The two of them were in a stalemate, and the two of them were in a hurry to escape.

Feng Yue narrowed her eyes.

Ye Tian calmed down.

Feng Yue raised her eyebrows slightly.

Ye Tian secretly swallowed his saliva.

Just when the two were in a stalemate, Feng Yue's communicator suddenly rang, and the switch was pressed, and a rapid and heavy voice spread between the two.

"Hello? Pay attention to the north area, Ye Tian is very likely to escape from there."

Feng Yue looked at the rabbit again, with a weird smile on his face.

Ye Tian climbed out of the bucket awkwardly, and then ran away.

"Oh my God! Are you kidding me? I'm just a few steps away. Is it necessary to do this to me?"

Caught a glimpse of bright light, Ye Tian quickly dodged to the side. The silver-white knife flashed down and cut straight into the ground.

"Fuck? Can't you change?!" The frightened Ye Tian shouted sternly, and then he casually shot out a dark erosion, melting some of Feng Yue's moonlight long sword.

Of course, he specifically used his hand to press the blade to launch the dark erosion, and covered it up with disguise. In Feng Yue's eyes, it was his hand that could melt the blade.

Ye Tian didn't forget the knowledge about the shadow. Now he was just a fugitive. If he was mistaken for a shadow, he didn't know what would happen to him.

After doing all this, Ye Tian jumped forward, threw his cloak, and four bats flew out. At the same time, he disguised himself as a bat and fled in five directions.

Although he was still relatively lacking in combat, who could compare to him in terms of escaping?

Just as Ye Tian was secretly delighted with his method, a burst of moonlight suddenly shone over, revealing his disguise.

Feng Yue looked determined and rushed towards Ye Tian.

"Wow, don't come over here!"

Seeing that his disguise was exposed, Ye Tian was so scared that he ran away. He only had one life, so he didn't dare to test the sharpness of the blade in the hand of others.

Fortunately, it was dark now, and his speed was obviously not something Feng Yue could catch up with. He only needed to maintain this speed to get rid of her.


A blue light passed by in an instant, breaking Ye Tian's fantasy.


After a loud bang, a huge crack appeared on the ground under Ye Tian's feet.

"What is this? Cui Shiping's slash?"

Ye Tian frowned, and with the help of night vision, he easily saw two figures about 300 meters away. One was Cui Shiping wearing a mask, and the other was a red-haired man he had never seen before.

"I didn't expect that he could hit me from such a distance? This is bad, I have to run quickly, I can't beat Feng Yue alone, let alone two stronger ones."

Just as he was about to move again, the red-haired man jumped into the air, and saw him grasping his right hand, a ball of golden light appeared in his hand, and smashed down from the air, and golden shock waves spread in the night sky.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian felt that it was not good, and before he could think more, a sense of impact acted on him from the air.

As if being hit by a high-speed train, Ye Tian's brain was suddenly empty, and his body flew out.


It was not until this time that a bang was heard in front of the red-haired man.

His attack had already exceeded the speed of sound!

After Ye Tian was knocked out, he found the best way to cushion the impact after landing in the air. He stood up quickly after rolling a few times, then turned around and ran away again.

Because of the incomplete force release, his bones were creaking, but he obviously couldn't care less at the moment, and escaping was the most important thing.

Fortunately, his physical fitness has been strengthened, otherwise he would lose his combat effectiveness with just that blow.

"Damn it, how can any night watcher beat me? Does this world still give people a chance to live?"

Ye Tian cursed, and before he ran a few steps, three blue slashes came after him, and Feng Yue also approached from the side at this moment.

Just when he was considering whether to gamble his luck and block a wave with the bracelet.

"Ring of Silence, Bind!"

A circular white circle enveloped the three blue slashes, freezing the slashes in the air. The white circle vibrated for a while, and then disappeared with the slashes inside.

At the same time,

"Blood Slash!"

A slash filled with red light hit Feng Yue's moonlight long sword directly, and with a bang, both of them dissipated into spiritual power.

"Hu Dou, Bramo, why are you here?"

Ye Tian knew that they had escaped, but he didn't think they would come back.

Hu Dou looked at Ye Tian helplessly and said with a smile


"We can't let you fight alone every time while we can only watch from the side, right?"

Just then, the red-haired man in the distance came with a second attack, and a golden shadow flashed in front of Ye Tian.

Genban slapped it with preparation, whipping the shadow into the sky.

With a "bang" sound, the air exploded, and the space there shook for a while, and then an air vortex formed.

As early as when Ye Tian was attacked for the first time, they saw the principle of that attack clearly. As long as they were not touched by the shadow, they could dodge the attack.

But not everyone has this ability, and fortunately Genban happened to have it.

"Brother Ye, we are just not as strong as you, not that we can't do anything."

Shi Changsong pressed his palm on the ground, and the ground around Feng Yue suddenly became soft. After her legs sank, the ground solidified again.

"Those two people are not comparable to ordinary night watchers. We have to find a way to withdraw."

Bramo looked at Feng Shao and Cui Shiping solemnly, and said in a low and worried tone.

Although he has lived in the chaotic area on the edge of the second wall for many years, and most of the battles he participated in were street fights that were not up to standard, this does not mean that he has little experience. Chaos means that order has been lost, and the probability of a high-level battle breaking out there is much higher than other places.

"Let's go in first, and the other night watchers will gather here in a while, and then it will be troublesome."

Ye Tian said immediately, and rushed towards an alley with Hu Dou.

It's not that he doesn't want to escape just like that. They have reached the edge of the village. There is really no shelter outside. Once they go out, they will become a living target.

On the contrary, if they are still in the village, his disguise can play a big role, and a large number of residential houses can also slow down the speed of spot checks by night watchers.

As if they had received the news, the surrounding butterflies all flew to Ye Tian, ​​and it didn't take long to expose Ye Tian's traces.

"Xiao Die is really annoying. Let's follow plan B... Wait a minute."

When Ye Tian turned into a street, he suddenly found a familiar figure in front of him.


Knock knock.

"Who is it?"

Erin was playing with a rabbit on the sofa when she heard a knock on the door, so she got up and went to take a look.

Through the door mirror, she could see a man in a black cloak standing outside. Strangely, there was a black cloth wrapped around his nose.

She could tell at a glance that the other party was a night watchman, and Erin hurriedly opened the door.

"Hello, I'm Feng, the watchman of Prison 0-7. You will leave with us soon. Please be prepared in advance."

"Huh? Isn't it tomorrow?" Erin asked in surprise with her eyes wide open.

She remembered that Feng Yue told her that it was tomorrow, and she thought she could sleep one more night.

Feng weighed it for 1 second, and still said truthfully:

"This is a notice issued by the King District. There must be something urgent."

Erin nodded and agreed, then returned to the house.

"Oh, Sister Yue doesn't know I'm leaving yet. No! I have to tell her."

Irene made up her mind, picked up the rabbit and walked out the door.

Before she walked far, she saw a dark shadow rushing towards her.

"Eh? Ye Tian?"

Irene and the rabbit widened their eyes at the same time.

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