The weather was very bad, but the weather was very good.

Ye Tian disguised himself as a rabbit and ran on the road.

"No one on the left. No one on the right. No one in front. Well, that's great. It seems that God is helping me."

Looking at the slowly rising moon, Ye Tian began to turn back. Because in another quarter of an hour, the night watcher will probably patrol near the restaurant, which will be very troublesome.

It is worth mentioning that the night that Yongye relies on should be a completely black night. With the moon, his state is not perfect. However, the main damage is the night listening and night perception, and other skills are not affected much.

He secretly glanced at the miracle points when he came out.

4523 points.

This speed is actually very fast, of course, compared with the 10,000 points required for the new page, it is still far from it.

Ye Tian was thinking about how to get some miracle points, and suddenly he noticed several flames appearing in his "field of vision".

"What is this? Night Watchers? Is the information false?"

Ye Tian looked behind him in confusion. Because of the building, he could not see the situation there.

However, in his perception, there are 8 auras there. What can be perceived is that one aura is relatively dim, and the others are similar.

His night perception should detect the strength of the aura of the creatures, and if there are obstacles within the detection distance, it will also affect the perception intensity. From this result, it can be known that the 7 people should be the existence of the Night Watchers team, and the remaining one is probably a villager, and the 8 people are all outdoors.

"That direction is where we are going to evacuate. This is not good. Should I find another road without people, or wait for the night watchman to finish patrolling here?"

Just as Ye Tian was secretly thinking, a bright yellow butterfly folded down from the house next to him and flew past Ye Tian's eyes.

"Ha! I didn't expect there would be butterflies in this environment, it's really...

"I am convinced!!! "

Ye Tian stepped forward and slapped the butterfly to death, then ran back quickly.

In his perception of the night, there was nothing here at all. In other words, this butterfly was not real at all, but a manifestation of spiritual power.

This reminded him of a person, Xiaodie.

Spiritual power varies from person to person, and it is too difficult to find a similar one. Take the ones Ye Tian has seen, for example, no two people have similar abilities.

Thinking that Xiaodie and her people were escorting him to 0-7 because they were close to here. So, it is not difficult to understand that Xiaodie and her people were attracted by the movement of 0-7.

If he guessed correctly, the breaths he sensed should not be the night watchers nearby, but the team of night watchers where Xiaodie was.

"The butterfly just now must have discovered me, otherwise it would not have turned around after passing here."

Sure enough, in his perception, the seven breaths suddenly approached this side.

"I am so unlucky that I actually met them here. And my night camouflage, is it just a visual camouflage? Can't it deceive the perception of spiritual power? "

Ye Tian gritted his teeth and accelerated, silently calculating in his mind whether his speed could shake them off.

He didn't even want to touch the night watchers, let alone these night watchers. From his previous observations, these people should be in the "cloud" realm per capita.

After all, he clearly remembered that these people could move back and forth between houses. And he, who was strengthened by the night, couldn't do it so easily.

"Damn! Why can they change direction when I change direction?"

Ye Tian frowned tightly, thinking that he had the advantage in perception and could shake off the opponent. As a result, he went around, and the team of night watchers actually approached in a straight line. If this goes on, he will be caught up soon.

"Wait, there are butterflies behind me?"

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, stopped to observe carefully, and indeed found several butterflies hiding behind houses or trees. It turned out that they were able to track so accurately because of these butterflies.

"It's cheating! Where can I run? "


"Xiaodie, are you sure it's Ye Tian?"

Cui Shiping said, holding Huang Shan in one hand and a scabbard in the other.

"I only saw his profile, and it does look like him, but that bastard rushed up and slapped me to death as soon as he saw Butterfly. He must have seen my Butterfly, otherwise he wouldn't have reacted so violently."

Xiaodie was surrounded by butterflies of various colors, with a hint of annoyance in her eyes.

"Very good, I didn't expect that we would run into the culprit who caused the 0-7 to be broken just after we arrived. Think about it, that guy was pretending to be innocent at first, I must teach him a lesson when I catch him."

This sentence just "reminded" Xiaodie, and the number of butterflies around Xiaodie doubled again.

Xiaodie estimated the distance and was about to ask her teammates to speed up again, but suddenly froze for a moment:


"What's wrong?" Cui Shiping slowed down and asked with some confusion.

Xiaodie closed her eyes and sensed carefully, and opened her eyes after confirming again and again:

"He changed direction, and the target is here."

"What?" Cui Shiping was surprised for a moment. He didn't expect that this guy would not run away, but dare to take the initiative to deliver himself, so he waved his arm, "Everyone spread out, and take down the target directly after finding it."


Ye Tian "saw" the breaths getting closer and closer, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

After he shook off the butterflies, he did not try to escape, but thought of a better idea.

Ye Tian still disguised himself as a rabbit and hid quietly in the bushes. When a breath approached, he suddenly jumped out and disguised himself as a gray butterfly.

The man was indeed wearing a black cloak and a white mask, exactly the same as the night watcher he had seen before.

Qiu Rong saw a gray shadow flashing by in her peripheral vision, and instantly drew out the long knife at her waist. After seeing clearly that the gray shadow was a butterfly, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then waved her hand to indicate that there was no problem on her side.

The butterfly did not fly away, but followed her. Seeing this, Qiu Rong did not say anything, but found a direction to continue exploring.

Ye Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that this person had no other reaction. This was the best way he could think of to avoid Xiaodie.

That is, to transform into Xiaodie.

The butterflies released by Xiaodie would most likely not wander around her companions. He took advantage of this and found a night watcher to follow him, disguising himself as a butterfly while reducing his presence.

In this way, when the other party saw him, they would think that he was Xiaodie's butterfly, and would ignore his existence most of the time. Even if they occasionally remembered him, they would not be hostile to a butterfly.

While following, he was secretly thinking of a way. Xiaodie's butterfly could see through his disguise, so he could deceive others, but not Xiaodie's butterfly.

Before he could think for long, another night watcher came here.

"Captain?" Qiu Rong was not surprised to see Cui Shiping coming.

Cui Shiping fell from the house, and he was still holding Huang Shan in his hand. Because he was held in his hand and swung around, Huang Shan was now like a dried salted fish, motionless.

Cui Shiping said "hmm", and then walked side by side with Qiu Rong. He glanced at the butterfly beside Qiu Rong and regarded it as the incarnation of Xiaodie's spiritual power, and did not care.

"Didn't Xiaodie say that guy was nearby? Haven't found him yet?"

Qiu Rong raised her head and asked with some confusion. She knew Xiaodie's perception ability, which could search a one-kilometer radius in all directions. Even the captain could hardly escape Xiaodie's detection. Now we are just chasing one person, why is the progress so slow?

Cui Shiping sighed and said helplessly:

"This Ye Tian should have some hidden means. Xiaodie had already set up a circle outside. If Ye Tian ran out, he would not be able to escape her sight. But he walked in and got rid of the butterflies that were following him, which made it more difficult. Xiaodie couldn't release too many butterflies at a time, so she could only compress the circle little by little.

"Of course, if that Ye Tian was nearby and didn't accidentally expose his tracks, it would be much easier. "

Qiu Rong nodded. She was not very good at fighting, so she just listened to the tactics and did not express her opinion.

Ye Tian also nodded secretly. He really came at the right time. If he ran outside at that time, he might have fallen into Xiaodie's trap.


A loud noise broke the tranquility of the night, and then, a series of collisions followed.

Cui Shiping looked up suddenly and said in a concentrated voice:

"It's Pang Jie's side, let's go!"

After that, he jumped up and jumped onto the house next to him. Qiu Rong followed closely, took advantage of the wall, and jumped to Cui Shiping's side.

Cui Shiping was about to go away, but he accidentally caught a glimpse of the gray butterfly that stayed in place, and looked back with some confusion.

Ye Tian looked at the blank eyes of the two and felt a little confused.

He also wanted to go up, but the key was that he couldn't... A three-story house, he actually said to jump? Do you have

Have you considered the butterfly's feelings?

This is not the only reason. His Dark Night Messenger can indeed allow him to jump so high, but he cannot eliminate the sound of falling. In addition, he can only jump up at once, instead of slowly spiraling up like a butterfly.

In other words, if he catches up, he will definitely be exposed.

So, in the eyes of Cui Shiping and the others, this gray butterfly turned twice in place, and suddenly moved in the opposite direction, getting farther and farther away.

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