After Ye Tian left, Singer and Chai Gao came in.

"Captain, have we really reached a cooperation with that person?"

Chai Gao asked with three parts of suspicion and seven parts of confusion. Just now when Ye Tian went out, he patted his shoulder, acting like a big brother, which really confused him.


Wei Er nodded calmly.

"Captain, Huang Shan, who Chai Gao wanted to develop, slipped away while I wasn't paying attention. Chai Gao said that Lu Yi found this place because he had some conflicts with Huang Shan."

Singer stood aside and "honestly" summarized the information he asked outside.

Chai Gao looked at Singer with a dark face, but he didn't know what to say. I just secretly made up my mind that I would never share anything with this guy in the future.

Wei Er waved her hand carelessly and said leisurely:

"Don't worry about these little things. You just need to be careful and don't tell him to others."


Late at night.

Ye Tian sneaked back to the restaurant, and Hu Dou and others were already waiting around a table.

Seeing Ye Tian come in, Hu Dou's eyes lit up and asked in surprise:

"What did you do, Ye Tian? Why did you stay up so late? There are night watchers patrolling at night, and it would be a disaster if you were discovered."

Ye Tian waved his hand and said calmly:

"Nothing, just cooperating with the boss of a nearby cult."


Except for Genban, everyone else took a breath and looked at Ye Tian in surprise. Who would have thought that in such a short period of time, Ye Tian had already contacted a cult and reached a cooperation?

The miracle value from Hu Dou is +15, the miracle value from Shi Changsong is +20, the miracle value from Bramo is +30, and the miracle value from Genban is +5.

Bramo hesitated for a moment and asked vaguely:

"What do the members of that cult call their boss?"

Ye Tian looked at Bramo in confusion, not understanding why he cared about this, but still answered:

"It seems to be the leader, is there any problem?"

Bramo was obviously relieved, and seeing that others were a little puzzled, he took the initiative to explain:

"In most cults, an unwritten rule is followed. If the founder has absolute prestige within the cult, the entire cult is decided by him alone, and he is generally called the leader or the leader. If the founder is just an organizer, he has no relationship with the members. The status difference is not big. Generally, they are called leaders to the outside world, and they don't have special titles inside. For example, the Ancient Snake Cult I joined is like this. "

Speaking of this, Bramo looked at Ye Tian with some complexity, and then said again:

"Except for the small cults, the titles are more clear, and the big churches also have similar terms. Generally speaking, the leader of the church will be called the leader or the president. The leader himself has a certain majesty, and there are also people with strong voice around him. Only a few churches will have the title of "leader". "

In fact, Bramo had noticed that Ye Tian has always called himself the leader, which is rarely seen in other churches. Moreover, the church where Ye Tian is located is still the mysterious Death Worship Cult, which is not a weak emerging sect. Moreover, a newly emerging sect cannot be called a church.

He didn't care at first, and he had some guesses, thinking that Ye Tian should be a puppet on the surface and did not have real "real power". Later, he found out that it was not the case at all. Ye Tian himself was extremely powerful, not to mention the mysterious aura he inadvertently revealed.

Miracle value from Bramo +40, miracle value from Genban +20, miracle value from Shi Changsong +20, miracle value from Hu Dou +10.

Ye Tian was silent for a while, then realized why Bramo reacted so strangely.

Bramo should be worried that the leader of the Leopard Cat Cult is just an organizer, and does not have absolute say, so the cooperation cannot be fully trusted.

But he was worried about something wrong, that cooperation was just a wrong move, I never thought of doing that. But this title surprised me a little.

Unexpectedly, the leader is not someone who can be called by anyone, then my title of leader can't suppress my peers?

There is a chance to meet, I am the leader, and you are the president? Hey, this is full of style.

Well, although you can think so in your heart, you still can't fall behind in surface work.

Ye Tian waved his hand indifferently, and then pulled over

A stool sat down and said casually:

"These are all small matters. Whether the leader can do it or not has little impact on me. What about you? How are you doing?"

Hu Dou was the first to react. He knew Ye Tian best and knew that the so-called leader's identity was not so valuable. Even now, they didn't dare to use it. And Ye Tian cooperated with other cults, most likely borrowing Yao Zhe's tiger skin.

Obviously, the less you can say about these, the less you can say. Hu Dou immediately talked about his progress:

"Brother Shi and I explored the nearby streets and selected several escape routes. And we also left some back-ups, which may play a role in the process of escape."

Shi Changsong nodded in agreement. This was done by the two of them. Hu Dou's role was also crucial, so he didn't feel dissatisfied because Hu Dou spoke first.

Brahmo saw that Shi Changsong had finished his report and immediately thought about what he was going to say. He thought he did a good job, mainly because he had a far-sighted vision and successfully obtained the information without any conflict. And the Genban he brought with him was really like a follower, and he didn't make any moves the whole time.

In this case, he only needed to organize his words well and highlight his role, which would be enough to leave them with the image of a main force.

Bramo was thinking about where to start, and Genban on the side said in a muffled voice:

"I know the approximate time and route of the night watchmen's patrols, and I also know several routes from this place to other areas."

Ye Tian looked at Genban with shining eyes. This was really a big help. Knowing the patrol cycle of the night watchmen, it would be much easier for them to escape.

Immediately, Ye Tian gave Genban a thumbs up.

"Genban, you did a good job!"

On the side, Bramo looked at Genban with a dim look in his eyes, and his heart was full of unhappiness... Obviously, I did it all, why did he say it all... It's okay to say it, why didn't he add my name?

This guy, looking honest, how can his heart be darker than mine?

Ye Tian and his friends discussed it and felt that it was almost time, so they prepared to set sail immediately.

"I'll go out and check it out. If there's no problem, we'll go."

Ye Tian stood up and walked out of the restaurant under the expectation of several people.

"Well, at this point, the Night Watchers should be in the northern area. I'll go south and just avoid them."


South of the village.

Huang Shan watched secretly at the entrance of the village for a while, and then ran out of the village quietly.

He wanted to leave in the dark, because the only cult here had reached a deal with his enemies. He was afraid that he would never be able to leave the village again when it was dawn.

After a few minutes, he looked back at the village.

"One day, this village will be glorious because of my existence."

Turning around, under the bright moonlight, Huang Shan clenched his fists tightly, as if holding someone's heart.

"Lu Yi! I can't beat you, but there are people who can. Yao Zhe, I will find this person. Your years of hard work will eventually become a handful of yellow earth because you offended me, Huang Shan."

He gritted his teeth and was about to continue on his way when a series of black shadows fell from the sky and landed beside him.

They were a group of people wearing black cloaks and white masks on their faces. The sharp eyes that could not be covered by the masks made Huang Shan feel cold all over.

"It's great. I encountered a small fish just after arriving."

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