The competition was very successful.

"Start from the gate, let the horse run around the wall, and finish after running three laps. You can choose three horses to see who ranks higher, how about it?" Fu Ma cleared his throat and explained the rules simply and clearly.

"That's it?" Ye Tian was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect that the horse racing that looked so high-end would be so simple.

"Yes, after all, there are only two of us. That kind of competition with riders requires many people to participate," Fu Ma explained with a smile, fearing that Ye Qian would see the loophole.

Among these horses, the 5 best ones are those called good horses, and he recognizes them all. In this case of horse selection and betting, he can win steadily.

Fu Ma thought Ye Tian still had concerns, and generously said: "All the horses are here, as a guest, you can choose first."

Ye Tian nodded in a pretentious manner, but in fact he had already hinted that Hu Dou had activated his ability.

"It's you, Ye Tian, ​​who fooled this guy around, giving away pigs and horses."

"Brother Ye is really amazing, now we can leave."

"Master Ye has..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Ye Tian didn't have time to listen to their praise, as long as the miracle points were reached, there was no need to express it verbally.

While Fu Ma was not paying attention, he turned around and asked quickly: "Does anyone know about horses?"

As soon as this was said, Hu Dou and others immediately fell silent.

Yes, although the bet was set, no one present knew how to play.

When Ye Tian saw them like this, three black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead. This is not a joke... Even you can't do it, do you expect me?

Helplessly turning his head, he stared at the horses carefully, trying to rely on the seer to see something.

Unfortunately, the reality is so unsatisfactory. The seer really has no special effect in choosing horses.

What can I do? It's daytime now, and there is only one seer who can be used, and it's not helpful at all.

Wait... Daytime?

Ye Tian looked up suddenly, looking at Fu Ma with burning eyes: "I suddenly thought of a good idea."

"What idea?" Fu Ma was stunned and then asked.

"Let's compete in the dark." Ye Tian said in an unquestionable tone.

"Why in the dark? Isn't it the same?" Fu Ma's heart was beating. Did he find something and want to use the darkness to make me unable to see clearly and choose a good horse?

"Uh, this." Ye Tian's eyes lit up when he saw the black attic: "Because I thought of a more interesting way to play. Let's each choose a horse, and let them start from the door when it gets dark. Whoever runs to the Black Horse Bookstore first wins."

Hearing that the other party just changed the route, Fu Ma breathed a sigh of relief, and then his nervous heart was lifted again: "From the White Horse Garden to the Black Horse Bookstore? Uh, do you have to ride there?"

"Ride? Why ride? Can't you let them run by themselves?" Ye Tian asked in surprise. Didn't you tell me this rule?

"What? Let it run there by itself?" Fu Ma looked at Ye Tian, ​​then at the black building, and he felt bad.

Not only him, but everyone who heard it was in a state of confusion.

A horse is not a person. If you tell it to run there, will it listen to you and run there?

Ye Tian certainly thought so in his heart, so he said to himself: "Do you have any questions? Isn't this quite simple?"

"Simple?" Fu Ma was no longer able to ask him for details. Letting the horse run by itself, is this what a human being does?

Originally, this was a simple multiple-choice question, but Ye Tian forcibly changed it into an answer question.

But he was the one who first mentioned horse racing, so it was not easy to admit defeat at this time.

"Then why does it have to be dark?" Fu Ma was also puzzled by this condition.

Why does it have to be dark? Of course, only when it's dark can I beat you.

Ye Tian looked at the bright sky and said humorously: "The building can't be seen clearly after dark, which increases the difficulty. If the horse just ran over, it would be so boring."

This made Hu Dou behind him almost couldn't hold back his laughter. It was outrageous enough to let the horse find the way by itself, and he was also worried that the horse would run over directly after dawn.

If there weren't outsiders here, Hu Dou would have to ask him how he came up with this idea, but now he could only silently praise him in his heart: You guys really know how to have fun.

"Since it's getting dark, let's meet up here after dark." Fu Ma said thoughtfully.

Ye Tian naturally had no objection. It was still early before dark, so he couldn't just wait here.


"You said, he wants the horse to find the way by itself?" Fu Hao was surprised to hear such a thing for the first time.

"Yes, I proposed the condition of letting the horse run by itself. I can't refuse Ye Qian's condition, right?" Fu Ma shrugged and said dejectedly.

Guard "Moon" thought of something and reminded him, "That Ye Qian is not simple. He may have awakened his ability."

Fu Hao's eyes flickered and nodded, "It seems that his ability has this effect. Does it need dark?"

"What? Isn't he cheating?" Fu Ma was unhappy when he heard it. This is obviously a fair competition. What's wrong with you using your ability?

Fu Hao burst out laughing after hearing this: "That's obviously his ability, how can it be called cheating? Similarly, everything we can give you is also your ability."

Fu Ma opened his mouth slightly, and his worldview seemed to be refreshed: "This... This is not fair, right?"

"Fair?" Fu Hao laughed: "What is fair? It's not fair for you two to just stand there. Fairness is not equality. As long as you both agree to this competition, no matter the process, the result is fair."


"Ye Tian, ​​are you sure you want to compete with him?" Hu Dou asked with an exaggerated expression.

Letting the horse find the way by himself is not reliable no matter how you think about it.

Bramo couldn't guess what Ye Tian was thinking, so he just suggested tactfully: "We can take advantage of the darkness and steal a few horses back, and take the opportunity to leave."

Shi Changsong didn't think about competing well, and also echoed: "If you can get a few more horses out and let them pass through the hole I set up, we can take these horses directly."

Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a smile: "Why do you always do such sneaky things? Don't worry, we will win him properly. It's easy to take down a stupid son of a landlord?"

Of course, his confidence does not come from the opponent's IQ, but from his own ability.

Why do those things that are embarrassing when you can handle it with your own ability?


It was getting dark.

Ye Tian brought Hu Dou and the other four to the horse farm and saw that Fu Ma had arrived long ago, and there were also four people beside him. Among them were not only Fu Ma's guards Qinglong and Baihu, but also his father's Sun and Moon guards.

Ye Tian was very surprised by the arrival of "Sun" and "Moon". Although they had only met once, he did not throw away the 1,000 pigs in vain. He already knew that these two lone guards were both capable people, but their abilities were a little special.

Now they were also present. Could it be that they wanted to help Fu Ma cheat? That's not the case, right? It's just a few horses.

Ye Tian couldn't show his fear at this moment, so he could only pretend to nod to the Sun and Moon guards.

The Sun and Moon guards nodded in response and gave Fu Ma a look that said "you see".

Fu Ma was originally resistant to cheating, but his father's education and his opponent's love-stealing made him somewhat shaken. Now seeing the secret communication between Ye Tian and Sun and Moon, he finally figured it out.

Since the opponent thinks it's nothing, what's there for him to worry about?

Fu Ma, who had adjusted his mentality, said to Ye Tian: "The horses are all here, you pick one."

Ye Tian waved his hand calmly, chuckled and said: "There's no rush. This is the first time we meet, so we should cultivate some feelings. Let's pick together, which will save time."

After saying that, Ye Tian didn't give Fu Ma time to react, and walked into the herd of horses first.

Although he has the ability to command animals, he can't guarantee that he will succeed in one go. Commanding animals is based on the premise that the other party is friendly. If he can't find a friendly one, he can only learn to turn into a horse and try again.

Moreover, with the Sun and Moon Guards present, it's not easy for him to use it directly, so his explanation is more roundabout.

Fu Ma glanced at the Sun and Moon Guards, and after seeing them nod, he walked straight to one of the horses and quietly took out a pair of round lenses that he had prepared long ago from his sleeve.

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