Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1527: Pull out the main body? (Plus more)

A small crimson cup was pulled in Ava's eyes!

An extremely dazzling crimson light bloomed on it!

In an instant, a feeling of extreme comfort spread from Ava's eyes!

As if all eye fatigue had been taken away, the whole world seemed to be clear!

It's so cool, okay?

The top eye exercise emperor sets are not as cool as this?

I saw that Ava was full of excitement, showing an expression of enjoyment, her whole body relaxed, and her saliva was about to flow out!


On Jiangnan's side, he lifted Hoshino up and carried it aside, for fear of being hit by Ava!

At the moment of the small cupping pot, a continuously rotating loading pattern suddenly appeared on the body of the pot!

It looks like a small video cannot be loaded due to the slow internet speed!


Jiang Nan is stunned, what's the situation?

It stands to reason that the star-cutting mode of the small cupping jar can pull out all the energy in the person who is pulled out, and chop off a star!

The one-eyed species don't have stars, but just pull out all the energy?

really! The next moment Ava's eyes became horrified!

I felt that my eyes were leaking, and all the energy in it was madly flowing towards the small cup!

Ava:! !

Nima! What's going on?

If this continues, I will run out of power?

He slowly opened his mouth wide, his saliva slowly flowed out, and grabbed his hands toward the small cup on his eyes!

It’s just that the action is very slow!

Jiangnan's eyes are bright, can he really pull out the energy of the one-eyed?

The more energy, the longer it takes to pull out?

Jiang Nan didn't have the patience to wait, she couldn't pull it off anyway?

So his eyes fell on the other one-eyed species!

At this moment, the one-eyed species in the Sluggish Domain looked at Ava, with longing expressions in their eyes!


Depend on!

Is this the latest eye exercise program?

Have you never seen it before?

The leader of Ava was drooling, with a broken expression!

Is it so cool?

Suddenly want to try it?

I saw Jiangnan smile!

(o???) "Since you are so eager, then you can only satisfy your desire!"

After speaking, he took out two small cups from his pocket, and rushed to them directly!

Facing the one-eyed one-eyed in slow motion, press madly!

There are still words in the mouth!

"Can't draw a cupping pot!"

"It's hard to change a refreshing daughter!"

"Death is like wind and love!"

"Take all horses for you!"

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen one-eyed eyes were cupped!

Star-cutting mode is on!

Start absorbing energy frantically!

At this moment, not only the defenders on the battlefield were dumbfounded!

Even the people on Blue Star are crazy!

"Damn it! What is Nanshen Teme doing to the one-eyed species? Why did you suddenly pull up the cupping pot on them?"

"I see! Nanshen must be selling them the health care methods on the Blue Star, right? I might have to take out Fang Tian's painting halberd to scrape them!"

"The cultural export ambassador must be talking about Nanshen? People are fighting **** battles, but Nanshen is cupping? Why is the style of painting different for him?"

"Nima! This is the first time I heard that you can cup cupping on your eyes? You can't **** the eyeballs out?"

Jiang Nan was stunned when he pulled a dozen cans on the eyeballs of others!

What happens if I try the removal mode?

The energy drawn from the star-cutting mode can be shattered, but the one-eyed kind has an energy-absorbing mode!

Is it useless for broken stars to attack them?

Just do it!

I saw Jiang Nan took out a small cupping pot and slammed his eyeballs at a one-eyed seed!

Turn left to start the removal mode!

Soon this time, I saw the word "see" suddenly appeared on the body of the small cupping pot!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

I couldn't wait to poke down the cupping pot and let out a "pop"!

I saw the eyes of the grapefruit one-eyed species suddenly turned white!

A huge red envelope bulged in the center of the eyeball, forming a bulging fish eye!


This must be the legendary swollen eye bubble, right?

And this one-eyed species has a horrified expression, stretches out two hands, and touches it in a wordy manner!


Jiang Nan was stunned, this is the visual extraction!

Are you blind?

Does this work? A one-eyed species without vision is equivalent to half of it?

So Jiangnan started a new experiment again to see if he could pull out something besides vision!

"Goose box box" laughed from time to time!

Seeing Jiangnan madly cupping one-eyed, Nightingale was speechless!

Is this still eye-catching? With nothing to do, Nightingale's eyes fell on Hoshinobuki's body!

There was a burst of curiosity on his face, what would happen if he slapped her together?

So he rushed over and slapped a dozen mouthfuls at Hoshino’s cheeks!


Hoshinobuki with a lip print on his face seems to have evolved!

A forward pounce, hung directly on Nightingale's thigh, clinging tightly!

(???~??) "Sister, uncle, me, I'm afraid, so dangerous~"

nightingale:? ? ?

Has it really become a normal person's speed? And the slow field is still there?

Is it okay to hug your thighs when you come up?

I saw Nightingale lifted her leg and shook it, but Hoshino's blow seemed to be stuck to it, and she couldn't shake it no matter what!

And Ava on the other side finally caught the little cup!

Exhausted all your energy, fiercely!

However, the small cupping pot looks like it has grown on it, and it can't be pulled out at all!

Suck it hard, I felt like I was going to poke my eyes out!

There is only 0.01% of the energy in the body, so it will be shut down soon?

At this moment, the small cupping pot has been removed. The body of the pot is not marked by a star, but a circle...

On the other side, Jiangnan pulled out more than a dozen cans, either to blind the one-eyed species, or to pull out the blue eyes and purple cataracts!

Just when Jiangnan was about to give up and unplug the last can!

Just listen to the "pop"!

A frightening scene appeared, and the whole eyeball of the grapefruit-level one-eyed species was sucked into the jar!

The grapefruit eyes that occupied two-thirds of the face suddenly disappeared!


There is an "eye" on the tank body!

Jiangnan was stunned!

"Fuck? Did you pull out the main body?"

really! Not only can a small cupping pot pull out non-physical objects, but also physical objects?

It's just too random, right?

I saw that the one-eyed one-eyed with his eyes pulled out was a fierce spirit, and it crashed at that time!

While Jiang Nan looked at the small cupping pot in his hand, countless mature ideas were born in his head!

What is pulled out by the unplugging mode can be rushed in by others!

Can those one-eyed eyes be given to others?

If you can…

An excited Jiangnan teleported to Hoshino Buki!

Put the small cupping pot on Hoshinobuki's chest, you need to click your eyes!

Hoshino Buki was frightened and shuddered, with a pleading expression on his face!

(???~??) "I've done work for you, don't you hurt me, okay? I'm obedient!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Damn it? When can this guy talk normally?

This should be the first time I have listened to what she said completely!

However, watching Hoshino's lip prints blowing on his face, Jiang Nan understood in an instant!

Does this work?

(? ̄??? ̄??) "Don't be afraid! Brother opened your eyes!"

As he spoke, he was mad at the words on the cupping jar!

If humans could use one-eyed eyes, it would be a big blow!

But after ordering for a long time, there is no response!

Wrong location?

So he put the small cupping jar on Hoshino's eyes, a little bit on the center of his eyebrows!

It still doesn't work!

The body structure is different, so can't the parts and the like be given across races?

After all, the eyes of the one-eyed species are bigger than Hoshino's head!

What about violacea?

As he said, he gave Hoshino a little cupping pot with purple cataracts!

In an instant, the small cup shattered, and it was filled!

I saw Hoshino blowing a look of horror!

(oДo?) "Ah! I, I, I am blind! One...Why is it purple when looking at things with one eye?"

Jiangnan Hehe Zhile, can intangible things be charged across species?


(.???)? "I'm not afraid, I'll pull it out for you again!"

While talking, he took out a new cupping jar and pulled it on Hoshinobu’s eyes to activate the extraction mode!

Sure enough, the purple cataract that had just been rushed in was pulled out smoothly!

Hoshinobuki: (??????﹏???) "Woo~ I really got blind, now I can't see anything! You devil!"

"Sakura sauce, save me! Liuhua save me~"

Jiang Nan was stunned: (?????) "Why can't you see? Shouldn't it? I didn't pull your eyes out? I...poof~"

I saw Jiang Nan turned away fiercely, and forced a smile!

At this moment, Hoshino was blowing, and the right eye was swollen as big as an orange, and the eyes were swollen into a slit!

It's like a sloth whose eyes are stung and swollen by bees!

Nightingale was speechless!

(????)? "Are you sure you don't care about that?"

Ava who pointed to the side while talking!

I saw that Ava was still holding a small cupping pot and she was about to poke her eyes out!

The smile on Jiang Nan's face gradually deformed, if you pull out Ava's eyes too!

Then there will be fun!

When talking, teleport and take away all the small cupping pots sucked on the eyes of the one-eyed species, and put them away properly!

Those one-eyed species that were drawn in the star-cutting mode without exception, all crashed!

And Jiang Nan stepped forward and dropped the small cupping pot from Ava's eyes!

I have to admire her, but she hasn't completely crashed after being picked up by the Star Slashing Mode?

I saw that Ava's entire eyeball was plucked red, and a big red envelope was bulging in the pupil!

This red eye is definitely not a special effect?

The liberated Ava just breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to use other one-eyed essential energy!

However, the next moment, another cupping pot hit Ava's eyes directly!

Left-hand removal! Jiang Nan wants to pull out Ava's eyes!

This is a watermelon-level one-eyed species, it must not be wasted?

Ava: "Ah!!!"

Don't pull a second time in the same position!

[The grievance value from Ava is +1001! ]

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