The moonlight was shining brightly.

Feng Yue stood still, and the moonlight was shining like frost around her.

The moonlight swept the surrounding buildings inch by inch, and all the objects touched were bright and transparent. This is the incarnation of Feng Yue's spiritual power, which has the function of identifying objects.

The spiritual power varies from person to person, and this sentence is not just talk. When the spiritual power is at the "qi" level, most of the ability users can only activate their abilities through their palms.

This limitation is not something incomprehensible, because the spiritual power at the "qi" level cannot run too far, and once it leaves the human body, it is easy to disintegrate, so the easiest places to activate the ability are the hands, eyes and the like.

The so-called ability is actually another use of spiritual power. Everyone's spiritual power is different, and the role they play will not be the same. At the time of initial awakening, the effect of mental power is roughly equivalent to the ability after awakening.

After Feng Yue used mental power to scan, whether it was an illusion or concealment, it would be directly seen. For example, a person hiding in the wall could not be detected by the naked eye. But when her mental power was illuminated, a translucent wall and the person hiding inside would be seen.

As time went on, Feng Yue's brows gradually frowned. She had scanned the area back and forth, and some places were not reassured and came a second time, but she could not find any trace of that guy.

"Could it be that he had escaped from here a long time ago?"

Just when Feng Yue was stunned, Cui Shiping brought Qiu Rong here.

"Hello, did you see anyone suspicious just now?"

Feng Yue turned her head, frowned slightly, and looked at them with strange eyes:

"Do you count as suspicious people?"

"Uh." Cui Shiping awkwardly adjusted his mask and explained in a slightly hasty tone:

"I think there must be some misunderstanding between us. We are chasing someone, and he may be a little dangerous. We have been chasing him for a long time. If you see him, please tell us."

Feng Yue raised her eyebrows and asked in some surprise:

"Will the person you are chasing suddenly disappear? "

Cui Shiping's eyes condensed, and he nodded and said:

"Yes, that guy is very cunning, and has a kind of transformation ability. He turned into a crow and disappeared in front of us before. Of course, it may also be an ability like illusion, which cannot be guaranteed. "

Feng Yue shook his head and said with concentration:

"It's not an illusion. I just ran into him. He disappeared here. After I used my mental power to check, I didn't find him here. "

"Is it teleportation? But I haven't seen him use this..." Cui Shiping was also very surprised and muttered to himself.

Qiu Rong looked at Feng Yue for a while, and suddenly asked with a smile:

"Are you Feng Yue from Team 013? I heard that Captain Feng is here before I came."

Cui Shiping's thoughts were interrupted, and he looked at Feng Yue with some surprise... Captain Feng, you mean the guy Feng Shao? I heard that he has a sister, is she the one in front of him?

Feng Yue didn't expect the other party to reveal her identity. She was stunned for a moment, then said:

"Well, you are the Night Watchman No. 20?"

"What do you mean? Can someone pretend to be us?"

Cui Shiping heard the doubt in Feng Yue's words and said with some dissatisfaction.

They were so obviously dressed, could they still be mistaken?

What Cui Shiping didn't expect was that the slap in the face came so quickly. Feng Yue nodded immediately and said seriously:

"Just now, a man dressed the same as you told me that he was my father."

"What? Don't wrongly accuse me? We don't take the blame for this!!" Cui Shiping's eyes trembled when he heard it, and he hurriedly explained.

Feng Yue and Feng Shao are siblings. Isn't her father Feng Shao's father? Who dares to make this joke will be hacked to death by Feng Shao's sword? Even he doesn't dare, and of course his team members don't dare.

Qiu Rong's eyes moved slightly, thinking of Feng Yue's surprise when she saw them, and said with some clarity:

"Is the person who disguised himself as us the one you just met?"

Feng Yue looked at them expressionlessly and said nothing.

Seeing that Feng Yue still didn't believe it, Cui Shiping hurriedly explained:

"We just got here tonight, and when we got here, we found a fugitive. We have been trying to catch him, so how could we have time to joke with you? The person you saw might be the criminal. Didn't I say at the beginning that he has the ability to change, so he might be able to disguise himself."

Looking at their expressions, Feng Yue reluctantly believed it a little.

The main reason is that with such a big commotion, her teammates must have already rushed here. If it is confirmed that these two people are also fake, just capture them directly.

Feng Yue relaxed her brows and asked curiously:

"Who is the fugitive you are chasing? I think he is almost at the 'Cloud' level. Fugitives with this strength are quite rare."

Cui Shiping said with some resentment:

"He is the cult leader who designed to break into Prison 0-7, Ye Tian!"

With a "clang" sound, Feng Yue instantly pulled out the blade, but she didn't feel anything, just stared at the place where Ye Tian disappeared.


In the dark space.

After successfully harvesting a wave of leeks from Xiaodie and others, Ye Tian clapped his hands happily.

"Ye Tian, ​​what are you thinking about?"

Hu Dou looked at Ye Tian with some curiosity, and Shi Changsong was beside him.

They are now at the feet of Feng Yue and others.

This space was the backup plan that Hu Dou and Shi Changsong had left during the day, and the purpose was to deal with this situation. They had left several such backup plans. Although the space was not as good as the one in the restaurant, it could barely hide.

Not long after Ye Tian disappeared, there was a noise outside. At that time, they knew that the situation was not good, so they began to observe nearby. When they saw the butterfly circle in the sky, they roughly confirmed the direction of the fight.

So, at Shi Changsong's suggestion, Hu Dou and him came to a base not far from the butterfly to "try their luck", while Bramo and Genban waited in the restaurant. It might not be Ye Tian who was discovered by the night watchman. If Ye Tian came back and found no one, it would be a joke.

What they didn't expect was that Ye Tian really let them run into him.

Ye Tian sensed the familiar breath fluctuations of Shi Changsong from a long distance, so he used the bat to knock at that place, allowing Shi Changsong to open a big hole in the ground in advance.

After Ye Tian jumped down, the big hole closed instantly, and Ye Tian disappeared out of thin air.

Because the hole made by Shi Changsong was deep, and the soil layer on the surface was filled according to the original state, he avoided Feng Yue's perception by accident.

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment and said casually:

"Oh, nothing."

Miracle value from Feng Yue +100.


Why is it this Feng Yue again? Give me miracle points out of thin air again! Who is this person? I always feel a little cold on my back until I figure it out.

"What's wrong? Did they find this place?"

Shi Changsong asked nervously when he saw Ye Tian's reaction.

"Oh, nothing." Ye Tian scratched his hair and whispered:

"We are being targeted by the Night Watchmen now, and there is another team of Night Watchmen. We can't leave tonight."

Although Shi Changsong had expected this, he couldn't help but sigh and said with a frustrated look:

"The Level 0 prison was broken, so it's reasonable to increase manpower nearby. I just didn't expect them to be so fast. Now we can only wait until tomorrow. If it doesn't work, we can leave during the day tomorrow."

"No!" Ye Tian blurted out when he heard that he had to leave during the day. After realizing that he had overreacted, he quickly explained:

"One of them has a butterfly incarnation of spiritual power. He has a strong tracking ability and it is difficult to hide during the day. If we are targeted, we can't run away at all. Moreover, the other party will definitely think that we may leave during the day, and they may have set up defenses around us."

Shi Changsong nodded. What Ye Tian said did make sense. However, there is a curfew at night, which means that as long as they are seen, they will be caught up by the Night Watchmen. It's better to leave during the day.

Only Hu Dou understood Ye Tian's choice, because Ye Tian had said that his ability was limited, and this limitation should be that it could only be used at night.

So, Hu Dou echoed:

"I have seen night watchers wearing plain clothes during the day before. If we encounter such people, we will be in trouble. It is better to leave at night."

Seeing Hu Dou also said so, Shi Changsong finally stopped insisting and decided to leave tomorrow night.

After the three discussed, they shut up and waited quietly.

About an hour later, a big hole appeared on the ground again, and Ye Tian and the other two filed out.

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