The weather today is obviously not as good as before. There is no sunlight in the dark clouds, and there is a cold wind on the road.

Ye Tian took Bramo into an inconspicuous alley, where some scavengers in slovenly clothes could be seen from time to time.

"Bramo, have you seen some organizations use people as experimental subjects before?"

Not knowing why he asked this, Bramo thought about it and said, "This kind of thing is rare. The first rule of the night watchman is to protect ordinary people. If you can avoid them from using people for experiments, it must not be in the inner ring area.

"When I lived on the edge of the second wall before, there were murderers and robbers, but I have never seen this kind of thing. However, I have heard that some heretical doctors claim that they can perform human transplants, transplanting dying body parts to people with physical disabilities, which has attracted many people. But I don't know the details. It may be a scam under the guise of curing diseases. "

"With the ability, doesn't anyone try to use it to cure diseases and save people?" Ye Tian asked again.

There is such a thing as mental power in this world. It stands to reason that there is no need to study anatomy anymore. How can there be a scam like organ transplantation?

"Well... Although there are indeed many people with abilities who are suitable for treatment, they are a minority after all. Those who appear are basically recruited by the Night Watchers or various forces. There are very few who can treat ordinary people. Moreover, abilities cannot cure all diseases. There are many people on the edge of the Second Wall who cannot live a normal life because of some stubborn diseases and live a lazy life waiting to die. There are powerful Night Watchers who have tried to treat them, but compared to treating injuries, treating diseases is much more difficult. At most, they can make them feel less uncomfortable for a while, but they cannot be cured. "

So, even if this world has the power, there are still people who are willing to be deceived.

And the result is to pin on that tiny hope?

Ye Tian's eyes flashed, and he retracted his thoughts.

However, organ transplantation should have nothing to do with the power that Youyan mentioned. These two are not in the same league.

Turning through the deep dark alley, Ye Tian brought Bramo to a dirty old street.

The ground was full of waste paper balls and disgusting filth, and there were scorched-faced vagrants squatting on both sides, and there were also seemingly healthy gangs gathered.

Seeing Ye Tian and the other two appear, the only three-person gang threw down their cigarette butts and began to walk deeper, while the vagrants next to them rushed up to snatch the cigarette butts that were about to burn out.

This seemingly crazy scene is very common here. People who can hardly survive will naturally not be afraid of people who may bring threats to them.

Because in their eyes, their lives are not worth such people's actions. On the contrary, those cigarette butts can continue a beautiful period for the dying life.

"Cough, cough, cough. "

A violent cough as if to cough out the lungs sounded, and an old man with a hunched back came from the end of the road. He stepped over the sewage and carefully covered the things in his arms.

"Does anyone want a newspaper? Ahem, freshly baked newspapers, with a sweet taste. "

"Gudong. ", a man stood up from the dark corner, swallowing, looking at the newspaper in the old man's arms, as if his appetite was aroused, he began to walk towards the old man, looking like he wanted to buy it.

The old man raised his head with drooping eyelids and tremblingly stretched out three fingers.

The man seemed to hesitate for a moment, paused when he touched his trouser pocket, then suddenly pushed the hunchbacked old man down, snatched a handful of newspapers and stuffed them into his arms, and ran out in a panic.

Ye Tian looked coldly at the man who wanted to escape from his side. The moment he passed by, Ye Tian stretched out his leg and tripped him, knocking him to the ground, and three Fair Silver coins scattered from the man's trouser pocket.

"One hand hands over money, the other hand hands over goods, this is the principle since ancient times. "

The man looked at Ye Tian in shock, then lowered his head and gathered the newspaper in panic.

The old man also rushed over at this time, covered the silver coins on the ground with a handful, and quickly picked them up after seeing that no one rushed out.

Ye Tian frowned and glanced at him, and said in a light voice: "Give him the extra money."

The old man seemed not to hear it, and was still stuffing the silver coins into his inner pocket.

"I said, give him the extra money back!" Ye Tian's voice gradually became cold, containing a hint of anger.

"It's three Fair silvers, it's three Fair silvers...", the old man trembled his lips, muttered while preparing to pass by Ye Tian.

The man who dropped the money ran away in the opposite direction with a look of fear in his face, holding the newspaper.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian felt a sense of absurdity in his heart.

Suddenly, when the old man passed by him sideways.

A kind of disharmony

The feeling appeared in Ye Tian's eyes and on the old man's face.

His face is fake!

At that moment, Ye Tian saw through that the old man's face was a disguise.

At the same time, the old man's ear, which seemed to be wrapped in gauze due to injury, was suddenly exposed to Ye Tian's "visual range".

Scars, knife wounds!

The coldness hidden in Ye Tian's eyes burst out in an instant.

"Lai Gun!!!"

The black energy exploded and hit the old man's back.

The old man's figure was instantly shattered, and a young figure with stubble jumped out.

Lai Gun didn't look back, and he climbed over the half-meter-long alley next to him and disappeared.


"I saw it!"

The red knife light splashed, and the blood-shining slash split the alley in half from the middle, and bricks scattered in piles.

Ye Tian and Bramo chased after him.


Using the defense-breaking device, he smashed the wooden door blocking the road ahead. When he looked far away again, he found that Lai Gun had pulled them a street away.

"Damn it! He knows the road better than us." Bramo said angrily.

"Don't worry, he can't get rid of us!" Ye Tian's eyes were deep, and a blazing fire reflected on his eyes.


Ye Tian turned into the dark alley first, and the dark environment allowed him to see very clearly.

"Go straight!"

Lai Gun's speed was very fast! Very fast!

So fast that Ye Tian doubted whether his ability also had a speed blessing.

In order not to let Bramo lose him, he slowed down as much as possible, but this was already much faster than ordinary people, and the distance between Lai Gun and them was still getting farther!

Thump thump thump.

The chaotic and orderly footsteps kept echoing in the alley, and their mood became more and more impatient.

Seeing that Lai Gun was about to leave them three streets behind, Ye Tian shouted angrily and grabbed Bramo and carried him on his shoulders.


Ye Tian's speed suddenly soared, startling Bramo.

Even at a turn, Ye Tian almost didn't stop and threw him against the wall. Although this stimulation made him tremble with fear, he still didn't say no.

Because he knew that he had slowed down Ye Tian, ​​and whether he could catch up with Lai Gun at this moment depended on Ye Tian!

Thumps, thumps.

The speed of Ye Tian's legs increased again, and even the echoing footsteps could hardly catch up with their ears.

Soon, Lai Gun's figure appeared in the eyes of the two again.

Lai Gun looked back in surprise, and then turned around and got into a narrow gap in the wall.

Seeing this, Ye Tian took a deep breath, stepped on the wall with one foot, and suddenly exerted force, and jumped up directly.

Carrying Bramo, he flew over the two-story residential building, and then fell from mid-air. At this time, Lai Gun had just come out from the other side, and seeing this, he hurriedly fled into another tortuous and difficult alley that didn't look like a road.

There were even steel bars sticking out of the cracks between the bricks on both sides of the wall, and if you were not careful, you might get hit in the waist.

"Give me your knife!"

Ye Tian shouted again, took Bramo's blood python knife, and rushed in without slowing down.

Swish, swish, swish.

The knife flashed, and all the protruding steel bars were broken.

The distance between the two sides was shortened again!

Lai Gun looked back in disbelief, and then suddenly jumped up and broke through a wooden window with light shining through it.

Ye Tian also grabbed Bramo and jumped in.


Wood chips and wooden frames were shattered all over the ground, and the lights on the roof were affected by the sudden vibration, and the lights flickered.

At this time, the two people who were talking in the house turned their heads and were seen clearly under the light.

"Lou Gao? And De Biao???"

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