Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1121: Little pink pig! (Plus more)

The members of the ghost animal group in that new life rushed out like lightning!

Lying on the wall with bright eyes, white gas rushing out of his nostrils!

(???﹃??) "This...this is the holy relic of my ghost animal ancestor, I have work tonight!"

Seeing that there were no business opportunities, Jiangnan couldn't help but look disappointed, turned around and walked home!

Suddenly a new student asked, "Hey? Doesn't Nanshen live in a dormitory? Where do you live?"

Guan Hu touched his forehead with his hand, his eyes picked up!

"He lives in the sky..."

The freshmen followed Guan Hu's gaze!

I saw three trucks side by side and the size of the spiritual materials poking on the ground in the distance, with thick chains tied to them!

Extending to the sky above the sky, looking up along the iron chain!

A huge floating island is floating in the air...m.

The freshmen looked horrified!

"Hey~ really lives in the sky? The gods are really different?"

"Such a large piece of spiritual material is pricked on the ground as a counterweight, what family?"

"Floating Island? As for the one pulled back from the Southern God's award ceremony, are there pocket rabbits on it?"

"What's it like on top? Super curious~"

When Jiang Nan heard everyone say this, the pace at that time was just a meal!

Look back and smile!

(??????) "Why don't you want to visit the island, the ticket is only 298!"

"It comes with teleportation back and forth. There is a small lake on it where you can swim, and you can also play rabbits~"

When everyone heard it, the corners of their mouths couldn't help but the corners of their lips twitched. Nanshen really did not let go of any chance to make money?

But the fare is not expensive, and it's almost the same price for a visit to the attractions!

Hundreds of people signed up at that time!

Jiangnan quack is happy, this sky island is brought back by a real sister!

You can already make a lot of money just by collecting tickets!

So using teleport to bring the new students to the Sky Island in batches!

The adorable newbies were all shocked by the charming night view above!

Ye Xingxuan stood on the floating island blankly, with stars glowing in his eyes!

The three sisters of Mao Niang have a smirk!

(??.???) "Then a go up? You let Nanshen bleed!"

When mentioning this, Ye Xingxuan's face blushed, and then she became resentful again!

Don’t change the nine relatives, just don’t move at all, okay?

Everyone's eyes were quickly attracted by the pocket rabbits on the edge of the woods!

It's just that the pocket rabbits are very excited at the moment, get together and make an excited cry of "Qiu Mi"!

Jiangnan was confused, and a teleported away!

(?????) "What are you guys having fun doing?"

Seeing Jiangnan coming, the bunnies were shocked, and lined up to stand!

c(???﹏????) " fun~"

He leaned back as though he was hiding something!

But right here, I saw a small dirty hand underneath a Bunny's buttocks!

Trembling and grabbing Jiangnan's trouser legs!

"Help~Help me!"

Jiangnan stared, what's the situation?

Quickly pick up the pocket rabbit!

I saw a person lying on his stomach below, who had been beaten and swollen three times!

All the white skirts on her body were beaten up and tattered, and her head was full of shredded grass!

Jiang Nan was shocked and quickly helped him up!

"Hiss~ Almighty Hatcher? Why are you?"

This is what Shirley, who was left in the academy to incubate, came from?

She saw her pretty face swollen into a pig's head, and two of her front teeth had fallen out!

If it weren't for the eyes that were still changing red and green, Jiangnan would really not recognize it!

Shirley cried when she saw Jiangnan!

(#)′?? Convex?? (#) Wow~

Rush up and hug Jiangnan's trouser legs!

"Wow~ These bunnies are all from the devil, they start to beat me as soon as they see me!"

"It will teleport. I can't escape at all. If you didn't come back, I would have been beaten to death!"

Jiang Nan frowned, and the small leather whip stuck directly on Shirley's wrist to heal her injuries!

When the bunnies saw that the defendant was sued, they hurriedly explained!

c(????口????)? "Boss Rabbit! She grilled shrimps! We saw her crawling onto the island, sneaky, and we wanted to hug our bastard!"

"It's a bad guy. Didn't the boss say that he can beat bad guys?"

After talking about his grievances, he was obviously afraid of Jiangnan's reprimand!

Jiang Nan's expression can't help but become weird, and he looks down at Shirley!

"Aren't you here to steal my baby bunny? Well, the egg incubator is improper, running here to be a spy?"

Shirley's momentum was weak, her eyes dodged!

"I... I don't, I'm just curious about what the pocket bunny is like, just come up and see!"

"Besides, I have a serious egg hatching? Most of the spirit pets in the college are hatched day and night! I am easy to me?"

"Watching a rabbit will be beaten~uuuuu~"

While crying, he peeked at Jiang Nan's expression!

(#)???? (#)

Jiang Nan stepped forward and touched Pocket Bunny's head!

"Good dripping! I see people who I don't know come to the island in the future, and they don't look like good people sneakily, so just beat me!"

The rabbits became excited at once: "Good boss!"

This matter also reminds Jiang Nan, the bunnies are so darling, there must be someone who makes them unkindly!

You have to take precautions, but fortunately, the rabbits are alert!

Shirley was afraid that she had received a commission from Eagle Country to do this, right?

The freshmen are already stupid!

Are the bunnies so violent?

And this girl seems familiar?

"Damn! Isn't this the internationally famous goddess of choice? Hey~ it's the deity!"

"What kind of goddess? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Just the Five Element Elemental God, the woman who is favored by God? What's the situation?"

Listening to this, she has had no news in the international community for so long. Did she incubate her eggs in the Pioneer Academy?

A good goddess, how can she become an almighty egg incubator in Nanshen's mouth?

Jiang Nan looked at Shirley who was pretending to be crying, and couldn't help rolling his eyes?

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "Want a pocket bunny?"

Shirley's eyes lit up when she heard it, and the chick nodded like a rice peck!

(#)?? convex??)? "If you want, do you want to give it? If you give me one, oh no, two, I will be super thankful to you~"

Shirley's face is full of desire!

The Eagle Country offered himself conditions that he could not refuse, to see if he could win a few pocket bunnies!

But the problem is that I want it too much!

A space backpack that can be carried with you, is it all you want in your dreams?

The eggs that have been hatched for such a long time in the academy, I have no spiritual pets!

Jiangnan squeezed his chin!

(?????) "You can raise a few, but you need to promise me three conditions!"

Shirley's eyes are full of excitement, really give it? Gangnam is too good, right?

"You can talk about anything, as long as it doesn't violate human ethics, I can do it!"

Jiang Nan chuckled, "I will incubate eggs for another year at the college. During this period, no pocket rabbits are allowed to leave the college!"

"You can only bring it back when you return to Eagle Country!"

Shirley was startled, and she wanted to sell her body for another year? But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing to lose!

I've lived here pretty well, and it's easy to cultivate and everything, and I don't even want to go back a bit.

"Cocoa, what about the other two conditions?"

Jiang Nan was stunned, so happy that he promised? Does one year mean less?

"Well~ I didn't think about the other two, I will tell you when I think about it!"

According to the current development, it is estimated that many people have brought Pocket Bunny a year later. Entering the era of universal spiritual pets, I am afraid that the Eagle Country has already got it!

Flickering Shirley's eggs for another year, quack quack!

Shirley was broken. I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and at such a small price, I got the space backpack!

Jiangnan, he is a good man!

So excitedly hugged Jiangnan, and ran back!

Jiang Nan turned his head and smiled, "Would you like to play a rabbit?"

The new students shuddered collectively and shook their heads. The strong presence of the Goddess of Heaven was knocked out!

Where would you dare to play a rabbit?

So Jiangnan took the freshmen to visit Sky Island, but before long, the roar came again!

I saw smoke and dust billowing in the distant mountains, and a figure rushed at an extremely fast speed!


With a loud noise, the green hills were all crushed, Luo Tianqing, who was buried with Gutai, flashed red eyes, and leaped to the sky!


Like a high-speed howitzer, it hits the sky island straight!

"Kill you to death!"

Jiangnan:! !

Here again?

Do you want to be so persistent?

Are you really human? Jump so high?

At this moment, Jiangnan frantically calculates Luo Tianqing's flying parabola!


Vertex formula: y=a?x-h?2+k...

Bring in the data and calculate the collision point between Luo Tianqing and the floating island!

Jiangnan teleported to the edge of the island, raised his hand and threw out a pair of spatial wormholes!

The diameter of the opening is expanded to the extent of 15 meters!

Without any surprise, Luo Tianqing plunged into the space wormhole, rushed out from the other end, and flew into the sky above Jiangnan's head!

Jiangnan raised his head subconsciously!

In the moonlight, a cloth skirt with a pot bottom was flying, and a cute pink piglet under the skirt was fat and clearly greeted Jiangnan's eyes!

"Oh Huo~ Little Pink Pig? This style doesn't even have me!"


Luo Tianqing felt that with a flower in front of him, people appeared in the sky!

Can't help but look angry, **** space department!

His legs were still falling down, and when he looked down, he saw Jiang Nan's head tilted up with a small expression of amazement!

Luo Tianqing wondered, what little pink pig?

! !

The next moment, her face was red and smoked, and she pressed her skirt!

Do you even dare to watch my fat times?

You are useless!

If someone knows that the **** of war is 29, and he likes to wear cute girlish fat times, would he still survive?

Xiaohong! You can change your favorite!

I'm going to hammer this to death!

[The grievance value from Luo Tianqing +1000! ]

"I will definitely be back! You wait for me!"

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