In order to avoid hurting Irene, Ye Tian carried her up with the rabbit.

"Why are you here?"

Ye Tian asked as he ran, not noticing the four pairs of bright eyes behind him.

"I'm looking for Sister Yue, have you seen her?" Irene was stunned and answered subconsciously.

Her thoughts were still on the last second, she was on the road, and Ye Tian rushed over, and then...

"What? You're looking for that crazy woman... uh... that woman?" Ye Tian turned his head and whispered in surprise.

That woman is so bad, I don't know why Irene is looking for her. Oh, that's not right, Irene seems to have a good relationship with her?

Then what am I? Am I the bad guy?

Ah! I am not the bad guy, it is obvious that Irene did not see through the ugly face of that woman!

Irene tightened the rabbit in her arms to prevent it from being thrown out, and then said hesitantly:

"I am leaving, I have to tell Sister Yue, have you seen her?"

"Uh, this..." Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, and found that what she said seemed to make sense.

He also felt that he should say hello to people before leaving, and it was reasonable for Irene to do so.


Why should I run with Irene on my back?

Oh no, I forgot to put her down! I was running for my life, why should I carry Irene?

But now I don't know where I am, it's not good to just put Irene down, right?

Just as Ye Tian was thinking hard about how to send Irene back, Irene suddenly asked:

"Where are you going?"

Ye Tian forgot the embarrassment just now in just 1 second, and explained with an expectant smile:

"Uh, I got into some trouble, and I'm going to hide in Mosha's restaurant. Do you know the way?"

"Mosha? I know, it's over there."

Irene hugged the rabbit tightly and freed one arm to point the way to Ye Tian.

"Really? It's a big help!"

Ye Tian was overjoyed, and then immediately changed direction and ran to the restaurant with Irene on his back.


Seeing that Feng Yue was trapped, Feng Shao quickly rushed over and got her out.

"That bastard Ye Tian, ​​don't let me catch him!" Feng Yue used her mental power to clean the dirt on her legs and said with gritted teeth.

Because of her carelessness, she actually let Ye Tian escape from her again.

"Don't worry, he can't escape far. This time we can catch them all in one fell swoop." Feng Shao stared at the direction where Ye Tian evacuated and said calmly and indifferently.

From his observation, only Ye Tian and Shi Changsong reached the "cloud" level among those people, and the others were only at the "fog" level. The reason why he let them escape was just to take care of the residents around him. Once his ability was used, it would easily affect innocent people.

If the distance could be shortened, Feng Shao could handle it alone, and as for finding someone, Cui Shiping's team just happened to have a suitable person.

At this moment, Cui Shiping's communicator rang. After he answered it, he walked over with a serious look.

"What's wrong?" Feng Shao looked at Cui Shiping's frowning brows and immediately felt something was wrong.

Cui Shiping paused for a moment and said carefully:

"The higher-ups suddenly issued a notice saying that they will set off immediately."

Their Night Watch team was originally sent to support 0-7. The original schedule should have been delayed by another day. Unexpectedly, Wang Qu suddenly sent a message.

Feng Shao said without any hesitation: "Then you should go quickly. The overall situation is important. There are only some fugitives here, and we can handle them ourselves."

Cui Shiping hesitated for a few seconds and said in a solemn tone:

"My people found that Ye Tian took hostages, and now it will be more difficult to catch him."

Feng Yue was furious when she heard it: "That bastard dared to take hostages? Where is he now? I must chop off his head!"

Feng Shao also understood what Cui Shiping meant. Without the investigation they provided, he and others had to take into account the safety of the hostages in the process of looking for Ye Tian.

This Ye Tian is really insidious and cunning, but the matter of Ying cannot be delayed.

Feng Shao patted his chest and said confidently:

"Just go with peace of mind, we will handle it ourselves."

He was not arrogant. Normally, a team of night watchmen was enough to handle such a thing, and it was a bit of a waste of talent.

Of course, Feng Shao didn't know that Ye Tian had super

's perception ability, which will lay the groundwork for his subsequent failure.


Prison No. 0-7.


A number of carriages stopped beside the huge pit, which was out of place with the exposed and hideous iron wall.

The heavy gears began to run, driving the chains to pull upward, and the cage in the central passage was gently lifted up.

"Here, here, a little more to the right, be sure to put it well, this thing is very heavy."

Han Wenshu stood on the iron wall, commanding with a nervous look on his face.

The main function of these machines is to transport heavy objects, and they also require human cooperation. Not only is the operation difficult, but you also have to be careful not to make mistakes, otherwise it will be bad if they fall down.

The cage and the box that stores the shadow beads are made of Kasain metal, which means that the night watchman cannot rely on his ability to carry them, and every step needs to be doubly careful.

Han Wenshu saw that the cage landed successfully and nodded slightly. This is the last one. As long as the shipment is completed, the matter here will be over.

Under the moonlight, the number plate of the cage glowed silver.


Han Wenshu looked at the man sitting in the cage, sighed lightly, and said as if talking to himself:

"Regret it?"

Huijin blocked the moonlight outside the cage with his hand, and said calmly and casually:

"Hehe. Every choice has a corresponding price. Since the choice has been made, shouldn't it be right to bear the price?"

"But this price may not be exchanged for glory, but shackles."

Han Wenshu shook his head, with a look of pity in his eyes.

When Huijin was active, he diverted a large part of the attention of the king's district. There were countless night watchers tracking him. No one expected that his fate would usher in a turning point so soon.

"Life is like a gamble. If you don't try, how can you know that you can't do it?" Huijin laughed lowly and said calmly.

Han Wenshu frowned, took two slow steps, and murmured with emotion:

"A gamble? Sort of. It took the backhand that had been prepared for ten years to have that collective spirit-descending ceremony. But who could have predicted the result?"

After a moment of silence, Han Wenshu raised his eyes as if he remembered something and continued:

"In an area where the ceremony was held, a person suspected of carrying the power of the throne appeared."

Ashes raised his head suddenly, his breathing became heavy subconsciously, and he asked with a trembling tone:


"Dream." Han Wenshu looked at Ashes and sighed silently:

"Even so, do you still insist?"

After a long silence, Ashes seemed to have put down his hesitation, and his eyes were firm:

"We don't have enough time to wait for a new king, right?"

"Han Wenshu" looked at him silently for a long time, then he took out a shadow bead and put it in the cage, then turned and left.

Ashes swallowed the Shadow Pearl and said silently to himself:

"I won't let you down, Master Hanged Man."

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