong Group, the ordinary members may be stronger. The boss is a 'cloud' level and does not do things aggressively. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke him, there will be no problem."

Bramo paused. He didn't expect Ye Tian to have done so much silently and even knew how strong he was. Did he go there specifically to fight?

Secretly admiring, he said: "Do we need to pay attention to the Axe Gang and the Black Tiger Gang?"

"Just keep hostile to the Black Tiger Gang. There is no need to worry about beating them. As for the Axe Gang?" Ye Tian curled his lips and continued: "We are now considered members of the Axe Gang."

"Ah?" Bramo couldn't help but wonder. He had never seen anyone from the Axe Gang, so how did he join?

When did this happen?

"By the way, do you know what kind of ability this is, to manipulate people's blood through sound hints?" Ye Tian touched his chin and asked his doubts.

"Mobilize blood through sound?" Bramo thought about it carefully and asked, "Is there a limit to the distance?"

Ye Tian thought about it and said, "No."

"To what extent can blood be manipulated?" Bramo asked again.

Ye Tian hummed, and then said: "Speeding up and slowing down the flow rate, the blood vessels tend to burst, and it can also make people unconscious and unable to distinguish between friend and foe."

After listening to these descriptions, Bramo frowned and fell silent. After a long time, he said: "This may not be blood control, but psychological control. Through some hypnotic means to distort and amplify people's emotions, fill the body with tension, fear and other emotions that are easy to cause physical abnormalities, it can look like this effect.

"If my guess is correct, the sound is not inevitable. He may guide you through the sound, making you feel that the blood will be controlled by hearing the sound hint, so that you really have this effect on yourself, and at the same time you are affected, you will mistakenly think that the sound is working. Even if the hearing is blocked, you can still vaguely hear the sound, and the two continue to promote each other until a burst point. "

After Bramo finished his analysis, he raised his head uncertainly, because this statement was a bit weird, so that he himself was a bit unconfident.

Ye Tian remembered that after Hu Dou opened the Ring of Silence, he saw the strangeness of Shanmao and the other two and was also affected, but Genban didn't think so much, but was fine from beginning to end.

Hu Dou's focus was a bit wrong. Not all abilities are activated directly. With Bramo's explanation, the idea is much easier to understand.

It's not that Tiga's ability is too strong, but the unknown and fear of that ability, which leads to a sharp increase in the probability of being affected by the ability.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help but admire Bramo. He had never really seen it, but he could see so much just from these fragmentary information. He is worthy of being a local native.

Well, a knowledgeable local native.

Nodding, Ye Tian thought about the next itinerary again: "We have been here for a long time. Since there is no force that needs special attention, there is no need to be timid in action.

"I won't hide it from you. I came here to find clues about a person. His name is Yao Zhe, a traitor of the Death Worship Cult. Now let's use the identity of the Axe Gang to find out who may be hiding their identities. I will help you find Lai Gun, and you have to help me find Yao Zhe!"

Ye Tian's tone was unquestionable, and with the rendering of the darkness around him, he seemed even more extraordinary.

Hiss~~~Bramo took a breath of cold air in his heart. Sure enough, the purpose of the Night Cult leader coming here was not simple... His guess was right, there was really a problem inside the Death Worship Cult.

, and Ye Tian is going to personally take action now to kill the guy who dared to challenge his majesty.

Knowing that Ye Tian had broken through 0-7, that guy must have been hiding from Ye Tian everywhere and dared not show up, so Ye Tian had to disguise himself as a black and evil force and quietly inquire.

It turns out that every step of Ye Tian's action has his deep meaning.

Miracle value from Bramo +30.

Bramo promised before Ye Tian frowned: "Of course, I will pay special attention to this person."

Ye Tian glanced at Bramo unconsciously. For some reason, he always felt that the way Bramo gave him miracle points was a bit strange.

But he didn't take it to heart. After reaching a consensus, Ye Tian felt that there was nothing to do, so he planned to go back.

But he was interrupted by Bramo: "Wait, Master Ye, I don't know if you have noticed that there seem to be some unusual forces nearby."

"Unusual forces, how do you say?" Ye Tian asked calmly.

Bramo stopped beating around the bush and told the story of how he found the traces of the ritual. He said at the end: "You should also know that this kind of organized ritual activity is not common. Even the church has to spend a lot of money to organize it, not to mention their vague existence."

Ritual, whispering? Ye Tian's eyes lit up slightly, thinking of the scene when he first came.

The ceremony gathered many people, whose identities were unknown and held in a hidden place. The ceremony had a certain symbolic meaning and could really achieve a certain effect.

As for the whispering, it should be the way those people chanted. The tone was very strange and it was difficult to tell what they said.

The combination of the ritual and the whispering also meant that the ritual Bramo saw was similar to the one he knew, and it also meant that the suspected ritual of the spirit was hidden in a corner nearby.

And the person who could facilitate this ritual was very likely the person he was looking for!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian inexplicably became excited: "Great! The more unusual things like this, the better."

Bramo was slightly startled, and before he understood what this meant, he heard Ye Tian speak again: "I may take some actions recently, don't be surprised, just help me pay more attention to similar traces."

Although he didn't understand Ye Tian's thoughts, the slight tremor in his voice was still captured by Bramo.

At this moment, Bramo's heart was in turmoil... Could it be that the ceremony was related to the Death Worship Cult? The ceremony was held to attract a powerful existence? Or was it used to cover up something?

After Ye Tian broke through 0-7, his target was directly aimed at the location of the traitor, and he secretly gathered his own strength. He set up such a large-scale hand here just to get rid of the traitor?

It turned out that after Ye Jiaozhu came here, he had nothing to do all day, but he suddenly became busy these days, just to wait for this ceremony!

The truth, so this is it?

The light in Bramo's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if he saw the essence of things through many appearances.

Miracle value from Bramo +100.

After chatting with Bramo again for a while, Ye Tian stopped talking after learning that the unusual place Bramo mentioned was in a gang-free area.

He suddenly thought that the strange murmurs made by Lou Gao in the house were somewhat similar to the pronunciation of those people in the ceremony he experienced.

Then he thought of Lou Gao singing in the woods and the powerful person with unknown identity.

After all this was clear, Lou Gao became the biggest clue he found at the moment.

Seeing Ye Tian's face suddenly changed and he left in a hurry, Bramo didn't think much about it. He just thought that he had some arrangements to do personally, and sighed that being a leader also has its disadvantages.

Then he cast his eyes on the table where Ye Tian sat, where there was a woven basket with 8 loaves of bread.

Bramo looked silently at the dark curtains next to him that were blown by the wind, and pursed his lips slightly.

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