Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 134: Xuanxin's worries

The Great Zhou Dynasty, holding a heavy army, guarded the general of one side, General Wu Anjun of Dingxi.

He actually stood up and bowed down to an old Shaolin monk.

Directly astounded Guang Liang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, and the lord Jin Mofu, and the group of high monks.

This old monk is so inconspicuous.

They hadn't even seen it before.

Immediately one by one was dumbfounded, with a dumbfounded expression of disbelief.

Who is this old monk?

Everyone's mind is buzzing.

He didn't even react at this time.

The words of Wu Anjun just now echoed in his mind.

Old Du Ge...

Who is this Du Ge always...

A pair of eyes looked towards the old Seng Wu, and suddenly there was a very familiar feeling.

Du Tongfu, as the chief assistant of the former cabinet of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Yipin protects the country.

Zhishi returned to his hometown and returned to Tianbei City to enjoy his life.

Although he was low-key and rarely showed up before, none of the people present were the top bosses of Tianbei City.

A party giant, a well-known big man.

How could you have never seen Du Tongfu?

Therefore, when they looked at the old monk Wuming, they felt very familiar.

Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

But he couldn't react for a while, and I couldn't remember who it was.

In other words, they dare not think about that aspect at all for a time.

"Old's Master Du Tongfu..."

The lord of the city Jin Mofu, with a look of horror in disbelief, couldn't help swallowing dryly.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Oh my god, is it really Mr. Du Tongfu, the former cabinet chief assistant?"

"The former chief assistant of the cabinet, Mr. Du, who is a first-rate protector of the country, hasn't he returned to his hometown?"

"How is this possible? How could Master Du become a monk in Shaolin?"

"Hi... Your old man, why did you end up here..."



There were voices of cold breath, a pair of dumbfounded expressions.

A dumbfounded face.

Guang Liang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, and Jin Mofu were deeply shocked.

Only then did they fully react.

Really recognized this old monk in gray.

This is inconspicuous, the old Shaolin monk who hadn't paid attention to him before.

He turned out to be the first minister of the former cabinet who returned to his hometown, and the first-rank protector of the country who was first appointed by the emperor. No one in the entire Tianbei City is more noble than him.

Du Tongfu, Master Du.

An extremely human official, one under ten thousand people, and proficiency and deceased officials are all over the court and the public, even if they retreat.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, his influence is still amazing.

It's really like that, stomping the whole government and the public will get three shakes...

Such a powerful person, he was a monk in Shaolin silently.

And it's so unknown.

Not known.

Can it not be shocked?

It can be said that what brought everyone was not only shock, but also an indescribable shock.

"I have seen Mr. Ge."

"Good night, old man."

"Farewell to Master Du..."


For a time, Guang Liang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, Jin Mofu, and a group of high monks.

They were all at a loss, and respectfully bowed to Du Tongfu in fear.

The lord Jin Mofu directly knelt down.

Others bowed their knees.

The posture is extremely low.

"Get up all."

"The poor monk has been ordained in Shaolin and became a Shaolin three-generation disciple named Wu Neng."

Du Tongfu shook his head helplessly, put his hands together and announced the Buddha's name, saying: "Amitabha Buddha."

"You don't need to care about the identity of the poor monk."

"The past is like a cloud, like a passing glance, the poor monk is an ordinary Shaolin three-generation disciple."

"Don't publicize my identity in the future, so as not to invade the clean land of Shaolin Buddhism."

At this moment, the enlightenment is devoted to the Buddha and completely enjoys indulging in the vast Mahayana Buddhism of Shaolin.

Completely integrated into Shaolin.

Therefore, the last thing he wanted to see was his former identity, which affected his current Shaolin repairs.

I want to keep a low profile, but how easy is it to talk about?

There is a face and face in Tianbei City, how could he not help Du Tongfu?


Guang Liang, Ji Yuan, An Ruyun, Nangong Wentian, and Jin Mo Fu Qi bowed in response.

There was a stormy sea in my heart.

Du Tongfu, the former chief minister of the cabinet, not only became a monk in Shaolin, but was also an unknown disciple of three generations.

It’s nothing more than three generations of disciples, they are not even a direct descendant...

Especially exaggeration.

There are so many temples in the world, how dare they believe it, Du Tongfu was willing to become a monk in this unknown Shaolin.

And it's been still in obscurity?

Not to mention Wenshu Monastery, within the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the top Buddhist sect, which dare to neglect Du Tongfu?

If Du Tongfu wants to become a monk, any top sect will give him the highest status and status.

You have to confess him.

Unfortunately, Du Tongfu chose to become a monk in Shaolin.

And he is still an unremarkable disciple of three generations.

No identity, no status at all.

"Abbot, Zi Yulin is here."

Du Tongfu lifted the curtain of the car and invited Xuanxin out of the car with Wuzhen.


Announcing the Buddha's horn, Xuan Xin's sacred attitude, calmly and expressionlessly, stepped out of the carriage.

Wearing a brocade robe, holding a noble nine-ring tin stick.

In Xuan Xin's body, a strong Buddha nature exuded.

At this time, all the talents shook their heads for a while, reacting from the shock brought by Du Tongfu.

The real protagonist today is Shaolin Abbot Xuanxin.

The point is, why is he able to turn the tide and save Tianbei City?

What qualifications do you have to call yourself the reincarnation of Buddha?

How dare to live as a Buddha?

Why do you dare to say that you can communicate with the Buddha?

" you remember me?"

Wu Anjun looked excited and stood in front of Xuanxin with his hands folded.

The whole person seemed to be beaten with blood.

Incomparable fanaticism, incomparable piety.


Xuan Xin nodded indifferently. To be honest, his heart was not as calm as the surface.

He also only now knows the true identity of this enlightenment.

It's so awesome.

Although he had expected it in the past, he never thought that he was actually the former chief minister of the cabinet.

Xuanxin frowned when she stepped into the carriage.

The dark clouds hovering at low altitude give people a sense of panic that is suppressed to the extreme.

The cloudiness, ghostly spirit, and the inexplicable chill in the heart, the huge mouth of the torn abyss in the dark clouds in the sky.

The sound of howling ghosts and howling wolf makes the scalp numb.

The bronze ghost face conveyed waves of strange and unknown aura.

At this moment, Xuan Xin's heart was worried.

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Wu Tian Wu Yan, what is going on in the cave ruins?

There are a total of eight disciples in the cave ruins.

Shaolin monopolizes the fourth.

If something happens, the blow to Shaolin will be extremely heavy.

Xuan Gang, Xuan Yuan, is his senior brother, with the posture of a crouching dragon and phoenix, while Wu Tian Wu Yan is his direct disciple.

The enchanting talent, with great fortune.

If this is broken in the ruins of the catacombs, that Shaolin has managed to condense the luck.

It will be cut directly in the middle.

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