Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1041: Sky Cong and Mother Vine

After Jiangnan and the others finished the injection, they completely inactivated the parasitic spores in their bodies!

Also joined the team pushing the blood vine!

The Xijiang territory has been cleaned up, but it has not directly attacked the Vatican territory!

After all, Ivy has not yet rushed to the stars, and it is far from enough to deal with the mother vine!

So I turned my attention to the neighboring Iwakuni!

After all, most of Iwakuni is now occupied by Wusong Blood Vine, the country does not rule the country, and these are all nourishment for the Qingteng!

But because it is the territory of other countries, it is just that the troops are still open in this way, for fear of causing condemnation by international public opinion and some unnecessary misunderstandings!

Jiang Nan was not welcome, and called Leah directly to explain the situation!

"We are going to help you remove the blood vines. We will not occupy your land and will return you afterwards!"

Leah was so excited: "Come! Come straight! We, Iwakuni, will fully cooperate with the actions of the Huaxia troops, I will tell my dad to go!"

Leah's father was crazy when he heard it!

I'm worried that I can't solve the blood vine problem. This is a golden opportunity once in a lifetime!

Dad Leah was also decisive, and directly announced the friendly cooperation agreement between Iwakuni and China!

Tie yourself firmly to China's chariot!

In this way, a large number of troops drove into Iwakuni, cleared the blood vines, and upgraded their ivy!

He even got the full cooperation of Iwakuni's troops!

Watching Wang Dalei slapped his tongue, is my Uncle Jiang so powerful now?

Can the troops be dispatched to other countries without any hindrance on a phone call?

How can this be better than my Daotian speech?

There was another horizontal push, and the Chen family moved into Xijiang and joined the rattan removal team. The efficiency was amazing!

In just three days, the blood vines in the area of ​​Iwakuni were completely uprooted!

Tiancong Qingteng is promoted to Xing Yaoyi, with a body size of over 500 meters and a root system all over the earth!

And the white cloud in the sky is even bigger, faintly competing with the black cloud on the side of the Brahma!

Immediately formally attacked the Vatican no man's land, cannibalize the mother vine branches, and strengthen the green vines!

Due to the extremely stable situation in Western Xinjiang during these days, there have not been too many uncontrollable animal tide incidents!

Wang Dalei also drew a large number of Lingwu troops from various outposts to speed up the progress of pushing the blood cane!

The total number of people participating in the war is almost 100,000!

Push the Vatican’s no man’s land with a force of destruction, and approach the master tree of the mother vine!


097 In the interrogation room, Erdingwei's eyes are blood-red and her complexion is ugly!

How did China unexpectedly come up with a Tiancong Ivy?

The fog force field of the Brahma will no longer threaten China. According to this momentum, it will not take long for the Brahma to be flattened!

(ꐦ°᷄益.°᷅) "Damn it! It's all Jiangnan, I'm so annoying, Vivian, I swear, I will leave you here!"

How could Pepper not know the actions of Huaxia, and personally took a group of younger brothers to shout!

I saw a sturdy cyan cane pulling the 097 floating island to fly at low altitude!

A hundred thousand Lingwu troops stand on the edge of the floating island, pulling into a horizontal battle formation, loosing their spirit skills like a lawn mower!

Wherever he goes, there is no grass, and the momentum is fierce!

All the corpses of the blood vines are absorbed by the vines to strengthen themselves!

Pepper's eyes were red: "You are too much, this is the territory of my Brahma!"

"Without permission, a large number of Lingwu troops were openly pulled in. Is this openly declaring war on our Vatican?"

At the moment, Jiang Nan is standing on the wall with a proud face!

(。・᷄ꇴ・᷅) "Nonsense! We are just kindly helping you manage the vine disease?"

"Besides, where did we cross the border? This floating island is our land in the western frontier, but it was brought over by this disobedient Qingteng!"

"Spirit beasts or something, what do they do with us? This is force majeure!"

"We are just standing on our ground and throwing psychic skills, what does this have to do with you~"

Pepper's angry nose was crooked, and he couldn't say a word when he was stunned!

Are you really inferring from one another?

A bunch of Longyuan Dark Night snickered!


It’s a bit too relieved to treat the human body according to the human way, right?

Nanshen is cheap enough! Pretty cheap!

Pepper gritted his teeth: " are arguing, and this reason is untenable! Do you really think that my Brahma's Lingwu troops are furnishings?"

"I warn you! Going forward, the Brahma Kingdom will make you pay the price of blood!"

Today, Pepper can only pull out the banner of the Vatican, hoping that China will be afraid of it and return to the border!

In this way, I can still keep the Brahma!

The smile on Jiang Nan's face disappeared, his expression cold!

(。 ̄᷄~ ̄᷅) "You can try! Just one question, do you dare to Brahma?"

"It's the thing you bothered first, and now you want to calm down? It's too late!"

"We don't cause trouble, but we are never afraid of trouble!"

"Those who commit crimes against my Chinese territories! Even if they are far away, they will be punishable! This sentence is something carved into our bones!"

"Everyone in Longyuan Dark Ye listens to the order, push me! If anyone dares to stop, kill!"

The eyes of the Lingwu troops burst into an astonishing cold light!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Three killing words rushed straight into the sky, angry like a Changhong!

Many of the Chen family members who participated in Operation Twisting Vine had their calves trembling when they were shocked by this scene. Where have they seen such a scene?

Pepper's face was extremely ugly: "Okay! You guys wait for Lao Tzu!"

It is meaningless to stop, the mother vine will not retreat if China is immortal!

Chen Dao swallowed, "Shall we chase it?"

Jiang Nan shook his head and sneered: "There are some things that Pepper can do well. Let's start, but after all, we are inferior. Maybe we will be pointed out by thousands!"

Wang Dalei and others looked at Jiangnan with puzzled faces!

what's up?


The mother vine in the underground pit, because the mother vine has been swallowed by countless branches, the mood is very irritable!

Pepper stroked the mother vine, struggling in his eyes!

Those vegetative leaders are full of anxiety!

(ง・᷅益・᷄)ง "Big Brother! Fight with them, Huaxia won't leave us any way to survive!"

(· ̀д· ́٥) "If you drag it any longer, you will be in front of our house, and our Brahma will be over!"

(。I_i。) "Want... or let's run? If you stay in the green hills, you won’t be afraid that there will be no firewood and the first meeting, can’t we get rid of the mutation?"

(`⌒′メ) "Run? If you want to run, run by yourself! Anyway, I want to follow the boss!"

For a while, plants and people started to talk about it!

Ma Weiwei: ᥬ(¬~.¬) "If you don't be cruel, you will have no chance!"

Pepper's eyes were fierce, and he hammered the mother vine!

The corner of Ma Weiwei's mouth evokes an arc, and it's done!

I saw Pepper looking back with tears in his eyes!

"Brothers! Without your support, Brahma would not be able to go today!"

"Big brother remembers you well, as long as Pepper doesn't fall for a day with me, the Brahma will be gone!"

Plant people are also excited!

"Big brother! Don't say anything, you will always be our good big brother!"

"As long as the eldest brother opens his mouth, not to mention going up to the sword and down to the sea of ​​fire, I will be willing to die even if I die!"

Pepper took a deep breath, his eyes deep!

"Very good! Then please die for me!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a dead silence in the field!

The little brother took two steps back, twitching the corners of his mouth!

(٥・᷄ㅂ・᷅) "Big...Big brother! Are you kidding me? Aha~Ahaha!"

"It must be, it's this time, and you can still make a joke, so it means that eldest brother is still sure?"

But looking at Pepper's cold expression, no one can laugh!

Pepper said hoarsely: "Do it!"

In an instant, the mother vine burst into scarlet blood!

Under the shining of the blood awn, the parasitic blood vines in all the vegetative bodies violently rioted!

Unreasonably pierced the skin, shattered the muscles of the limbs, and squeezed out the blood like twisting!

There were screams and screams in the field, but they couldn't resist the strangulation of the parasitic blood vine!

I saw one hundred thousand parasitic blood vines merged into the main mother vine like a suckling swallow returning home!

The vegetative people are integrated into the main trunk, but they are not killed, in order to continue to provide blood, and they are treated as blood packs!

The screams reverberated endlessly, and the momentum of the mother vine also increased frantically!

Rising to the pinnacle of Stars in a blink!

Pepper looked at this scene with blood-red eyes, and the palm of his hand was full of blood!

Vivienne expressionlessly: "Killing one person is a crime! Massacring thousands of people is a male!"

"Master, don't let down the brothers' love for you!"

Pepper's forehead burst into blue veins, and he looked up to the sky and shouted!

"Ahhhh~ kill me!"

In a short time, the red awns on the female vines skyrocketed, and the earthquake trembled!

Seven or eighty meters thick vine roots were pulled out of the earth and exposed to the surface!

Undoubtedly unfolding its extremely large vine body, it is like a tentacle monster entrenched in no man's land!

And the surrounding fog marsh blood vines are all withered, all the life source material is gathered in the mother vine!

Just like this, he shook the vine root, moved its huge body, and rushed straight to the 097 floating island!

It wants to kill the cyan guy and complete the final promotion!

On the 097 side, naturally noticed that all the blood vines had withered!

Don't guess, because even if you are separated by tens of thousands of meters, you can see that the huge blood-red main plant of the mother vine rushes like an octopus!

Both Wang Dalei and Chen Daoyi swallowed!

This is too much, right? It is impossible to judge the size of the plant spirit beast with common sense!

At this moment, Li Bing is also very excited!

"Here is coming! Xiaotengteng, transfer your body too!"

"Fix it, you're done!"

The earth under the floating island trembles likewise!

The root system of the Tiancong Qingteng that spread over the earth also broke out of the ground!

After eating so much nourishment, Qingteng's body shape has also reached a terrifying level!

Although not as good as the mother vine, there are still stars!

The huge master plant drilled out of the ground, like a giant tree in the sky!

The two face each other at a distance, and the war is about to start!

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