Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1470: Ice castle! Interstellar City! Silver Moon Garden! (Plus more)

Jiang Douya took Li Bing and a few people hurriedly, and finally returned to the Tianchen Bureau headquarters!

Yang Jian and Jiang Tianchen saw that Jiangnan came back safely, the big rock in their hearts finally fell to the ground!

Followed a long sigh of relief!

Zhong Yingxue Xia Yao and the others rushed to see if there was anything wrong with Jiangnan!

Although Jiangnan and the others haven't been there for long, they have been dancing on the tip of the knife since the moment they landed on the moon?

Who would have thought that Jiangnan would take the team to the moon for a lap in just a short while?

Finally, is Blue Star unable to satisfy this southerner?

But fortunately, the task was completed beautifully, even overfulfilled, okay?

Not only did Tongcheng explode, and the harvest was fruitful, he also made a wave in Yueyan and figured out the existence of the Star Devouring Giant Insect!

Now Huaxia can be said to have the most information!

As soon as he came back, Jiang Nan asked hurriedly: "How is the base? Didn't it get paid by Risen?"

As soon as this was said, everyone had a weird expression!


Although the Silver Moon base is hidden by white clouds and the reconnaissance satellites cannot see the situation inside, the situation outside can also be approximated!

Yang Jian: (??~??) "Ri Sen and the One-Eyed Army went to the base, but they didn't do anything. Instead, they ran into Senbon Ying and the others who were looking for you!"

"Now running after them..."

Jiang Nan was stunned, no wonder Chibon Sakura kept refreshing herself on the road just now!

Good guys, did co-author really chase the moon to beat yourself?

How angry are you?

Isn't even the moon safe now?

Jiang Douding's forehead is sweating!

"No matter what else, it's better to connect to the Stargate first, I don't worry about no one on the base!"

When you say that, take out the star map!

Everyone looked at Jiangnan with bewildered faces. Are you sure that there is no one on Yinyue Base?

But I got excited too, and all the preparations depended on this trembling!

As the star map was taken out to inject spiritual power, the mark that belonged to the moon in the star map lit up!

All the tears of the oracle lighted up on the star gate, and a dark space vortex formed in the middle!

Everyone's eyes lit up!

Is this considered usable?

Before everyone could experiment, only a figure came out of the star gate!

Shirtless, with a big shorts on his body, at the moment both hands are constantly slipping out of his body, and his eyes are red!

?(#??Д??#)? "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Petrify me! Petrify me soon!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, isn't this Chen Evil Dog? what's the situation?

I asked you to spray Xiaoyueyue with pesticides, but I didn't let you spray yourself?

As everyone knows, Chen Daoyi did not spray himself cautiously!

However, Xiaoyueyue made a sneak attack and smashed the pesticide pot!

The rest of the enemy's brother was cast on Chen Daoyi's body...

Yang Jian's mouth twitched: (?﹏?;) "It depends on the situation~"

At this moment, I don't know how many people took out their phones and shot them wildly at Chen Dao. After all, such scenes are rare!


But Chen Daoyi can't worry about being ashamed at this moment, he's so ashamed, okay?

Jiang Nan Yizheng's words: "Brother Chen is a good housekeeper. As the captain, I must never see you suffered such a serious crime! Come on! Eat it!"

He just threw a snake biscuit over!

When Chen Dao saw this, how could he bear it? One Fei jumped into the air and opened his mouth to swallow the snake biscuit!

Xia Yao covered her face, why did this action look like she was feeding her?

Chen Daoyi looked at his body with red eyes!

(??#Petrochemical Light~"

In an instant, Chen Daoyi petrified himself!

[The grievance value from Chen Daoyi is +1001! ]

[From Chen Daoyi...]

He didn't wear Teletubbies clothes, and he didn't dare to break his vest at will!

Is the petrochemical fart used? Hey, I can't scratch it now. Is it better than before?

But fortunately, it stopped and went to someone to lift Chen Daoyi down!

I saw Yang Jian wave a big hand: "The Blue Star Moon channel has been opened, the situation is urgent, don't waste a little time!"

"Immediately send the Longyuan Army to station, the logistics infrastructure corps will keep up, and the infrastructure of the Yinyue Base will be completed first!"

"In addition, send a blood tank convoy to enter and supply blood for Yinteng. A large number of supplies from Xijiang should be in place soon. The power of the whole country must be up to the level of Laurel Yinteng!"

"Daotian may be choking, but Xingyao must have it. Laurel Silver Vine is the foundation of Silver Moon Base, and it must not be weak!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Blood tank truck? What is that?"

Yang Jian grinned: "At the beginning of the Garden Project, the blood of spirit beasts has already been collected simultaneously. The inventory is scary, enough for Silver Vine to drink!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, is it so thin?

Obviously, the Lunar Project is extremely large, and I don't know how many projects it contains!

What I can't think of or can't be thought of, I've already prepared it here at home!

When a country is united and all departments work together to do one thing, efficiency is terrifying!

Obviously everything is ready, just waiting for the star gate to connect!

Is this the power of the state apparatus?

Jiangnan got goosebumps, so he spent another 3 million grievance points, reluctantly replaced 30,000 small ginseng and gave it to Yang Jian!

This is a blood-making artifact, Xiaoyueyue's level should be pushed up early!

Yang Jian nodded: "A lot of help! Monroe! How is the work of the re-engraving team going?"

Han Menglu is full of energy!

(??w??) "The re-engraving of the God Killing Curse Array has been completed, and the blackstone material replaced by Moonlight Silver!"

"The hardness is not as good as the black stone pillar, but it is compatible enough, it is still a memory material, and it is not easy to be destroyed!"

"Although the energy storage is not as strong as the original version, it can barely be used!"

Yang Jian's eyes were full of excitement: "Really carved? So fast?"

Although Rui Sen temporarily retreated, it is difficult to guarantee another attack on the Silver Moon Base. The most basic protection is still necessary!

The Tianchen Bureau has the protection of the God Killing Curse Array, and the Yinyue Base also has it!

Han Menglu: (?????????) "Well, it's all small problems, and it's exhausting tens of thousands of spell experts, and there are more than half of the Beijia..."

"The old lady Beiqiu fell to the ground on the spot, no matter how she could not be cured, we thought she was exhausted, and we all sent her to the ICU, only to find that she had gone to sleep!"

Jiang Nan opened his mouth wide and looked terrified!

Damn it! Can you tire a Daotian-level powerhouse into this batch?

The donkeys in the production team didn't do that, did they?

However, those who are able to work harder, the North Family's Spirit Rune Array is already very good at burning spells!

If you don't pull them to do coolies, who will do it?

Yang Jian laughed loudly: "Okay! It's not for nothing to let them in the car! First set up the God Killing Curse array!"

"There is still a period of time before the storm ocean enters the day, hurry up, we must use the night to complete the construction, and have the most basic ability to confront the enemy!"

Jiang Douding also let out a sigh of relief, his task has been completed, and the rest is left to Brother Jian!

Jiangnan, who was relaxed, only felt a wave of exhaustion!

Eyelids are like two big mountains hanging!

After all, starting from the permafrost, I came back to the moon, teleported 380,000 kilometers without rest, and after completing a series of thrilling operations, I also experienced a wave of deadly battles!

Jiangnan has reached its limit both physically and mentally!

Never felt so tired!

I can’t help rubbing my eyes: (???????) "Why don't you wow the souvenirs I brought back from the moon? How many for you?"

Zhong Yingxue looked at the 105 one-eyed glutinous rice dumplings, her eyes twitched!

What do we want that stuff for? Don't bring back any souvenirs?

Zhong Yingxue lowered her head to reach Xia Yao's palm, and stretched out a finger to gently pat Jiang Douding on the top of the head!

"You are very tired, go to sleep first~ Guaibao~ leave the rest to us!"

Jiang Nan: (???~??) "I...I have other treasures, it's fragrant, I'll eat it for you then...Um~"

Jiang Nan rubbed his eyes. Under Zhong Yingxue's gentle attack, wherever he could hold it, he fell asleep in Xia Yao's palm on the spot!

Breathe gradually!

Xia Yao's eyes are full of distress!

(??~?) "Let Xiao Nan sleep more comfortably, let people not disturb him!"

Holding Jiangnan while talking, the little hand touched his chest, Jiang Dou Ding disappeared!

Zhong Yingxue:? ? ?

(??﹏??) "Where is Xiao Nan? Yaoyao? Where did you put him to sleep?"

Xia Yao smiled: (?????) "My treasure bag! Of course I put it in my heart's nest? It's the safest place there!"

Zhong Yingxue opened her mouth wide and her face blushed!

Really? Put it in your heart?

Jiang Douding has a relaxed expression at the moment!


Wow~ where is this? Is it too warm?

It's still fragrant, giving Jiangnan a feeling of being home!

After finding a comfortable posture, Jiangnan quickly went into deep sleep...

Huaxia's moon-grabbing operation has also begun while Jiangnan is sleeping!

The eyes of all countries in the world are focused on the construction of the lunar base on the moon!

As for Goose Country, there is a three-hundred-meter star ring, and the construction speed is amazing!

Relying on the icebergs that rose from the ground, start to build various facilities!

Even a large factory cannot be modularized and disassembled, and it was transported by Momo's Star Whale!

The ice castle in Goose Country is expanding and building at a rapid pace!

No one thought that Goose could get such a high-tech thing as a transmission device! Treating a distance of 380,000 kilometers as nothing!

This advantage simply burst!

And the United States is even more surprising, the doll army has been enlarged!

Tens of thousands of people were sent up in one breath, and many of these people are dedicated to construction!

In Pierce's alien space, all the urban modules after Vinnie's miniature are placed!

Oxygen plant, honeycomb gas film, weapon module, electromagnetic gun, plasma gun, nano energy shield...

Unabashedly show his own black technology!

An interstellar city covering an area of ​​more than 30,000 meters is built like a Lego!

Among the four countries that have been reached so far, except for Hong Country, they are still being hunted down!

The Silver Moon Base, which belongs to Huaxia, is the most mysterious. No one knows what methods Huaxia used!

Only through satellite surveys, the thick white clouds are expanding at an astonishing speed, as if they are endless!

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