The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.


Weier seemed to have not yet come out of the fight just now, and there was still obvious doubt on her face.

She clearly "felt" that Ye Tian was there, but when she really strangled Ye Tian, ​​she felt something was obviously different.

Before she could investigate carefully, the dark mass floated away from her. She was able to confirm at that time that Ye Tian's body was indeed in the dark mass.

This obviously did not conform to her cognition. No one had the ability to make the body completely virtual. So, there must be something strange about it.

But Ye Tian did not give her time to think, and directly mentioned the cooperation.

Of course, cooperation must be fake.

Ye Tian was panicking now, he was really scared.

The woman's arm really touched his neck at that time. If he hadn't squatted down in time and pretended to stand up to confuse the other party, his head would have been moved.

The violent sound of the air explosion still echoed in his ears until now.

It's impossible to fight again, and it's impossible to fight again in this life.

Ah! There will definitely be a fight in this life. However, before his strength is improved again, he will definitely not fight with this woman again.

The most important thing at present is how to dispel the hostility of the other party. Fighting and killing is not good. Everyone sits down together to drink tea, listen to music, and smile at each other when they meet again.

Simply, perfect!

Wei'er has come back to her senses now. She has some guesses about Ye Tian's ability. If she repeats the scene just now, she will definitely be able to detect something.

However, Ye Tian's words made her a little confused.

"You didn't say that at first."

Ye Tian felt a little embarrassed, but he said calmly:

"Just now, you have been recognized by me and are qualified to talk with me at the same table."

Wei Er was stunned for a moment, but soon "reacted".

She walked over with a sneer, and stepped heavily on the table in front of Ye Tian, ​​almost scaring Ye Tian to jump up.

Wei Er's eyes revealed a dangerous atmosphere, looking down at Ye Tian:

"You want me to recognize you as the boss with just one sentence, and then ask me to cooperate with you with another sentence. Have you ever thought about what my opinion is?"

Ye Tian still maintained a humble and polite smile, but his fingers trembled slightly. He tried his best to keep his heartbeat slow and his smile not so stiff.

After a quick adjustment, he said with a "sincere" face:

"Actually, I just wanted you to use your full strength at first, so I deliberately provoked you. Because I have been to many places, there are really too few people who can cooperate with me. The moment I saw you, I knew that your strength must be strong, and I was excited for a while, so... well. Now think about it, I am a little offended, and I apologize to you here."

Speaking of this, Ye Tian wanted to stand up and bow to cooperate. But as soon as he stood up, he realized that the other party was too close to him. If he stood up like this, he would probably bump into him.

So he sat down again with an embarrassed look on his face, and then said with a silly smile:

"Well, that, actually. What I want to do is still quite dangerous, and I think it is a bit inappropriate to rashly pull you in. I thought about it, or let it go."

Ye Tian secretly raised his head and glanced, and found that Wei'er did not mean to move away. So, he had to bite the bullet and said again:

"Well, how should I put it. Actually, I lived in a chaotic place when I was young. When I was three years old, I met two good playmates. I was carefree all day long, running around and playing. Until one day, someone took me away."

Ye Tian's expression gradually became more into the play, and he continued with a hint of reminiscence:

"It turns out that I am the son of a big man. Not only am I rich, but I also have a beautiful little wife...ah, fiancée. But I am used to a free life and can't stand the aristocratic cultivation day and night. So, I began to sneak out and meet my two playmates. But I didn't expect that my father had already sent someone to monitor my whereabouts.

"One day, there was suddenly a strange child in the house. My father told me that this was my younger brother. Except for his appearance, the younger brother was better than me in other aspects. He studied until late at night every day and pestered my father to discuss his experience in doing things. I know that this younger brother is my father's special

Adoption inspired me. However, my dream is not in career, so I have no idea of ​​competing with him.

"I thought the days would pass by like this, but I didn't expect that the accident would come so quickly. My "good brother" was ambitious and chose to kill them in order to take over my father's position as soon as possible. He lied to me that my father agreed to let me return to my original residence. When I went to see my playmates with excitement, I only saw a blazing sea of ​​fire. When I returned home again, my brother was sitting in my father's study."

I don't know which anime character he replaced. Ye Tian became more and more excited as he spoke, as if he was there:

"That year, I was exactly thirteen years old. I finally escaped the pursuit and embarked on the road of revenge. I will never forget what my brother did. I swear that even if I spend my whole life, I will grind my brother to ashes."

Miracle value from Singh +30, miracle value from Chai Gao +60, miracle value from Huang Shan +90.

Singh, Chai Gao and Huang Shan were already stunned. Unexpectedly, this mysterious guy who looked so arrogant actually had such a bizarre experience.

Only Wei Er was still vigilant.

After a moment of hesitation, Wei Er frowned and said:

"So, you want me to help you get revenge?"

Ye Tian was still in grief at this time and did not react. It was not until Wei Er raised her foot and slammed it heavily on the table that Ye Tian woke up.

Ah! What kind of revenge? What does Sabo's family affairs have to do with me? Do you want to recognize a father for yourself for nothing?

Ye Tian came to his senses and waved his hand quickly. He was about to refuse, but suddenly realized that his "image" seemed to be a little broken, so he quickly made amends and said:

"No! I was a little eager for revenge. Seeing that you are quite capable, I wanted you to help me. But it is still too selfish for me to do this. After all, you and my brother have no grudges."

After saying that, seeing Wei'er still looking down at him, Ye Tian suddenly felt that this was a bit bad.

"Oh, you must be so tired standing like this, sit down and take a rest."

Speaking, Ye Tian stood up gentlemanly, lifted Wei'er's feet and helped her back to the sofa.

Then he consciously took a cigarette out of the cigarette box on the table and took the initiative to hand it to Wei'er's mouth. Seeing that she had no resistance, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then he took a match from Singer and lit it for Wei'er himself.

After watching Wei'er calmly take a puff of cigarette, Ye Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This has dispelled her hostility, and the mission is accomplished.

I just feel like something is wrong, what is it? Oh, right, my image seems to be even more broken, my original aloof image...

Realizing this, Ye Tian suddenly wanted to run away.

"Look, we had misunderstandings before. Now it's resolved, anyway, there's no contradiction, so let's just leave it at that."

Seeing that Wei'er didn't respond, Ye Tian walked to the door "calmly", turned his head and said again:

"Okay, let's say goodbye. Goodbye, ah no! Never see you again."

Wei'er looked at Ye Tian silently from beginning to end, and when Ye Tian was about to slip away, she slowly said:


Ye Tian's mouth twitched, and he stopped honestly.

Damn it! What does this stinky woman want? Do you believe that I will use a big move to make you all suffer?

Ye Tian turned around abruptly and said with a smile:

"Anything else?"

Wei Er exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a smile:

"You came to my door for no reason, made up a strange story, and finally wanted to leave like this. Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

Ye Tian's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that she could actually see through it. ... What should I do now? He wasn't really afraid of this woman. He could run away anytime he wanted. But if he ran away, what would Mo Sha do? You can't just pat your butt and run away from the enemy you provoked, and let a little girl with no resistance take the blame, right?

Seeing Ye Tian silent, Wei Er stretched her body, then held her chin with one hand, and said with interest:

"Why don't you say anything? Weren't you quite talkative just now? I want to get to know you. Who is your brother? He can actually suppress you so much."

This is not false. She is really curious. Why did Ye Tian, ​​who was originally somewhat arrogant, become weak when he mentioned this "brother"?

Although she knew that Ye Tian's attitude had probably changed because of other things, it did not stop her from using this topic to imply him. It was as if Ye Tian made up a story just to fool her.

Ye Tian said, "Uh," and said a little stubbornly:

"Actually, what I said is the truth. There is such a thing. Although it, um, is a little bit different from the reality. But I really didn't lie to you. It's just that you don't know my brother, so it can't be proved by telling me."

"Oh?" Wei'er's mouth curled up, looking at Ye Tian with more interest, and continued to ask:

"Then tell me, what is your brother's name. Whether I recognize him or not is my business, and if I can't tell you, it's your 'provocation'."

In fact, even if it is true, she probably doesn't know him if Ye Tian tells her.

Because she doesn't know many people, but she enjoys the feeling of holding a person in her hands, especially a person who looks no weaker than herself.

Ye Tian gritted his teeth and was about to say the legendary name to see if he could fool her. But somehow, he suddenly thought of an "aboriginal".

Without hesitation, Ye Tian's eyes lit up and he blurted out:

"My damn brother is called Yao Zhe!"

Wei'er, who originally wanted to take it as a joke, suddenly had her pupils dilated and her mouth opened unconsciously.

The cigarette butt fell to the ground, sparks flew, but Wei'er didn't even look at it.

Miracle value from Wei'er +200.

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