After a long wait, Ye Tian went to the bathroom to wash up and picked up the bread on the table to eat.

After the banquet last night, he not only got a new suit, but also received two weeks of benefits in advance.

Not to mention other things, at least he doesn't have to worry about food and drink.

After filling his stomach, he asked Youyan about the situation of monitoring Lou Gao. Knowing that Lou Gao returned to the tavern to continue his business, Ye Tian didn't have a good idea for a while.

Last night he knew that the woman who suddenly appeared was Selma, the boss of the neighboring Bird Club, but this seemed to have nothing to do with Yao Zhe.

If she didn't have an organization, it would be easy to say. In that case, she could be recognized as Yao Zhe's person, not as confusing as it is now.

But there is still plenty of time, he can wait a little longer.


After changing into a suit and opening the door, he saw Randy who had been waiting outside.

Ye Tian asked, "What's the matter?"

Randy held out his hand and handed over 5 Fair Silver coins: "This is the money you lent us before. We are able to repay it. Please accept it, sir."

Seeing Ye Tian's doubts, Randy continued, "My mother and I were worried that we couldn't pay you back, but since this morning, people have been coming to our house with clothes, most of whom are members of the Axe Gang. They also advanced us a sum of money and said that the balance would be paid after the laundry was done. Although I don't know why they suddenly want to ask my mother to wash clothes, our lives have improved all of a sudden."

Ye Tian hesitated for a moment, but still accepted Randy's money.

He also roughly understood what was going on. Zhou Ming should have done something, because at the end of last night, he still pulled him to understand the situation.

Zhou Ming also helped him get an advance on his salary.

Randy saw Ye Tian accept the money and smiled brightly: "Sir, if you need to change clothes, please tell me. My mother specifically told me to give you priority."

"Got it." Ye Tian did not refuse this kindness.

"By the way, sir, do you know? A night watcher came to our place."

Randy suddenly thought of this and shared it with Ye Tian excitedly.

"Ah? Why did the night watcher come here?" Ye Tian rubbed his eyes with a headache, praying in his heart that they had not seen his wanted order.

Randy: "I don't know either. I heard this when the Axe Gang members were discussing. I heard that they live to the east of the Rose Tavern, not far from here. Many people went to see them, and I wanted to see them too, but unfortunately there are too many clothes today, and I have to help my mother share."

"Okay, I will go to visit when I have time." Ye Tian perfunctorily passed by.

Randy said "um" and ran back.

He looked away from Randy.

Ye Tian suddenly saw two more people in front of Hu Dou's door.

Shanmao and Yu Long, looking at their standing postures, were exactly the same as Huo Chuan's.

"What's wrong with them?" Ye Tian asked Huo Chuan with a slight twitch in his mouth.

Huo Chuan scratched his hair and said in a hoarse voice: "Maybe, maybe they also have difficulties that they can't tell?"

Ye Tian was a little confused by his strange answer, but when he saw Bramo had already gone out, he turned around and forgot about it.

After they left, Huo Chuan suddenly said to Shanmao and Yu Long proudly: "Yo! Weren't you very proud just now? How did you get to this point?"

Yu Long replied angrily: "Humph! Aren't you the same as us? And you have been standing for a long time, and we are just doing this for the first time, you still have the nerve to say us?"

Huo Chuan was annoyed when he heard him talking about himself, and wanted to say that he was completely different.


Hu Dou's door suddenly opened, and Hu Dou walked out.

Then Genban also went out, and then Hu Dou looked at the two "door gods" at the door and said nothing, just one sentence: "Let's go."

So, Hu Dou and the other four left here two in front and two behind.

Huo Chuan looked at them dully, and a question came to his mind: Why didn't the devil take me with him when he went out?


In the interrogation room.

"Yes, that's it. I was just angry that the Axe Gang arrested our people and forced me to exchange interests. I admit that I just want to retaliate against the Axe Gang, and we are willing to pay the price for it."

"Very good, you go back, we will inform you of the results of the negotiation later."

Walking out of the dark hut, Mu Xiu rubbed his eyes thankfully.

Fortunately, he suffered a loss at the Axe Gang before, which was just an excuse.

Next, just keep an attitude of admitting mistakes and agree to

If the Axe Gang is compensated with enough benefits, last night's action will be covered up.

And compared to what they have already gained, even if they are chopped a few more times, it is still a profit.

When they walked out of the street, Tiga was already waiting, but his face was a little serious.

"Let's go, we'll talk about it when we get back."

Mu Xiu realized what was going to happen and followed Tiga without saying a word.

Dark alley, foul smell.

This is the backup base of the Black Tiger Gang, an abandoned large storage warehouse.

Walking into the storage warehouse through the secret passage, the lights inside were shining high, bright and dazzling.

Tiger Ben and a huge tiger sat in the middle, and all the members gathered on both sides.

After Tiga and Mu Xiu entered, they prepared to find a place to sit down.

At this time.

Four figures walked into the passage again, and the front ones were Genban and Hudou.

Seeing them appear, Tiga's eyes instantly turned cold: "Humph! You dare to show up?"

Hu Dou had heard Shan Mao tell him what was going to happen here, and Tiga was also there, but he still came.

No other reason, he was just a defeated general.

Not worth mentioning!

Hu Dou stepped forward, pointed at Tiga and shouted: "Humph! A mere defeated general dares to talk about courage? If you dare to come, why shouldn't I dare to come!"

After saying that, he looked at the sturdy man half lying on the tiger: "Wow, big fool? I didn't expect it was you. It turns out that you are the boss of the Black Tiger Gang. What a coincidence."

Hu Dou patted the shoulders of the tiger without any fear, and rubbed against the tiger.

"Wow, this fur is so comfortable, no wonder you like to lean on it like this."

This move shocked everyone around, because they had never seen anyone who dared to be so ostentatious in front of the boss.

Hu Ben rubbed his stomach slightly irritated and asked, "Well, it's normal that you don't know. I didn't tell you. Dijia said that you secretly communicated with the Axe Gang. What's the matter?" Hu Dou glanced at Dijia and said, "I was wondering why you were so serious today. It turned out that you thought I was a snitch to the Axe Gang. Let me be frank. When we first came, there were four of us. We were all wanted and were ready to find a place to live. "And there was someone who made me unhappy. Because that guy peeked at my sister taking a bath, I had a falling out with them. Then I found Shanmao and the others to join the Black Tiger Gang, and those two guys joined the Axe Gang. Is there any problem with this?" After speaking, Hu Dou spread his hands and looked at Dijia with sarcasm: "That's right. After all, someone came to cause trouble and was beaten away by me. He was dissatisfied, so he came to accuse me and said that I was a snitch to the Axe Gang. He didn't even bother to find out what the relationship between us was, nor did he look at who was responsible for the action last night. "

Finally, Hu Dou covered his heart and said with a painful face: "I shed blood for the Black Tiger Gang and made contributions, but you treat me like this, I... I feel bad."

Like a drama queen, Hu Dou ascended to the sky on the spot, shining brightly.

After this operation, Shanmao and Yu Long were stunned, Genban was stunned, Mu Xiu was stunned, Huben was stunned, and Tiga was also a little stunned.

Actually, there is nothing wrong with what he said. Hu Dou's background is not a problem. The experience of people with abilities is richer than that of ordinary people. It is normal to be on the wanted list. This cannot be used as a reason for his betrayal.

And last night's operation, Hu Dou and Genban were the commanders. The two halves of the members added together, almost all the members were controlled by Hu Dou. Having led Genban before, in principle, I believe that Hu Dou and Genban will not betray, and there is no reason for them to betray.

More importantly, no one can directly prove that Hu Dou and Genban have any connection with the Axe Gang.

In contrast, if there is a betrayal, Tiga, who did not appear last night, is more likely.

After sorting out their thoughts, everyone looked at Tiga and Mu Xiu, as if they wanted to hear their explanation.

Tiga's face was as gloomy as water, and he didn't know what to say when he wanted to speak.

It was still Hu Ben who waved his hand and said, "Forget about it. I didn't come here specifically for this matter. Hu Dou and Genban, your treatment will be raised to the same as Tiga's. You don't have to do tasks at ordinary times. Just do what you think is beneficial to the gang.

"I called everyone here today to explain one thing, that is, to be more restrained recently. Because a team of night watchmen came here last night. If you don't behave restrained, you will be caught and take responsibility. "

Hearing that the night watchmen came, Hu Dou's pupils suddenly widened: Oh my God! Can I take back the words that I am on the wanted list?

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