Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 135: Remains of ancient imperial tombs

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xuan Xin.

Especially the abbot of Wenshu Monastery Guangliang, Hengdao Zongan Ruyun and Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian.

The lord of the city, Jin Mofu, and a group of high monks.

Especially dissatisfied in my heart.

Although she didn't say anything on the face, she didn't believe it in her heart. The young Xuan Xin was able to turn the tide and save Tianbei City.

There is even a thought of watching him jokes.

You know, before the power of the united people, almost most of the top powerhouses in Tianbei City.

It was impossible to do it, and even they were seriously injured as a result.

Why is Xuanxin?

Even now, Xuanxin's martial arts cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds to reach congenital perfection.

But it should be said or not, in front of this group of strong foundations.

This martial arts strength is really nothing.

What can't be done by so many people together, can you rely on Xuanxin alone to turn the tide?

Are they just trash?


Guangliang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, announced the Buddha's horn, moved to Xuanxin, and said: "The poor monk heard that the abbot of Xuanxin is the reincarnation of the Buddha."

"The true living Buddha."

"He is a truly powerful monk who can communicate with the Buddha."

"I don't know if Abbot Xuanxin still needs my Wenshu Monastery's help?"

Guangliang is calm on the surface, and he is trying his best to flatter both inside and outside the words.

You know, before he was Guangliang, but the leader of the Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance.

Admired by all, the profound power of Dharma.

He said that, it was already very high.

It is equivalent to cheating.

Means, you are so awesome, shouldn't you need the help of our Wenshu Monastery?

You alone can turn the tide and save Tianbei City.

If you put it in a superficial way, you can force yourself to be on your own.


Xuanxin looked compassionate, declared a Buddha's name, and said with an air of compassion for heaven and man, "Something happened."

Shaking her head, Xuan Xin didn't even look at Guang Liang.

His eyes fixed on the terrifying ghost face in the sky.

"not good!"

Found that the situation was not right, Wu Anjun immediately let out a loud shout.

The bronze ghost face was torn apart, and the huge mouth of the abyss released endless demonic energy and ghost energy.

In the sky, a terrible crack seemed to be torn open.

Gushing out, a breath of death.

The undead breath is released.

That kind of weird and unknown feeling breeds in everyone's heart.

The sergeants who were originally furious and wearing battle armors were pale, and the unwilling ones yelled at the madness on the spot.

Like the upper body of a ghost.

At this moment, the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.


The situation suddenly changed and the crisis came, and Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, did not take into account the intrigue with Xuanxin.

Flying across the sky, flew up, shouting loudly.

A group of high monks flew across the void together.

After flying to the sky, Guang Liang led the high-level monk group to form again and recite the Buddhist scriptures.

Accompanied by the profound and profound Buddhadharma.

Under the vast breath, golden energies emerged to form the mark of Buddhism.


Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, said the word "Feng" in his mouth.

The mysterious golden Buddhist imprint emerged.

Formed a chain of shackles in an attempt to seal the bronze ghost face.

At this moment, everyone was very nervous, and the sergeants in battle armor were like wind demon.

The scene caused confusion.

In desperation, Wu Anjun had to order all the sergeants to evacuate first.

If not, the army he commanded would go crazy sooner or later.


In the sky, the golden light shines, the seal chain of the Buddhist mark.

Overwhelmed, a little broken.


In an instant, the seal broke and an endless breath of death surged.


Guang Liang, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, spouted a mouthful of blood.

With a pale face and a frightened expression, he hurriedly took out the holy medicine for healing.

At the same time, a monk from Wenshu Monastery fell under the erosion of death.

Soon another monk from Wenshu Monastery fell.

He died.

The storm is surging and the sky tears apart.

A vision emerged from the sky, and in the torn space, there were tens of thousands of clay servants and stone statues on display.

There are rows of sergeants, chariots and horses.

In the roar of the howling ghosts and wolves, these sergeant chariots and horses absorbed the endless ghost and demonic energy.

Exudes a strong breath of death.

One after another, they gradually came back to life.

Another high monk from Wenshu Monastery's high monks fell.

After taking the holy medicine for healing, the abbot of Wenshu Monastery Guang Liang's complexion improved a lot.

He faltered and flew down in embarrassment.

Anxious and sad.

"General Wu, you have also seen that the ruins of this cave are not what we had previously expected."

"This is an imperial tomb with endless grievances."

"The fault lies with my Wenshu Monastery, and only the court can solve the catastrophe."

If the remains of this cave are just the eight ghost kings, who borrowed the conspiracy of rebirth to trap him, then he Guangliang in Wenshu Monastery must bear the main responsibility.

After all, this is because he is complacent and arrogant, and he hasn't been able to detect it beforehand.

But the current situation is that this cave ruin is an ancient tomb, with curses and endless resentment.

This in itself cannot be solved by his Wenshu Monastery.

A catastrophe like this is beyond everyone's expectations, and only the court can resolve it.

Then he Wenshu Monastery, he Guangliang doesn't have to be responsible.

He can't bear this responsibility either.

This catastrophe is already inevitable for Tianbei City.

"General Wu, I'm sorry, my Wenshu Monastery must protect myself."

Seeing that one, another Wenshu Monastery monk fell down, endless grief appeared on Guang Liang's face.

He was the abbot of Wenshu Monastery, and he couldn't watch the high monks all fall.

This is a catastrophe that swept across the entire Tianbei City.

It was a catastrophe.

All the high monks fell Under the catastrophe, the heritage of Wenshu Monastery was basically cut off.

Only if the High Sangha Group is immortal can the Wenshu Monastery be rebuilt in the future.

Keep a glimmer of hope.

"What? This is actually the ancient tomb..."

"Good day my son Nangong, is there really no hope?"

"This catastrophe has already happened, and no one can save Tianbei City."

"I'll rush to protect myself when I wait, the sect will be overthrown, and the entire Tianbei City will also be overthrown..."



For a time, the atmosphere of panic was like a cloud in Hengdaozong, Wujian Villa had an opportunity, and Nangong Patriarch Nangong Wentian.

There is also the spread of the city lord Jin Mofu.

One after another, the monks of Wenshu Monastery fell, and the torn huge mouth in the sky, the breath of death emerging from it was as horrible as hell.

The clay mercenary sergeant on display gradually resurrected and exuded a terrifying murderous aura.

The catastrophe is coming, this will be a disaster that will sweep the entire Tianbei City.

Wenshu Monastery can't stop it, nor can the entire Tianbei City Martial Arts Alliance. Only the imperial court has the strength to resolve this catastrophe.

It is no longer the problem of the eight disciples in the cave that cannot be saved.

It can't be saved at all.

It was Wenshu Monastery, Hengdaozong, Wujian Villa, and Nangong aristocratic family. These sect family members were thinking how to protect themselves.

Thinking about how to avoid disaster.

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