Outside the restaurant, Irene looked at Feng Yue with a helpless smile on her face:

"Sister Yue, I may have to leave now."

Feng Yue was not surprised. She had guessed something from Cui Shiping. After touching Irene's hair comfortingly, she said in a tactful tone:

"It's okay. You've been out for a long time. It's better to go home early. I'll take you home."

With her teammates around, she was not in a hurry for Ye Tian.

Irene's eyes lit up slightly. Before she said anything, she heard the rumbling sound of a carriage.

Looking up, a carriage with two horses driving side by side came towards them, and a listless young man was sitting on it.

"Lord Baiju?"

Feng Yue's eyes widened. She didn't expect the other party to come directly to pick up the goods.

Baiju yawned listlessly, patted the roof and said:

"Come on, time is tight."


Outside the village.

The carriages were neatly lined up. The carriages in front were normal, while the ones in the back seemed to be pulling big blocks and were wrapped in black cloth.

Ye Tian carefully showed his head, then shrank back.

"What is that for?"

Hu Dou thought for a moment and guessed seriously:

"It should be transporting goods. Aren't carriages used for transporting goods?"

Shi Changsong shook his head and retorted: "No, this kind of village can't get so much goods. These vehicles should just stay here for a while and leave soon."

Bramo looked at the carriage in the back row and narrowed his eyes slightly:

"This carriage is not ordinary. The material is not comparable to that of inferior wood. And judging from the wheel marks, the cargo seems to be very heavy. It is difficult for ordinary cargo to be so heavy. , so the items on the car must be very valuable, and they specially choose to transport them at night, probably something that cannot be seen in the light. "

Ye Tian didn't have so many ideas. If they didn't run away, they would be caught by the night watchers sooner or later, so he proposed and asked:

"Can we hide in the goods and leave here with them?"

Shi Changsong didn't agree so much, and said after a pause:

"It's not good. The people transporting the goods are not ordinary. It will be bad if there is a conflict, and we don't know where they are going."

Ye Tian thought for a while and looked at Hu Dou.

With Hu Dou's ability, it should be possible to sneak into the car without anyone noticing, and then get off halfway after leaving here, but I don't know if it is appropriate.

"I don't think it's good either. It's too dangerous. It's better to walk more than ten miles to the nearby area." Hu Dou didn't agree too much. He felt that the risk was not proportional to the convenience.

"Okay then." Ye Tian drooped his breath and was about to say something when the sound of a carriage came from the village.

Looking closely, a single carriage ran out, and there was a person sitting on the carriage.

Before Ye Tian could see the man clearly, Hu Dou held his head down and lowered his sight.

"Don't look at him!"

After the sound of the carriage began to fade away, Hu Dou dared to explain in a low voice:

"That is the Judge, a 'sea' level strongman. Focusing on him is equivalent to patting him with your eyes."

"Pop with your eyes? What is this saying?" Ye Tian couldn't help but muttered, but he also understood what Hu Dou meant.

When he saw the other party, the other party would also see him, and his position would be exposed.

Is this a "sea" level strongman? He didn't even dare to peek.

Hu Dou looked at Ye Tian's ignorant look, couldn't help but hold his forehead with his hand, and said speechlessly: "This is what my sister said, I remember you were there at the time?"

"Oh, maybe my attention was not there at the time." Ye Tian scratched his hair and replied awkwardly.

I didn't expect that Hu Dou's sister even knew this. She doesn't look like an ordinary person.

"Who is that person? Do you know him?" Ye Tian asked again. This time he was really curious.

"Sea" level strongman, this is the first time he has come into contact with him.

Bramo, Shi Changsong and Genban also looked over. They also lack understanding of the judge.

Hu Dou touched his chin and pondered for a while, and said slowly:

"I didn't dare to see it too clearly, but the figure seemed to be Bai Ju. He is the youngest judge. I heard that he became a reserve judge at the age of 12."

"12 years old?" Ye Tian and the other four opened their mouths at the same time, obviously shocked.

12 years old, what am I doing? I seem to be in elementary school.

Ah, I have traveled through time now, so I should take this world as the standard.

It doesn't seem right either, I seem to be over 12 years old in this body.

Ye Tian sighed helplessly, as if wondering why he didn't travel through time to this kind of person.

After a pause, he raised his head again:

"By the way, what does the judge do?"

Hu Dou said with a look of "I knew you would ask" and a strange face:

"There are six judges in total, forming the Supreme Council, with the right to decide everything about human beings. At the same time, they are also the highest level of the Night Watchers."

"What about the Saint?" Ye Tian thought of this title again, which sounded very powerful, but he didn't know what it did specifically.

"Uh, this, I don't know much about it." Hu Dou scratched his head. His sister didn't talk about this, and he still felt very distant when he mentioned this.

Ye Tian looked at him sarcastically. What? If you don't know this, what's the use of you?

"The saint seems to be one level higher than the judge, but I'm not sure about the details." Shi Changsong interrupted and added.

Although the saint has a great reputation, he was still young at that time and far away from the royal area. He had no contact with such people and naturally didn't know much about them.

But at that time, he had only heard of the saint, not the judge, so the saint must be the greatest.

"Is that so? Forget it, let's leave here first."

Seeing that no accidents had happened, Ye Tian couldn't help but let go of his nervous heart and decided to set off immediately.


Two days later, it was a dark and windy night.

A carriage came from a distance, pulled by two black horses. There were two strong men in black clothes in front, guarding them on the left and right like door gods. In the carriage sat a fat man with a fat head and big ears, wearing a robe embroidered with golden horses.

The fat man's name was Fu Ma, the only son of the Fu family. He was born rich and noble, and he ate a lot of oil every meal.

Fu Ma was getting married, and he went out of town to buy good wine for the wedding. As he was about to get home, he couldn't help but hum a light tune.

However, he didn't hum for long before an accident happened.

When passing a narrow earth slope, a dead tree suddenly fell in the middle of the road.


The two guys driving the car quickly pulled the reins and stopped.

The carriage shook left and right twice, and a ball rolled out.

The ball rolled all the way to the dead tree, revealing a fat head. It turned out to be Fu Ma in the car.

Looking at the horizontal wood in front of him, Fu Ma climbed up angrily, and was about to ask someone to smash the tree, when he saw a person jumping out from each side of the road.

A burly man with a scar shouted, "I built this road and planted this tree."

Another bald man with a strong back and waist shouted, "If you want to pass through here, leave money for the passage!"

Fu Ma's eyes widened, and his fat body trembled as he muttered, "What is he doing? Even beggars have never seen such arrogance."

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