The two of them were hiding in the cave, and the two were hiding in the cave.

Inside the restaurant.

"Ye Tian, ​​is this really okay?" Hu Dou asked with some doubts, half of his body exposed on the ground.

Ye Tian pushed him down and whispered, "Don't worry, just follow my instructions, there will be no problem."

After Hu Dou went down completely, the ground immediately returned to normal.

This was the hiding cave they built at the beginning. Ye Tian suggested to transform it into a tunnel connecting other places. If the concealment is not considered, the tunnel can be opened relatively quickly.

First attract the attention of the night watchman here, and then escape through the tunnel. This is the plan B they made.

Irene looked at the ground slowly returning to normal and asked curiously:

"By the way, who did you offend? Why are you hiding in the ground? And it's curfew time now. If you are found by the night watchman, you will be arrested."

Ye Tian rubbed his hands in a bit of confusion, hesitated for a while and chose not to reveal his identity:

"Nothing, oh, by the way, aren't you looking for Feng Yue? I'll take you to her in a while."

Originally, he thought Irene had known his identity and was going to ask her to help him pretend to be a hostage, but Irene thought he and Ye Tian were two people, so he gave up the idea.

After all, Irene has helped him a lot, and he can't bother her every time, or without her knowledge. This is not asking for help, but taking advantage.

"Eh? Do you know where Sister Yue is?" Irene opened her eyes slightly and touched the rabbit in surprise.

"Of course, you will see her soon, it won't delay you, right?" Ye Tian looked around and said confidently.

In his perception, there were seven auras that formed a surrounding force around him. As expected, Feng Yue was one of them, but the number was less than he expected.

"Really?" Irene said half-believingly, looking up at the sky outside the window that was slightly dim because the clouds covered the moon, and asked with a hint of curiosity:

"By the way, Ye Tian, ​​do you have any conflicts with Sister Yue? Why do you feel like a mouse seeing a cat when you see her?"

"Ah! What cat and mouse! I'm not afraid of her!" Ye Tian seemed to be poked in the sore spot, and immediately started to defend himself dissatisfiedly, but his tone seemed a little soft.

Irene squinted and smiled, and was about to say something when a black shadow suddenly attacked from outside the window.

The black shadow's original target was Ye Tian, ​​but it suddenly turned around and grabbed Irene when it got close.

Ye Tian raised the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand with preparation, and directly grabbed the man's hand.

"It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. Sit down!"

He grabbed Zhai Nan's hand and pushed him to the other side of the table with his strength.

Zhai Nan had been hiding outside the window for a long time. After observing for a long time, he rushed over when Ye Tian was not paying attention. He wanted to take the hostage away directly, but he was caught as soon as he met him.

Before he could speak, Ye Tian continued:

"Don't worry, everyone will be together soon. We will talk about it later."

Ye Tian chuckled and gently lifted up a crow, posing a mysterious look, and even the surrounding light could not help but dim.

Of course, these are all special effects. Ye Tian, ​​who has had several experiences, is obviously very experienced and can grasp Zhai Nan in one shot.

Zhai Nan's surprise was already beyond words. Seeing Ye Tian's performance, he almost doubted whether he had bumped into some extraordinary person. The more he thought about it, the more solemn he became, and he had forgotten the purpose of coming.

Irene also looked at Ye Tian in disbelief, as if she had just gotten to know him again.

Miracle value from Zhai Nan +30, miracle value from Irene +10.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while, and Zhai Nan suddenly thought that he was also a night watcher, so why did he look like a hostage now? He was about to say something when Ye Tian noticed it in advance.

Ye Tian tapped the table with his fingers and said in a mysterious tone:

"Do you know what I want to do most when I first came here?"

What do you want to do most? How do I know? Zhai Nan was interrupted by Ye Tian and was stunned by his words.

Irene shook her legs with interest and asked, "What is it?".

She had recognized this uncle as Feng Yue's teammate, but she didn't expect that this uncle was subdued by Ye Tian before he could last a round.

Ye Tian grinned slightly and said with a brisk tone:

"That is to carry forward the will of fire!"

"The will of fire?"

Seeing that Zhai Nan and Irene opened their eyes at the same time, Ye Tian smiled slightly and said nothing.

Because time will bring the answer.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded continuously around, one, two, three, four, five, six, a total of six breaths.

These six breaths, plus the fool next to him, a total of seven breaths, which are also the strongest breaths within a thousand meters, gathered here at this moment.

Ye Tian waved his hand lightly, and the front door of the restaurant opened automatically, and then he said to Irene:

"Okay, you can go out."

"Huh?" Irene was a little confused, but she still walked out curiously.

Just let the hostages go? Then what's the point of my hard work at the beginning? My credit... Zhai Nan looked at Irene's back with his mouth slightly open, and his head tilted stupidly.

"Sister Yue?"

Seeing that the person in the front was Feng Yue, whom she knew well, Irene called out in surprise.

"Irene? Why are you here?" Feng Yue saw Irene, her beautiful eyes full of surprise.

Before leaving, the night watchman with the butterfly told them confidently that the target was here, so how could it be Irene who came out?

Feng Shao's eyes became deep, and he looked into the restaurant.

After a short pause, he took the lead and stepped into the house.

"I didn't expect that you would just release the hostages? You are worthy of being the one who dared to design the attack on 0-7." Feng Shao smiled and stared into Ye Tian's eyes.

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows slightly, with an ambiguous smile on his face:

"Who said? I released the hostages?"

Feng Shao looked at Zhai Nan, who was a little dazed beside Ye Tian, ​​and a few black lines appeared on his forehead.

He was a little strange when he first came. Didn't this guy say he would be a pioneer? Why is he nowhere to be seen? After all this time, he turned out to be held hostage. What an idiot!

Miracle value from Feng Shao +30.

"Captain? You are here too?" Zhai Nan saw the figure in front of him clearly and said with a dazed look. He just came back to his senses from the shock of Ye Tian letting Irene go, and saw his captain.

Shut up, you idiot!

Feng Shao lowered his eyes and said in a slightly cold tone: "Make a condition!"

Zhai Nan looked at Feng Shao with a puzzled look, and then at Ye Tian... Did I miss anything just now? Why does it feel like time has fasted up a little bit?

"Hehe, is Xiaodie outside? The one who uses the butterfly."

Ye Tian wanted to pretend to be cool and leave, but suddenly thought of Xiaodie, the biggest trouble. After careful consideration, he asked directly.

"She's not here, you don't have to worry about her, the night watchmen have already left here."

Feng Shao didn't expect Ye Tian to ask Cui Shiping's people, and he snorted coldly in response. He didn't bother beating around the bush.

"Gone?" Ye Tian's eyes were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly lit up. Without Xiaodie, the follower, they could just run away if they wanted to.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian tapped the ground with his heel, then laughed softly and said:

"Feng Shao, right? Have you seen a very new way of playing? Well, the kind that can make people disappear out of thin air."

A very new way of playing? Disappear out of thin air? Feng Shao narrowed his cold eyes slightly, and suddenly thought of the kind of disappearance that Feng Yue had said, and secretly focused his attention.

No one has ever been able to play disappearance in front of him. If Ye Tian wants to do this, he doesn't mind showing Ye Tian what it means to be outdone!

Ye Tian slowly stood up, and two flames exploded, turning into a flaming cloak that slowly fell behind him. Fires continued to burn around, and fine flames flew upward, illuminating Ye Tian's proud chin.

Feng Shao's eyes condensed, and a golden shadow could not help but spread out on his hands... Is this Ye Tian a fire ability? I have never seen him use it before... Zhai Nan, this idiot, didn't know how to escape with such a good opportunity, I must teach him a lesson after tonight!

While his thoughts were flashing, Ye Tian quickly formed seals with both hands.

Chen, Xu, Si, Yin, and then put his hands together.

Looking at Feng Shao, whose face was becoming more and more solemn, Ye Tian whispered with a smile in the corner of his eyes:

"Earth escape-the art of changing people alive!"

Ye Tian exploded into a ball of brown earth mist and disappeared on the spot.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Feng Shao and Zhai Nan immediately turned into natives and coughed.

At the last moment, Ye Tian attacked their eyes with virtual earth, which could prevent them from finding the tunnel to the greatest extent.

Hearing the noise inside, the others rushed in.

"Captain? What happened to you? Where is Ye Tian?"

Feng Shao quickly used his mental power to clear the dust in the air, and angrily


"That bastard actually used a treacherous trick! He must be nearby, use your mental power to search!"

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