The horse was a little frightened by Ye Tian's riding, and its two front hooves suddenly kicked up.

Sitting on the horse's back, Ye Tian felt dizzy and fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah." Ye Tian, ​​who was forced to eat a mouthful of dirt, looked at the horse angrily: "You bastard!"

"This horse has not been specially trained, it can't be ridden." The servant next to him kindly reminded him.

In fact, even if they have been trained, most of them can't be ridden. After all, the main purpose of these horses is to pull goods, and the short-term training can only reach this level. If horses are to be ridden by people, it is best to let them grow up with people from childhood, so that the horses will not be so irritable.

Of course, this is also caused by their lack of professional training experience. Having a horse here is already a small achievement, and Fu Ma is the only one like him.

Ye Tian obviously did not understand this and misunderstood: "Do you look down on me? That was just an accident. I will ride it for you now."

In order to cover up his mistake just now, Ye Tian prepared to get on the horse again, but this time he learned to be smart. The moment he jumped on the horse's back, he held the reins firmly and did not let go no matter how the horse shook its head.

When the horse was almost out of strength, it finally settled down. Ye Tian, ​​who was lying on it, smiled and said, "I told you, I can definitely ride it."

The servant gave a thumbs up with admiration. Those who dared to forcibly tame horses in this way were all ruthless people. I didn't expect that this person who looked weak could do it.

After receiving a miracle point, Ye Tian got off the horse contentedly. Of course, the real reason was that he was almost peed because of the shaking just now. If he didn't get off, something bad might happen.

He walked back to Fu Ma calmly and said with a smug smile: "Hey, I haven't ridden a horse for many years, and my movements are a little rusty."

Fu Ma was slightly moved when he saw this. Could it be that Ye Qian came here just to ride a horse?

Why do I always feel a sense of conspiracy?

But in fact, Ye Tian, ​​as the center of the conspiracy theory, was just thinking: This horse is too dishonest. If I rob it, can I really ride it?

Yes, he just had to ride a horse just now to get used to it in advance, so as not to know how to ride a horse when he has one. After all, he has never ridden an animal since he was a child.

Well, it seems not absolute. He remembers that he rode a turtle when he was a child, but it has been a long time and he has almost forgotten it.

"When did you learn to ride a horse?" Hu Dou came to him and asked in a low voice in disbelief, and then he muttered silently: "I don't know how to ride a horse yet."

Ye Tian looked around and found that no one noticed this. He also replied in a low voice: "Do you believe me when I said I just learned it?"

"So that's how it is." Hu Dou nodded in realization. He said that if he couldn't do it himself, how could Ye Tian do it?

Ye Tian rolled his eyes speechlessly, not understanding how such a ridiculous reason could be believed.

Just then, a loft in the distance caught Ye Tian's attention.

The loft's black-dominated carvings made it look out of place with the surrounding houses. There was a small window on the third floor, which always gave him a weird feeling.

Of course, this was not the key point. The key point was that if he remembered correctly, the breath of the person who attacked him last night disappeared in that direction.

Out of curiosity and a little exploration, Ye Tian pointed there and asked, "What is that place?"

Fu Ma paused and looked at the black attic outside the horse farm. At first, he didn't think there was anything wrong, but after a closer look, he found that it looked familiar.

Most of the houses there are vacant, and whoever wants to live there can live there. It stands to reason that Fu Ma can't know who the owners of those houses are. But he has been there for something these days. He can't remember anything else, but he can still remember that room.

That's right, that's where Ling Feiyan lives.

Although I don't know when she moved in, it doesn't prevent her from being the current owner.

Fu Ma's mind suddenly rang with the sound of porcelain falling to the ground, and the whole person suddenly became clear.

He understood.

It turned out that this was the source of the conspiracy.

Everything pointed to that figure-Ling Feiyan!

Ye Qian had known that Ling Feiyan lived there for a long time, so he deliberately found an opportunity to get close to her. Visiting the horse farm was not his purpose.

No! I can't let his conspiracy succeed like this.

Fu Ma thought that cheating Ye Qian was not cheating, so he said calmly, "Oh, that's our

This is a famous bookstore, many people like to go there to read books. "

"Really?" Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and looked at him with some disbelief.

"Of course, you see that the house is very dark, right? In fact, it is called the Black Horse Bookstore, which is very appropriate for its appearance."

Fu Ma Ping said calmly, his face couldn't be more natural.

It just so happened that Ye Qian insisted on calling his Hundred Horses Garden the White Horse Garden, which gave him a good idea, otherwise it would be difficult to name it.

"Black Horse Bookstore?" Ye Tian repeated strangely.

It seems logical to flee to the bookstore to hide after the attack failed, but does he have to hide there for a whole night?

Ye Tian didn't doubt anything, but he suddenly became interested in this bookstore: "Black Horse Bookstore? It sounds good, why don't you go and take a look? "

Fu Ma's face froze, and he felt like he had shot himself in the foot.

When he was anxious about how to dispel Ye Tian's idea, he happened to catch a glimpse of the brown-red horse, and his eyes lit up and said, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that we have a tradition of horse racing here. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"Horse racing?" Ye Tian raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"It means that we bet on each other to see which horse runs faster." Seeing that Ye Qian had taken the bait, Fu Ma explained while the iron was hot: "This is an inherent tradition of visiting the horse farm. As the first person to visit my horse farm, you can't refuse it."

This is not nonsense. When two people of similar status meet, they can indeed hold a horse betting event. This is not only called respect for the guests, but also often used as another level of competition. Fu Ma just changed the premise of "both parties have agreed" slightly to that it must not be refused.

"Horse betting?" Ye Tian's eyes lit up and he asked directly: "Is there a prize if I win the bet? ”

He didn’t care whether it was traditional or not, but since he was here, he couldn’t go back empty-handed.

“Uh, here, what do you want?” Fu Ma’s joy suddenly stopped, and he turned to look deeply at Ye Tian.

He thought Ye Qian would agree without caring, and after losing, he would reveal that the loser could not entangle Ling Feiyan, and use this to kill his opponent in one fell swoop.

But what Fu Ma didn’t expect was that Ye Qian actually saw through his plan and brought the bet to the surface.

What should he do now? Although he was very sure that he could win, what if he lost...

Just when Fu Ma was hesitant, Ye Tian began to hint wildly:

“Well, here, since you are the owner here, you can’t have no expression if you lose, right? I think your horse is pretty good.”

“Horse?” Fu Ma blinked.

“Yes, you see, we have come so far to visit you, we can’t have to walk back, right? ", Ye Tian looked at Fu Ma nervously.

What was the purpose of doing so much preparation? Wasn't it just to cheat...ah, borrow a few horses? Now such a good opportunity, if he didn't grab it, he would be stupid.

"Oh, you said this, that's right, if you win, just pick a few horses at random.", Fu Ma was stunned for a moment and quickly agreed. He didn't expect that Ye Qian was not referring to Ling Feiyan.

That would be great. If he won, his wife would be his, and if he lost, he would just give him a few horses. It was a sure win anyway.

Of course, Ye Tian thought so too. If he won, he could just ride away on the horse, and if he lost... he didn't agree to bet on anything. If he lost, he would lose. It would be a huge profit.

Seeing that it was so easy to get it done, the two of them couldn't wait to get started.


In the distance.

Ling Yunzhi silently put down a monocular telescope and said to himself strangely: "Why is it like this? "

He watched again for a while, unconvinced, and soon his forehead was full of question marks: "Are they enemies or friends? There is no trace at all."

After a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "No! I have to find a way to confirm it."

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