In the bushes, Ye Tian hesitated for a moment and asked: "Are you sure this is okay?" Singh replied confidently: "Don't worry, it's okay. Just remember not to move too much." Ye Tian still looked skeptical. Singh just knocked a few times in front of a tiled house and then turned back. This made Ye Tian very suspicious. What's the point of doing this? Could it be that there is a master living inside? After a while, a man covered with black cloth ran out of the house. After going out, he looked around and ran away. Ye Tian didn't feel anything at first, but gradually, the breath gathered around that person became more and more. Then, the auras split into two groups and entangled together.

What is this? Street fighting?

Ye Tian finally understood what Singh was talking about. He asked two groups of people to pretend to be gangsters and then fight each other. In this way, the night watchmen would definitely be attracted and they could take the opportunity to escape.

He thought Singh had some tricks. It turned out that he was just looking for people to make a movie? It would be a pity if you don't play a movie of Young and Dangerous with your conditions.

Singh estimated the time and felt that it was almost time, so he said to Ye Tian:

"Okay, we can go now. Time is limited, so we have to move quickly."

After that, Singh jumped out first and rushed into a narrow alley.

Ye Tian was stunned for 1 second, and then he quickly started.

When he was about to rush out of this area, Ye Tian saw a circle of butterflies in the sky. These butterflies were not the kind of butterflies that he imagined, holding hands and forming a row. Instead, one appeared every ten meters.

Moreover, the butterflies move very slowly, because every time they pass a residential building, they will fly in to carefully explore, and only fly to the next one after confirming that there is no abnormality.

"Although the night watchman's attention is not here now, it is better not to be exposed."

Ye Tian spread his palms, revealing a few small bats. He picked them from the air on his way here. The ability of the night messenger allows him to command these animals.

Considering that his camouflage ability has been exposed, the other party will definitely pay special attention to animals, so he thought of doing the opposite.

Ye Tian commanded a bat to fly close to the ground, and it really attracted nearby butterflies.

Taking this opportunity, he quickly passed by here and successfully broke through the encirclement.

"Huh, finally out, it seems that I can't leave tonight. And I have to go back quickly. It will be bad if Hu Dou and others bump into the night watchman again in order to find me."

Just as he was about to disguise himself as a rabbit and sneak back to the restaurant, an untimely voice came from behind him.

"Hey! What's the noise just now?"

Ye Tian's face suddenly froze, and there was clearly no breath in his perception.

No! No, there was indeed a breath behind him, but it was so faint that he ignored it. If you feel it carefully, you can still feel it.

This situation is very similar to Shi Changsong's underground drilling. It should be something special that reduced his perception sensitivity. Ye Tian had expected this situation. If you meet more people, you will always meet one or two special ones.

But he didn't expect to meet it at this time.

What he didn't expect was this person's voice.

It was a voice he would never forget in his life!

"Hey! Did you hear me talking? Which team of night watchers are you from? Why don't you answer?"

Ye Tian was a little nervous at first, but his mind was stunned after hearing this. He suddenly remembered that he disguised himself with a black cloak whenever he had something to do. It was originally to cover his clothes, but he didn't expect to be recognized as a night watcher.

But it was reasonable for her to think so. Walking on the street at night, wearing a black cloak, obviously a spiritual awakener, isn't this the standard of a night watcher?

Moreover, he could use the same trick against him.

Ye Tian turned around and put on a white mask on his face.

The moonlight fell, and the bright figure slowly walked towards him.

Long wine-red hair, thin eyebrows, and eyes slightly lit up because of doubt. The person who came was Feng Yue. She heard the noise outside and rushed over. As soon as she came, she found this strange person.

This person's clothes are very much like a night watcher, and there is no fear in his eyes, so Feng Yue unconsciously regards him as another night watcher.

Seeing that Ye Tian has been silent, Feng Yue's

She gradually became alert. Just as she was about to touch the hilt of the knife, she saw the mask.

"White mask... Are you a member of the Night Watch team number 20? Why didn't you answer me just now?"

Feng Yue's alertness was slightly lowered, and her hands slowed down.

Ye Tian tightened his voice and said in a low and emotionless tone:

"Sorry, I..."

Feng Yue pricked up her ears slightly. She didn't hear clearly from behind. Thinking that this person's throat should be injured, she walked closer again:

"What did you say? I didn't hear clearly."

Ye Tian looked at Feng Yue, his lips trembled slightly, and his voice became a little quieter again:


Feng Yue frowned and moved closer:

"What did you say? Can you speak louder?"

When the distance between the two was only one step away, Ye Tian couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth.

Ye Tian suddenly raised his head, stared at the familiar face, and shouted:

"I am your father!"

Then, he slapped Feng Yue's face fiercely.

Ha! Woman!

You dared to arrest me and put me in jail at the beginning. If I don't take revenge, I am not a villain!

Ah! Not a gentleman!

After the slap, Ye Tian felt a piercing pain on the back of his hand before he could smile, and he almost fell to the ground with his face.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Feng Yue put back the scabbard, looked at Ye Tian with a fool's eyes, and then sneered:

"Your purpose is so obvious that only a fool will be fooled! Tell me, who are you?"

Ye Tian held the back of his hand and blew it for a while, then stared at Feng Yue angrily. He was about to fight her for three hundred rounds, and suddenly felt that two night watchmen were rushing over here.

So, he slowly lifted the mask and said in a voice that went from low to high:

"I said... I'm your father!!"

He ran away, and before running, Ye Tian didn't forget to spit at her.

Looking at the figure that was getting farther and farther away, Feng Yue's face became as gloomy as a dark cloud.

She drew out the long sword with a slight tremor, and gently stroked the blade with her palm. The blade turned silvery white under her touch, and then began to extend forward.

Not long after, a long sword of dozens of meters was in her hand.

"Fuck, you're cheating!"

Ye Tian inadvertently glimpsed this scene, and was so scared that his soul almost flew out, and quickly turned on the highest engine.

Feng Yue waved the long sword, and the blade seemed to have no weight, and fell down in an instant.

Despite the extraordinary speed, Ye Tian was also scared and his face turned pale.

"Sister, we don't have any deep hatred, please stop chasing us, okay?"

Before Ye Tian finished speaking, the long sword fell from his head. If it weren't for the foresight, he would have been cut in half.

Turning a corner, Ye Tian was about to disguise himself as a rabbit, and a silver-white blade stabbed out of the wall.

What's even more outrageous is that the blade seemed to be completely unhindered by the wall, and it cut randomly, but the wall was intact.

"She obviously dodged it, why is she still chasing me? Who understands, family members? Damn, stop cutting!"

In desperation, Ye Tian had to run towards the road where the moonlight could not reach, hoping that the Dark Night Messenger could be more powerful.

Without ensuring safety, he would not use disguise in front of this woman. Because his life depends on this, and he can't be exposed at all.

Feng Yue saw that this hateful guy was getting faster, and she couldn't help frowning. At this speed, she would be thrown away soon.

She would not allow someone to escape from her hands so easily, especially after this person teased her.

Feng Yue stared at Ye Tian's back, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and her right arm suddenly swung forward, and the silver-white blade suddenly turned into a streak of light and rolled forward.

Ye Tian saw the white streak sweeping over, and he pressed a dark erosion with good preparation.

After the white streak encountered the dark erosion, a large part of it was directly melted away. This change surprised Feng Yue a little, but it made her more determined to arrest this person.

For this kind of person with strong ability and a tendency to riot, prison is his best destination. Staying outside, he is either committing a crime or on the way to committing a crime.

Thinking of this, Feng Yue's eyes flashed with a cold light.

However, before she could make the next move, Ye Tian disappeared on the road.

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