Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1528: The new headwear is pretty Fashion?

Originally, Ava's eyes were already swollen, and it hurt so hot!

The result is cupping in the original position again?

This is even more painful than a long needle's eye!

However, when one can went down, Ava went blank for a moment, and the word "see" was displayed on the small cup!

Jiangnan's face turned black, it seems that the main body can be pulled out by pulling it out?

Do you look at the probability?

And at this moment, Ava's entire eye was plucked and swollen, and she was also blind!

I was terrified, what the **** is this!

However, before Ava could move, the third pot from Jiangnan was pressed on Ava's eyes again!

Right-handed cut star!

The energy in Ava's body was completely pulled out, and she fell into a dead state!

Even if new energy is drawn, it will still be sucked away by the small cupping pot, after all, the small cupping pot is far from saturated at this moment!

Only in this way can you control it first, and then slowly pull it out later!

Jiang Nan grabbed Ava and was about to do something!

And after a psychological struggle, Risen finally decided to end!

The slow domain is too lethal, if the one-eyed species is controlled on a large scale, plus the anti-pupil clan weapon!

The number of casualties of the one-eyed species will rise sharply!

This is a scene that Rui Sen never wants to see!

Although it is a cannon fodder of slaves, Master Igor also spent a lot of money to get them over!

And that time is not in front of Jiangnan now!

good chance!

Seeing Rui Sen pulled with one hand, the Bose Particle Knife was held in his hand!

Look hard!

"This thing can slow people down, but it doesn't work for me!"

The body suddenly disappeared while speaking, and he appeared again in front of Nightingale!

The Bose particle knife in her hand was blown away at the star field on her thigh fiercely!

Just kill her! This slow field is self-defeating!

Hoshinobuki was terrified. Although Lao Gao was swollen in one eye, the other eye still saw the knife slashing towards him!

(??????口??????)? Leg

"Sister, save me!"

Nightingale's reaction speed was extremely fast, Xuan Ben'er in his hand slammed straight towards Rui Sen!

But it passed through Rui Sen's body, and it didn't make any difference!

Jiangnan:! !

Is it still over?


In the next instant, Nightingale disappeared under Risen's sword together with Hoshinobuki!

Jiang Nan, who had pulled out the God Killing Sword, slashed towards Rui Sen!

At the same time, holding the small cupping pot in one hand, he slammed Rui Sen's forehead!

Look at Lao Tzu pulling out your horns and attaching them to Sister Ning Ning!

Kerisen's movements are too fast, and in the slow domain, although Jiangnan has extreme speed blessings, it is essentially slowed down!

The movement speed is not as fast as his own!

"Let her turn off!"

Hoshino didn’t know what Jiangnan meant, so he quickly turned off the slow field!

However, after such a while, Rui Sen's Bose Particle Knife has been transformed into a strong acid knife!

Two knives collide! The strong acid knife exploded fiercely into acid rain, and it poured directly on the south of the Yangtze River!

At the same time, the small cupping pot was pressed on Rui Sen's forehead!

He didn't go through it directly, but touched the entity of Rui Sen!

Covered the whole unicorn!

Jiangnan is so excited!

Sure enough, the system props are effective for boson? The previous dichlorvos solution worked!

Does a small cupping pot work too?

Left-hand removal!

(#??口??)? "Single! Just bring you!"

In the next moment, the whole small cupping pot bloomed with dazzling red glow, bursting with amazing suction!

Risen:! !

What the hell!

Jiang Ning, who rushed over from a distance, was dumbfounded!

leave! Why did you cup the boson again?

However, in just such a moment of effort, the strong acid rain poured on Jiangnan severely!

Even before the wormhole had time to open, Rui Sen's hand grabbed Jiang Nan's arm!

Bose particles bloom, just hear a "click"!

Jiang Nan's arm holding the small cupping pot was frozen to pieces!

Jiangnan, with his broken arm, teleported and retreated extremely fast!

But the glazed armor was still corroded by strong acid, and the whole person was corroded full of holes and **** flesh!

Unpleasant white smoke came out, and even the organs were corroded!

He coughed up blood, lost half of his life in a wave, and felt so badly injured that he could hardly hold a small whip!

The shocked Jiangnan hurriedly stuffed small ginseng into his mouth!

Nightingale's eyes are red!

(??﹏?) "Jiangnan! You..."

Jiang Nan quickly turned his head away, not to show her his embarrassed face!

(??#???#?) "Cough~ It's okay, I got a little injury, and disfigured Lao Tzu? Lailaidi, I must be jealous of my dazzling beauty!"

nightingale:! !

You always say it's okay?

Is this still a minor injury? You almost disappeared, you!

Doesn't it hurt?

But the goose really doesn't hurt. After drinking the big green stick, Jiangnan doesn't know it hurts at all!

"You are not allowed to hurt him!"

Jiang Ning came, and the Bose Particle Sword slashed towards Rui Sen!

Rui Sen can only dodge and escape!

At this moment, Mila and Lan also rushed over, and a single time retrospective hit Jiang Nan!

This brought Jiangnan back from the death line!

Lan started to collect the dead one-eyed species very quickly, and even Ava packed it!

Nightingale was relieved!

The scene just now was so thrilling, what's it like, still thinking about cupping the boson?

Do you Jiang Cupping want to be so dedicated?

I saw Jiang Nan waved his hand: "Go to Ji with tools to support other places, here is me!"

Nightingale nodded, and hurriedly took the Hoshino on her lap to blow to support elsewhere.

But Jiang Ning came to Jiangnan, complaining on his face, and began to count down Jiangnan!

(?`?') "How dangerous was it just now? Almost you were gone! It's no joke to play against Bose. Don't do such dangerous things in the future!"

"In case you...Bah! Bah! Anyway, be careful!"

Jiangnan scratched his head and smiled!

?(#′?`) "Well, let's not talk about this, Sister Ningning, I will fix a corner for you, and I will arrange it for you later!"

Jiang Ning: (????)? ? ?

I couldn't help but touch my one-horned horn with my hands, and gave me a whole horn for anything!

This is also transplanted?

If there are two, am I not the upper clan?

Jiang Nan looked at Rui Sen expectantly!

The light of the small cup on his forehead was getting brighter and brighter, and Rui Sen's face was furious and frustrated!

Holding a small cupping pot on his forehead with both hands, he couldn't move at all! Escape into the void and come out again, the cupping pot is still there!

Cut with a Bose particle knife, corrode with strong acid, or even blow up completely into Bose particles and then aggregate!

The small cupping pot is still sucking firmly on the head, as if growing up with him!

(?? 口?)? "Ahhhhh! What the **** is this horse riding! Jiangnan! What are you putting on top of Laozi's head! Why can't you pull it off!"

Jiang Nan Jiejie smiled straightly: (???) "Don't waste your energy, this thing is incapable of extricating yourself! No one in this world can help you unplug this thing except me!"

"It's not easy for your eldest brother to come! I said it!"

Finally, the red light on the small cup gradually extinguished, and a word was condensed on it!


Jiangnan:? ? ?

What does news mean? Shouldn't it be horned?

This wave failed to pull the horns of Rui Sen? What did you pull out? What's the news?

(???) "It's over! Sister Ningning! I'm afraid your role is temporarily unavailable!"

Jiang Ning's face was dark: (????) "So you were serious just now?"

Why do you really want to give me another horn?

However, looking at Rui Sen, his face was furious, and there was a small scarlet cup on his forehead!

There was also the word "Xin" written on it, even Jiang Ning couldn't hold back it, he burst out laughing!

Risen:! !

(▼Mu▼#) "Still laughing! Don't laugh!"

I don't want face? The crystal horn is a symbol of the dignity of the Bose clan, it is glory, it is a face!

As a result, you broke the whole jar and covered the corner of Laozi?

Still can't fix it? Although it does not delay Lao Tzu's ability to re-engrave!

But I don't want face?

(???口??) "You pull it out for Lao Tzu! Or I will trample on a horse and kill you! Not only will I kill you!"

"Lao Tzu wants to level the entire Silver Moon City from the moon, kill all of them, and leave none!"

[The grievance value from Ruisen is +1001! ]


Jiangnan teased...

(???w???) "Hey~ I still don't pull it out, right? I feel pretty good when I stay on it?"

"The style is very nice, and the new headwear is very Fashion."

"I'm helping you? I pulled out the "news" for you! Don't you need to be so bad?"

(︶?︶O)? "Oh~ this boson is really bad~"

Jiang Ning:???(???????) "Puff~hahahaha,'s pretty bad, it's all written on the forehead!"

Risen:! !

(?°?益°?) "Laugh! Make a horse laugh! Jiangnan! I'm fighting with you! I won't die!"

"Pull me the can from my forehead!"

[The grievance value from Rui Sen is +1007! ]

[From Risen...]

At this moment, Rui Sen was angry and heartbroken.

Carrying the Bose particle knife, he killed it towards Jiangnan, no matter what!

Jiang Nan and Jiang Ning cooperated, pulling Rui Sen in the air together!

Jiang Nan also pinched a small cupping pot in his hand, ready to send another shot on Rui Sen!

However, where the defensive Risen would make Jiangnan succeed so easily, the battle situation was quite fierce for a while!

At this moment, Xia Xiaoxue, who was fighting blood in the battlefield, had no time to look at the sky!

Almost didn't laugh on the spot, what happened to the little cupping pot above Rui Sen?

Is Xiao Nan such a livestock?

Pull the cans onto the head of the boson?

Jiang Nan and Jiang Ning took Rui Sen away!

Ava was also sealed by a small cupping jar and let Lan pack it up!

At the moment, Nightingale Hoshino blows this pair of speed and slowness even more unscrupulously!

Add extreme speed in the slow field to kill all quarters on the battlefield!

Little Planer Ben'er is crazy!

Even felt that she was too late, and Nightingale had a dozen more girls!

Give them the ability to act in the slow field, forming the planing team!

Follow her to help the one-eyed species open their eyes!

And Mila and Lan are following Nightingale and the others, so happy to pick up the corpses!

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