"What did you say?" Wei'er's voice suddenly rose several degrees, and there was obviously some disbelief on her face. "Huh?" Ye Tian was a little surprised at the other party's reaction. Yao Zhe was a lackey of a big man, and this woman was the leader of an unknown small sect. The two of them had nothing to do with each other, right? Chai Gao and others also looked over with gossip. They didn't know "Yao Zhe", but this didn't stop them from being curious. Wei'er's eyes darkened a little, and she glanced at Chai Gao and others, and ordered with a slightly commanding tone: "You go out first." Singh immediately reacted and knew that his boss wanted to talk about business. So he pulled Chai Gao, who wanted to ask "why" with one hand, and Huang Shan, who was about to eavesdrop, with the other hand, and naturally retreated.


Wei Er slapped the table heavily with her palm, shifting Ye Tian's attention from Singer and the others.

"What did you say your brother's name was?"

"Oh. I said his name was Yao Zhe, what's wrong?"

Ye Tian pretended to be "confused" and said, but he had confirmed one thing in his heart. That is, this woman may really know someone named Yao Zhe.

I just don't know if the Yao Zhe she knows is the same person he knows.

Wei'er narrowed her eyes and stared at Ye Tian:

"But aren't you called Lu Yi? Why don't you and your brother have the same surname?"

Ye Tian's mind raced, and he quickly said:

"Oh, you're talking about this. That bastard was adopted, so he must have a different surname from mine."

After saying that, he suddenly thought that Wei'er might know something about Yao Zhe's background, and immediately added:

"Besides, I changed my name a long time ago to avoid being hunted down by that bastard. Otherwise, how could I have survived until now with my original identity?"

Wei'er nodded thoughtfully, then slowly laid down her slightly bent body and leaned on the sofa. She thought for a while, then asked:

"You've been preparing for so long, you should have gathered a lot of strength, right? After all, your brother is not that easy to kill."

Ye Tian's eyes froze, and his mind was a little stuck. Strength? It has only been five days since he crossed over, where can he develop strength?

However, it seems that he only needs to fool this woman. If I tell her all the candidates I can think of, can she verify whether they are true or false?

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately said:

"Over the years, I have indeed recruited many subordinates. Among them, the more powerful ones are a guy who likes to wrap a circle of black cloth in front of his nose, a tall man with gray hair, and a woman with red hair.

"Oh, by the way, I also have a friend at the 'Rain' level, and he also promised to help me deal with Yao Zhe. However, due to some things, he is temporarily unable to spare his hands. "

After Ye Tian finished speaking, he still felt a little sense of accomplishment. Unconsciously, he has met so many powerful people. Although it has nothing to do with him, being able to say it out, he feels like he is at the same level as them.

Well, of course it's just a feeling.

Weier's eyes were obviously a little surprised, and she tentatively asked with a slight movement in her heart:

"'Rain' level is not so easy to see. Are you sure your friend didn't lie to you? You know, except for the Night Watchers, there are almost no people who can reach this level. And the Night Watchers, obviously, cannot participate in such things. "

Ye Tian had expected the other party's disbelief, he raised his chin and continued:

"Hehe, my friend would never lie to me. Besides, he is not a night watcher. His name is Ashes, you probably don't know him. But I think if you have enough power, you can find him. "

Speaking of Ashes, Ye Tian is not afraid. After all, this is a real big shot, and he lived on the same floor with him. No matter how others ask, he dares to pat his chest and say that he has a relationship with him.

"Ashes. "

Wei Er murmured, she didn't expect that she would hear this name again.

Ashes, a man who rises like the sun. Since his arrival, he has been active in various regions with an extremely high-profile style of behavior. Every time there is a big movement, his figure is indispensable.

There was even a judge who chased Ashes for a whole month in order to capture him, but he finally escaped.

The last time Ashes appeared was in the super-standard spirit event some time ago.

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is

Interested. Wei'er has believed Ye Tian's words, and has a deeper speculation... Huijin is the representative of that force. Will Ye Tian also have connections with those people?

You know, although Huijin is very famous, it is only limited to the high level. Most forces, even some advent factions, don't know the name Huijin. And those who know the name Huijin, there are few who can say it like him without changing their expressions.

Let's put aside whether Huijin is a friend or not, but Huijin's promise to help him deal with Yao Zhe should not be false. Because no fool dares to make rumors about those people.

Wei'er looked at Ye Tian again and said with some surprise:

"I didn't expect that I was wrong. You are also a 'shadow'?"

"Huh? What shadow?"

Ye Tian replied in a daze. What is this person talking about? What shadow or not? Did he mention shadow just now?

"You don't know?"

Weier's mouth twitched slightly, and she looked at Ye Tian with disbelief... How could he not be "Shadow" if he could be related to Ashes? ... It's okay if he's not, but what's more outrageous is that he doesn't even know "Shadow"?

Miracle value from Wei'er +20.

Ye Tian touched his nose awkwardly. He wanted to say, is it too late to withdraw the previous sentence now? Even the miracle points have come. Even if Ye Tian is stupid, he knows that he has leaked something.

But he knows that no matter how much he tries to cover it up, it can't be saved. At this point, it's better to admit it generously.

"What should I know?"

Ye Tian asked seriously. This time he didn't add drama in his heart. He really wanted to know the answer.

Wei'er stared at Ye Tian's eyes carefully, and only looked away after more than ten seconds. She stood up and said with a deep look in her eyes:

"Do you know the spirit-sentencing ritual?"

Ye Tian nodded and said without hesitation:

"I know, what's wrong?"

"Then do you know what the 'spirit' that comes down through the spirit-sentencing ritual is?"

Wei Er turned around and asked with some "hints".

Ye Tian's eyes moved, and he suddenly said:

"You mean, the existences communicated by the spirit-sentencing ritual are the so-called 'spirits', which are the 'shadows' you mentioned?"

Although no one has mentioned this to him, it is not difficult to guess these based on the information he knows and what Wei Er just said.

The brain is not slow. Wei Er's mouth corners slightly raised, and the tone changed and said:

"Are you really not a 'shadow'?"

Ye Tian wanted to refuse outright, how could he be a "shadow"? But then he opened his mouth slightly, his face full of uncertainty.

Logically speaking, he is not from this world, and time travel does not follow the rules of this world, so he has nothing to do with "shadow".

But according to Charlie, the so-called "shadow" is not from this world, at least not from the human world. And time travel is not much different from the so-called summoning, right?

Oh my God!!! I can't really be a "shadow", right?

Ah, bah, bah! How can I, a time traveler, be a "shadow"?

And the most important point is that when I came here, although there was a good ceremony, the ceremony summoned the Book of Miracles. The time I came here was a quarter of an hour earlier than the ceremony started.

So, the answer is obvious.

"Of course not, how can I be a "shadow"? Besides, I will be caught if I summon a spirit, right? How can I do such a thing?"

Ye Tian waved his hand firmly.

As a good citizen, how could he do something illegal? Ha, what a joke!

Wei'er smiled and repeated casually:

"That kind of thing?"

Ye Tian's face suddenly froze. He seemed to remember that this woman named Wei'er seemed to have said that she was a being after the advent. . .

It's over.

Ye Tian glanced nervously and found that Wei'er didn't look angry, so he quickly changed the subject and said:

"Oh, by the way, why do you think I'm a 'shadow'?"

Wei'er didn't say anything, but just stretched out her hand.

Ye Tian looked at this hand, the skin was white, the flesh was there where it should be, and the thinness was also thin where it should be thin, and the overall look was delicate.

What is this for? Do you want to shake hands with me?

Ye Tian stretched out his hand blankly, and the points that need to be paid attention to when shaking hands with a lady instantly emerged in his mind. For example, you can't shake the whole hand, you can't hold it for too long, and you can't let go after holding it for a while, you have to smile on your face, and your eyes can't be too subtle, etc.

He just stretched out halfway, but found that Wei'er's hand was covered with black mist.

“Ah, you you you!!!”

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