Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 133: Finally invited Abbot Xuanxin

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Shaoshishan, Xuan Xin walked out of the abbot's monastery.

Standing in the yard, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance.

Feeling that the whole Shaoshi Mountain, the more and more dense aura, as Wu Neng strikes the clock day after day.

The Shaolin Temple continued its spiritual recovery.

In the entire Shaoshi Mountain Realm, the aura has become a lot richer.

Compared to the past, the changes are great.

Wu Neng, who is obscured and willing to be a bell-strike for hard labor, has indeed made a great contribution to Shaolin.

"I don't know, how are the disciples' experience in the cave ruins?"

Inexplicably, a sudden rise in her heart, an extremely unknown premonition, Xuan Xin frowned for a while.

Can't help but worry.

"Disciple Wu Neng, meet the abbot."

At this moment, Du Tongfu, the first minister of the former cabinet, the first-grade protector of the country, came to Xuanxin with a look of reverence.

See you respectfully.

These days, since Mr. Du joined Shaolin, he became a Shaolin disciple of three generations, and he was willing to be a bell-belling man.

Life can be said to be quite fulfilling.

I am immersed in the Dharma epiphany every day.

The fulfilling, beautiful, and vast Mahayana Buddhism made him live fascinated, and he had already forgotten his former identity.

Fully integrated into Shaolin.

As the clock hits day after day, and after revising the pure Buddhism Shaolin internal skills in the martial arts.

Wu Neng's internal recovery ability has become stronger and stronger.

Basically, after hitting the clock in the morning, it only takes half a day to restore the strength to its heyday.

In this way, Wu Neng will have more than half a day's free time.

"Go and prepare, and follow me to Zi Yulin."

Now in Shaolin Temple, besides Xuanxin, there are only Wu Neng and Wu Ming. Xuan Xin has to bring someone to Zi Yulin, right?

It is impossible for Wu Ming to guard the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Then the only thing that can be brought is enlightenment.

"Yes, the disciple will prepare now."

Put your hands together, the enlightenment at this moment, the whole body is full of the breath of Buddhism.

Originally majestic momentum and sharpness.

The vastness of righteousness.

have nothing left.

Not long after Wu Neng left, he turned back and hurriedly said, "Abbot, Wuzhen is back."

Wu Neng reported the news to Xuan Xin the first time.

"Gozen is back?"

Xuan Xin was stunned, only to see Shanxia, ​​who was over sixty years old, the age-old Wuzhen, with a general in battle armor.

Galloping all the way, struggling to catch up on the mountain.

At this time, the premonition in Xuan Xin's heart became worse.



Zi Yulin, the ominous air, has become more and more intense.

Dark and ghostly.

The Buddhist aura of the high-ranking monks of the Wenshu Monastery has long been uncontrollable.

Among the circling black clouds, a huge mouth of the abyss ripped apart, and there was a terrible howling sound like a howling ghost and a wolf.

Nascent ghost face, blue-faced fangs are more like a sharp arrow hanging over the heads of everyone.

The feeling of ominousness in the hearts of the people in it is getting stronger and stronger.

The look was heavy and anxious.

General Wu Anjun of Dingxi, Guang Liang, abbot of Wenshu Monastery, Hengdao Zong An Ruyun, and old villager Ji Yuan of Wujian Villa.

Nangong Patriarch Nangong Ri'an, and City Lord Jin Mofu also have a group of eminent monks.

For most of Tianbei City, there are strong men with a face and a face.

Anyone who stands up can be called the giant of Tianbei City.

At this time are waiting for someone to arrive.

That is Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin.

The difference is that General Wu Anjun of Dingxi and Ji Yuan, the old owner of Wujian Villa, put their hopes on Xuanxin.

They firmly believed that as long as the abbot Xuanxin was invited, they would definitely be able to save Tianbei City.

We will be able to avoid this catastrophe.

And the abbot of Wenshu Monastery Guangliang, Hengdaozong is as safe as the cloud, and Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian.

As well as the lord of the city, Jin Mofu, the group of high monks is unbelievable.

Moved and shocked.

They couldn't figure out why Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin was able to turn the tide and save Tianbei City?

Can Shaolin do what Wenshu Monastery cannot do?

If it is said that the master Ji Yuan of the old villager, he was so confused and flattered to praise Shaolin.

Then why is it that the generals of the court dignified the borders and guarded the territory?

General Wu Anjun of Dingxi was like old village master Ji Yuan.

To Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin, such a high praise?

So reverence, even fanatical?

Guang Liang, An Ruyun, Jin Mofu, Nangong Wentian, although they did not speak at this time, they were shocked and puzzled.

But it has never happened before.

Shaolin was just a small temple in the wild before.

Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin, why is it in the mouths of Wuanjun and Ji Yuan.

Became the reincarnated Buddha?

How come you become a living Buddha?

How can you become a monk who can communicate with the Buddha?

Faced with such flattery, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery Guang Liang's heart was filled with disbelief and even a wave of dissatisfaction arose.

He now wants to see, how can your profound heart be, how can you dare to call it the reincarnation of the Buddha.

Dare to call it a living Buddha.

What skills do you dare to pretend that you can communicate with the Buddha.

Why, what can't be done by Wenshu Monastery, you can do it in Shaolin? See how you Xuanxin can turn the tide and save Tianbei City?

This is not just the thought in Guang Liang's mind, like Heng Dao Zong An Ruyun, Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian, and City Lord Jin Mofu also have similar thoughts in his heart.

Especially Jin Mofu, he couldn't figure out, Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin, this existence he had completely looked down upon.

Why is there such an ability?

With the situation becoming more and more critical and almost out of control, everyone is waiting eagerly.

A carriage, under the **** of dozens of sergeants.

Let it go all the way, galloping smoothly, and came to the front of everyone.

"General, the humble post has invited Abbot Xuanxin."

The furious general, wearing a battle armor, knelt on one knee and clasped his fists to see the ceremony.

"it is good."

"Finally abbot Xuanxin has been invited."

Wu Anjun looked excited, his eyes fixed on the carriage.

The anxious heart finally settled down, and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief now.

At this time, everyone's eyes were also focused on this carriage.

The first to get out of the carriage was the old man who was over sixty years old.

After the enlightenment came down, another old monk walked down.

This old monk, wearing a thin monk's clothes, has a restrained aura full of Buddha nature, and is so inconspicuous that he is not noticed by people.

Everyone ignored the existence of this old monk, and put him in the category of Wuzhen and never took a second look.

In Guangliang, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, and the city lord Jin Mofu's eyes.

This old monk is an irrelevant role.

Although there is a state of congenital perfection.

But that's it.

Who cares are you?


At this moment, Dingxi General Wu Anjun, who was originally excited and inexplicable, seemed to be beaten in blood.

Suddenly, my whole body trembled and the expression on his face froze

Trembling and cautiously, he rushed up quickly, bowed his knees and knelt down.

"Mr. Wu An of the humble post, I have seen Mr. Du Ge."

Wu Anjun, who rushed forward, immediately knelt down respectfully.

To the inconspicuous old monk, who was ignored by everyone, kneel down respectfully and ask to see you.

Guangliang, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, the lord of Jin Mofu, and a group of high monks suddenly stunned.

With an incredible look, the old monk with a restrained aura and no sense of existence.

Shocked, dumbfounded!

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