Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1469: I think Jiangnan would do this, right?

If it weren't for the phantom fluctuating, the one-eyed army might not have noticed Senbonzakura and the others!

But this fluctuation!

Under the powerful pupil power of the one-eyed species, the illusion could not be stopped at all!

Senbonzakura and the others have nowhere to hide!

Rui Sen looked cold!

"Hong Country? Really come one after another!"

I'm worried that there is nowhere to spread the fire!

"Yego! Get it for me!"

Instant time! Hundreds of star-eye cannons with a thickness of one hundred meters were shot straight at Senbonzakura and the others!

Miyazaki's face turned pale when he looked at the intensity of the star pupil gun!

"Go! Go!"

Even if you get it yourself, you will definitely be shot into a sieve?

Why doesn't Senbonzakura know the crisis?

(?°?口°?) "Damn Makoto Takahashi! Blame you! If it weren't for you, how could things get so bad? You got it all!"

"Bah! Go to **** you!"

Makoto Takahashi pointed to his nose with a bewildered look!


Do you rely on me?

If you don't come to seek revenge, where will you face such a desperate situation?

Senbon Sakura at this moment can't worry about any spatial fluctuations!

Take everyone to teleport and run!

But at this moment, Yego had disappeared in place!

Directly turn on the full-energy operation mode, and rush towards the people of Qianben Sakura!

I almost rushed to the front in the blink of an eye!

Sight locked!

In an instant, everyone who was shrouded in Jego's sight could not move!

At this moment, Chibon Sakura wants to teleport, it has become an extravagant hope!

Seeing that Jego's hand knife was about to pierce his heart!

Senbon Sakura was shocked, what level of existence is this?

Dead dead!

However, the locked Hoshino eyes widened fiercely, and his eyes slowly turned to Jego's body!



A talented spirit skill was released instantly!

I saw that within three kilometers, I was immediately enveloped by light green light!

(????) "Late~Slow~Lead~Domain~"

Although Hoshino's blowing is a hundred million points slower, but this skill is very fast?

It's like a stress response!

In an instant, everything in a radius of three kilometers seemed to be slowed down!

Yego kept his forward attitude!

The hand knife pierced Senbonzakura's chest inch by inch!

Jego looked stunned, what the hell!

How could I be so slow?

Is this horse riding slower than a snail crawling?

Normally, he has already killed the person in front of him a hundred times?

But no matter how hard Yego tried, his body seemed to be disobedient, and he couldn't get up at all!

I saw Senbon Sakura with a look of horror, and said in a very slow tone!

━=???? (???????) "Bud~ son! To~ die~ la~"

Miyazaki's eyes widened, and his mouth widened squirting wildly!

?(?☉口⊙)? "Quickly~Tread~Horse~Run~Wow~"

He was almost mad, but in the slow field, he watched the spitting stars from his mouth slowly splash onto the helmet cover!

Makoto Takahashi is crazy!

(|||?口?) "Small~Blow! Don'!"

After saying this, Makoto Takahashi almost went crazy!

The effort of this sentence is enough for ordinary Lao Tzu to say a hundred sentences!

Not only are people slowing down, but even those star-pupil cannons that are shooting over are slowing down the effect of light, slowing down!

Rui Sen outside is in a hurry!

(?`д′)?? 3?? "Yego! What are you doing there? Fuck him! Fuck him?"

"With this skill, you have stepped on the horse to destroy them ten times, right? Are you sick, you?"

Jego:! ! !

I want too?

But the body doesn't listen to it at all, it can't get up anyway!

Look at my thunder and fire form!

The dazzling light of thunder exploded on Jego, who was directly open to full energy!

But under full energy operation, the action is only twice as fast as before!

Hmm~ There are two snails added together so fast!


The name of Chibon Sakura's skill hasn't been finished yet, and the space is shattered like a mirror!

The space cracks that burst out directly blocked Jego's sight!

Everyone is no longer locked, and Senbon Sakura is ready to teleport and run away!

At this moment, Yamada Musashi suddenly moved under the sluggish light!

Reach out and hold the handle of the knife!

The action is just like the random action of a normal person, not very fast, but not slow either!

You know, this is in the field of slowness!

Even the extremely fast Yego movement was forced to slow down, but Musashi looked like a normal person!

This is terrible!

If you are outside, it is hard to imagine how fast Musashi's sword drawing action is!

And the moment he held the handle of the knife, Musashi seemed to have changed himself!

The eyes bloomed with scarlet blood, and the entire right arm holding the knife turned into steel jade!

Draw a knife and slash at Jego's arm!

I have been practicing this drawing of a knife since I was three years old!

When I was 12 years old, I hacked people with my dad outside. Today, I have practiced this motion of swinging the knife hundreds of millions of times!

Even swinging a knife becomes more instinctive than breathing!

I cut the wings of the fly, the legs of the mosquito, and I cut the hair straight from the middle!

Even the cilia of the paramecium were cut off!

Lao Tzu's next step is a man who is going to practice cutting the nucleus!

Step forward, draw the knife, wave the knife, close the knife, all in one go!

The light of the knife is frightening, and the beauty is instant!

Yego could only watch his arm be cut off!

He wanted to hide, but unfortunately, under the slow light, his movements were not as fast as a knife!

Senbonzakura looked at Musashi with a shocked face, and slowly raised his scissors hands!



Musashi:! ! !

Do you have time to praise me for being a great critic? Shouldn't it be a thumbs up? What are you better than scissor hands?


And during this period! Makoto Takahashi rolled up his foot and kicked Hoshino's **** with all his strength!

All the time, Takahashi Makoto worked hard for this kick!

Fortunately, it's kicked!

I saw Hoshino Blow slowly widening his eyes, holding his hips with both hands, and the whole figure took off like a small rocket, and was kicked out directly!


In the slow field, its own existence is not affected!

However, Hoshino Blowing is inherently slow...

Before she could shout out, she was kicked and flew into the vine forest!

On the other hand, Senbon Sakura took everyone away, teleporting out 30,000 meters!

Don't dare to stop at all, teleporting crazy continuously!

"Boom boom boom!"

Hoshino was kicked into the air, and the slow field left with her!

The star pupil cannons exploded on the ground one after another, exploding huge pits!

Jego's body slammed in place, and his broken arm grew out in less than half a second!

The speed of action has also returned to normal!

Can't help but look horrified, why do humans spend so much work?

That Snow Girl is already very powerful, what happened just now?

Rui Sen said with a black face: "What can you do? What are you doing in a daze? Chase! East!"

He has no intention of wasting time here, he runs to the moon one by one, right?

I can't kill you guys!

Talking about this, they brought the army of one-eyed species to chase Chibon Sakura again!

Senbonzakura teleports 30,000 meters in one shot, which can run more than Jiangnan!

However, there are ultra-long-distance investigations between Rui Sen and the Cyclops!

It is not easy to get rid of the chase!

At this moment, Senbon Sakura is leading people on a crazy run!

Miyazaki said anxiously: "The strength of the one-eyed species just now is too strong. If it weren't for Hoshino to blow, it is estimated that Senbonzakura has just been cold!"

"Still chasing! Damn, the moon is so big, where is it going?"

Senbonzakura looked anxious at her palm computer!

Damn, damn, got in big trouble, shouldn't you take revenge from Jiangnan?

What should I do?

If Jiangnan faced this situation, what would he do?

After all, Jiangnan has been chased by a basket of heavens many times, he has more experience!

Senbon Sakura was stunned!

Σ(°Д°?) Jiangnan?

According to his own understanding of Jiangnan, if Jiangnan, he would definitely pull more people into the water!

Misfortunes lead to the east, fishermen profit?

It doesn't seem to be far from the sea of ​​tranquility, right?

Senbonzakura's eyes are bright when she wants to understand, Sakura sauce, are you too smart?

?(??????)? "I have a way, come with me! We are all here, right?"

Senbonzakura asked while teleporting!

Everyone looked around...

Liuhua's eyes widened fiercely!

∑(°口°?) "Sister Hoshino is gone! She...couldn't you let her fall?"

Senbon Sakura:? ? ?

Where's Xiaochu? No way!

He clearly teleported away with everyone in the same place?

Makoto Takahashi raises his hand, his face is indifferent!

(′?W?)? "I kicked her away!"

Everyone looked at Makoto Takahashi in astonishment!

Hey Hey hey!

That's a teammate, what did you kick her for?

Makoto Takahashi spread his hands:?(?′_?`)? "What are you doing looking at me like this? Let's run away with her?"

"When she reacts and turns off the slow field, shall we all hang up? There will be delays in your teleportation!"

"Take her along, and if you are caught up, don't you want to be besieged? What's more, there are bosons present. Does the ghost know that the slow field is useful for the bosons?"

"Even if you are from the Space Department, you can't play against that Bose, right?"

Qianben Ying's face turned black, and Shentemei kicked her away!

Did you leave Xiao Chuan over there? But I have to say that Makoto Takahashi has a bit of truth, and it's really hard to run with Hoshino!

Xiao Chuan is also a star at any rate, and there is also a slow field. It should be... okay, right?

Besides, Jiangnan, they are expected to come back soon, because of their own face!

It shouldn't be embarrassing, right?

I don't want to, let's run first, and wait for the crisis to be resolved before looking for her!

At the same time, Hoshino Kuki was kicked into Fujibayashi!

The surrounding silver vines sensed the invaders, and they all madly spread towards this side, but they were slowed down by the slow domain!

Hoshino Buki lay on the ground, his expression became painful, and finally pressed his hands on his hips!

(?????口????) "Yeah!!!"

(????????????) "Okay~ It hurts~ Wow~"

(???????﹏???????) "Who... kicked... I..."

At this moment, Senbonzakura and the others have run out for hundreds of kilometers...

On the Blue Star, after continuous teleportation from the south of the Yangtze River, it can be regarded as rushing back to the Huaxia Tianjun game!

Teleported directly to the main control hall!

"Aha~ My Jiang Tailang is back!"

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