Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1120: Do you lack ancestors?

No matter how Jiangnan persuades, Beifeng just refuses to let it go!

You need original hands for everything!

Guan Hu and Zhao Dezhu couldn't help seeing this? Move?

So where did I sweat the gold bricks? After all, under a thousand times the gravity, doing this kind of physical work is still quite tiring!


As time passed by, Bei Feng's sore mouth puffed, and he didn't know how much blood was flowing out!


At this moment, Jiangnan feeding ginseng seems to be a little tired!

Rubbed a sore arm!

(*乛ʖ̫乛)ツ "Or? Let me try?"

Zhao Dezhu was startled: "I can't lift it, can you do it?"

No matter how fierce Jiangnan this little boy is, he can't move the gold brick under a thousand times the gravity, right?

I saw a handful of small ginseng stuffed in the mouth of the north wind of the Jiangnan Dynasty, and slowly got up and stretched a lazy waist!

٩(*′꒳`*)۶ "My sister said to carry it?"

So a teleport, someone appeared outside the retraining room!

Everyone looked confused, wondering what Jiang Nan wanted to do!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Brother Beifeng, bear with me!"

For some reason, when Bei Feng saw Jiang Nan's smile, he suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart!

"do not…"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan snapped his fingers at random!

"Space replacement!"

In the next moment, the gold bricks in the thousand-fold gravity zone disappeared violently!

Instead, Jiangnan suddenly appeared in the original position of the BRIC!

Just listening to the sound of "boom", the impact from normal gravity to a thousand times the gravity made Jiangnan slightly bend his knees and resist the heavy pressure!

The foot was ruthlessly stepped on Bei Feng's hand!

I saw the North Wind’s eyes burst out, and another scream!


You are sprinkling chili noodles on other people's wounds!

At this moment, the gold bricks were also replaced outside the heavy training room, blasting the ground out of a big hole!

Jiang Nan raised his foot slightly and smiled brightly!

(ૢง⁼ꇴ⁼)ว "Get it done!"

Although the gold bricks are extremely heavy, the space replacement has nothing to do with the quality, only the size! "

Both Zhao Dezhu and Guan Hu were shocked!

Space replacement? Good guys! Is it Jiangnan's platinum technology?

Then his face turned black!

(̿▀̿益▀̿̿‧̣̥̇) ̄

You have this trick when you step on a horse. Did you use it early?

Watching us poke around where we moved the bricks for half an hour?

You are so bad!

Whether it is a new student or an old student, they are all confused at the moment!

What just happened? How did the heavy gold bricks be swapped out?

How did Nanshen do it?

[The grievance value from Zhao Dezhu is +666! ]

[The grievance value from Guan Hu +666! ]

But Bei Feng held his hand that was smashed into a spatula by the gold bricks, his face was full of anger!


It is your bounden duty to help others by ghosts!

You can use this trick to remove the gold bricks tomorrow morning, but did you use it until now?

Just to **** more blood for a while?

I'm ~%?...;#*’!

Feeding my little ginseng is also for refilling a cup?

[The grievance value from the north wind is +1000! ]

Fortunately, I was grateful to you just now?

Routines, all routines are wow!

There was resentment in Bei Feng's eyes!

I saw Jiang Nan teleported back to the training room again, picked up the gold bricks that had been left here for a year, and stuffed them into the alien space!

A satisfied smile!

Guan Hu also quickly adjusted the gravity back!

The physical test continues!

The first part of the north wind is stable. After all, under the load of a thousand times the gravity, where is the gold brick pressed for more than half an hour!

But Bei Feng was not happy at all, and walked to the rest area with a face full of bad luck!

Jiang Nan teleported to him and sat down, and handed a small ginseng with a big smile!

(๐ᵔ. ̮ᵔ)つ reference~

"Come on, get your spatula cured, it will delay the ancestral handiwork in the future~"

North Wind:? ? ?

God spatula!

But he still took it and ate it, and the injury on his hand healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Can’t live with Jiangnan, or with your own hands?

Jiang Nan smiled and stretched out his hand in front of Bei Feng!

The north wind frowned!

(¬д¬.) "What are you doing? Shake hands and make peace? Heh~ do you think it's possible? I'm a North Wind, so what if my body is not as good as you? I..."

Jiang Nan said impatiently, "What are you talking about? Give me money?"

"Just now you ate a total of 128 small ginsengs, one hundred thousand! A total of 12.8 million! Cash or transfer?"

Bei Feng's eyes widened: "What's wrong? Even if I ask for money? Isn't co-authoring free?"

"You smashed my hand by lifting the gold brick? Use ginseng to renew my life, and I will have to give you money after that?"

Why are you taking all the good things?

Jiang Nan looked straightforward and confident: "Nonsense! Are you eating for nothing?"

Bei Feng got up and patted the table angrily: "Who are you scolding for idiot?"

Jiang Nan stared at him: "If you don't give me money! You just eat it for nothing! I'm so shocked, Daotian dare not repay me! You have too much wool?"

"I don't care if you ask for the nursing fee. It's okay if you don't give it. You have all the blood in your body made up by the little ginseng. I drained the head office, right?"

While speaking, the little whip came out from the back, and surrounded the north wind!

The north wind slapped his spirit fiercely, and the hero didn't suffer the immediate loss!

Now is not the time to compete with Jiangnan!

"Give it! But...but I don't have that much, Kari only has more than nine million."

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Isn't it? Your North family is so poor? The last time I was in Kechen Lang, they paid more than 100 million when I changed hands!"

The corner of Bei Feng's eyes twitched. Are you really a dead end?

Dad and sister Bai take precautions!

"I just brought so much! Don't give more to the family!"

My father heard that the Chen family was robbed of a lot of small money!

So this time, Qian Xing Wan asked me to be afraid of being scammed, so I gave myself a bank card with 10 million yuan!

Say nothing more!

I'm afraid of being pitted!

Sure enough, less than a day after I came to the Pioneer Academy, all of Kari's 10 million were spent on Jiangnan!

Still owe more than two hundred?

Jiangnan was stunned, are they all so sharp now?

"Ah~ It's not impossible to not need your money, just exchange it for unique skills!"

"I'll just ask you! Isn't your North family lacking ancestors?"

Bei Feng almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Isn't the ancestor of God Meow missing?

This is obviously staring at the spirit rune curse of my North family?

"Heh, the beauty you think! Do you think that my northern family's spiritual pattern curse array is like the Chen family's spiritual power gauze, and it has no gold content?"

"Even if I told you, you won't be able to learn it. The meaning and combination of those high-level spells are all secrets!"

"It is the crystallization of the wisdom of my ancestors in the North family. It is unique in the world. Can you learn it well?"

"Hit my Beijia spirituality idea? Don't think about it! Isn't it more than ten million? Give it to you!"

While speaking, he transferred all the money in Kari to Jiangnan, and ran to Luo Changge to borrow more than two million yuan to fill the hole!

"The two are cleared! I'd better advise you to save the province. You can't learn the spirit pattern curse array of my North family!"

Turn around and leave after talking!

Jiang Nan hurriedly waved his hand: "Hey, hey~ suffocating? There is no unique skill that Jiang Da is clever and can't learn!"

"Really! I lack ancestors? I work as an ancestor in Jiangnan! I have been in the industry for 22 years with zero negative reviews?"

However, Beifeng ignored him and walked aside with a sneer!

Jiangnan's face is not open!

Obviously, the Chen family had something to do, and every major family had taken precautions, didn't they hit the gun?

But it is indeed the same as the north wind said!

The Chen family's spiritual power gauze is just a special way of using spiritual power!

And the Beijia is not only the use of spiritual power, the most precious thing is the complex curse arrays!

Regarding spells, Jiangnan has never been talented, and everything is a ghostly symbol!

Of course, except for weight gain spells!

But when I think about it, Jiangnan feels itchy!

Shall we get the one from the Luo family first?

It seems to be the spirit of strong body type!

But Luo Changge is also very honest, what happened to the disciples of the current family?

Not consciously at all!

Can be sad~

After the physical examinations were carried out in batches, Luo Changge crawled to the 30 times gravity zone, barely passing!

But in fact, his bones in the 100-fold gravity zone can also be carried, but his muscle strength can't support it!

As for the Wang Zhan Xiangzu who Jiangnan has brought, they needless to say, more than 40 times, the results are quite good!

Ye Xingxuan turned into a half-dragon, rushing into the fifty-fold gravity zone, and of course she hadn't tried her best!

What surprised Jiang Nan was Zhou Yuqing, although it was a radio wave system, it was a frail power!

But I also rushed to the 33 times gravity zone with sweat, and it seems that I usually exercise my body!

Although the leg trembles like a small rubber band, but it also passed!

In the end, nearly 10,000 people failed the physical test and could not rush to the 30 times gravity zone!

Most of them are crispy output. Before, they were in the rear protection position in the team, and the physique is not good!

This is not what the Pioneer Academy wants!

No matter what the ability, the pioneer must have the ability to face danger alone, so what he wants is a comprehensive player!

Even if the legal system is exported, the physique must be able to keep up!

The more than 10,000 freshmen who were brushed off can only return in anguish, while the remaining students have to stay overnight to welcome the next day's test!

It was almost evening, and Guan Hu took the freshmen to the temporary dormitory!

And Jiang Xinji still perseveres behind the freshmen to see if there is any deception... Bah! Opportunity to make money!

The moment everyone walked to the dormitory area, everyone was shocked by the rows of pain masks printed on the steel plate on the wall of the boys' dormitory!

"Hey~ what is this? There is still such an artistic building in the college?"

"This... whose face is this? Looking at this wall, I seem to be able to feel the pain of the person involved at that time!"

"Huh? Why do you feel a little familiar? It seems to be one of those perverts~"

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