Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1040: Let me give you a chestnut! (Plus more)

Jiang Nan also wanted to take Xia Yao to get an injection, but was killed by the wolf!

So he ran to the injection room to get the medicine for an injection!

Xiong Daxiong Er Zhang San Li Si They are all hanging bottles, and many nurses are busy in the house!

As soon as Jiang Nan entered the house, everyone's eyes focused!

The young ladies and sisters have bright eyes!

(ʃƪ·̀ㅂ·́)♡ "Ah~ It's from Nanshen, let me give him a needle!"

٩(๑❛ัᴗ❛ั)۶ "I'll come, I'll come, my technique is good, it doesn't hurt at all!"

(・᷄~・᷅) "Please, let me do it, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Jiang Nan immediately surrounded the three nurses and the corners of Liu Mang's mouth twitched!

Zhang Sanyi's face was resentful, so why are there three who want to pierce the Southern God, no one pierced me!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "Don't worry, there are all, there will be opportunities in the future!"

Liu Mang chuckled!

╮(︶ᴗ︶)╭ "Southern God, would you have the heart to refuse the requests of the ladies?"

"As the saying goes, choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, and you just pierced it together? What about the three slings, what are you afraid of?"

The nurses looked at each other, their eyes sparkling: "Good idea!"

A minute later, Jiang Nan sat on the bed and twitched his mouth!

Three needles were pierced in both hands, and three slings were hung at the same time...

"This... can this really work?"

Liu Mang snickered: "What are you afraid of? The world's strongest platinum? Don't say three, even if you hang 30 slings at the same time, it will be fine, right?"

Sorry, jealousy makes me totally unrecognizable!

Jiangnan: (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿̿) ̄

Hanging 30 gods with meows, it will leak, right?

(๑˘ٹ˘) "Hey~ No way, too popular is also a sin, presumably this is God's punishment for being too handsome, right?"

"Unlike some people, there is no young lady who likes it. The boss is not young anymore, and there is no object at all, dizzy~"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sound of grinding teeth in the injection room!

[The grievance value from Zhang San is +777! ]

[From Li Si...]

Ai Chan suddenly turned out beside Liu Mang, holding his arm, Liu Mang suddenly stiffened!

"That's it, a bunch of single dogs, sad!"

Everyone: (¬_¬)

You seem to be more pathetic, right?

Next to Xiong Er, the nurse sister looked embarrassed: "This classmate, the hair on your hand is a bit heavy, you can't see the blood vessels? You may need to prepare the skin to get the needle!"

Liu Mang laughed loudly: "Brother Xiong, you take off your gloves. You have to work with Miss Sister?"

Xiong Er's face is black: (̿▀̿㉨▀̿̿) ̄

I asked Jiang Nan for a bottle of vigor, and when I washed my hands, the bear hair on my hands disappeared, revealing two white bear paws!

Miss nurse rolled her eyes and said, "Are you still smiling? Somehow someone can find the blood vessels if they prepare the skin. Can you not see anything in the dark on your hand?"

"Got your luck~"

The smile on Liu Mang's face suddenly froze, only to realize that he was still dark!

Three minutes later, Miss Nurse was sweating profusely, and Liu Mang's eyes twitched!

(· ́w·̀●) "How about? Let's change my hand to pierce it? This hand has been pierced for twenty or so holes, and I haven't found a blood vessel!"

"So even if the blood vessels are found, the medicine will leak out, right?"

The young lady was embarrassed and changed her hand to Liu Mang...

Jiangnan is happy to fart, that's it!

As soon as his eyes turned, he saw Zhang San wearing a gold chain, hanging up the bottle, rolling up his cuffs and putting on a cuff expertly!

Then he patted the back of his hand, pushed the needle into his blood vessel with great precision, and began to hang the bottle!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Three... Brother three? Do you do this job too?"

Zhang Santan's hands: ╮(・′‸・`)╭

"Otherwise how do you think I have lived until now? Even if I wait here for a day, no one will give me a needle!"

Jiangnan covers his face, life has devastated you, but you still love the world!

That's so inspirational!

It took a lot of work to put the needles on everyone, and both hands of Liu Mang were bandaged!

Finally stuck on the instep...

Li's eyes couldn't help falling on Mu Wan, who was hanging alone in the distance!

Half leaning on the bed, she was quietly reading the book. Li Si didn't dare to read it even though she wanted to read it, so she could only peek out from the corner of her eye!

Jiangnan: (๑乛◡乛๑)

"What's the matter with Brother Si? Rare?"

Li Si blushed: "Blind... nonsense! Nothing."

However, looking at Jiang Nan's little eyes, it still didn't collapse!

"It just feels like she is pretty, my heart beats faster when I see her..."

Jiangnan suddenly came to the spirit: "Ask me? Why are you chasing girls, I am the best at it!"

Li Si's eyes are bright, Nanshen is called the dream of a 900 million girl, so popular, a bunch of nurses are rushing to give the needle, there must be unique skills!

"Southern God, you taught me two tricks, and I gave you a red envelope!"

Jiang Nan was happy when he heard it, and how about making red envelopes?

"Then you can listen well, like a girl like Mu Wan, the man who likes the most is the man who is bold!"

"The one that can't be sneaky, you have to bravely show your offensive, show your bold and generous side!"

Li Si swallowed. Sounds reasonable?

"I... what should I do?"

Jiang Nan chuckled: "I'll give you a chestnut. For example, when you two met in a restaurant, you secretly settled the bill for her table!"

"She went to check out, and she would be surprised to know that someone was going to check out for her, then the front desk would mention that it was you who settled the bill!"

"Mu Wan, a strong girl who doesn't like to owe favors, will come to thank you!"

"At this time, you just said, this is what you deserve, because only when I see you, my mood will be happy, and your beauty makes me intoxicated!"

Li Si's face is full of excitement!

"This sounds romantic? No girl can stand this, right?"

Jiang Nan smiled triumphantly: "This not only expresses your goodwill for her euphemistically, but also shows your generosity, doesn't the story begin?"

"I promise she will dream of you at night!"

Li Si directly gave Jiangnan a thumbs up, raised his hand and took out five hundred dollars and stuffed it into Jiangnan's pants pocket!

"I have to be Nanshen, I won't say anything, I will!"

Jiangnan quackly happily, after the three hanging bottles were hung up at the same time, I went to the toilet after pulling the needle!

However, Li Si couldn't restrain his excitement, his eyes gurgling incessantly!

Raised his hand and said hello: "Miss Nurse, can you help me?"

Miss sister was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

Li Si whispered to her for a while, and the young lady looked weird: "Are you serious?"

Li Siyi begged!

(。・᷄~・᷅) "Please, my happiness for the rest of my life depends on you!"

Little sister looked embarrassed, and finally agreed: "Then...then all right!"

As time passed by, Mu Wan looked up at the bottle, there was no medicine inside!

So I closed the book and prepared to pull out the needle myself, but at this moment!

The nurse sister came to Mu Wan holding a box of slings and wanted to change her dressing!

Mu Wan was surprised: (··᷄ࡇ·᷅) "Isn't all three of my bottles finished? Why are there more?"

The nurse sister wiped her nose: "This box of 12 bottles is yours. Which gentleman said he wants to refill you!"

"Renew a box for you, and let him pay for it!"

Mu Wan:? ? ?

Shentemeow refills, can the bottle be refilled?

Still renewed a box? Is this trying to kill me?

Looking in the direction of the nurse's finger, I saw Li Sizheng looking deep at the scenery outside the window!


"It seems to be" noticed that Mu Wan looked over, looked back gracefully, raised his eyebrows with a grin!

Waved gracefully!


My heart is happy, my performance should be gentle enough, Mu Wan really noticed me!

I saw Mu Wan pulled out the needle and walked towards Li Si with a box of hanging bottles!

Li Si's heart is pounding and pounding, my God! She came towards me!

Are you here to thank me? How to do! So nervous!

Mu Wan came to Li Si's bed with a cold face!

(。 ̄᷄~ ̄᷅) "What do you mean?"

Li Si took a deep breath and cleared his throat with a solemn expression!

(。・᷅Ὢ・᷄) "You deserve it! I am happy to see you here! Your..."

Before she finished speaking, Mu Wan's eyes were red, and she punched Li Si on the face!


Give the hammer a black eye!

Li Si:? ? ?

"Your beauty..."


Just halfway through Li's four words, his other eye socket was also blue!


Mu Wan was so angry, what do I deserve?

Did I provoke you? You are very happy to see me hanging a bottle here, right?

Don't expect me to be better?

Give me a box of 12 bottles?

Li Si was stunned, how could this be different from the routine described by Nan Shen?

Shouldn't she thank me and then all dreams are mine?

Hiss~ Is it possible that she would be happy if she knew I was beaten? So express your gratitude in this way?

This...this is too much to my appetite. As a man of magnanimous magnificence, I should sincerely accept her thanks!

(#)′Д`(#) "That's it? You can work harder!"

Mu Wan:! ! !

"Okay! I will satisfy you!"

He jumped onto the bed, pinched Li Si's neck with one hand, and hammered Li Si with one hand!

Li Si: "Right, right, right! That's it, I love it too much! Uh~ tons!"

Mu Wan grinds her teeth, opens a bottle with one hand, and directly pours into Li Si's mouth!

"Go to hell!"


Jiang Nan came out of the bathroom, still humming a little song!


Hearing a loud noise coming from the injection room, I couldn't help but tilt my head and glance inwardly!

But seeing Mu Wan standing on the bed violently hammering Li Si, her face was swollen, and Li Si had a happy expression!

Several nurses stubbornly pulled Mu Wan's waist, but couldn't hold it at all!

"Hold it! We won't be cured if we hit it again!"

But Zhang San, Liu Mang and the others were so scared that they were standing in the corner holding a bottle, and the atmosphere didn't dare to gasp!

Hiss~ It's so intractable!

Jiang Nan swallowed and sweated violently on his forehead. Why did he start fighting?


Shouldn't it?

I had to withdraw quickly, and maybe Li Si would go back on it for a while, and let me ask for the five hundred dollars!

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